Chapter 129: Let them cook

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Alright everyone, thank you very much for your hard work ! Please come and claim the sacks you filled up ! Don't forget to put your name on them !"

Wiz: My debts... My debts...

Kazuma: So in the end, you did provide support... Guess you didn't even need to take part in the digging after all...

"Hey, the Windings Corporation is sponsoring the Adventurer guild. I have to provide some support. By the way, you guys pile is that way, and- YOU LOT KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THAT CARGO THAT INSTANT !!"

Chara: Gah !

"Swear to Eris... Hey Paps, you can dome down now ! The sun will soon set down !"

Papyrus: Your concern is appreciated, but do not worry ! I, the Great Papyrus, will clean up the shell by that !

"It's a literal mountain ! Get down before the tortoise goes back underground !"

Vanir: Ah, dear associate, how glad Moi is ! This month's rent isn't some kind of joke, it's a matter of life or death ! I hope you are satisfied with that, useless shopkeep ! Hurry up and clear some of your debts !

"... You know you can always ask for a bigger part of the corporation's profits, right ? I've got so much money I doubt I could even spend it all..."

Kazuma: Hmm... Seeing the thing still so covered with rocks is making me feel bitter... Like we're leaving the thing half-done.

"... Yeah, I can see that... We can see some of the original shell through it, but... Now it has a weird look to it..."

Kazuma: ... Say, Megumin, can you do something for me ?

Megumin: ... Eeh ?! A- Are you sure ? Well, I haven't used my Explosion yet today, and it's certainly a suitable target for my one day, one Explosion routine...

"Uhh... Are you sure about this ? The Treasure island may be a docile and peaceful creature, but if you just blast it with Explosion, it might just anger it enough to attack... That and the unspoken rule amongst adventurers to never attack it..."

Kazuma: Well, it's just my intuition, but the Treasure island won't get angry. If anything, it'll probably be elated. It'll be fine as long as you follow my instructions and don't hit it directly. So please, Megumin.

Megumin: ... I'm not responsible for what happens after this, okay ? And even an Explosion artisan like me might slip up sometimes.

"Not even gonna question when you went from Archwizard to Artisan..."

Aqua: Heh ? Wait, what are you doing- ?

Megumin: EXPLOSION !!


"The rocks are flying everywhere ! Didn't you think of that ?! And the Tortoise is looking our way now !"

Megumin: Eep !

Kazuma: D- Don't worry, it'll be fine... The treasure island surfaces every ten years to sun its shell... But if that's the case, there wouldn't be any need for it to always appear near a town...

"Wait, you mean... It's like a turtle wanting to get its shell cleaned by all these little fishes ? It's heading back to the hole, and the sun hasn't even set yet..."

Papyrus: Ahah ! Look at that ! The blast uncovered a perfect ore deposit ! Jackpot !

"... That beast looked way more majestic without all that rock stuck to it's shell... That ebony-like color gleaming in the dimming sunlight..."

Kazuma: You're getting too poetic there.

Aqua: Say, Kazuma, those are payment for Megumin's Explosion, right ? Then it's fine for us to pick them up and sell them, right ?

Wiz: With this, the debts of the store and the rent will be...

Kazuma: Ah, so this is why I can't get any proper fantasy-like quests in this world... Probably the fault of my companions...

"Preaching the choir on this one..."

Aqua: Kazuma-san, Y/n-san, ! I have a little favor to ask of you two.

"You only do that when you have something fishy in mind, or when you beg for us to clear the debts you made at the tavern. You already got your allowance for this month, and made a bunch of money from the ore of the treasure island yesterday."

Aqua: That's not it; The favor I wanted is for you two to lend me your strength as adventurers.

"... That's unexpected... Please elaborate."

Kazuma: yeah, you sure are saying some dangerous things early in the morning. Just what are we going up against ? Just to let you know, I've already resolved to live a leisurely and peaceful life as a rich man. i'm not going to pick a fight with anything dangerous. If you want to go hunt some undead or settle a grudge with a devil, then go put a request up at the guild.

Aqua: I'm not asking you to deal with monsters. I've had my fill of dangerous places, and I too would like to live a leisurely life as a rich person.

"Of course the lazy behavior of Kazuma ended up contaminating you... What do you even need ?"

Aqua: For now, can you come out to the yard ? I would like you to demonstrate our amazing powers out there.

Zel: *Chirp Chirp*

Kazuma: ... You really aren't growing much at all, huh ?

"Unlike a certain someone... Chomusuke's been growing quite a bit lately... And getting along with that chicken. Now I don't really want to turn Zel into a nugget."

Kazuma: Yeah... They say that the more magic power you have, the slower you'll grow, maybe that's why ?

"Let me guess, Megumin told you that ?"

Aqua: Over there, over there. There a plot over there, right ? Kazuma, I would like you to scatter plenty of nutrient-rich dirt over it.

Kazuma: ... You're asking me to use my power to plow the fields ? Me, who could be considered a hero ?

Kazuma: ... You too, Megumin ? What, are you two planing on creating a home garden or something ?

Megumin: Oh, Kazuma, you're finally awake. Look at this fine plot. If you scatter some magically-created dirt over it, we'll definitely be able to grow some wonderful vegetables.

Aqua: I always wanted to have a vegetable plot in the yard. We have the space, and vegetables are expensive, after all. We'll be able to save on household costs, and we'll also be able to eat fresh vegetables at any time. I'll let you taste some tasty vegetable curry once it's done.

"That's, uh, really nice and all, but... Don't people like us need a license of something to grow vegetables ? With things like cabbages just flying around and attacking people, that could become a big mess"

Aqua: ... ... ... ...

Megumin: ... ... ... ...

