Chapter 8: Moving target

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"And so that's basically what happened."

Undyne: You're really a bunch of lucky ones, I hope you know that. To just randomly stumble into what's probably the only pacifist lich in this entire country... Unbelievable.

"Kazuma's luck stat is maximum. Wonder if that played a role."

Asgore: On another note, I heard one of the Demon king army's general has taken over the old castle on that hill a short distance away from town.

"The hell is a General doing around here ? Ain't that town only filled by beginner adventurers ?"

Asgore: All we can for now is leaving it alone. If his goal was to pillage and plunder, he'd have done it already.

"Axel town, a prized vacation location for demon generals. Very tranquil and quiet, just watch out for giant frogs."

Papyrus: No need to fret ! If that general ever threaten this town, I shall have a lively talk with him and reason him into leaving.

"Paps, you are far too pure for this world."

Aqua/Megumin/Darkness: ... ... ...

"What ?"

Aqua: Nothing. I wasn't worried about you joining another party or anything...

"The Tsundere act is unbecoming of you. This is just information gathering."

Megumin: What's this refreshing feeling ? Seeing you being on good terms with other parties, the melancholic feeling's mixed with something good. Could this be the legendary NTR... ?


Megumin: What's wrong ?

"... Nevermind. Got any plans for today ?"

Kazuma: I was thinking about what new skills to learn after leveling up. To be honest, the composition of this party's too unbalanced. So I'm thinking of making up for our weakness since I have the most flexible class. By the way, what skills have all of you learned ?

"Nothing really new right now. Just been leveling them up and keeping the extra points in case I need a quick boost at some point."

Darkness: My skills are centered around physical defense, magical resistance and abnormal status resistance. I also have a skill called decoy that's used to taunt the enemy.

"For the last time, if you don't want to learn any offensive skills, at least ditch the claymore for a shield, dammit !"

Darkness: I don't plan to. It might sound like I'm boasting, but my stamina and strength are great. If my attacks land easily, I could defeat monsters without taking any damage. And it's no good to hold back intentionally. This is how things should go: Attacking with all my might but not being able to hit the enemy, and being captured as my strength wanes. That's the best !

Kazuma: Enough !

Darkness: Haaaa~... ! You're the ones who asked, but to treat me like this...

Megumin: Of course, I learned explosion-related skills... Explosion, Explosion damage increase, fast chanting, etc. All the skills needed to cast the perfect Explosion spell. It's the same as before and will be so in the future.

"You still have no intention of learning something like mid-tier magic, do you ?"

Megumin: I don't plan to.


Aqua: As for me-

Kazuma: There's no need. Why can't you three act together... ? Maybe I should think about switching parties... Think your friends would accept me, Y/n ?

"Between two fits of laughter, maybe."

"10, 20, 50... that's when the big bucks starts rolling in."

Kazuma: Who knew cabbages were worth so much.

Darkness: Look ! With everything I've earned, I could upgrade the armor I sent in for repair. How does it look ?

"Whatever, with how you fight it'll end up broken again soon enough."

Kazuma: It looks like something the upstart son of nobility would wear.

Darkness: Hngn... You're merciless regardless of the situation. Even I want to hear an honest compliment from to time to time.

"Want a compliment... That one over here is even worse than you right now."

Megumin: Haa~... Haa~... I can't, I can't take it ! The magic of this manatite staff, the color and glister... Haa~... Haa~...

Kazuma: Let's not think too much about this.

Aqua: Hey ! How could this be... ! Why's there only 50,000 Eris (472 $) ?! Do you know how many cabbages I caught ?! More than 20 !!

Luna: Um, this is hard to say... But, what you turned in was mostly lettuce.

Aqua: Why was lettuce mixed in there ?!

Luna: E- Even if you ask me that, I wouldn't know...

Aqua: ... Guuuuuys~ ? How much did you get from this quest~ ?

"A little over 500,000 (4720 $) each."

Aqua: H- Heh ?! A million ?!

