Chapter 130: Petty Gods

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Megumin: Well then, I'll be out of town for a while, so don't do anything stupid while i'm away, okay ?

"Did you get the wrong impression and thought you became a responsible adult recently ? To be fair, while Aqua is unhinged, the most dangerous person in this entire town might be you, and by quite a large margin at that."

Megumin: Darkness, please keep an eye on them for me while i'm out. Apart from a heightened sex drive, you're pretty normal, so please make sure that Aqua doesn't do something stupid and Kazuma doesn't do something suicidal.

Darkness: D- Don't say that I have a heightened sex drive ! Megumin too, you have the shortest temper in this town, so take care not to pick a fight with anyone you come across. I'll keep an eye on Kazuma and make sure he doesn't start following any random pretty girls that show up.

Kazuma: Hey, why does it seems like I'm the least trusted person amongst all of them... ?

"Because you are."

Megumin: Darkness, you are the one that gives me the most worries when it comes to the topic of women, but... Oh well. Aqua, please keep an eye on them and make sure her and Y/n don't get up to anything inappropriate.

Aqua: I got it. It's a little early for them to start having children. If I hear any strange noises, I'll make sure to remind them to take proper precautions.

Megumin: You don't get it at all ! Ah, just make sure not to leave those two alone.

"Hey, you know that unlike Kazuma, I don't think with my loins, right ? Or are you insinuating I'm just as much in heat as he constantly is ?"

Kazuma: What ? Hey, dude !

Megumin: Oh, yeah, I suppose you do have more self-control. Maybe I should have a little more trust in you.

Kazuma: ... Step out into the yard, I'll teach you two a lesson.

Megumin: Well then, I'm off to blow right through that trial back in the Crimson Demon village. Please behave yourself while i'm gone !

"We should be the one asking that of you..."

Aqua: ... Right, now that Megumin is gone, let's settle the division of chores. She said she'll be back in a few days, but we should still properly settle this. I'm getting pretty tired of being put on toilet duty all the time. Please give me some cooking duties or the like.

"Are you kidding ? Every time you cook, you end up wasting most of the ingredients. You always end up turning a few bottles of seasoning into water. it's too wasteful."

Kazuma: Then I'll handle cooking. Darkness' cooking is pretty plain, and Aqua's out of the question. In return, you will handle the cleaning, and Aqua will handle the toilets and the baths.

Darkness: S- Say, is my cooking really that plain ? I thought I'd at least have a certain level of cooking skill...

Aqua: Why am I always in charges of the toilets ?! And isn't it a little unfair to only be in charge of the cooking ? We've got a new vegetable plot to take care of now, so you should at least help a little !

Darkness: Vegetable plot ? Hey, Aqua, why is it the first time I've heard about it ? Did you make a plot in the yard ?! It's illegal for an amateur to grow vegetables, you know ?!

Aqua: You look pretty intelligent, but you are actually surprisingly dumb, aren't you, Darkness ? High-level adventurers are an exception to that law ! Come on, take a look at my adventurer's card ! Now, lend me a hand ! i'll give you a few delicious vegetables too !

Darkness: Wait, Aqua, I have a really bad feeling about this, so please stop this home gardening project ! The only thing I can see down that road is our vegetables causing trouble for the neighbors !

"... Maybe you should go with them and make sure they don't plant any security hazard..."

Kazuma: Yeah... "Growing Vegetables at home will lead to causing trouble for others", this isn't a concept you often come across in Japan.

"Haaah... Why would I ever want children, I already got 3 toddlers to watch out for so they don't cause any cataclysm... Hmm... ?"

*New movements from the Demon King's army ! Are they feeling the pinch after losing so many Generals ?*

"Guess some things don't change, newspapers being as alarmist as possible... Then again, they are right, and we did quite a number on them time and time again... If they start moving, I wonder if I should start to test these autonomous platoons..."

Chomusuke: Mrowr...

"Yep, only two generals left, counting Wiz... Guess the time for the final battle is starting to draw near... ... ... The hell is Kazuma doing on the second page... 'Exploring the mystery of the strongest of the weakest job'..."

*Satou Kazuma: The man who defeated countless high bounty monsters and Demon King's Generals despite having the job of adventurer.*

"Now I remember, they did say something about pressuring the newspaper at the Capital into making something for them, using the Dustiness' authority... Swear to Eris..."

Chomusuke: Mrowr.

"It's supposed to be a big deal to have your name on it, but with these guys... Chomusuke, don't use it as a scratching post ! I'll give you the page talking about Aqua later."

*The mysterious adventurer who, despite having the weakest job and being based out of the beginner's town of Axel, has somehow managed to take down many high bounty targets and Generals of the Demon King's army.

An adventurer capable of using many different skills, with deep ties to both the nobility and the Crimson demons.

