Chapter 123: PTSD

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Zereschrute: Now then, let's go back to our original topic. You wish to have one of my nails, yes ? Unlike greater devils like Vanir-sama whose real body still remains in hell, for a devil who has brought his true body into this world like me, even removing a small portion of my nails causes me great pain.

Darkness: Regarding that, we don't have a lot of money on hand currently.. But I swear, on the name of the Dustiness Family, that I will repay you. It might take some time, but I'll definitely offer a fitting recompense. So, please...

"Just leave that to me. If it's money we're talking about, I've got enough to buy out an entire city. Just spell your price, and it shall be done."

Darkness: Y- You, since when did you get involved in that ?!

Zereschrute: No, i'm not concerned about money. i'm sure you are aware of the state of my finances. My territory is prosperous, and I make great contributions in taxes every year. That's why i'm allowed to hold such a high rank despite my appearance... On that front, it could be said that I contribute more to this country than the Dustiness family that's known for its poverty. Though the Windings Corporation has nothing to be ashamed about on that front.

Darkness; U, Uuu...

Kazuma: ... I see, then, how about using the backing of the Dustines family to help expand your territory ?

Darkness: Kazuma, what are you saying ?! Don't go deciding on your own !

Zereschrute: No, no, I'm quite happy with the lands I currently have. I have no desire to expand my territory at this point.

Kazuma: hey, Darkness, doesn't your family out-rank him ? Can't you use your authority to strong-arm him into giving what we want ?

Darkness: Don't be stupid ! I did say I wouldn't let my principles get in the way earlier, but even so, there's no way i'm doing that !

Zereschrute: I can hear you, you know ?

"... You know, I don't see how all of that would be a problem... Is asking for one of your nails so unreasonable of a demand. After all, should you accept, the children will get to live, you keep your identity secret, I can't help but see that as a win for everyone..."

Zereschrute: I can't see that as anything but a threat.

"... You want a threat ? I'll give you one. Zereschrute-san, right ? There's an Axis Archpriest back in Axel who's very much looking forward to your compliance and can't stand devils. I wonder if I should bring her here shall you refuse."

Darkness: Hey, that's going too far ! I can't tell who's the actual devil now !

Zereschrute: Hahaha, as expected of someone working with Vanir-sama ! I didn't expect there to be a person bold enough to try and intimidate a devil ! Truly amusing ! Well, I'm not entirely without desires. It's just that what I want is not wealth or material goods.

Darkness: Could that be... My body ?! You are eyeing my body, aren't you ?! You want me to offer myself to you in order to save the children ! Damn you, Lord Zereschrute ! As expected of one with the title of the Lord of Brutality. Fooling everyone with your cute appearance, only to reveal the brute hiding inside...

Zereschrute: N- No, that's not it ! Devils have no gender and have no interest in the bodies of humans. Stop making me sound like some kind of brute ! You guys are adventurers, aren't you ? Then, would you like to accept a noble's little challenge ?

Darkness: You see, some nobles like to entertain themselves by watching monsters fight and betting on the outcome.

"The prince brought out a Gryphon and a bunch of golems when we were back in Elroad... It really looks like something of a status symbol for nobles to have powerful monsters on hand..."

Kazuma: Fight the monsters that that penguin brings out and show your strength, huh... Think you can win on your own ?

"Kazuma, back there, some of my favorite games were the Warriors series. I'll be fine."

Darkness: What a shame... This is a matter between nobles, I should be the one to deal with this. Sure, devils have no gender, and aren't interested in the human body, but who can tell if it's really the case. If it was a female knight getting roughed up and flung into all sorts of positions, that would be just what a villain would want, so who knows what kind of monsters he would bring...

"And here you have the reason why I didn't let Darkness do this."

Kazuma: Yeah she would very much enjoy it.

Darkness: ... No, not at all.

Zereschrute: Welcome to my Colosseum. Normally, this place is used to pit monsters that other noblemen bring against each other, but... Today, the main even is you, Windings sir !

"There is no audience, so why not drop the formalities and get on with it ? Bring out whatever you have in store."

Zereschrute: As expected of a seasoned adventurer, and one who has fought Generals of the Demon King's army ! Well said, very well said ! The feelings of shame, humiliation, and anguish that such confident warriors experience when laid low are the kind of emotions that I desire ! Now, proud adventurer ! Show me what you can do !

"Ask and you shall receive."

Zereschrute: Let's start small. Windings sir, show me how you handle a group of goblins-


"There. I dealt with them. Can we move on to the next ones now ?"

Zereschrute: ... ... Your friend has no sense of decorum and spectacle...

Kazuma: I think he mostly want to be done with this as fast as possible...

"Look, I'm not here to amuse a non-existent audience. You want me to fight these so you can give us that nail. End of story."

Zereschrute: ... I cannot sense even the slightest hint of anguish... I see, I see... It would seem that mere goblins won't be able to bring out your true capabilities... Enough, goblins, you may retreat !

Darkness: ... ... Oh...