Kazuma: I caught them, but Y/n immobilized them, so we split the bounty. Turns out they were yielding plenty of experience points. This is the difference in our luck, I guess.

Aqua: ... You know... How should I put this, I always thought you were such great persons !

"Aren't you the one who suggested that each one of us should keep their own earnings ? You're just being pathetic here. Well, even more than usual."

Aqua: Please !! I thought I'd earn a lot from the quest, so I spent all the money on me these past few days ! I estimated I'd make a killing, so I owe nearly 100,000 Eris (944 $) in this bar ! I can't pay it off with the bounty !

Kazuma: I don't care ! I've already decided on how to utilize the money, so I won't give you any ! I want to find a house to live in. It's uncomfortable to keep staying in the stables, right ?

Aqua: Why did it turn out like this ? Ahhh ! Please, lend me money ! Just enough to pay off my debts ! I know Kazuma's a boy and does sneaky things in the stables sometimes, so I understand why you want a private room ! 50,000 ! Just 50,000 's enough ! Pleeaaaaaase !!

Kazuma: I get it, 50,000's just chump change ! I really get it, so shut up !

"That girl... She's really gonna work us down to the bone..."

Megumin: Guys, let's hurry and find a quest ! One with lots of weak monsters ! I want to test the power of my new staff !

"That's it, you're done rubbing yourself on it ? But right, we couldn't clear the zombie maker one, so..."

Kazuma: I didn't have the occasion to test my new skills, so let's find a safe and simple quest.

Aqua: No, let's find a quest that can earn lot's of money ! I just cleared my tabs, so I don't even have money for food today !

"is there really anything you'd be ashamed for, really ?"

Darkness: Let's find strong enemies ! A quest with monsters that have strong attacks and are tough as nails... !

Kazuma: Could we be even more disunited than that...

Undyne: You looking for quests ? Tough luck with that.

"Why so ?"

Undyne: See for yourself.

Kazuma: ... Weird ? Why are there so many requests ?

Darkness: Oh ! Please pick this one ! A giant bear showed up in the mountains, its name is Black Fang...

"No way in hell ! Why the hell are there only high-level quests left ?!"

Undyne: The demon general that settled nearby. Because of that, all the weak monsters ran off. I heard knights from the capital should be dispatched soon, but in the meantime, there's nothing we can do.

"You don't sound too angry about this."

Undyne: It's nice to catch a break from time to time. Thanks to you all, we've also earned quite a lot from that cabbage hunt.

Aqua: Whyyy ?!! Why did he pick this moment to move here ?! I don't know what this general is, but it'd better watch out if it's an undead !

"We hardly can fight those frogs, what makes you think you can stand against a general of the demon king's army ?"

Kazuma: That means that before the powerful adventurers and knights from the capital arrive here next month, we can't work as usual.

Megumin: That's how it is... During this period when we can't do quests, I'll need you to accompany me...

Papyrus: Where did everyone go ?

"Kazuma went with Megumin, apparently she needs to cast her explosion once a day because... reasons. Aqua's desperately working her butt off to cover her drinking debts... And as for me, I'm bored out of my skull. I'd train my blasters if I could, but for that I'd need something tough enough to withstand the constant blasts. A moving target would be the best too..."

Papyrus: ... Your crusader friend is looking this way with a strange look on her face.

"... Yes... That'd work... Darkness ?"

Darkness: Yeeeesh please~... Don't you dare hold back on me. I want to feel everything...

"Hold on just a sec. Paps, I think that if you hurry, you could catch up with Kazuma and Megumin."

Papyrus: Why ?

"You realize she's gonna cast her explosion magic at full power, right ? I don't think you'd want to miss it, right ?"

Papyrus: You are right ! For nothing I'd miss such a majestic and incredible display of power ! Thank you !!

Darkness: So, when do we start~ ?

"Stop making those sounds, I really feel like I'm doing something dirty. First, we need to get a good distance away from the city. Don't want to miss a shot and burn someone, plus the noise."

Darkness: Ahnnn~

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