Chapter 25: Justice for All

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... And that's how we managed to defeat the Demon King's General Beldia, as well as put an end to the terror of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer, all thanks to Satou Kazuma's splendid tactics and fast judgement. Has it not been for him, Axel town would've been wiped out the map a long time ago already. And of course, him planning to subvert the state is but nonsense, a baseless rumor."

Judge: That's enough for now, I believe. I understand what the defense wants to say. What do you think, prosecutor ?Since the magical tool didn't react, he doesn't seem to be lying...

Sena: Yes. I shall prove that the defendant is a terrorist, or possibly someone connected to the Demon King's army. Bring in the witnesses !

"Witnesses... ?"

Chris: Ahahaha... For some reason, they called for us...

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Sena: And so, Chris-san was stripped of her underwear in public by the defendant when he used steal.

Chris: Umm... Well, you're not mistaken. But well, how do I put it... That was an accident-

Sena: it's enough that we have confirmed "Stripping you of your underwear" was true. Thank you very much.

Chris: Eh ! But it doesn't really bother me...

Sena: Mitsurugi-san, your demon sword was stolen and sold off by the defendant.

Mitsurugi: Hmmm... that's true, but... In the first place, I was the one who challenged-

Thief: that's right ! And when we tried to get it back, he threatened to strip us of our underwear !

Warrior: he said "My steal is gonna be a blast in public" ! PLEASE SEND THAT LOWLIFE TO HELL !!

Kazuma: 'Why you...' Please, do something...

"Don't worry, I've got it. I need to wait for my turn, you know."

Sena: This man, as the judge may already know, is a delinquent who often causes problems and is under a lawsuit.

Dust: HEY, YOU ! I get called while waiting for my trial, and that's the greeting I get, you big-breasted Nee-san ?! I'm gonna fondle them, dammit !

Sena: ... ... ... Dust-san, I heard that you get along well with Satou Kazuma over there, am I mistaken ?

Dust: Huh ? Of course you're not, we're buds ! Buds ! Best friends !

Judge: Satou Kazuma, are you best friends with this delinquent ?

Kazuma: We're just acquaintances.


"Keep quiet !"

judge: This is... The magical tool isn't responding.

Sena: I- Is that so ? The last one wasn't sufficient as a witness, but... I believe the witnesses gave us their testimony on the defendant's human nature.


Sena: the defendant held a grudge against the victim. He says that it was transported to the landlord's mansion by chance using random teleport, but it's far too well made for that. I believe that, while pretending it was an accident, he might have actually used a normal teleport to send the Coronatite to the victim's residence...

"Hold it right there ! You keep speaking about your so-called 'Witnesses', but as far as i'm concerned, all they managed to prove was that my client is a perverted teenager with a cunning personality, at best ! How is any of this related to the matter at hand, especially when you didn't even let them finish their testimony ?"

Judge: Advocate, watch your words !

"if you're going to make such accusations, you better have some proof to back it up !"

Sena: You want evidence ? Very well. Firstly ! During the fight with the demon king's general Beldia, he summoned a large amount of water in the town, and caused great damage because of the flood. Secondly ! He established a vast barrier on a public cemetery that caused a ghost uproar in the town. Thirdly ! Over several consecutive days, he launched explosion magic near the town, not only altering the terrain and the ecosystem, but also causing extreme noise levels at night.

Kazuma: 'These guys are hopeless !'

"Just you wait ! None of this has been performed by my client ! Furthermore, it's that very flood that weakened the Demon King's general enough for him to be taken out ! Not to mention my client paid for the damage with the entirety of his reward !"

Sena: There's also witness information of the defendant using drain touch, which can only be used by undead.

"You aren't an adventurer. If you were, you'd know adventurers can actually learn this kind of skill if taught !"

Sena: Furthermore ! During the investigation in the police department, when he was asked "Are you linked to the demon king's army ?" the magical tool made a reaction ! Is that not enough evidence ?!

Aqua: That's not true !

"A- Aqua ?!"

Kazuma: Y- You tell her ! Give her evidence that i'm innocent !

Aqua: Hah ? As if there's such a thing. I just wanted to say that line too.

Kazuma: Why you little- !

Judge: Get that advocate out of the court !

"Actually, your honor, she is absolutely right."

Sena: Are you trying to say I'm a liar ? Or that the magical tool was fooled and he's not linked to the Demon King's army ?!"

"Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, my client is linked to the Demon King's army... As a target."

Judge: T... Target, you say ?

"It's thanks to his endeavor that one of the demon king generals was taken out. Don't you think it would be more than enough for them to go after my client ? That is the link the magical tool detected !"

Aldar: THAT'S ENOUGH ALREADY !! That man sent an explosive object to my mansion !! There's no doubt he's a minion of the demon king's army ! Kill him ! Have him executed ! Am I mistaken, judge ?!

Judge: ha... No, but...

"Your honor, I understand your doubts. But if you agree that this magical tool cannot be fooled in any way, allow me to clear them all with this. Three questions will be asked, so may I ask of everyone in this courtroom to listen very carefully ? Kazuma, are you ready ?!"

Kazuma: Y- yes !

"With these, I shall prove my client is innocent ! First ! Kazuma, do you belong to the Demon King's army, in any form or way ?"

Kazuma: I don't !

*... ... ...*

"Second ! Kazuma, did you purposely send the Coronatite to the landlord's house ?!"

Kazuma: I didn't !

*... ... ...*

"And third... Before that incident, did you even know of the landlord's existence ?"

Kazuma: I didn't !!

*... ... ...*

Judge: ... Thank you... It's true that the magical tool validated these statements... In that situation, we can't ignore these... And it's right the witnesses' testimonies can hardly be considered as evidence of the prosecutor's claims...

