Chapter 15: Switch

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Eris: Some of the gods may have taken a keen interest in some of Earth's entertainment... And one in particular decided to... "Include"... What did he call it again... "Easter Eggs" I think ?

'... Would that mean I'd have to expect more of these guys in the future... ? I mean, I ain't complaining, but... Given how similar their personalities are to the originals, if someone like-'



Kazuma: Say that again !! Say that one more time, I dare you !!

Drunk: I can say that as many times as you want. You mentioned a luggage-carrying quest ? In a party full of high-tier job members, can't you take on a harder quest ? You're the dead weight holding them back, right, man with the weakest job ?

Kazuma: Since when is "Summoner" a high-tier job ?!

Drunk: Man, you gotta keep yourself informed. After the word got out a summoner managed to vanquish a demon lord general, there has been a skyrocketing demand increase for them. Honestly, i'm surprised no one asked him to switch parties yet, not like you could say anything, heh ?

Kazuma: 'To think I finally got a quest after my resurrection, and now I've got to deal with that shithead... But compared to the insults from Aqua, I can handle this drunkard's taunts maturely. Not even worth mentioning.'

Drunk: Hey, say something, weakest job holder. Really bringing three pretty ladies around, are you planning to create your very own harem ? And all of them have top-tier jobs, too. You must be creating wonderful memories everyday with them, right ?

Kazuma: ... Gh... ...

Megumin: Kazuma, don't bother with them. I won't mind no matter what they say about me.

Darkness: That's right, Kazuma, ignore these drunkards.

Aqua: Yeah, that man is just jealous that you are taking the beautiful, strong us along with you.

Drunk: Being surrounded by top-tier classes is so blissful. How envious it is to not know suffering ! How about switching places with you, bro ?


Drunk: ... ... ... Huh ?

Kazuma: I said that I would switch with you ! Hey, you think I'm a pushover because I didn't say anything, right ! Ahhh, that's right, I have the weakest job ! I'm fine with that... But you ! What did you say after that, you jerk ?!

Aqua: Ka... Kazuma ?

Drunk: After that part... ? Um, bringing three pretty ladies and creating a harem...


Kazuma: PRETTY LADIES ?! HAREM ?! YOU SAID HAREM ?! Hey, are those things in your eye sockets made from glass ?! Where are the pretty ladies ?! My eyes are bad and can't see any pretty ladies, all right ! Why don't you change your glass eyes with my lousy ones !!

Megumin/Aqua/Darkness: Ah, huh ?!

Kazuma: Hey, you ! Tell me !! Pretty ladies ? Where, where are they ?! You said you envy me, right ? Ahh ? You said that, right ?!

Aqua: Well... About that...

Kazuma: And after that ?! Being surrounded by top-tier classes is so blissful ?! HOW ENVIOUS IS IT TO NOT KNOW SUFFERING ?! Forget the ladies, do you know what it means when the only reliable one is so reckless they shoot themselves dead just to have a conversation ?!

Aqua: ... Where is he anyways ? He should be back already with the supplies...

"... ... ... ... ... ..."

???: Shit, I missed. I was aiming for his stupid face.

???: You... You shouldn't use that to greet people... He didn't do anything to you, did he...

???: He did !! I can't stand that stupid face, even if it's not the same guy !! Let me stab his eyes out ! This is vengeance !!

???: Stop that !! He doesn't want to fight !!

???: Let me go ! He took that and didn't even flinch ! Of course he'll fight !

"... ... ..."

???: ... I think he just fainted while standing up...

???: Bahahahahaha !! Loser !! Who's getting dunked on now ?!

???: just... Look, we have places to be, so pick up your knife and let's go.

???: Fine, fine...

"... ... ... ... H- Huh... ?"

Aqua: He must've got distracted by something.

Drunk: ... Um, well, sorry... The alcohol got to my head... But ! The gra s might look greener on the other side, but your situation is better ! You said you want to change with me, right ? Just one day. How about just switching with me for one adventure ? Hey, you guys are fine with that, right ?

Sword: I... I'm fine with that... the quest today is just goblin hunting.

Bow: I'm okay with it too. But Dust, don't say you don't want to rejoin the party because it's too comfortable there, all right ?

Hoodie: I have no problem, either. Even with a rookie, the goblins are no big deal. As comparison, I hope you bring some great stories back.

Aqua: hey, Kazuma. Um, you guys seemed to be chatting happily, but aren't you going to ask for our opinions ?

Kazuma: No. Hello, my name is Kazuma. It might just be one day, but please take care of me !

Party: Ah, okay...


Aqua: Ah, finally ! What took you so long ?!

