Chapter 124: Infiltration

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kazuma: Hey, Big Boss, we should go stake the place out soon. And now that I think about it, we don't really need a place to stay. There's a girl who needs the medicine as soon as possible, so we should leave as soon as we are done here.

Darkness: Uuu, do I have no choice but to be an accomplice to a crime... ? Me, personally...

"You'll see, you get used to it really quick. There's always quite a thrill at that."

Chris: Now, now, Darkness, this is necessary in order to save a girl's life, right ? Then we don't have a choice. I do feel a little sorry for this Lord Zereschrute guy, but we need those ingredients.

"... You really do take good care of your flock, you know ?"

Chris: I don't really get it, but thank you ?

'... ... Kazuma, you know there's a good chance she discovers who we're up against sooner or later, right ?'

Kazuma: 'I know, but I also don't want her to fly into a rage fit. Seriously, who would've guessed she was worse than Aqua concerning the you-know-what from hell...'

Darkness: I've been curious about it for some time, but when did the three of you get this close to each other ? You even formed some kind of thieving band before I realized it. I don't recall you having that much contact with each other...

"Honestly, I was more of a 'Plan B' when Kazuma wasn't available..."

Chris: What's the matter, Darkness ? Does the relationship I have with my lowly assistant bother you ? Come to think of it, I still haven't asked how far you got with my second assistant, right ? I wouldn't mind answering your question if you are willing to answer mine.

Darkness: ... Uuuh...

Chris: Hey, lowly assistant, Darkness is acting really strange. Just what happened between the two ?

Kazuma: ... ... They bang.

Chris: ... They WHAT ?! Darkness and...

Kazuma: Big Boss, you're way too loud ! But yes, they do... And on the regular, I think...

Chris: But... But... You ! I knew you were the one who stole Darkness ! Give her back ! Give her back to me !!

"Waablblblblblblb ?!"

Chris: I never took you for this kind of person ! If you asked me, my lowly assistant would be the unrestrained one, the kind who would eat up a girl up if given the chance !

Chris: Fuuu... So you really did save her from the clutches of that bear-like noble, after all. You are surprisingly responsible, aren't you ? If you cross a line here, you'll take responsibility, right ?

"I don't like where you're going with this. Why don't you start interrogating Kazuma about his relationship with Megumin instead ?"

Kazuma: hey, we are just more than friends, but not yet lovers... I think...

Chris: What does that even mean ? i'm so confused right now ! How far did you go with her ? Have you kissed her yet ?

"hey darkness, doesn't that spot look like a good place to stop the carriage ? It seems to be pretty secluded.

Darkness: Y- yeah, I guess it's fine.

Chris: Hey, don't just ignore me ! Tell me ! Hey, Darkness, we're old pals, right ? So tell me exactly what happened !

Darkness: What are all of you talking about ?! Please don't ask any more about that, Chris !

Kazuma: ... Why are you dressed like Kaka-

"Because I have white hair, that's just what a regular infiltration outfit looks on me. If you have a problem with that, I'll gladly 1000 years of pain's your ass. Both figuratively and literally."

Kazuma: ... Hm.

Darkness: H- Hey, just what are you agonizing over , We have already come this far, so let's go. The children are suffering as we speak... I've already prepared myself mentally, so stop dragging your feet and go.

"Alright then. Darkness, you're new to this line of work, so please listen to what we say on that matter."

Chris: Yeah, Darkness, you're a noble lady, so you aren't familiar with such stuff, right ? Don't worry, leave it to Chris-san. After all, Lowly assistant and I were the ones who successfully broke into the royal castle.

"Didn't you end up getting chased around by the entire palace's armed force all around the place ?

Chris: That's because lowly assistant...

Kazuma: Big Boss, now's not the time to reminiscence about the past. Even as we speak, the children are...

Chris: That's true, but I don't want to hear it from you !

"... Seekers reporting in. High walls everywhere, the main gate is shut, and no trace of any back door. I take it you guys didn't forget the rope ?"

Chris: Of course. Ropes are the best friends of thieves.

Darkness: ... Do the two of you normally walk around with those things ? No, I suppose you brought them because you knew we'd be sneaking in...

Chris: That's not it, a thief needs to have something like this on hand at all times.

Kazuma: Big Boss, Darkness is a sheltered lady, so what's common sense for us may not seem like it to her...

Chris: Ah, right, sorry, Darkness.

Darkness: ... You seem pretty skilled at this...

Chris: Hmm... Dammit, the rope's too slippery to climb ! Lowly assistant, given the strength of my arms, it'd be pretty difficult to get over this wall.

Kazuma: Big boss, let's tie some knots into the ropes. That'll give us some handholds and make it easier to climb.

Darkness: hey, you two, I think I'll be able to climb up just like that with my strength. Should I go up first and pull you two up ?

Kazuma: hey, darkness, a newbie like you shouldn't just say whatever comes to mind.

Chris: Yeah, Darkness, a moment of carelessness could cost you your life. You don't have experience, so it might seem easier than it actually is to you. Just leave it to us.

Darkness: I- is that so ? Sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted...


"Path up ahead is clear, no guards in sight."

Kazuma: Would you stop boasting with your ninja powers ?

Chris: Good. Right, then, Darkness, follow right behind us.
"Darkness, neither of us have the 'Lurk' skill, unlike Kazuma or Chris, so don't let go, and stick close.

Darkness: O- Okay.

Kazuma: Right, since you're my underling for this mission, you can call me Kazuma-senpai.

