Chapter 17: Exorcism

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"Huh ?"


Kazuma: GAH ?!

Aqua: M- MURDER !! MURDER !!

???: Murder ?! If only !! I missed that stupid mug again !!

"Ah-haga-gagaga-hggaahg... Gh..."

???: At least this time he didn't faint ! Meaning it wouldn't be a problem if I finish him off, right ?

???: For the last time, you can"t go around trying to stab him just because you don't like how he look !

"Haah... Haah... Haah... Need... Time... Heart... Huh ? Y- You... ?!"

???: Awake, are ya ?! Great ! Now fight me ya coward !!

"... I am growing more and more confused as my stay here gets longer..."

???: I- I am deeply sorry for what she does, did... And probably will do in the future...

"... ... Eris, are you FUCKING KIDDING ME ?!"

Chara: I should be the one asking that !! When we were told that someone else picked something similar to us, I had no idea it was you, you game-ruiner !!

"You... I... Wait ?"

Kazuma: Now I'm confused too...

Beldia: Me too... What is happening... ?

"... Wiz, Beldia, you two probably won't understand a thing, so don't worry. Kazuma, Aqua... I think... I think these two are in the same situation as us."

Kazuma: Wait, you mean...

"Yep. Just like us. Reincarnated after death. And most likely... They chose something that resemble my choice."

Chara: Let me at him !! I'll skank that son of a bitch and hang his innards for everyone to see !! Let go !!

"Wiz, I think our new guests are a bit on edge here. Could you go make some tea for everyone ?"

Wiz: O- Oh, right...

"I am deeply sorry for your demise, first and foremost. If you're here, it must mean... Well, you know... Something unfortunate happened. If that's not too uncomfortable, may I ask..."

Frisk: We... We were staying together at my place for the night, when a storm started... And then, lightning struck the house, putting it on fire... And...

"I think I can tell how things went. My condolences, burning alive is a painful way to go..."

Chara: We did not burn alive, moron. The smoke suffocated us way before that. Stupid. Idiot. Imma skin you alive.

"So, um... You died, and asked Eris about... I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you asked for something inherent to your characters ?"

Frisk: We asked for "Determination". Although, we were surprised by our new appearances right after coming here.

"Oh, you too ? Yeah, the white hair was offsetting at first, but you get used to it. So, maybe we can get to the bottom of the problem, being her seemingly bottomless rage against me. I mean, i'm pretty sure I never met either of you before, did I ?"

Frisk: You... You didn't. it's more of a... Personal... And really stupid matter. You guessed it, we really liked the same game. And while I only did pacifist runs, she really wanted to complete a genocide one... Only to hit a wall near the end.

"... Okay, she couldn't beat Sans..."

Chara: Yet !! I'll use you as a punching bag and let everyone know-

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. While that explains the two assassinations attempts on myself, it does not excuse them."

Frisk: She did choose "Assassin" as her job.

"Why am I not surprised... Hey Kazuma, how does it look on your side ?"

Kazuma: I need a bone to force Aqua to let Wiz use her skills on her !

"Aight, I sure hope you're just planning on smacking her on the head with it !"

Kazuma: Uhhhh...

Wiz: Um, Aqua-sama ? It's fine now, could you release your hand... The hand that you're grabbing is turning numb, please let go !

Kazuma: ... Probably gonna have to go further than just smacking... But hey, I learned Drain Touch.

Wiz: Ah, Aqua-sama ? Um, my hand is hot... Also, it hurts, it hurts ! Aqua-sama, my body is gradually... Being purified and evaporating ! I'm disappearing, Aqua-sama ! I'll disappear if it goes on !

Kazuma: What do you think you're doing ?!


"Ahh, just Kazuma and Aqua going along as usual. Beautiful."

Chara: ... Unggh... Ghhhh... Gah !! I can't take it !! I can't just be sitting around a table with you !! I'm gonna gut you and-


Chara: A- A- A- A... Weeeeeeeeeeee... Blegh.

"*Sip*. Anything else you wanted to talk about ?"

Frisk: I... I think it's all... Again, sorry.

"Bah, if anything, it brings a bit more spice in this life. Although, please refrain her from coming after the others. I'd hate having to show her a bad time."


???: pardon my intrusion, is Wiz here ?

Kazuma: Evil spirits ?

Agent: Yes, no matter how we exorcise them, the evil spirits keep coming one after another. Nevermind selling the houses, just cleaning the houses of spirits is a pain.

Agent: Before Wiz set up shop here, she was a powerful mage. Whenever the people in town ran into any difficulty, they would seek her for aid. And Wiz seemed to be expert on handling undead monsters, that's why I'm here asking for her help.

'Kinda fitting, since Lichs are the overlord of death... Even if he probably doesn't know her real identity...'

Agent: But... Wiz seems unwell today. Your face had always been pale, but it's even more so today. How should I put it, it feels as if you could disappear at any moment... ?

Aqua: ... ... ... ...

Wiz: N- No problems, leave it to me. We just need to settle the evil spirits in town, right ?

