Chapter 146: Need a hand

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Megumin: Mmm... Behold my power... Release the forbidden seal... Lay waste to all creation... Zzzz... H- H... ? Sorry, Kazuma, but.. Can I ask what you are doing ?

Kazuma: I was just watching the sleeping face of the people I love.

Megumin: What do you mean people you love ?! Why are you naked from the waist up ?!

Kazuma: Well, when you wake up next to a half-naked person of the opposite gender, you would normally think that something happened, right ?

Megumin: Of course ! Isn't this a really big deal ?! Ah, wait, my bra is missing ?!

Kazuma: I thought you might have trouble sleeping if you had something constricting your chest. Also, I heard that you'll grow bigger breasts if you sleep without a bra.

Megumin: I don't need your concern over such matters ! You don't usually pay much heed to me, so why are you so concerned only at such times ?! Even if it's you, removing my bra while I'm sleeping...

Kazuma: Oh, don't worry, I properly removed it with Steal like a gentleman.

Megumin: Oh, how considerate of you ! That goofy smile of yours is really infuriating ! What would you have done if you accidentally took my panties instead ?!

Kazuma: Now, now, calm down. It'd be boring if you thought nothing happened despite us sharing the same bed just like all the previous times, so I thought I'd give you a little surprise. Did I scare you ?

Megumin: Yeah you did ! You really didn't do anything, right ?! I don't want to become an adult without remembering any of it !

Kazuma: Don't worry, you know me. I'm not that gutsy.

Megumin: That's pretty convincing, but it's quite pathetic to hear that from the person I like ! ... Seriously, what kind of person is my mother... Casting Sleep on her daughter and letting her share a bed with a man, just how little common sense does she have...

Kazuma: Well, that lack of common sense just means that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Megumin: ... ... I'm not exactly opposed to that sort of relationship, you know ? It's just that, crossing the line because of my mother's schemes while in my own home is a little...

Kazuma: Well, even if you say that, something will definitely interfere, right ? I've been wondering if I'm under some sort of curse to remain a virgin for life. I've asked Aqua to check if I'm actually cursed several times, but she keeps saying i'm fine. Seriously, how did he manage to lose his virginity like that while i'm stuck being a virgin is astounding...

Megumin: I can almost hear him snickering at that comment... Just who exactly would put such a pointless curse on you ?

Kazuma: Well, apart from a very weird joke from someone we both know very well, aided by a certain devil, there could be quite a few fans who would wish for me to keep my purity. I've been exceptionally popular recently. I've heard that a beautiful adventurer who introduced herself as a fan of mine appeared in Axel's adventurer's guild.

Megumin: ... Will you meet with that person when you return to Axel ?

Kazuma: Well, it sounds like she traveled a long way to meet me, so of course I'll see her. Anyway, I'll just give her a handshake and a signature and the like. I thought this might happen someday, so I've been practicing my signature. I secretly left a signature on one of the pillars in the adventurer's guild as thanks after all they've done for me.

Megumin: The guild lady was really angry when she was cleaning it up. She told me to tell you not to scribble all over the walls.

Kazuma: What ?! That pillar would've been able to fetch a high price in a few decades with my signature on it !

Megumin: ... Then let me have your first signature... Satou Kazuma... I think that's a very good name.

Kazuma: Hearing you praise my name makes me feel really conflicted somehow...

Megumin: Hey, I just praised you, so explain exactly what you mean !

"Man, that room sure is sound-proof... I can't hear anything at all, if anything's happening at all..."

Yuiyui: Isn't it ? We had it built that way specifically for occasions like that.

"And i'm guessing the fact it's on the first floor is to prevent any possible escape ?"

Yuiyui: How very sharp of you. You've known them for quite some time, do you think it would take the night, or should I keep them locked in longer for my grandchild ?

Megumin: Um, Kazuma, can I say something ?

Kazuma: I don't think you should.

Megumin: ... It's kind of hard for me to say, but it's hitting me. And it's getting bigger...

Kazuma: please don't mind it... I should say this, but don't attack my precious son. He's delicate on top of being shy.

Megumin: I wouldn't do that over a natural reaction. Plus, i'm the one who hugged you in the first place. Just how unreasonable of a person do you think I am ?

Kazuma: ... You're undergoing puberty too, so I can understand having some interest in the body of the opposite sex, but you still shouldn't stare that much.

Megumin: Ah, n- no, that's not it ! It's just, I thought it might be hard on you to have to bear with it every time...

Kazuma: 'Yeah, it totally is ! I can't even use that store now that we're here in the Crimson Demon Village. At the very least, I'd like five minutes to myself !'

Megumin: ... Umm, should I give you a hand ?

Kazuma: 'I really wish I'd stop getting subjected to such cockteasing situations-' ... Wait, what did you just say ?