Darkness: Kazuma-senpai.

Kazuma: Yeah, just like that... Darkness, can you say that again ?

Darkness: Ka- Kazuma-senpai.

Chris: Hey, lowly assistant, stop fooling around and let's go already.

Kazuma: Big Boss, dien't you ask me to do a similar thing when I first became your underling ?

Chris: This and that are different matters. Anyways, let's hurry on, lowly assistant.

Kazuma: Hmph. Listen up, newbie. Around this time, the master of this place will most likely be at the higher floors. Most big shots and bosses prefer to live in high places.

Darkness: No, I've visited this castle many times before. Lord Zereschrute should be sleeping close to the arena where the monsters are. Let's head there first.

Kazuma: ... Right, darkness, what we just told you is what to expect in general. Of course, we are aware of where the master of this castle currently is. We have the Enemy Detection Skill, after all.

Darkness: I- is that so ? Sorry, I once again said something unnecessary.

"You know, somehow, I feel like you had no idea where he was until Darkness pointed it out..."

Kazuma: You shut up. Darkness, you're new to this, so it's to be expected. And there are times when a newcomer can offer a fresh perspective on things. It's fine to voice out if you think something amiss. Right, then, let's head to the basement... Wait, before that...

Chris: This is my turn to shine. i'll have that door opened in a jiffy with my lockpicking skill... L- Lowly assistant, this is bad ! There's no keyhole on this door !

Kazuma: Are you serious, Big Boss ? What should we do now ? This isn't a magic door that can only be opened with a password or something, is it ?

Darkness: Hum, no, for these kinds of doors, you need to do this...


Darkness: It's a lifting door commonly found in old castles. It's extremely heavy and requires someone strong enough to lift in order to enter, so it's quite efficient at deterring thieves... W- What's wrong, you two ?

Kazuma: Hey Darkness, what would you have done if there was a trap ? It's only because of my high luck that it wasn't trapped this time, but...

Chris: Yeah, Darkness. What were you thinking, just carelessly opening that door like that ? It's only because you're with the luckiest persons in Axel that it isn't trapped.

Darkness: S- Sorry. I really didn't think of that.

"... You two may have the skills as thieves, but darkness has the knowledge of this place. I think she should take the lead from now on."

Chris: He has a point. You're the newbie, but we'll let you take the lead just for this time. Don't worry, we professionals will be supporting you from behind.

Darkness: R- really ? If you say it's okay...

Chris: ... hey, lowly assistant, aren't we just in the way ?

Kazuma: Big Boss, there'll still be chances for us to shine. At the end of the day, darkness is still a little bit of an airhead. As pros, we need to properly support her.

"I don't think that's a good thing to say..."

"That was definitely not a good thing to say? Let's forget about what just happened."

Chris: Uhhh... Uhhhhh...

"There, there..."

Darkness: ... Why couldn't it have been me... Why... ?

Kazuma: Don't start spouting even more nonsense. I'm more concerned about why this lord has monsters patrolling his castle... And what they just did...

"I said, let's not talk about it."

Chris: Uuu... Darkness... I can't get married anymore...

Darkness: Don't worry, Chris, those are monsters so that didn't count. They don't count.

Kazuma: Anyway, thanks to Big Boss' sacrifice, the path to the basement is open. So, come on, let's hurry on.

Chris: ... hey, lowly assistant, isn't this castle a little strange ? You mentioned that he's a nobleman who enjoys keeping monsters, but isn't it odd for him to let monsters guard his doorways ? And I've been detecting the presence of monsters wandering all over the place. This really doesn't feel like they are being kept in cages..

Kazuma: There's a reason for that, but I'll leave it for later. Anyway, we should avoid getting into conflicts from here on out.

"... Agreed... Especially with these ones... if we even come across them, the whole place is coming down..."

Darkness: Even with Enemy Detection telling us their position and Lurk allowing us to hide, I didn't expect to be able to slip through without fighting a single battle...

Kazuma: Things are progressing smoothly, aren't they ? What do you think, Darkness ? This is what happens when Big Boss and I work together.

Chris: Right, lowly assistant, with our high luck, it's only natural that things will progress like so when the two of us are together.

"... Didn't the two of you run into a bit of a predicament when trying to climb over the wall ? Or when trying to open the door ? Or when you tried to fight off the monsters, and..."

Kazuma: hey, don't say anything more. Everybody makes mistakes. Darkness has been staying awake at night because letting Sylphina contract that disease o the journey to Axel and spreading it to the other children has been eating away at her, right ? Yeah, everybody makes mistakes. The question is whether you let those mistakes get you down or you pick yourself up and fix those mistakes like we do.

Chris: yeah, lowly assistant is right ! It doesn't matter if you make mistakes along the way as long as everything works out in the end. So you shouldn't let it get you down, Darkness.
Darkness: You two... Yeah, now's not the time to wallow in my despair. Bringing back the ingredient comes first... Hey, wait a minute. Yeah, I was a little depressed over making such a mistake, but I don't think that is really relevant to what we were talking about...

Kazuma: Darkness, quiet down. Seems like there's only a single path ahead. Could it be that the penguin's room lies at the end of this hallway ?

Chris: Yeah, it certainly feels like there's a boss room ahead. That's what my intuition as a veteran thief is telling me

Darkness: Indeed, Lord Zereschrute's room should be right ahead... Still, I can't shake the feeling that you two have been playing tricks on me...

"We'll have plenty of time to discuss these after we get what we're looking for, and get out of here..."

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