Chapter 92: Takeover

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Sooo... It take it your time without these three was enjoyable ? I could hear the cries all the way from the street."

Kazuma: Yup. Who would've thought I'd join a Yu-Gi-Oh competition in another world and wipe the floor with everyone there ?

"Not me. I wonder which guy introduced the game here after being transported... You think he asked for his power to be that ?"

Kazuma: That would be pretty cool. How was your time ?

"Oh, you know... Just walking around, finding the merchant street, putting half of them out of business, the usual."

Kazuma: yeah, the usual... Wait, what ?

"Damn Kazuma, I can hear them begging for mercy from up there... Please stop pulling the infinite loop combos..."

Merchant: Hello there, young lad ! I take it you're not from here, are you ? Would you care to buy something ?

'... Either I'm imagining things... Or these are the stuff Kazuma showed to Vanir back in Axel...'

Merchant: Impressed, are you ? That's right, these are rare wares, in direct provenance from the Belzerg kingdom !

"... What I'm impressed are the ludicrous prices you're asking for ! What the hell is that ?!"

Merchant: Listen, these are regular prices for products of this quality. If you're not happy, try somewhere else.

"... You know what ? I'll do better than that."

Merchant: Wh- What the hell is that ?!

"Oh, hello fellow merchant. How's business ?"

Merchant: How the hell can you sell these at a quarter of my price ?!

"Well, you see... You're not dealing with the average merchant here. That's the perk of being under contract with the actual producer and not doing Dropshipping like the rest of you. So step aside while I get my special express deliveries."

Merchant: It was 10 minutes ago !!

"And that's Windings delivery services i'm using, here's my card. Oh, and by the way, i'm buying out your stall, so join the rest please."

Kazuma: Not a day in and already taking hold of the economy are you ?

"That's the perks. The sturdy items you developed can handle the rougher transport, so getting them here in record time is no trouble at all. And speaking of, here's your share."

Kazuma: ... Development, production, distribution...

"Only by taking hold of these three nodes can we control the whole economy. And we handle that perfectly. And now I'm hungry."

Kazuma: there's a pasta store right there.

Waitress: Welcome, is it only the two of you ? If that's the case, sit anywhere you like on the counter.

Kazuma: ... So, do you plan on taking hold of that whole country's economy ?

"Nah... I'm not one to deal with casinos, what happened was just a stunt. Dropshipping like that just pisses me off."

Kazuma: I know, I know...

Client: My, what a yield we had today ! A toast for Elroad ! Even these news about that guy buying out the merchant street can't darken that board !

Guy: You got that right; With business going this well already, everything seems to go well no matter what we do. I was worried when I heard that his highness would be leaving on a diplomatic trip for a long period of time, but my, isn't the prince a lot more capable than we thought ?

Kazuma: ... hey, wasn't there rumors about economic difficulties here ? What's that about business going well ?

"I don't know... Well, that guy buying out do seems familiar to me, that's for sure, but the rest..."

Guy: But you know, the reason our business is going so well is probably due to the management of the Prime Minister. Although the idiot prince seems to have the last call on political manners, I heard that he doesn't do anything but play around all day.

Client: Rather than a toast for Elroad, we should have a toast for the Prime Minister !

Guys: Ohh, a toast to the Prime Minister !

"... So the one pulling the strings here's actually the Prime Minister, huh... Wouldn't that mean he's the one who cut the support to Belzerg ?"

Kazuma: But if the King isn't here at the moment... Isn't it normal for royalty to get involved in politics, even at Iris' age ?


Client: Wh- What's that ?! An Earthquake ?!

"Oh look, Kazuma. An explosion."

Kazuma: Yup. Good thing we're not with them at the moment, isn't it ?

Aqua: So, you two are back ? How was your sightseeing ?

"Well, I take both you three and us two had our share of fun... Unlike your dates... Where's the third one ?"

Kazuma: One's missing, one's frozen in place, and the third one's in foetal position...

Megumin: Kazuma, I know you don't want to hear this, but I think it would better for you guys to know.

Kazuma: ... Alright, let's hear it.

"Start with the missing one, please."

Darkness: Erm... When he heard that we had just arrived, he said that "In order to soothe our stress from traveling, we should first head to a high-class healthcare facility, and take our time to enjoy ourselves while we're there"...

"Okay... