Chapter 91: Arranged dates

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"So this is Elroad, huh... Gotta say, I don't know why, but when I heard 'Casino nation', I was picturing some kind of desert... This isn't so different to Axel"

Aqua: Hey Kazuma, the amount of people here are pretty much at the level of Axel during festival time ! I mean, where do they get all these people from ?!

Kazuma: hey Aqua, we're traveling incognito here, so could you not draw so much attention ? Don't forget what we came here for alright ?

"Bah, let her enjoy it for once. You guys are here for vacation after all, so at least try to enjoy yourselves."

Kazuma: Fine, fine... besides, this is an advertising strategy to make the capital appear as though it's bustling with activity. Look, you see that guy over there by the corner ? i'm pretty sure he turned the corner and came back, which means he's just an actor. i'm pretty sure he's being hired to walk around pointlessly.

"... ... Pffr... And if you look behind, you'd see the crowd is actually following us a bit... the area we were at earlier is almost empty now... And i'm pretty sure the same applies to the surrounding streets."

Aqua: As expected of your observational skills Kazuma-san. I thought this was a little weird as well. I mean, if this was real, then isn't the place where we set our base, Axel, practically the countryside ?

Darkness: Stop saying dumb things and be quiet. I can't bear thought of as a country bumpkin.

"Fair enough... But with all of that, I can't shake off the impression we were awaited... or do you think they pull of these stunts for everyone ?"

Kazuma: That's a good question...

Darkness: Now, this is the hotel that's been prepared for us. Everyone should go to your rooms and sort your luggage. Iris will meet with the prince tomorrow, so far today, we can take our time to go sightseeing and take a rest from our travels.

Iris: I... I need to prepare fro tomorrow's meeting... Since this is my first time meeting the prince, i'm feeling a bit nervous. Perhaps this is the reason i'm feeling stressed. I'll be resting at the hotel, so everyone should feel free to go sightseeing.

Darkness: Lady Iris, weren't you looking forward to coming here ? Since we're your bodyguards, leaving you behind is a bit...

Iris: Y- You can't ! Please go and relax. Since we've come all the way to the nation of casinos, I wouldn't be able to rest with peace in mind if I keep you holed up in the hotel !

Kazuma: Come on Darkness, Iris has said this much, so let's just go vent our stress and relax, ok ?

Darkness: U... A, alright...

Aqua: Casinos ! Let's hit the casinos first ! After we win big, we can take the money and go on a feast ! i'm sure that they're selling super expensive sake here as well !

Megumin: No, we should go to the weapons and armor store here first ! I'm sure that we'll find a super powerful staff that can match up to me !

Darkness: Mmpf, is it really fine for us to leave Lady Iris alone like that...

"She's probably the most eager to see this meeting as a success out of all of us... Besides, you truly think I'd leave her completely unsupervised ?"

Kazuma: As usual, neither of you guys can agree on one thing. Since we came all the way here, why don't we go sightseeing first ? There was a lot to see in the Village of Crimson demons, so I'm sure that this town...

Guy: Oho ? What beautiful adventurers. Hey, blonde-haired Onee-san over there, why don't you leave that boring guy alone and come with us ?

Tourist: It's true, they're super pretty ! I prefer that blue-haired Onee-san !

Lolicon: As for me, it would be that pretty black-haired red-eyed girl...

"... Ah, yes, the classic trio of fuckboys trying to look for some fun... Another hit on my clichés bingo. Any thoughts, Kazuma ?"

Kazuma: Definitely giving off the impression of spoiled brats who came to the city to play around.

Megumin/Aqua/Darkness: ... ... ... ... ?

"... Don't tell me they're not even aware they're talking to them ?"

Kazuma: ... Well, there were no guys in Axel that were benevolent enough to say such things to them, huh. Maybe they just wanted people to praise their appearance once in a while...

"... Why are we being moved to tears by their reaction... ?"

Aqua: ... ... ... Hey, you guys over there, did you just call us pretty ? Did you just call us beautiful ? Say it one more time !

Guy: Eh... You Onee-sans are beautiful, and uh... Would you like to come with us, um...

Megumin: Basically, the three of you are saying that "if we could go on a date with a super beautiful girl like you and these two beautiful girls, we're willing to put our assets and life on the line. That said, why don't we go on a date ?", is that what you wanted to say ?

Guys: Not to that extent.

Kazuma: ... ... ... ... hey...

"I know that look, what did you just think of this time ?"

Kazuma: Well, hear me out... This is the capital of finance, the nation of casinos. So of course, I want to go here and there to relieve my stress... But what if these three problem children were following us around ?

"I can agree on that, my experience tells me these guys will definitely stir some trouble... And in the end, we'll be the ones taking the blame, surely."

Kazuma: exactly, so think. What if we weren't there when they caused the problems, but rather, these three guys ?

"... ... hehe... Wingman protocol activated."

Guy: ... Hey... Could it be that we've tried to hit on a weird bunch ?

Tourist: Doesn't this seem a bit bad ? We came all the way here to go sightseeing, but aren't we spreading our wings a bit to far with this ?

Lolicon: N- No, but although they a bit weird, they're that pretty, you know ?