"Ah... I- I think... Has there been any news of me getting a bounty or something ?"

Darkness: What ?

Kazuma: Ah, right in time. As the second-in-command of this party, please take care of this new recruit.

"What ?"

Sword: Well, I'm Taylor. i'm proficient with a one-handed sword, and I'm a crusader. I'm sort of like the leader of this party, so even if it just temporary, you're a member of the team, so please listen to my instructions, all right ?

Kazuma: Of course. Or rather, I was always the one issuing the orders. Following your instructions should be a refreshing experience. Please look after me.

Taylor: What ?! That party of top-tier jobs is led by an adventurer ?!

Kazuma: That's right.

Hoodie: W- Well, I'm Lynn. As you can see, I'm a mage, and I can use Intermediate Magic. Anyway, nice to met you. And don't worry, I'll protect you, rookie ! Goblins are a piece of cake !

Kazuma: ... My friends taught me about the great laws of jinxing, you probably shouldn't go around proclaiming things like that.

Lynn: What's the worst that could happen ?

Bow: I'm Keith, an archer. I'm confident with sniping. Anyway, pleased to meet you.

Kazuma: well, I'll be on everyone's care ! I'm Kazuma, an adventurer... Er, should I talk about what I'm good at ?

Taylor: No, no need. By the way, weren't you looking for a luggage-carrying quest ? Kazuma, just help us with our bags. A simple quest of hunting goblins should be fine with just the three of us, but don't worry, the bounty will be split equally 4 ways.

Aqua: Hmm ? Repel the goblins ? Why did those things appear around the town ? Can't we take a quest with a higher reward ? We ned to let Kazuma know how valuable we are.

Dust: No, I know you all are very capable, but I can't match up with you all. Archpriest, Archwizard, Crusader and Summoner. With such a formation, any adversaries would not be a match. But please pick a simple one this time... By the way, I see that you don't have a weapon or armor, are you planning to go just like that ?

Darkness: No problem. I'm confident of my toughness, and my weapon wouldn't hit anyway.

Dust: Wouldn't hit... ? No, that... ? Never mind, it would work...

"I swear Darkness, if your plan is to run ahead, get captured, and let the goblins do things we can't show here to you... Crap, I can't even threaten you, you'd enjoy it..."

Dust: ... ... What ?

*Goblins. These guys don't seem very threatening in games, but people see them as dangerous beings here. They aren't much alone, but they move in groups, and could use weapons. Agile, short, violent, they are wild demi-humans, known to attack humans and livestock. And although they usually lived in the forest, for some reason these ones were camping at the mountain path leading to the next town.*

Lynn: Anyway, why are the goblins staying at such a place ? Not that I'm complaining, thanks to that we got this quest of goblin hunting.

Taylor: the goblins were spotted at the top of this mountain path, just as it starts leading down the slope. There might be goblins living in the caves beside the path, so be on guard from this point onward.

Kazuma: ... Haaaaaaa...

Keith: A problem ?

Kazuma: The opposite. This is how a proper conversation between adventurers should be like. Not trying to charge into the middle of the enemy, trying to blast everything on sight, randomly chanting explosion, or wanting to go back early to get smashed...

Taylor: ... How do you think Dust is doing ?

Kazuma: Hm ? Hey, I think there's something coming from ahead of us.

Taylor: Eh ? Kazuma... Do you have the "Enemy Detection" skill ?

Kazuma: yeah, but it's only one thing that's coming.

Keith: One... ? Then it's not a goblin. What do we do ?

Lynn: Even if we hide here, we'll be found right away. We're better off ambushing it...

Kazuma: We don't know what this is, and I have the "Lurk" skill, so let's hide for now.

Lynn: ... Wah ! How, how scary ! Rookie killer ! That was a Rookie Killer !

Keith: My heart almost stopped ! We're saved... ! I get it, the goblins moved to the mountain path so close to town because they were herded by the Rookie Killer...

Taylor: But this is troubling... It went the way we used to come here, so we can't escape now...

Kazuma: Huh... Was that thing really that scary ?

Lynn: That's a Rookie Killer. It hangs around creatures like goblins and kobolds, weaker monsters that are easy for rookie adventurers to handle, and preys on those adventurers in turn. This means the goblins are bait to lure adventurers. And to keep the goblins from settling at one place, it'll herd them to change it's hunting grounds. A cunning and dangerous monster.

Kazuma: How scary...

Taylor: Anyway, why don't we complete the goblin quest ? If we kill them and hide their bodies in the woods, there's a chance it will ignore us and follow their scent instead. And even if it doesn't, we still have Kazuma's Enemy Detection and Lurk skills.