Blessed with both riches and authority, strength and wisdom, and most of all, luck, he is definitely an adventurer to keep an eye on.*

"Seriously, did he have Megumin constantly start to chant her Explosion to get them to write something like that ? Then again, It isn't exactly a lie... Just extremely inflated reality..."

*Of course, Satou Kazuma is not the only amazing on in the party. First off, there's the beautiful Archwizard who is capable of using the strongest offensive spell known to humans, explosion. Secondly, there's the gorgeous Crusader from the Noble house famed for their resilience, Lady Dustiness. And lastly, there's the mysterious and beautiful Blue-haired Archpriest.*

"... Lastly... ? Aren't the forgetting something there ? Kazuma, Did you omit someone in that interview ?"

*The tough crusader with strong attack power serves as the vanguard, and the Crimson Demon Archwizard who can teleport them away in the event that things go South bring the firepower, and lastly, the rare and versatile Archpriest is in charge of support...*

"Okay, this is just plain lying at this point... Since when Does Darkness attacks anything, and Megumin Knows Teleport..."

*Of course, as formidable as their individual powers are, none can rival the might of the summoner accompanying them. The CEO of the biggest company in the whole kingdom, and strutting the podium in the 'best marriage possibilities"-*

"I do not need to see that written down..."

Chomusuke: Miaaaw...

"Swear to Wolbach, if I start finding random marriage proposal letters..."

*With the Adventurer providing some kind of help from the backline, it truly is a wonderfully balanced party composition...*

"Guess they would treat Kazuma as some sort of commander... Which he technically is, in the end... Better keep that to the side until I can show it to him later on... New movements from the demon King's army, huh... I'll be ready to warmly welcome them."

Aqua: Let's go on an extermination quest !

"... Do you have a fever or something ? Did you get heatstroke while working in the yard ?"

Darkness: Regardless, killing monsters is the job of adventurers, so I don't mind, but is it really okay with just us ? Shouldn't we wait for Megumin to come back ?

Aqua: that's exactly it ! Megumin is in our party, that's a good thing, but I just recently noticed something. Because Megumin usually deals the finishing blow, our level barely rise. Of course, I'm already perfect, so my level going up wouldn't mean much, but still, i'm like the figurehead of this party. If I'm not the highest-leveled person in it, our reputation would suffer, wouldn't it ?

Kazuma: I don't know when you became our party's figurehead, but, yeah, I would like to raise my level too.

Aqua: I occasionally exorcise the ghosts at the cemetery together with Darkness, but it seems like stray ghosts just won't cut it. They aren't worth much experience points at all. So, let's take this chance to gain a ton of levels. It'll surely surprise Megumin when she gets back.

Darkness: Megumin might throw a fit if she finds out we had an adventure without her, you know ? ... Still, she's off in the Crimson Demon Village undergoing some trial or the other right now, and it'd be bad if the gap in our levels continues to widen any further...

Kazuma: It's fine to talk about closing the gap in our levels, but how exactly do you plan on doing so ? The only one who gains any experience points is the one who deals the finishing blow, right ? Neither you nor Aqua have any methods of attack.

Aqua: Don't worry, I have a plan. Just leave it to me !

"... Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this."

Aqua: ... I found it. Is everyone ready ?

Darkness: H- hey, Aqua, you're not going to...

Aqua: First, I'll stop his movements with my attacks. Then, Kazuma, use Bind on him. Once he is immobile, we'll surround it and beat it up.

"So we're hunting in the middle of the city... And what hunt... Are you sure you're a priest, you monster ?"

Zereschrute: Hm ? Oh, if it isn't the acquaintance of Lady Dustiness. What a coinciden-

"Get out of here now !!"

Aqua: GOD BLOW !!


Kazuma: hey, Penguin, get a hold of yourself ! Vanir, are you here ?! Your friend lost his life again !

Vanir: You accursed woman ! Do you not feel content without making trouble at my store every day ?!

Aqua: Everytime you revive this Pen-pen, one of your lives will be lost as well, right ? Then that's perfect. My boundless divine energy provided by my followers or your extra lives that are barely worth 30 Eris each, I wonder which of them will be used up first ?

"... Don't tell me the leveling method you came up with was..."

Aqua: of course, i'm talking about this Pen-pen. he's weak enough that I can easily vanquish him with a single blow, but I gained a level when I last defeated him. That means that he is worth a lot of Experience points. So we're using him to increase our levels !

Zereschrute: Eeek !

"... Kazuma, would you mind stepping to the right just a tiny bit ? I need a clear line for that ?"

Kazuma: For what exactly... ?

"I just want to check if water really is not compressible. The runner takes his mark, bat in hand, and the target in clear sight ! And here he goes ! He runs ! He jumps ! What a beautiful bounce, and with a front-flip, he reaches the target !"

Aqua: What are you blabbering about again-


"And a beautiful planting of that blue nail into the pavement ! The ringing of the empty head has the judges in awe, the audience is in a standing ovation !"

Kazuma: ... yeah, not even gonna complain here.

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