Aqua: Fufu... Hey Kazuma, what are you doing to do ? I'm feeling quite troubled by this you know ? I was called a pretty lady, and they even asked us out for dates as well. Although you, who were called "Boring" by the three of them are already used to it, right ? Well, I hope that you'll come to realize that it's truly a blessing that you're able to be in a party with pretty ladies such as ourselves, because if you don't, your important party members might just go along with these guys you know ?

Kazuma: Please go ahead.

"No one's holding you back, have fun."

Everyone: Eh... ?

Aqua: ... Umm, hey guys... Just now, what...

"We're not your god-damn babysitters. What, were you thinking you needed permission or something when you want to go have some fun ? Is it that much of a crime to try to get some time for ourselves once in a while ?"

Aqua: Huh...

Guy: hey, did that guy just say "Babysitter", right now ?

Megumin: W- Wait for a second, what are you suddenly saying ?! Listen closely alright ? I will... No, we will go and play around with those people. Are you not going to feel jealous or depressed... ?

Kazuma: Not in the slightest.

Megumin: He said it like it was nothing !

"What you want us to be jealous ? Jealous of what, exactly ?"

Darkness: Wait a moment, Megumin. You should know that these ones are not the honest-type, right ? Fufu, yes, they're definitions of classic tsunderes.

"Trying to be on the other end of the teasing for once ? How unbecoming of you."

Darkness: Hey, why don't you be a bit more honest in situations like this ? You'll be going with a pretty lady like me who'll be hit on like this all the time, you know ? Would you like to lock arms with me ? You might even get a chance to "Accidentally" nudge my chest...

"... 'She's definitely getting it back home' So what, we're something now ? that's new. If you want us to be an item so bad, why don't you be honest with it for once and say it out loud ? Come on now, chop chop."

Darkness: Ehh ?!

Guy: H- hey, wht do you guys think ? That man sounds like a terrible person, but I can't help but get a bad feeling about this...

Tourist: Let's stop. Since we came all the way here to sightsee, I'd rather we not do anything weird...

Lolicon: Y- You're right. "let sleeping dogs lie"... There's such a saying, so let's give up... Ah, even so they're so pretty, what a waste... U- uhm ! We have somewhere we need to...

"Now where do you three think you're going ?"

Kazuma: You said that you wanted to go on a date with our companions right ?

Guy: Huh ? Ah, oh... owowowow... ! Hey, i'm sorry, I was lying. It was my bad for trying to hit on your company ! It was my bad for saying that you were boring ! We'll be going, so- !

Kazuma: No no, it's fine, it's all fine. My three acquaintances are quite beautiful, right ? Mhm, mhm, I understand, I really do.

Guy: H- huh...

" 'That sounded shady as all hell, Kazuma.' Look, we're here to help you guys out, ok ? You see that blonde-haired armored lady ? Let me tell you, she's even more amazing without her armor. I mean, just look at those hips !"

Guy: H- Huuh... *Glups*

Kazuma: The blue-haired Onee-chan over there really likes sake you know ? If you say that you'll buy her sake, she'll be really happy. As for the black-haired girl... Uhmm, you know, she raises a cat, so she probably likes cute things. She might be happy if you bring her somewhere with cute animals to see.

Guys: ... Th- Then, we will take you up on your kind offer...

"Well, it's decided. We'll see you guys later, so go all out for today and have fun, vent out your stress, ok ? Oh, and please try not to cause any trouble starting tomorrow. "

Guys: Eh ?

Aqua: ... Listen up, okay ? I didn't bring any spare change with me, alright ? However, the great Aqua will not take any cheap sake, ok ?

Tourist: P- Please, leave it to me ! The three of us have a lot of money, after all, our relatives are all from upper-class society. If need be, you can leave all your expenses in this town to us !

"Ahh, he just said the magic words."

Kazuma: Well then, please enjoy yourselves, you guys. We're gonna go and relax as well, so please take care of them.

"Don't try to ditch them or run away, okay ?"

Darkness: ... J- Just how far are you going to push my expectations... the part where you don't seem to be putting up a front but rather, sounds completely serious, is really unbearable. I can't help but feel a chill down my spine... This is just another one of your tricks, right ? Just a facade, right ?

"... Does this looks like the face of someone joking ?"

Darkness: ... Hey, you guys, just a warning, but don't try to do anything weird to us. Otherwise, who knows what that man who's called the "One man army" in Belzerg will do to you ?

Guys: Eh ?

Megumin: That's right. Judging by their attitudes that allowed them to leave some weak and beautiful girls like us behind without hesitation, just what kind of person do you think they are ? If you don't treat us well, they will bare their fangs. Despite how that one looks, he has the ability to infiltrate the heavy security of a noble's mansion, and has no qualms using force to get his way. If you make him your enemy, don't even think about sleeping.

Guys: ... ... ...

Aqua: Hey, don't say such terrible things about them. It's true that Kazuma blew up the mansion of an authoritative figure and was labeled a traitor to the nation, and Y/n might have grown to a sadistic sociopath with ties to shady organizations, but...

Kazuma: 'Hey Aqua, please try harder. There's no one else to follow up on you, so please try harder !

Guys: ... Uhm, actually, I think we'll pass on this, I don't want to have any ties...

"Kazuma, we're leaving now."


Aqua: They ran ! They really left us behind !!

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