Chapter 162: Expedition

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luna: Allow us to get to the main issue. As may of you have already suspected, the reason we gathered all of you adventurers here today is because of the rumors that the Demon King's Army is planning a sneak attack on this town.

Adventurers: Do we know exactly when they will be attacking ? What about their numbers ? Actually, fi we already know that they are coming, can't we just ask the Capital to send a few knights down ?

Luna: According to the General that was eliminated the other day, they originally intended to infiltrate the town and attack from the inside, so the amount of forces they had prepared was quite small. But now that the commander is gone, they would most likely try and launch an attack with a larger force.

"... ... When I hear that, I can't tell if that was a bad or a good thing that I vaporized her..."

Luna: We don't know the exact numbers, but given that this town is mostly filled with fledgling adventurers, it's expected to be a pretty tough fight. As for seeking aid from the capital... It seems like the Demon King's army is intending to launch a full-scale attack on the capital concurrently... So, to be perfectly frank, it's best not to hold much hope for reinforcements. After all, it'll all be over if the capital falls. The other guilds in the area have already been informed of the attack and are currently sending over skilled adventurers and soldiers to the capital. We can only rely on ourselves to defend this town...

"Yeah, really starting to think about my actions... I mean, at least it won't be too one-sided..;"

Kazuma: If you're having regret, why are you having the biggest grin I ever saw on your face ?

"Oh, my bad, I was thinking about warmongering, and finally testing my weapons on the Demon King's army."

Kazuma: ... Somehow, i'm feeling sorry for them now...

???: Satou... Satou Kazuma. I don't see Aqua-sama anywhere. Where is she ?

Kazuma: Hm ? Oh, Yamazaki. Long time no see.

Mitsurugi: It's Mitsurugi ! Hurry up and remember my name already ! That doesn't even sound remotely close ! You're not doing this on purpose, are you ?! ... No, nevermind. More importantly, what happened to Aqua-sama ? Is she not with you today ?

"She left a letter behind before running off last night. But as a matter of fact, what are you doing here ? Weren't you supposed to stay in the Capital after getting back that divine relic ? Don't you think you shouldn't be here ?"

Mitsurugi: I heard Axel is in danger, so I came here to provide support; this is the place Aqua-sama chose ot call home, after all... Still, she ran away ? So Aqua-sama finally got sick of all that, huh ? Anyway where is she right now ?

"The whole point of running off is not knowing where she went. She just wrote that she's heading off to take down the Demon King all by herself before giving us the slip in the middle of the night. If she managed to catch the midnight carriage, she should have reached around Arcanletia by now... As for why or how, with the number of Demon Generals dwindling, she feels like she can break through the barrier as of now, or so she says."

Mitsurugi: Take down the Demon King ?!

"That is what I just said, yes, no need to yell it back."

Mitsurugi: Alone ?! Aqua-sama went off to take on the Demon King by herself ?! Then what are you doing hanging around here ?!

Kazuma: Even if you say that, we just discovered she was missing a short while ago ! Then there was an announcement, so we found ourselves here !

Adventurers: Aqua left on a journey alone ?! Come on, that's way too reckless. How could she think of going out alone ?! And at night too ?! She'd be swarmed with undead in no time ! Aqua-san is famous for not having any survival skills. She still occasionally gets lost in this town even after lived here for so long. There's no way she is going to make it to the Demon King's castle !

Luna: Calm down ! Everyone, please calm down ! ... Has anyone here seen Aqua-san today ?

"... if anything, I guess Aqua is surprisingly sociable, isn't she ? Now I get why it hit her so hard when everyone turned on her with that Serena incident..."

Mitsurugi: I- I can't linger around here ! I'm heading off after Aqua-sama ! Satou Kazuma, what do you intend to do ?! You're going after her, right ?! Want to come along wit me ?!

Luna: T- That would be a problem ! There's a pressing need for high-leveled adventurers like you to assist in the defense of the Capital or this town... ! I'll send out an urgent notice to the other guilds to search for Aqua-san, so... !

Dust: Hey, if he wants to go, just let him ! We can handle the defence of this town with just the people here. Nee-chan, you might not be aware of this, but there are plenty of high level adventurers in this town. There's no need to beg this brat who is constantly surrounded by two women for help, just rely on us !

