Chapter 163: B-team

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Hmm hmmmm hm hmmm~"

Mitsurugi: I really don't think now's the time to be so relaxed. We need to

hurry and find our way out so we can go after Aqua-sama !

"Look, it can't be helped that we stepped into that Teleport trap and ended up in some kind of giant dungeon, but now that we're here, we should as well take the best of what's happening."

Yunyun: U- Umm... But we're alone here... Wh- What about your companions, Mitsurugi-san ? Did they not follow us here ?

"You can thank him for being so adamant about 'Leading the way' and telling them to 'Protect the rear'. I honestly don't think they could survive down there. That minotaur was no joke."

Yunyun: ... I- I think I recognize this place... It's rumored to be the largest and deepest dungeon in the entire world...

Mitsurugi: I heard about it... they say it's home to some of the most dangerous monsters to ever exist... I don't think anyone ever managed to clear it in centuries, if at all.

"Well isn't that fan-fucking-tastic... lost in the final dungeon with no map, no rations, not even a torch and no idea where to go... Did I miss anything ?"

Yunyun: Th- They say that the recommended level for exploring this dungeon is three times the floor you're on. And there are 20 floors in total...

"... Well, aren't I glad I already reached level 60... We won't achieve anything just standing here, so let's at least try to find a way up. The more we go, the easier it should be. I'll deploy my scouts."

Mitsurugi: Seriously, what floor are we on ?!

"No idea. But judging by the fuming pool of goop, someone already cleared the way, so let's thank them and make our way up the stairs-"

???: ... ... ...

Yunyun: H- Hey... Is that a child... ? What's it doing here ?

"My danger sense is tingling. No way a regular human girl would just be wandering around here like that..."

???: ... Onii-chans, Onee-chan, are you bad adventurers ? Or good adventurers ?

Mitsurugi: ... of course we're good adventurers. What are you doing here, are you lost ? Hurt ? Don't worry, we'll help you.

Amarilice: What a relief. My name is Amarilice ! Say, do you want to have a chat ? I've been stuck in this dungeon for a very long time, and it's really lonely down here.

"... We're kind of in a hurry... Moreover, what are you doing all by yourself so deep in a dungeon in the first place ? ... Are you even human ?

Amarilice: ... Right now, I'm no longer human. You know, the old man who raised me was a magician. For the sake of his magical research, he turned me into a chimera. After that, I can no longer live in the cities, so he told me to hide myself in this dungeon. He said he'll come get me when he finds a way to turn me back to normal, so I've been living here ever since.

Yunyun: Umm... What is that old man to you ? What happened to your parents ?

Amarilice: Papa and Mama died. The old man said he bought me. He brings me food to eat, so he's a very good person !

"... Something's starting to feel fishy here... I've met a Chimera before, and it wasn't a good experience."

Yunyun: H- How terrible... D- Don't worry, i'm sure there's a way to help you... if you come with us, we'll search for it...

Amarilice: R- really ? Will you really help me ? But will Onee-chan really not be scared when you see my body ? You won't be disgusted ?

"... That's a red flag... Well, Yunyun was willing to make friends with monsters, so I don't think anything can-"

Amarilice: Onee-chan !!

"is it a bad time to say I suffer from severe Arachnophobia ? i'm quite literally about to piss myself and/or bring the entire place down."

Mitsurugi: Please refrain from both !

Amarilice: What's wrong, onee-chan ? Didn't you say you wouldn't be scared ?! You said you'd help me ! You promised !

"Extremely unsettling B-movie horror ! Stay back or suffer a thousand deaths and i'll bring your remains to Vanir !!"

Amarilice: ... Oh, you know Vanir-Sama ?

Amarilice: Oh, i'm terribly sorry, I didn't know you were an associate of vanir-sama. That was rude of me. You see like Vanir-sama feeds on dark emotions, fear is my favorite meal. I hope you take no offense.

"Yeah, no shit, that was effective. I'll be lucky if I didn't need new pants, I don't think I brought any spares... What are you even doing here if you're a devil ?"

Amarilice: Ah, well, you see, I was chasing Strelksy, my pet hell neroid that suddenly ran away, when I stumbled upon this place. It seems like the large concentrations of raw arcana created several connections from this place to hell... Anyway, I followed the path and end up running into you guys, and it has been quite some time since I had a snack, so...

