Chapter 122: Lord of Brutality

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Darkness: It's great that we managed to stumble upon this cave. With this, we don't have to set up a tent, and we can block the entrance with the entrance with the carriage after moving the horses to the back of the cave. Looks like we'll be able to sleep soundly tonight.

Kazuma: Yeah.

Darkness: We have some jerky and hardtack, so let's have ourselves a simple dinner with these.

"You look like you're really looking forward to try the jerky, aren't you ? can't blame you, I've been as well."

Kazuma: Yeah.

Darkness: After dinner, let's lay down a blanket somewhere in the cave and go to sleep. It's a pity that we can't have a bath, but we can at least wipe ourselves down.

Kazuma: Yeah.

"Are you even listening at all ?"

Kazuma: Yeah, I am. You want me to use Create Water to make some water to wash up, right ? Give me a sec, I'll do it right now.

"... Not what I had in mind or asked for, but your help is very welcome. I wouldn't mind grabbing a bit to eat first, so why not try out these rations ? Hardtack first..."


All: Tough !

Kazuma: hey, what the hell ? I've heard that hardtack is tough, but I didn't expect it to be this tough. How are we even supposed to bite into this ?

Darkness: Why are you asking me that ? ... Aren't I a sheltered lady ? I know little of the outside world. This is something that you should know.

"... I feel like you'd need to let it soak in water for a good while before it's edible... What about the jerky ?"


All: Salty !

Kazuma: Hey, isn't it dangerous to eat this ? We'll definitely get hypertension and die if we eat this. Actually, isn't this just a ball of salt ?

Darkness: Shouldn't this be used as stock in some kind of stew or something ? It certainly looks like it'd be bad for you if you eat it straight up...

"I mean... It's supposed to last for a long time, so it'd make scene to be salty... Maybe we should wash it off first or something..."

Kazuma: ... I have a better idea.

Darkness: H- hey, where are you going this late at night, Kazuma ?

Kazuma: i'm a NEET who grew up in the country of fine cuisine like Japan. There's no way I could eat this ! Especially not after our standard of living has been steadily rising ! I have Farsight, Enemy detection, and Snipe. I can easily bag a rabbit or two. I'll go out for a short hunt, you stay here and gather up some twigs and branches. If it's just long enough to cook a meal, making a small fire shouldn't attract the attention of any monsters.

Darkness: You really are reliable at times like this...

"Honestly, I think your class wouldn't be 'adventurer' at this point, but rather 'survivor'... But that gave me an idea..."

"Aaahh... Going on a trip always feels better after a meal and a night of sleep..."

Kazuma: The former was made easier by that emergency delivery of yours... And the latter way harder by Darkness trying to use these magical toilets in the middle of the night... I can't believe how many monsters the noise did attract...

"Kinda making me regret saying things go smoothly without Aqua around. Looks like problems always find their way to us."

Darkness: Please, my name is Dustiness Ford Lalatina. I have urgent matters to discuss with your lord, that's why I've made my way here. Please call for him.

Gatekeeper: Our Lord will not see anyone without prior appointments. Even if it is Lady Dustiness, I cannot make an exception...

Darkness: Please, can't you do something about that ?

Gatekeeper: E- Even if you say that, those are the rules...

Darkness: Please, I don't have much time left !

"... Now, now. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. i'm saying this for your own good, by this girl is incredibly stubborn. She's most likely going to stay here and stand around until she gets that meeting."

Darkness: N- No, I really am in a hurry, so I can't afford to wait around !

"And I am trying to help, so why don't you just play along for a second ? At this point, forcing your way in won't be a good idea..."

Gatekeeper: ... If you put it that way, then I suppose I can at least send word to the lord...

Kazuma: Good. With this, we've taken the first step-

Darkness: That won't do ! Please let me see him !

"... Darkness, I know that we are in a hurry, but can't you at least put a little trust in the others ? It may be Aqua we're talking about, but we came here to-"

Darkness: ... Please let me use your toilet...

Darkness: We ended up embarrassing ourselves thanks to you !

"You're the one who raising your voice and attracted unnecessary attention, weren't you ?"

Kazuma: I told you to handle it in a secluded spot somewhere last night, didn't I ? This is why I hate dealing with noble ladies, their pride gets in the way at the strangest times; You still dare to call yourself an adventurer ?

Darkness: no, I know that having to deal with business out in the wilderness is unavoidable for an adventurer, but what does that have to do with me being a noble lady.. ? Ugh, this is the first time I've regretted becoming an adventurer.

Gatekeeper: Thank you for waiting, Dustiness-Sama, Windings-sama. The Lord will see you now.

"We're terribly sorry for that embarrassing display earlier... It has been a long trip all the way from Axel..."