Sena: Y- Yes...

Kazuma: Phew...

Judge: So, in regards of all of this, we declare the defendant, Satou Kazuma... Not-

Alderp: I'll say it one more time. That man is the demon king's underling. Execute him.

Judge: Err... But, since there have been no casualties, demanding his execution is really uncalled for...

Sena: No... That's right. I believe executing him would be appropriate.

Kazuma: Heh ?!

"Wait a damn second ! You just admitted not even a minute ago that you had no evidences on that ! And now you just make an 180° ?! That makes no sense at all !"

Alderp: Silence ! Realize where you stand and watch your words !

"... So just a glare from you, eh ? I ask the court, who is the evil here ?! The hero who saved hundreds of lives, or the one who ask for his life over an empty house ? With how things are, I wouldn't even be surprised if the one related to demons was the one sitting right over there !"

Alderp: Gh... YOU WORTHLESS ADVENTURER, HOW DARE YOU ADDRESS TO ME IN THAT WAY ?! Me, related to demons ?! How preposterous !!


"... ... ... ... Heh... ?"

Kazuma: Heh... ?

Judge: ... Heh ?

Audience: Heh... ?

Alderp: ... Heh... ?

"... ... Sooooo, Mr.Alderp over here's hiding nasty stuff from everyoooone~ ? Would you care to elaborate on thaaat~ ?"

Alderp: ... ... ... Get him out of here. GET THAT TRASH OUT OF THIS ROOM THIS INSTANT !!

Judge: O- Order ! Order in the court ! Order, I say ! This has turned into quite the difficult situation...

Alderp: It has not. Just do your job and declare him guilty !

"You think you can get away with this ?!"

Alderp: ... Just you watch. This is the difference between the likes of you and me.

Judge: ... ... ... Defendant Satou Kazuma... In light of the inhuman and problematic acts you have accumulated over and over... As well as the antisocial behavior that has significantly swayed the town's peace... We judge the public prosecutor's lawsuit to be valid. Accordingly... You are sentenced to the death penalty.


Kazuma: Waaaiit !! That's messed up !

"What kind of half-baked trial is this ?! What kind of half-baked judge are you ?! No evidences for the prosecutor's claim, but all evidences against it, and one glare from that fat guy decides the trial ?! What is this farce ?!"

Judge: Watch your words !!

Alderp: ... Heh.

Megumin: Very well, if you are going to call Kazuma a terrorist, then I shall show you what a real terrorist is, right here and now !!


"Let go of me !! You just had confirmation the victim's linked to the demon king's army, and you're just gonna ignore it ?! What a joke ! Redo this trial right now !!"

Darkness: ... ... ... Judge. Please look at this.

Kazuma: H- Huh ? You were there ?


Darkness: May I ask you to leave the handling of this trial to me ? If I have time, I shall prove this man's innocence.

"... I already did, thank you very much..."

Judge: N- No, but...

Alderp: Y- Yeah ! Even if it's you, that's just... !

Darkness: Alderp, I shall be indebted to you... I'm not asking you to drop the lawsuit. I shall listen to one request of yours, as long as whatever it is, it's within my means. So... I would just ask you to wait.

Alderp: A... Anything... ...

"Something about his expression makes me want to do something unspeakable... like, even worse than writing my opinion on the Internet."

Alderp: ... Very well, as it's a request from you after all. Let us give that man some time.

Aqua: Hey, hasn't Darkness come back yet ?

Kazuma: She just left last night.

Aqua: She left for the landlord's place while saying something about fulfilling her promise. Is she going to be okay ?

"Somehow... It just makes me even more worried..."

Megumin, but, Darkness seemed to be an acquaintance of that landlord.

"Yes... But it makes things even worse, or so she told me..."

"Darkness, what the hell ? What was all of that for ?!"

Darkness: i'm really sorry... But it was the only way to end things on our own terms.

"Only way ?! I had him cornered ! You saw how the tool reacted !"

Darkness: And that's the point. You have no idea what this man is capable of. Should you have continued to stand your ground, he would've crushed everyone.

"... ... Who is this guy anyway ? You know him, don't you ?"

Darkness: ... That man has been showing an eccentric attachment to me ever since I was a child... After his wife died, he proposed to me several times... I used the difference in our age as a reason and continued to reject him, but...

"Wait, marriage ? Even since you were a child ?! Everything's wrong with what you just said !"

Darkness: Well, don't worry. I will manage, somehow.

"But after making a promise like that... Don't you think he'd ask for something crazy... ?"

Darkness: S- Something crazy...

"... My concern just grew threefold..."

Darkness: A- Anyway, be sure not to try anything on the meantime. You'd all be branded as criminals by him.

'... If this is something like that... Maybe it's a revolution we need...'

Kazuma: But still... I know it's pretty late, but just who is Darkness ? She took control of the whole place when she showed them something.

"Could she be... Some high-class nobility or something ?"

Kazuma: ... Her ?! W- Well, thanks to her, we got me some time ! i'm worried about her too, but there are things we must do now ! We already managed to prove that I'm not related to the demon king's army, and compensating the landlord for his mansion !

Aqua: How are we going to get the money ? Do we rob a bank or something ?

Kazuma: Are you stupid ?!

"Kazuma... I don't think this is even relevant to the courtroom anymore... This is all about nobles trying to come out on top of the rest... At this point, there's nothing we can do but wait."

Kazuma: What ?

"You saw him, he pressed to have you executed despite the evidences... he doesn't care if you are innocent or not, he's using you as a scapegoat for his mansion... here, he's a spoiled child trying to get you punished for things that don't even bother him that much..."

Kazuma: What should we do then... ?

"... Just wait..."


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