Mitsurugi: Wait what ? Amarilice isn't a chimera, but actually a devil ? Then what was all that talk about a magical experiment and chimera and what not ?

Amarilice: Oh, that was all a lie. You see, I have a particular fondness for the taste of fear, which is why I assumed this form... Oh, these feelings of embarrassment and rage are more to the taste of Vanir-sama. I'm not particularly fond of them myself, so thanks, but no thanks.

"Urg... Finally, Arcanletia... That took way longer than it should have in the first place..."

Yunyun: W- Well, it was really in our luck that someone already marked all the traps as well as the right path on our way up.

"Yeah, a stroke of luck for sure..."

Mitsurugi: let's not slow down and ask around for Aqua-sama's behavior !

Waitress: Welcome ! What will you have , Today's lunch special comes with a dessert, and I highly recommend that. By the way, Axis cultists enjoy a 30% discount in this store. Please take this with you !

"... Oh, right. You guys never got to Arcanletia before, didn't you ? Please follow behind and don't go off on your own, or you'll get swarmed almost immediately."

Mitsurugi: You say swarmed, but even if it's lunchtime, this place looks very empty... Where is everyone ?

Crudaser: Oh, are you tourists ? What a shame, you really arrived at the worst time. Under Zesta-sama's orders, most of the Axis cultists have left to clear out the monsters on the path between this city and the Demon King castle.

Yunyun: S- So the Axis cult will actually do philanthropic work ?

Crusader: please don't think of us as a group that does nothing other than seek enjoyment and cause trouble for others. The bad rumors about us are all spread by those heartless Eris cultists.

"... Hospital and charity, figure it out. But if that's the case, what are you doing here ?"

Crusader: Now that most of the Axis cult is away, it is the perfect time for those few Eris cultists in this city to come here to make trouble. It might be because we pushed things a little too far on a daily basis. Don't worry, if any apostates show up, I'll take care of them with this big, thick, hard mace.

"... And you wonder why there are bad rumors about the Axis cult."

Mitsurugi: Um, did an Archpriest named Aqua come to this city ?

Crusader: Ah, yes, Aqua-sama did come here ! She even timidly asked 'I turned your hot springs into water the last time I was here, are you still angry about that ?'. Ah, Aqua-sama is too cute ! Actually, the reason why everyone is out at the moment is because of Aqua-sama's request. Aaah, I wanted to go hunt some monsters too... ! If only I didn't lose that round of rock paper scissors...

Mitsurugi: they are hunting monsters on Aqua-sama's orders ? What does that mean ? Please tell us more about that !

Crusader: Aqua-sama said "Devout Axis cultists who follow my teachings, I wish for you, strong and gallant as you are, to clear out the monsters infesting the path between the Demon King's castle and this city so that travelers may freely pass through. As a reward for your efforts, after the Demon King has been defeated, a certain traveling Axis priest might visit this temple and reveal herself to be Aqua-sama. She might even give praise and thanks to every single participant."

"... Dammit, the Axis cult figured out Aqua's true identity already..."

Crusader: isn't that obvious ? Our sharp and observant eyes would never miss something so blatant.

"Didn't you guys call her a fraud and throw stones at her the last time she was in town ?"

Crusader: That must be the work of Eris cultists posing as us. I don't have the slightest recollection of that incident at all.

"The nerve of... Well, at least, we know she passed here already... let's keep going, we should catch up with her eventually."

Crusader: May the blessings of Aqua-sama go with you !

Mitsurugi: is that... It is ! Aqua-sama ! Aqua-sama, it really is you ! This really was a surprise, Aqua-sama. to think that we would end up running into each other

Aqua: Hm ? Oh, it's been some time, magic Sword man; It really is a coincidence, running into you here-

Cecily: Yunyun-san ! Yunyun-san ! Thank you for saving me, Yunyun-san ! Let Onee-chan give you a big hug as thanks !

Yunyun: isn't that what you always do, Cecily-san ?!

"Well, guess I was right in expecting to run into you right as you're getting served a calamity. How have things been you runaway Goddess ?"

Cecily: Not him, everyone but him, please no !

"And some things never change."

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