Luna: E- Even if you say that... How many adventurers do we have that are above level 20 ? I reckon most of the adventurers here have levels between ten and the low twenties at best. By convention, most adventurers would leave this town after hitting level 20 and move on to other towns surrounded by stronger monsters. We'd be very lucky just to have a handful of people here above level 20...

Kazuma: ... You're supposed to move on once you reach level 20 ?

"Most adventurers don't but a house in town, so I guess they usually settle somewhere else... Like Paps, Chara and co. They moved somewhere else when they reached a high enough level."

Adventurer: I'm level thirty two.

Luna: ... Eh ?

Adventurer: Umm... I'm level thirty eight...

Luna: Eh ? ... W- Why are you staying in this town even after achieving such a high level ?! The monsters around here don't provide a lot of Experience points...

Adventurers: Isn't it obvious ? That's because we love this town.

Luna: ... E- Everyone... ! Let's protect this town ! We can do it ! With this many strong adventurers together, we'll definitely be able to protect this town ! Let's give it our all ! Please lend me your strength and protect this town... !

"... Kazuma, I don't doubt you're very familiar with these adventurers ?"

Kazuma: yeah... They're all regulars at that shop...

Mitsurugi: Here. That's where the Demon King's castle is located.

"just North of the Capital, huh..."

Mitsurugi: Yes, as you can see, the fastest way to get to the Demon King's castle is to Teleport to the Capital and hoof it to the castle; there are several fortified town and fortresses along the path, much like the one you visited not too long ago, from which a traveler can replenish their supplies.

"... If Aqua really took the teleport services, it would be easy to track, but there was nothing of the sort reported..."

Megumin: ... Would Aqua really take the simplest route to her destination ? I feel like she'll definitely go off on a weird detour that only makes sense to her... In any case, I genuinely doubt she'd choose such a straightforward course.. It's possible that she might still be nearby, debating if she really wants to set off or not.

"... True, it's Aqua we're talking about... And speaking of... It's a little out of the way, but it looks like you can make it to the Demon King's Castle from Arcanletia too... It's Aqua, so she'll probably include some stupidly high requirements in her recruitment notices, just like when we first started searching for companions in this town... She wrote 'Advanced classes only', and in the end only Megumin showed up...

Megumin: It really brings back memories, doesn't it ? Back then, I used up all the money I had and hadn't eaten for many days before I happened to chance upon the recruitment notice...

Darkness: And I resolved to join this party after seeing Megumin and Aqua covered in the frog's slimy internal fluids. Seeing Aqua wailing while covered in slime and Megumin hanging, limp and lifeless, onto Kazuma made me think that maybe even someone as clumsy as me could also... Ah ! Cut it out, Megumin ! That's the truth, isn't it !?

"... I think this is the most likely path that Aqua would take. She would most likely stick to places she is already familiar with, so, instead of going to the capital, she'll take the carriage to Arcanletia and try to recruit companions there. But this is Aqua we are talking about. She'll probably put in some really high requirements and end up getting nobody. Afterwards, out of options and too afraid to continue traveling on her own, she'll most likely go crying to the Axis Cult for help."

Adventurers: ... yeah, that sounds like her. I can absolutely picture her doing that.

Mitsurugi: N- No, wait a minute, just what kind of person do you think Aqua-sama is ?

"More like, what kind of person do we know she is. You probably have a lot of questions, but this is most likely the route she's planning to take. We didn't spend so long together without getting to know her. She might have a considerable head start on us, but she'll definitely get into all kinds of trouble along the way and be held up as a result, so we'll definitely catch up with her even if we set off now."

Mitsurugi: ... Well, if you say so... It's almost noon now. If we hurry, we'll be able to board the sightseeing carriage that runs from here to Arcanletia. It's a little slow, but if we offer the driver some money to pick up the pace, we should be able to catch up to Aqua-sama. Right, then...

Luna: No, then, everyone, we'll start dividing you into groups ! Everyone who's already part of a party, please gather together. I'll be giving every party a number and role...

Dust: ... hey, what are you doing ? This isn't your place.

