Chapter 147: Gachapon

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Megumin: I'm sorry !

Kazuma: Megumin ? Why are you suddenly apologizing ?

Kazuma: What the hell did you do ?!

Bukkoroli: See, I knew it was Megumin's doing ! My eyes aren't made of glass ! Apologize for strangling me and calling me a NEET !

Megumin: I'll apologize for strangling you, but I won't apologize for calling you a NEET.

Bukkoroli: Why do you hate NEETs that much ?!

"... Okay, why did you do that ? I was pretty sure you were having fun with Kazuma last night."

Darkness: Having fun ?!

Megumin: Please don't put it that way ! And you didn't need to respond, Darkness !

Aqua: ... ... Well, knowing our Tsundere, I bet she just didn't want to interfere with Yunyun's chieftain trial, right ?

"Makes sense. She just can't be honest whenever Yunyun's involved."

Megumin: Oh, shut up, you two ! Who exactly is a tsundere ?! I've been disqualified from taking the trial, but if I can sneak away and take down Ninnin myself, I can steal the position of the chief...

"Why don't you try to come up with better excuses then ?"

*Knock knock*

Yunyun: G- Good morning, Darkness-san ! I'll be in your care today... Megumin, why is your face so red ?

Darkness: hey, Yunyun, listen to this. Yesterday, Megumin and this man-

Megumin: Nothing happened ! Come on, darkness, hurry up and get out there !

Megumin: -And this is the Mysterious facility. We visited this place the last time we were here, but we never went inside, did we ?

"pretty sure I'd remember that, yes... Now, I need to know, is there any Goddess that you unsealed, weapons that you restored, demons that you unleashed, or anything of the sort inside this ?"

Aqua: Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san, this is a laboratory, right ?

Kazuma: Yeah, it totally is a laboratory.

Megumin: What's a laboratory ? You guys say some really strange things sometimes.

"... ... Noise Research Laboratory Lab... Sounds familiar..."

Megumin: You can read those words ?

"The Noise Country... Wasn't it that one dude that made the Destroyer and stuff ?"

Kazuma: ... Yeah... Say, Aqua, that Bomber Majin is the work of that cheat-possessing Japanese guy, right ? He made it and the Crimson Demons gave it that name, right ? I've been thinking this for some time now, but aren't most of the annoying problems in this world your fault ?

"It really took you that long to finally realize that, Kazuma ?"

Aqua: What are you saying you shitty NEET ?! It's not my fault, it's the fault of the Japanese with abnormal common sense. All I do is give them power and send them on their way. The ones who give monsters strange names and disrupt the ecosystem and spread strange words and bits of culture are the Japanese. I'd really wish they'd have some self-awareness.

"... 'I give everyone a gun without even doing a background check, but I'm not responsible what they do with it afterward' that's you."

Megumin: Stop talking about incomprehensible stuff and head inside already; there are a few traps lying around, so watch your step.

Kazuma: then leave it to me. I picked up the Trap detection skill for exactly these types of situations.

Aqua: You can't get any great accomplishments, but you're really ahndy when it comes to little things like this.

Kazuma: Oh, shut up.

Megumin: ... Right, here's the first trap. The door will suddenly open, but that's just to make you let your guard down, so watch out for it. It might seem very inviting, but it will close after a second.

'... That's just a standard glass automatic door... It's kind of a wonder these things are still working after probably centuries...'

Aqua: Say, Kazuma, can you let me handle the traps in this facility ?

Kazuma: That's no fair, I want to show off to Megumin by deftly avoiding these traps, too.

Megumin: Please don't let your guard down ! The area ahead of us is particularly dangerous !


"Would you guys stop lagging behind already ?"

*Up ahead is a clean room. Please change into dust-proof workwear before proceeding*

Megumin: Guys, did you hear that ? That mysterious voice is a warning. One must acquire and equip a Gustproof Workwear before carrying on. A violent gust blows at you if you enter the small room at the end. Right now it's just air, but it must have sprayed a deadly acid in the past to prevent anyone without the proper equipment from entering...

Kazuma: It's probably just an air shower to prevent dust from being brought into the clean room...

"... So it's a defense mechanism against blonde delinquents, got it."

Aqua: Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san, Megumin is really cute right now. She'll definitely provide a really cute reaction if a TV was here.

Megumin: that's a fearsome trap that has resulted in a lot of casualties; A vile trap that devours anything that steps on that platform. It's currently disabled now, but don't let your guard down.

"Well, at least we now know for sure Crimson Demons have no idea of safety protocols... That's definitely some sort of assembly line... Did it break down ?"

Kazuma: The sign on the side says "Game Girl production line"...

Megumin: You're saying that this thing uses what it has consumed to create something... Could that thing be us Crimson demons... Kazuma, I think I've just stumbled upon a truth that should never have been revealed...

Kazuma: This thing probably creates a toy.

"Oh, that console you found in the underground bunker, right ?"

