Chapter 27: Loli-neet

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Phew... Taking it easy in a bath during the day every now and then isn't so bad after all..."

Kazuma: Say, Megumin... Was it really okay to leave that Yunyun girl ?

Megumin: We'll meet again anyway. She's my self-proclaimed rival paparazzi after all.

Kazuma: well, she was a cute girl. She had some common sense for an acquaintance of yours.

Megumin: ... When you put it like that, it feels like I don't have any common sense.

"You kept bombarding Beldia's castle even after he cursed Darkness to death. At least she had the maturity to ask."

Megumin: Actually, that girl is the same age as me. You won't treat her as a child ?

Kazuma: Ah... the same age... is that so ? So you're the same age...

Megumin: hey. How about you honestly tell me about what you just thought when you looked at me !

"... You really want the truth coming from Kazuma ?"

Megumin: Huuuuuh...

Kazuma: then... that girl is also 13, huh... ? My allowable region goes as 2 years younger than me, I guess. If she was at least 14, then it would have been barely fine with a first year high, and a second year middle.

Megumin: First year high and second middle ? I don't really understand, but for your info, I'm going to become 14 next month.

Kazuma: Huh ? 14 ?! Seriously ?! You're graduating from being a loli character ?!

Megumin: Who are you calling a loli character ?!

"Heh. You know, in my eyes you two are just dysfunctional and poorly behaved siblings."

Kazuma: But for me, you're somewhat starting to feel like a poorly-behaved junior...

"You just had to make this even more weird, Kazuma."

Megumin: Hey ! Stop saying that stuff all of a sudden ! Does one year make that much of a difference ?!

Kazuma: Why are we even taking a bath together ? When you think this through, isn't this quite bad ?

Megumin: What are you saying now ?! Actually, I would like you to quit glancing at me !!

"... You guys didn't think this through at all, did you ?"

Kazuma: Y- yeah... if someone were to see us like this, it would be no laughing matter...

"If it was just you and Megumin, it would be quite problematic, yes."

Kazuma: How exactly does your presence makes it better ?

"... Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub, five feet apart 'cause they're not gay~..."

Kazuma: You did not just... But in the first place, only in times such as these, will someone who can't read the mood show up.

Megumin: ... Huh ?

Aqua: I'M HOOOOOOOME !! I got the money for selling the toads ! Guuuys, where are you ?!

"One day, you'll learn to not tempt fate and the first great law of Jinxing, Kazuma."

Kazuma: Gah ! I told you !!

Megumin: It's all because you said something foreshadowing like that !

"Actually, why are you guys getting out of the bath together if you didn't do anything wrong ?"

Kazuma: T- The door ! Did you lock the changing room door ?!

Megumin: I- I didn't !!

Kazuma: Shit, if she sees us like this, i'll get shameful nicknames like lolineet or lolima-san !

Megumin: What did you just say ?!

Aqua: Guuuuuys... Huh ? Are you taking a bath ?

"Yeah. Trying to get rid of the slime... if only I could do the same with the memories..."

aqua: I know right ?

Kazuma: 'What are you doing, idiot ?! UOOOOHH !! Converge all my mana !! FREEZE !!'

Aqua: Well, I left the toad money over there, so let's go eat later !

"... You guys just went psychotic over nothing. Why would she just barge in here if she knew someone was already taking a bath ?"

Megumin: Kazuma, are you okay ?

Kazuma: Gh... of course she wouldn't go out of her way to open the door when she knows there's someone inside... M- My mana... I- I've barely escaped being acknowledged as a lolicon... Ah... Sorry but I can't move, so can you wipe my body... ?

Megumin: Hey. Let me hear more about how you were going to be acknowledged as a lolicon for getting in the bath with me ? You sure talk confidently when you can't even move your body, eh ?

Kazuma: H- hey ! Why are you taking off my towel... What are you trying to do ?!

"... I'll leave you guys at it now."


"Well, in the end Kazuma did get called a 'Pedo-Neet' by Aqua... And is now sulking over it in his room... Maybe I should grab a bit to eat for him too... Huh ?"

Vendor: Cheap ! It's cheap ! Hey, young lady, how 'bout one ?

"That's... So you're still hanging around, I see."

Yunyun: A- Ah... Y- Y/n... San... H- Hello !

"You still lingering here to try and challenge Megumin ?"

Yunyun: Huuuuuuh... That's...

"Ah, that's the shop I was looking for. Hey mister, give me five of 'em, please."

Vendor: Five ? Comin' right up. Say, you're an adventurer, right ? Recently, weird monsters've been appearing near the town, so watch out !

"Weird ? How so ?"

Vendor: Somethin' about them sticking themselves to any moving object then self-destructing.