Kazuma: ... Hey, Darkness, you mentioned that this Noble is a little odd, didn't you ? What do you mean by that ? What kind of person is the Lord of this castle ? Is he a pervert like you ?

Darkness: just who do you think us Nobility are ? The ones you've let are all a little weird, true, but most nobles are highly respected and an example to the common folk... Er, well, leaving me aside... The lord of this castle is Count Zereschrute. He's know as the Lord of Brutality.

"... ... Challenge accepted."

Darkness: Please don't.

Kazuma: ... Hey, Darkness, maybe we should regroup and come back with some more people...

*Knock knock*

Darkness: It has been some time, Lord Zereschrute. My apologies for the sudden visit, but this is a matter of some urgency...

Zereschrute: Lady Dustiness, thank you for making the journey... I've heard the details, it seems like you need one of my nails to brew some kind of antidotes... And if you are seeking that,am I safe in assuming that you know who I am ?

"We wouldn't have made it all this way if it wasn't the case."

Kazuma: ... hey, Darkness, is this man really a noble of this country ? You didn't figure out his true identity until recently, right ?

Darkness: What are you saying, Kazuma ? We are currently in the middle of important negotiations, so don't butt in. My apologies, Lord Zereschrute, this man is Satou Kazuma. He is our escort and also companion as adventurers.

Zereschrute: I've heard about him. he's said to be an adventurer who has vanquished quite a few Generals of the Demon King's army. He doesn't look to be anything special, but they do often say that looks can be deceiving..

"And you would be quite knowledgeable on that matter, would you not ? But going back to the matter we came here for..."

Kazuma: How are the three of you conversing normally ?! Come on, guys, isn't he suspicious as hell ? Why is he wearing a penguin suit ?! Are you saying that this thing is really a noble ?! Where should I even begin ?! It's a mascot suit ! However you slice it, it's a penguin mascot suit !

"... When you're doing business, you learn to not pay too much attention to these things."

Kazuma: It's not about not paying attention, it's impossible !! hey, say something. What the hell is going on with this country , Not only are people like you and Claire counted as high-ranked Nobles, now there's a guy wearing a penguin costume ? Did you ever tried to find out what the guy looks like underneath it ?

Darkness: ... Do you recognize the magic armor that the Count is wearing ? It's not a costume, it's a piece of armor from a far away land. It's durable, flexible, water-proof and retains heat well in winter... In this country, as long as you have the talent, a few peculiarities can be easily overlooked. We require skilled people in order to fight against the enemy of all mankind, the Demon king's army.

Kazuma: No, no matter how you put this, this is way too suspicious. The guy inside may very well be a spy for the Demon King's army !

Zereschrute: Well, hear me out, young man. If you know my true identity, you must have some basic knowledge of devils, right ? To us devils, humanity is an important partner that we need to coexist with. Please believe me.

"if by that you mean we human provides you devils with your favorite food, I guess this isn't exactly a win-win... Or at least by Vanir or Maxwell's standards..."

Zereschrute: What, you're acquainted with Vanir-sama and Maxwell-sama ? Then that speeds things up a little. Indeed, you humans produce wonderful meals for us. The dark emotions and thoughts that you experience are our sustenance. If you understand that, then hurry up and feel some dark emotions, you ill-mannered brat.

Darkness: My apologies for his rudeness, Lord Zereschrute. We have not shared the fact that you are a devil with the citizens of Axel, and we promise not to speak of your secret to anyone else, so please...

Zereschrute: if I recall, Lady Dustiness is a devout follower of the Eris church, yes ? Is it really okay for you to overlook a devil like me ? And you are an important figure in this country too. Surely you can't let a suspicious character like me run free, can you ?

Darkness: ... In the past, i'm afraid I wouldn't simply let it go... However, this man made me realize just what it is that I need to protect. What I should be protecting isn't the pride of the nobles, but those without power. He taught me what it really means to not let my principles get in my way of what needs to be done, and I believe I've become a better politician because of that. And... I need to thank you. If it weren't for you, I would still be a hard-headed crusader.

'You'd more importantly be in Alderp's clutches, but let's not think about that...'

Darkness: If it were the past me, I most likely would not have been able to overlook Lord Zereschrute after learning his true identity. So, what do you think, Lord Zereschrute ? Was that a satisfactory answer ?

Zereschrute: ... No, it's not my intent to hear your motivations... If I recall, Crusaders are able to use Holy magic. I was simply worried that it might cause problems if you were to lose your magic by going against the teachings of the Eris Church.

Darkness: Umm... I can't use magic, so there won't be any problems on that front... Thanks you for your concern...

Zereschrute: Well, that's good then. Oh, those are the feelings of shame that Vanir-sama likes so much. i'm not particularly fond of them myself, so there's no need to offer such emotions to me.

"... let's get back on topic, shall we... ?"

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