Megumin: You're taking this way too seriously ! I- I asked if I should give you a hand...

Kazuma: Eromin ! You really are a closet pervert like Darkness said !

Darkness: A- choo !

"The rooms are not being cooled, you know. Is someone talking about you ?"

Darkness: I think so... It's probably Megumin calling me "Lewdness" again... Everything about that will surely go-


"... Well ain't that a perfect timing..."

"So, what happened ?"

Megumin: Yeah, what exactly is this all about ?!

Bukkoroli: That's what we want to ask you, Megumin !

"Megumin being restrained right after a massive Explosion, glad to see some things never change around these parts. *sip*"

Megumin: I don't know what happening, but for now can you please let me go ? I don't think this is really something you should be doing to a girl.

Bukkoroli: ... Well, I agree, but can you promise not to run away or start rampaging- ACK !!

Megumin: You let your guard down ! I'm going to choke the life out of you ! Would you keep a promise you made to the Demon King's army or monsters ? NEETs are existences even lower than slimes ! Upholding a promise you made with such a creature is plain retarded ! Gah... ?!

"And yet my opinion of you keeps on going down and down again... Let the poor guy go, he's about to run out of air."

Aqua: ... ... ...*sip*. So, what's all this about ? What has our Megumin done this time ?

"Well, if you ask, I guess you really were drunk last night to sleep through it. I mean, it's not like we aren't used to it, after all."

Bukkoroli: You know about the Explosion that took place in the forest last night, right ?

Darkness: We are very sorry ! We'll make sure this never happens again ! Hey, Megumin, hurry up and apologize !

Megumin: Don't just apologize on your own, Darkness ! Actually, stop assuming that it's my fault just because there's an Explosion involved !

"Then who ? As far as I know, you're one of the rare Crimson Demons that can use Explosion, and of the even fewer who would suddenly outburst it in the middle of the night."

Megumin: You're not helping !!

"Please confiscate her staff."

Megumin: GAH !!

Bukkoroli: Well, let's start with establishing Megumin's alibi. Who were you with and what were you doing last night ?

Megumin: ... I- I can't say that.

Bukkoroli: See, I knew you were behind it ! Apologize for calling me a NEET and strangling me ! ... Actually, now that I think about it, that rash of Explosions some time ago was done by you, right ? You were the one who testified that those Explosions were caused by a devil that snuck into the village, right ?

Megumin: ... ... ... Gh...

Kazuma: Megumin just reacted ! And you can't provide an alibi either, so that means- !

Megumin: Why are you turning on me too, Kazuma ?! The reason I can't say it is because I was together with you last night ! It's too embarrassing to say out loud !

Crimson Demons: Oh... I see... The Megumin I thought of as a younger sister has become an adult before I knew it... Sorry for disturbing your meal... To think that Megumin, of all people... The world really is full of surprises. I had her pegged as the one furthest from any concept of romance...

Megumin: We were just together, we didn't do anything ! Please don't spread any strange rumors !

Kazuma: ... Just to be sure, it really wasn't you, right ?

Megumin: You were there with me, Kazuma ! In the first place, I already used Explosion yesterday when we were trying to find a place to plant the Tranquility Girl, so why are you suspecting me ?!

"Well, if that's the case, then... Who did it ? They don't have a second Megumin running around, do they ?"

Darkness: She isn't a slime, and I've never heard of Crimson Demons duplicating like that. Maybe she got her hands on some really high quality manatite without us knowing ?

Aqua: I'm not an accomplice, by the way. In the first place, I can't transfer any mana to her without Kazuma.

Megumin: Hey, I casted magic right in front of you guys and have a proper alibi, so please stop suspecting me !

Crimson Demons: So, that Explosion was... the thing that Megumin was talking about... Bomber Majin Moguninnin ?!

Kazuma: Could you guys please stop saying that name.

Bukkoroli: if that's the case, now's not the time to be holding the Chieftain's trial. If someone from outside the village gets hurt by that Ninnin, the number of tourists we get will go down...

"Good. Always consider clients' safety. You've got the right mind... Well, beside all the scams."

Bukkoroli: let's discuss this with the chief. After that, we should send out a large party to go Ninnin hunting.

Megumin: H- Hold on a minute, there isn't a particular need to call off the chieftain's trial, is there ?

Bukkoroli: There's no particular rush to choose our next chief, but we need to deal with that Ninnin as soon as possible. Besides, according to tradition, in order to become the next chief, one needs to either successfully complete the trial, or take down an impressive target with just two people. We can just let whoever takes down Ninnin become the next chief.

Crimson Demon: I might consider becoming chief if I don't have to undertake that annoying trial to do so...

"Ohh boy, I have a really bad feeling about that... that's gonna be a big free-for-all to become chief, and end up with 'First come, first served'..."

Megumin: I'm sorry !!

Everyone: ... What ?

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