"... I never thought of that... Mini-kamikaze blasters... I need to write that down. See you around, Yunyun."

Yunyun: Ah... yes. U- Um, can you give me the same thing as him, please...

"Just if things weren't hectic enough already... Now weird monsters have started appearing all around... And Darkness hasn't come back yet... Honestly, all that talk about that fat baldie trying to marry her countless times got me pretty worried... Maybe she did get captured in the end... She'd probably enjoy it though... Perhaps, we should start looking for her ourselves soon..."

Yunyun: H- Hey...

"... Did you actually follow me all the way here ? If I didn't already met you, that'd be really weird."

Yunyun: Um... i'm sorry. This is just my first time coming to a place like this... In the crimson demons village, there weren't any shops like this.

'Can't blame you... I didn't know how to buy food from stands either before coming here... Sheltered girl much ?'

"But you know, I half-expected you to not like us from the get-go, since Megumin is in our party."

Yunyun: Why would you think that ?

"There are a lot of people who don't like us because Megumin is in our party."



"What is that now ?"

???: Gah, ouch... Shit, it didn't work...

Mountebank: Okay ! This guy over here couldn't do it either !! Now then, are there any upcoming challengers ?! The legendary ore, Adamantite ! If you wonderfully manage to destroy it, you'll get a tremendous cash reward !

Yunyun: They're doing an adamantite-crushing contest !

"So they have things like fun fair here too...

Mountebank: The participation fee is 10,000 Eris !!You can use magic or skills as you please ! And every time a customer fails, 5000 Eris will be added to the reward !

"... Care to give it a try ? You use high-level destruction magic, right ?"

Yunyun: Oh no, adamantite is impossible for me. Even if we don't go as far as Explosion magic, I'd still need an explosion-type magic, like detonation or bursting magic...

"Haha, yeah, and that'd be bad if someone were to use Explosion magic in the middle of tow like that..."

Mountebank: Aah, too bad ! Looks like it was too much for this customer too. Was the burden too heavy for the adventurers of this town ?! I came all the way here when I heard they defeated the Mobile Fortress Destroyer !!

Villagers: 'is there anybody out there who can destroy that thing... ?'

Megumin: The star has made her appearance.

"... ... ... ... GET HER !!"

Megumin: Oi. Treating a girl who hasn't done anything like this is just...

Villager: Mister, pack up your stuff and get running !! This is the explosion psycho from the rumors in this town !! If you let her do it, you won't even leave a bone behind ! Run away already !!

Mountebank: W- Well then, everyone, until we meet again !!

Megumin: Aaah !! I could crush it with my Explosion magic !!

"You... I can't take my eyes off you even for a second, now ? You're always up to no good."

Megumin: I haven't done anything yet, have I ?

"No, but you were about to, which is almost just as bad. What were you doing here anyway ?"

Megumin: I was walking around town to kill some time. Come to think of it, I found a stand running the same business over there, so how about we go scare them ?

"Ahhhh... I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. You'd have more common sense if we could take the 'explosion psycho' part of you... Looks like I'll need to make sure no one's business starts boomin'. Wanna tag along, Yunyun ?"

Yunyun: Ah... I- I came to this town to win a duel against Megumin ! I didn't come here to get friendly... So I won't go with you !

Megumin: So yes, let's get going.

Yunyun: ... Why are you following me ?

"Ask Megumin. i'm just following her."

Megumin: As always, I wanted to have a look at the lonely crying face of our loner, Yunyun.

Megumin: ... well, even among crimson demons, Yunyun was an oddball who was embarrassed of her own name. And even in the academy, she would always sit and eat her food all alone with a lonely face.

Yunyun: W- Wait !! I... It wasn't really that bad ! And I did have f... Friends too !!

Megumin: Eh... W- What did you just... Yunyun had friends... ?

Yunyun: That's right ! Like Funifura-san and Dodonko-san ! They would say "We're friends, aren't we ," and go eat with me as my treat...

"So that kind of 'Friends'... You can stop here, I don't really wanna hear more of that."

'So that's how it is... An oddball among these weirdos... That's just a normal girl about anywhere else... Now I really feel sorry for her.'

Yunyun: A- Anything will do, so let's have a duel, Megumin !

Megumin: How sudden. Very well. I shall leave the details of the duel to you as well. i'm no longer child to fuss over duel matters, after all.

Yunyun: You sure are calm. If you're saying you aren't a child, then can we have a growth duel like the one we did in the past ?

Megumin: Oh no, when I said I wasn't a child, I mean that i'm not a child in a different sense. After all, me and Y/n here are in such a relationship where we would take a bath together.

"... ... What did I tell you about context ? She'll get the wrong-"


Megumin: I won again today !

"... And you're proud of yourself for that ? My disappointment keeps widening."

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