Yunyun: Umm... I- I'm sorry...

Dust: Where are you going ? Your place is over there, isn't it ?

Yunyun: H- Huh ?

Dust: In terms of combat prowess, you're probably ranked first or second in this town, right ? If a true Crimson Demon like you were to join forces with that irksome magic sword wielder and that unhinged corporate, you might actually be able to face down the Demon King, don't you think ? Go hunt down that damned annoying Demon King and give him a good few blows in our place.

Megumin: Hey, if Yunyun is a True Crimson demon, what does that makes me ? Why don't you make it clear right now ?

Dust: I'm a little worried just leaving these guys on their own. If it was just to get Aqua-neechan back, it'll be fine, but it's these guys we are talking about. They might end up getting dragged into fighting yet another troublesome enemy. It'd be safer to have a real Archwizard like you with them... Come now, you can cast Teleport, can't you ? If push comes to shove, you can just teleport back here on your own, no problem.

Megumin: Hey, why don't you tell me what kind of Archwizard I am if not a real one ?!

Yunyun: ... I understand. I'll be off to help Aqua-san ! I- It's only natural to help a f- friend in need...

Megumin: Crimson Demons are a race that will never back down from a fight. Very well, you drunk delinquent, I'll take you on. let's take this outside !

Mitsurugi: Seems like it's decided, then. Now... Yunyun, was it ? Shall we head off ? Having an Archwizard on the team is certainly comforting. It doesn't seem like you have a party yet, so, if you want, I'll be happy to have you in our party after everything's done.

Yunyun: Umm... T- That's... I'm fine.

Mitsurugi: ... ... ...

Followers: I- It's fine, Kyouya ! You have us, don't you ?! Y- yeah ! Sure, it might be good for the party balance to have her join us, but she seems to be a fairly famous mage in town... ! So, um, well, this can't be helped !

Kazuma: Dust-kun ! Dust-kun ! Look, the handsome hunk got rejected ! He even extended his hand like he's hitting on her ! Seems like even hunks can get rejected !

Dust: Gyahahaha ! Even the legendary loner how to pick her friends !

Yunyun: T- That's not it... ! I- If I join up, I'll just create trouble for... ! T- T- that's not it... ! Dust-san, Kazuma-san ! Please cut it out !

Followers: A- Annoying ! Those two are really annoying ! Kyouya, there's no need to pay any heed to what people as lonely-seeming as them say ! Hey, delinquent, go over there ! Shoo, shoo !

Mitsurugi: N-now then, we should get moving... The ones who will be going after Aqua-sama would be me, my two companions, and the five of you lead by Satou, right... However, I feel like this journey presents a great opportunity. If the Demon King's army intends to attack both this town and the capital at the same time, the defense of the castle would be lowered to its weakest state. If Aqua-sama were to break through the barrier that they are relying on... What do you think ? I think it'll work.

Kazuma: Sorry, but I have no intention of heading out after Aqua. The reason I originally came here in the first place is to put out a request for a few high level adventurers to go after her.

Mitsurugi: Wh- What ?! Satou Kazuma, Do you seriously intend to leave the fate of Aqua-sama in the hands of others !? Even after being together for so long!? Are you really... I see. Very well. You don't have a divine relic or any special powers. I won't force someone like you to go on such a grueling journey. In your place, I'll catch up with Aqua-sama, then head on to defeat the Demon King. Is that okay ?

"Careful with that, I wouldn't want you to raise any death flags before we even started."

Kazuma: Megumin, Darkness, I'll just get in the way if I tag along, but you two are pretty strong, so go with them after Aqua. I'll watch the house.

Megumin: ... ... No, I will stay here. I know I'm not exactly easy to work around. Without Kazuma's directions, I'll definitely blow my load on the first monster that jumps out at us and end up being luggage. I'll await her return here with you.

Darkness: ... In that case, I'll remain here too. A Crusader's main role is to defend others, after all. Defending Axel would most likely be a better use of my talents.

"... Well then, I suppose it'll be mostly the three of us going after Aqua. Frontliner, artillery, and general support/Damage, that's quite balanced."

Mitsurugi: ... Artillery ?

"You'll see."

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