Megumin: ... You guys don't need to be that considerate. The Crimson Demons are a man-made race that goes against the laws of the Gods... I'm sure my ancestors were created right here...

Aqua: In the name of Aqua-sama, I'll forgive the existence of the joke tribe. After all, the Crimson Demons are really amusing.

Megumin: Please don't call us that !

"... Do you think I could put it back in motion and sell the Game Girls ? If we manage to find some sort of blueprint, or if Vanir can analyze the one you already have..."

Kazuma: At least that'd make something this stupid cheat guy made useful... Hey, Aqua, that's a Gachapon ! There's a Gachapon here !

Aqua: oh, there really is. It's empty, but that really is a Gachapon.

Megumin: Do you guys know what that box is ?

Kazuma: This is a Gachapon Machine; It spits out a capsule stored within in exchange for coins. Occasionally it's used for raffles. I don't know what it's doing here, but it sure is nostalgic.

Megumin: I don't quite get it, but it's a machine aimed at children, right ? Then it has no relation to the creation of the Crimson Demons.

Aqua: ... Crimson demon modification rights available for a limited time only, it says.

"Oh, it really does. First place, prototype Playscation, second place, Game Girl color, third place, Crimson Demon Modification rights... hey, what are you doing ?

*Scrrrp scrrp scrrrp*

Megumin: ... You guys didn't see anything, okay?

Aqua: it isn't okay at all, but I get it. Just buy me some wine later.

Kazuma: Don't just erase the history of the Crimson demons...

"I'm just gonna grab that machine and bring it back to Vanir..."

"Well, that wasn't as profitable as I expected... No blueprints or anything. At least we now know the Crimson Demons are just another entry on the long list of failed experiments from that guy, and came from a Gacha."

Megumin: Don't call us failed experiments ! And putting it like that will invite misunderstandings. At least say that the modification rights came from the Gacha...

"i don't know if that makes it better or worse, to be honest... these rights were the third price, below the toys they used to produce at the facility."

Kazuma: You really don't need to go that hard on her...

"Hey, she single-handedly caused 3 Demon Generals to come after us"

Megumin: ... ... i'm back. Komekko, let's have dinner. Has mother returned yet ?

Komekko: Welcome back, Nee-chan. Mom's gone into a dungeon, so she won't be back today; the golden Onee-chan is back, though.

"So Darkness made it back too, huh. How did it go ?"

Komekko: Yunyun said she passed the trial ! But she was crying !

"... ... Crying ? Hey, Darkness, we're back. What happened with Yunyun's trial ? She succeeded, right ? But..."

Darkness: ... No more Crimson Demon Trials... You can be her partner tomorrow...

Darkness: I originally thought that the trial was about answering riddles...

"Well, yeah, me too... I mean, there was supposed to be some sort of combat trial too, I'd imagine, but it's nothing you two couldn't have done..."

Megumin: That's my impression as well, but then what could push you to such a state ? The chieftain's trial is tough, but it's something that could be overcome with two Crimson demons. Just what happened ? If it's something unfair, I'll go scold them for you.

Darkness: ... Megumin destroyed out all of the magic items they use to create riddles... They also said they were tired of riddles, so they decided to go with something else...

"So it is your fault."

Megumin: ... ... ...

Kazuma: So what exactly did they make you do ?

Darkness: "The most important thing for a Crimson Demon is aesthetics ! Strike a pose and name yourselves !" They said, so they made Yunyun and me strike cool poses and name ourselves until they were satisfied.

Kazuma: M- My condolences...

Aqua: Leave the trial to me.

Yunyun: I- I feel a little uneasy leaving things to you, but Darkness is in no condition to participate...

Darkness: Uuu... I don't want that sort of embarrassment... That is not the kind I desire...

"While I completely agree to keep Darkness out of this, do you really think Aqua is the wisest choice ? Heck, I'd even pick Kazuma over her."

Kazuma: Thanks. And if you're looking for Megumin, she got taken away as the prime suspect for causing the Explosion last night.

Yunyun: What is she doing ?! And why is Kazuma-san so calm ?!

"Well, causing Explosions and getting dragged away by the cops is just business as usual for her. More importantly, are you sure you're ready for your second trial today ?"

Yunyun: Y- Yes... I don't think they'll do something like yesterday's trial...

"Careful with that... I'll teach you about the great laws of Jinxing at some point."

Kazuma: ... Say, can you show me the poses you struck and the lines you said yesterday ?

Yunyun: Absolutely not. N- Now then, Aqua-san, shall we head off ?

Aqua: Yes, I'll show you what I can do today. I've been thinking of special poses and ways to name myself last night, so I didn't get much sleep, but you can look forward to my performance today.

Yunyun: N- No, I don't think they'll use the same thing for the second trial...

"... ... It should be about time, shall we go pick Megumin up ?"

Darkness: Instead of going to pick her up every day, wouldn't it be better to think of a way for her not to be thrown into jail in the first place ?

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