Zereschrute: ... Windings sir, I should warn you. What i'm about to release now can be said to be the natural enemy of adventurers. The legendary, and feared monster.

'... So they probably have a Rookie killer or something... No matter.'

Zereschrute: ... Also, you probably want to duck and hide. You don't want them to see you.

Kazuma: Huh...

Zereschrute: Bring them out !

'Haah, seriously... Whatever, let's get this over with and get what we came... For... ?'

Kazuma: ... These are...

"H- Huuh... Haaaaaah..."

???: ... .. Ohhh~ ! A man !! It's been soooo long !!

Zereschrute: Yes, the natural predators of adventurers, and more precisely, of men... Now entertain me ! Let me see what it looks like when a seasoned adventurer like you faces a pair of lecherous female orcs ! Let me taste the best emotions of shame-


Orcs: Where are you going, sweety~ ! We haven't even started to know each other !



Zereschrute: H- hey, he's gonna make the whole thing collapse at this point ! What's gotten into him ?!

Kazuma: We once had a very unlucky encounter with these monsters ! He kept mental scars of this event !



Zereschrute: Gh... That terror isn't what I wanted to taste either ! Put them away ! Retreat at once !

"Haah... Haah... Haah... Haah..."

Kazuma: ... yeah, still very fresh of a scar...

Zereschrute: Hmm... To be able to bring such destruction, it would appear that I truly underestimated you. It would appear no monster can truly bring you your knees. Very well, allow me to handle this personally !

Darkness: Hey, are you seriously going to fight in that costume ? Isn't it too early to give up ? Come on, you still have a few more dangerous monsters, right ? If you have orcs in your bestiary, you must have some demon slime or ropers or something, right ?!

Kazuma: Don't just throw in things you want to fight, and remember who's in the arena ! No one wants to see him in that situation !

Zereschrute: Well, it's true that I may have such monsters at my disposal, but seeing how much battle prowess he possesses, I doubt monsters on that level will do much better. After all...

Darkness: Wha ?!

Zereschrute: Now, show me your true power, Windings sir ! I'll bring you to your knees and feast on your delicious dark emotions !

"... ... ... You will die trying. For putting me through this, hell is the only destination."

Kazuma: Uh- Oh...

"Just try to say you would've handled this better than I did."

Kazuma: I have nothing to say.

Darkness: ... Between you and Lord Zereschrute, I truly started to wonder which one was the actual lord of Brutality.

"There's nothing I can say.

Kazuma: Yeah, there really isn't... I didn't expect you to forget everything else and just beat the crap out of him. Even though he put up a fair fight

"The only dread he ate was his own... that and my beams... And my bones... Pause."

Kazuma: yeah, and for that crotch shot... It's good that devils have no gender, otherwise...

"Look, I attacked every weak point I could think of... From the front of from behind..."

Kazuma: Please don't make me remember this... hey, look at that up ahead...

Darkness: Really, there's nothing I can say... Is that Chris ? What's she doing here ?

Chris: ... hey there, your old pal has come to help out.

Chris: Lowly assistant, lowly assistant ! Look ! There's a really big inn over there ! Shall we stay there tonight ?

Kazuma: Big Boss, do you have the money to stay in such a fancy place ? I always got the impression that you're the kind of person who quickly blows away all your money the moment you get it.

Chris: of course not. I donated most of my money to the Eris church and drank the rest.

Kazuma: That's no good, Big Boss. Then what are you going to do about tonight ?

Chris: Oh, lowly assistant, are we really that distant ? Haven't we ran around the city at night together ? We're already close friends, aren't we ? Such close friends should of course sleep in the same place !

"... So you want us to take care of your lodging fees for tonight, is that it ?"

Darkness: We'll cover Chris' lodging fees. You did rush all the way here from Axel to help, after all... Still, Chris, it's not bad to be so devoted to Eris-sama, but for the sake of your future, you should at least consider saving up some money

Chris: Yay ! Thanks, darkness ! Yeah, I'll think a little more about my future from now on.

Darkness: You don't need to thank me. You're the person I'm most worried about. I have my family estate, Kazuma here has both a mansion and a fortune, Y/n has his corporation, Aqua and Megumin can rely on them for their daily fees. But what about you, Chris ? You don't have a fixed home nor do you have any savings. Sure, it's very adventurer-like, but maybe you should consider moving together with us...

Chris: N- No, I'll be fine, darkness. I might not look like it, but I have plenty of places to stay, so I can get by, somehow.

Darkness: tell me how you plan to "Get by" ?! You're not planning on breaking the law again, are you ? If you get caught, I can't just let you be. It might have been different in the past, but right now I have to use my authority in a just manner.

Chris: What happened, Darkness ? Why would the hardheaded Darkness say something like that ? Hey, it's your fault, isn't it ? You were the one who led her astray ! Give her back ! Return my earnest, hardheaded and easily fooled Darkness to me !

"Why are you blaming me so much ? You know like me she's always been a bit messed up in the head..."

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