Lynn: ... if we encounter the Rookie Killer and need to run, it would be better if you have a lighter load, so I'll take some too. As compensation, I'll be counting on your skills, all right ?

Keith: We... We aren't relying on Kazuma, okay ?

"Alright team. let's get going. Kazuma ain't with us, but do not let that get to you."

Dust: Hey, before we all go... What kind of skills do you all have ?

Megumin: Hah ! Am I glad you asked that question ! I am Megumin, first and foremost Archwizard of the crimson demons, and my magic is the purest and greatest form of destructive magic ! Let me prove it to you !

Dust: No, there no need to-





"God dammit Megumin... We needed that Explosion to take care of the goblins ! Now I'm the only one left to deal damage to anything !

Aqua: hey ! Aren't you forgetting someone ?!

"Huh... ? Oh, right, I did forget..."

Aqua: Good. Now recognize my worth and-

"Dust, you said your job was warrior, right ? Darkness can easily defend against goblins, so just focus on DPS when we get there."

Aqua: I... What ?!

Dust: ... What kind of party is that ?!

Darkness: Guys... Something is coming...

"What... Is that, exactly ? Looks menacing..."

Dust: Ah ! It's the Rookie Killer !! What is it doing here ?!

"Rookie Killer ? Was it attracted by the sound of the explosion ?"

Dust: We can't stay here ! We need to run !

"Yes, that thing looks strong, and Megumin I down already... Everyone, retreat ! We're running-"

Darkness: YAAAAAAAAH !!

"AWAY !! Running AWAY, not AHEAD !!"

Dust: What are we gonna do ?!

"Bah, she'll be fine for now. And besides, just look at her face, she just doesn't want us to rescue her yet. We must plan an escape route."

Dust: H- Help her !!

"... ... ... Fine."


"Now, Aqua, go pick up what's left of Darkness while we plan the escape route."

Aqua: Uhhhhhh...

"I don't think we can truly outrun that thing, so trying to lose it between the trees is better..."

Dust: Uhhh... Look...

"We need to carry these two as well, so if bad comes to worst, I can handle that, but..."

Dust: LOOK !! I beg of you, LOOK BEHIND YOU !!

"What now ?!"


"Oh... ... Well, this is a predicame-"



Lynn: What a showdown ! Kazuma, you showed them ! I never knew basic magic could be used like that !

Taylor: Not only the goblins, but that Rookie Killer, too ! Without your skills, who knows what would've happened...

Keith: Unconventional ! This man is unconventional, in all sorts of ways ! How high is your intelligence ? Hey Kazuma, let me see your adventurer card, please.

Lynn: Hmm ? Intelligence is just a bit high... the other stats too... What the ?! Your luck is super high !! What is that !!

Taylor: Did... Did the quest proceeding smoothly because of Kazuma's luck ?! Quick you guys, pray ! We might receive a blessing !

Kazuma: Stop it, you won't get anything out of it.

Lynn: But man ,that felt like a great adventure today !

*Knock knock*

Taylor: Huh ? Who's that ?

Kazuma: '... I have a bad feeling...'

Aqua: Boo... Boohoo... Ah, Gazumaaaaaaaaa !

"Yo, Kazuma."

Kazuma: Yes, I'm Kazuma. What the... What happened... No, don't bother, I can tell just by watching you guys. Darkness covered in bruises, Megumin who can't move, Aqua covered in saliva and bite marks, and you with more blood than clothes. Goodbye-

Dust: Ahhh ! Please wait !! I genuinely understand how you feel, but please don't close the door !!

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Dust: Listen to me ! Listen !! It's my bad, okay ?! First that kid used up all of her magic on an empty plain when I asked her what her skills were...

Kazuma: 'Not listening, I'm not listening...'

Dust: Listen to me !! And then a Rookie Killer attacked us, and that crusader rushed in despite telling to flee... Then this guy started bombarding everything on sight, and we couldn't flee, and-

"Man, what a load of fun that was ! Hey, let's go back when my ribs are healed. You know, without your luck, the one main force was Aqua's bad luck."

Kazuma: You do you. This guy will probably report the incident, to the guild, so let's eat something and rest. Cheers to the formation of two new parties !

Lynn/Taylor/Keith: Yeah !!

Dust: Wait ! I apologize ! I can kneel before you or anything, but please let me return to my original party !

Kazuma: Work hard in your new party from now on, okay ?

Dust: I was wrong, all right !! I'll apologize for this morning, so please forgive me !!

"Forget about that, you're now completely a part of our party !"


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