"... Okay, i'm gonna go and get Darkness, maybe a few law books while i'm at it. And for the last time, i'm not a lawyer. Don't tell me you waited until she was out of the house to do this, did you ?"

Aqua: Calm down, please. Sure, you do need some qualifications to grow vegetables, but high-level adventurers are allowed to start a vegetable garden at home. It's a special privilege, and we are high-level adventurers, so there's no issue.

Megumin: Exactly. My level is already above forty. A home garden or two is acceptable for me.

"You literally are a hazard for this whole city. I wouldn't trust you with a trowel in your hand."

Aqua: It's a little surprising that Megumin's level is that high, but there you have it. So, I would like you to create some nutrient-rich Earth for the plot. I know you like using Create Earth to blind others or create mud for use as a prank, but this is what it's originally supposed to be used for.

"Wait, what ? That mud puddle was you ?! I almost broke my sacrum slipping on it !"

Kazuma: Hrm. Come to think of it, I have heard something like that before. Oh, what the hell. Create Earth !

"... Just to be sure, what seeds are you planting ?"

Aqua: Komatsuna (Japanese mustard Spinach), potatoes, radishes, bell peppers, mackerel, and spinach. That farmer oji-san said that those vegetables grow well around here in this season.

"... Wasn't there something very weird mixed in there just now ?"

Aqua: Oh, you're wondering why we are planting summer vegetables even though it's almost winter, right ? But this isn't Japan. Vegetables are overflowing with vitality, so they'll grow well even in winter.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

Megumin: Phew. Finally, the sowing is done. I think we did pretty well. All we need to do now is regularly water them and give them a little massage here and there, and they'll be ripe for harvesting by winter.

"I reject all responsibility for any incident that might and will arise from that garden, and blame the two of you entirely for it."

Kazuma: hey, did you just say massage just now ? We are growing vegetables here, right ? We aren't actually raising cattle or something, right ?

"With what veggies are capable of here, I think the line between the two is rather thin and blurry..."

Kazuma: ... yeah, true...

Aqua: We're only planting some easily-cared-for vegetables right now, but we'll definitely take on some tougher vegetables next year !

Megumin: yeah, let's plant some cabbage or tomatoes in the spring, or even a mandrake of two next year !

"... ... i'm done. Screw you, i'm going home."

Kazuma: I can't ignore that ! You said mandrake just now, right ?! You want to plant a mandrake here ?!

"Ignore then, just walk home, read the law, get Darkness, eventually uproot everything before it can... Yunyun ? Back already ?"

Megumin: Why are you turning back now after coming all the way to someone else's house ?!

Yunyun: Me- Megumin ?! What are you doing out here ?

"Being a safety hazard for the whole neighborhood, so nothing really special or different. What's up ?"

Yunyun: W- Well... I visited unannounced just yesterday, so it'd be pretty awkward to visit again so soon. I was thinking that it'd be beter to wait a few days before coming again...

Megumin: It's fine to visit everyday if you are free ! Why do you keep worrying about all those little details ?! Anyways, you probably came here for a reason, right ?

Yunyun: C- Can I really visit every day ? Will you really not find me annoying ? You won't suddenly stop talking upon hearing that I've come to visit...

"Gotta have to work really hard on that self-confidence and social awkwardness of yours, huh..."

Megumin: I don't care about that ! If anything, your current attitude is more annoying ! Anyway, hurry up and get to the point !

Yunyun: A- Actually, about that chieftain's trial I talked about before...

"... So in short, in order to undertake the trial to decide the next Crimson Demons' chief, you need a partner, is that it ?"

Yunyun: T- That's exactly what I said, yes... In the past, the prospective chieftains would usually undertake the trial with an outsider swordsman as a vanguard, but... Well, Crimson demons are stronger than any swordsman. Eventually, they realized that with two Crimson Demons as a team, they could just blow through the trial with pure firepower without caring about vanguard or back-line positions.

"An effective decision, but with no regard to decorum."

Megumin: So, you couldn't find anyone else, so you came to invite me, huh ? ... You really are hopeless. Very well then, let me show you my power !

Yunyun: Eh ? No, you won't be of any help if you come along. You'll just become a hindrance after a single blast. There are three stages to the trial, you know ?

"... While that is entirely true, why did you come here if it wasn't to ask help from Megumin ?"

Yunyun: Th- That's... Actually, I have a friend... Guy... No, an adventurer acquaintance who would be suitable for a vanguard, but when I asked him, he went "Huh ? I made a whole ton of money off the Treasure Island, so I don't think I'll work for awhile. Well, if you can introduce me to a busty Crimson Demon onee-san, I wouldn't mind helping you", and other such horrible things...

"... Okay, so i'm gonna get that noble guy to convince Dust then. You shouldn't spend too much time with someone like him, people will begin to think you're birds of a feather."

Yunyun: No, it's more like we just happen to run into each other a lot, or more like someone who frequents the same store that I do... Umm, Y/n-san ! Would you accompany me to the Crimson Demon village and undertake the trial- Ow, ow, ow ! What are you doing, Megumin ?!

Megumin: What am I doing ?! What are you doing ?! There's no need to bother him with this ! It's just the trial of the Crimson demons ! I'll be able to handle it !

Yunyun: Hey, Megumin, to be honest, if you come with me, it'll just be a bother-

Megumin: You really can say some mean things when you want to, huh ?! I'm a high-level Crimson Demon ! I'll be a much better vanguard than a low-level Summoner like him ! It's just a few monsters, I'll smash all of them up with my manatite staff ! Right, you guys, I'll be leaving the house for a while !

"... ... Should I tell her I grinded my level to the 50s from continuously using my abilities with all those services ?"

Kazuma: Please don't. Don't break her moment.

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