Agent: Ah, no ! I wasn't planning on troubling you to exorcise all the evil spirits in town... Just that mansion will be enough.

Wiz: Ah, that mansion, I see... leave it to me. I just need to expel the spirits wandering in that mansion, correct ? Hu-...

Agent: Ah, ahhh ! W- Wiz ! Forget it, if you're not feeling well, please don't push yourself !

Aqua: ... ... This, this quest, please let us take it...

"So it's this mansion, huh ?"

Darkness: It's much more splendid than I heard.

"I think the real estate agent said it was rather small for a mansion, but it's more than enough in my book."

Aqua: Not bad, a befitting place for me to live in. hurry, hurry !

Darkness: But... Can we really exorcise spirits ? Right now, there's a gossip in town saying that no matter how much you exorcise them, the spirits keep gushing forth.

"Hmm... For once, I think having Aqua will be a good thing. Besides, there's a good reason Kazuma insisted we at least tried."

Agent: If you manage to exorcise the spirits, I'll let you live in that mansion for a while.

"Can you guess why he jumped on the opportunity ?"

Kazuma: If we succeed in exorcising them, we will be able to live in the mansion. It's a chance we haven't even wished for, right ? We can get by without having to make money to get through the winter. How is it, Aqua ? Do you feel something ?

Aqua: Fufufu, I can see them. The pitiful spirits of the dead who came here to be purified by me.

Megumin: But... This mansion... It feels like it hadn't been inhabited by people for a long time. The fuss in the town about evil spirits was only recently, right ?

Darkness: Couldn't it be that it had flaws before that ?

"Err... Whatever problem there is, as long as the opponent is an undead, we will be able to manage somehow... Or we should be... It's all yours, Aqua.

Aqua: Leave it to me ! I'll wipe out all the evil spirits haunting this mansion in a single night !

Kazuma: That confidence only solidifies my anxiety... Once again, i'm getting a bad feeling about this...

Kazuma: Whoops, there. My win.

Aqua: EH ?! W- W- Wait !! Wait ! I'll cancel that just now !

Kazuma: Nah, I'm not waiting anymore. This makes it your fifth consecutive defeat, so you're in charge of tomorrow's lunch !

Darkness: Oh, you two are finished.

Kazuma: What, are they not over there ?

Darkness: Umm... It's taking a bit more time... Mostly due to-


Megumin: A fine card, but it is no match for my QUEEN OF HEARTS !! THIS DUEL IS MINE NOW !

Kazuma: ... You guys are playing the wrong game ! And must you be so dramatic ?!

Y/n/Megumin: YES !!


Darkness: Weren't they just supposed to play "Battle" ?

Kazuma: ... Whatever, just let them be, at least no spirit will dare to come close to these two.

Darkness: Speaking of, is it really okay for us to be relaxing so nonchalantly like this ? What happened to driving away the evil spirits haunting the mansion ?

Kazuma: Ah, you're right, but...

Darkness: Actually... Ever since we entered the mansion, I've been feeling gazes... Gazes of wicked spirits, wishing nothing but ravishing my body as I'm helplessly laying in bed-

Kazuma: I've heard enough, stop that.

Aqua: Don't worry. From what I saw, there aren't any evil spirits that are that malicious. I might as well clean them up while leisurely drinking some booze.

Kazuma: No, do it quickly. The exorcism... So there are spirits...

Aqua: there are, you can't you see them ? Like, one without a head, one whose legs are torn off... Also one whose eyes popped out. They're scared of my existence, so they won't approach, though.

Kazuma: I think they're scared of something else...


Megumin: URGH !! I... I'M NOT DOWN YET !

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Aqua: Well, most of them are low-tier spirits which gathered from the neighborhood. But among them, there's also a spirit bound to this place who has been haunting this place from before.

*Her name is Anna Filante Asteroid. An illegitimate child born through the relationship between the noble who used to live here and one of his maids. But the girl, who was treated as a burden, has been confined... And grew up in loneliness, never knowing the love of her parents. And then, her father died of illness, and her mother went missing...

Eventually, she contracted the same disease as her father and, never knowing the faces of her parents, she...*

Aqua: But don't worry ! She's not an evil spirit. She's just a bit of a lonely attention seeker, she shouldn't cause us any harm.

Kazuma: ... ... Are you two done ?

"It's a QUADRUPLE BATTLE ! And now the card that'll decide it all... QUEEN OF CLOVERS !! THIS DUEL IS OVER !!"

Megumin: Guh... I've only got one shot at this... All the aces are in that pile... ... Heh... Hehehehehehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

"W- What ?!"

Megumin: I present to you... THE KING OF CLUBS !! I WIN !!

"N- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo..."

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Darkness: Mhhmmm... The evil spirits pinning down my body as they try to break my spirit...

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Aqua: Ah, but it looks like she's a little precocious, so she would secretly drink sweet sake and such. With that said, prepare some as an offering, Kazuma !

Kazuma: ... ... I'm just stuck with these guys, aren't I... ?

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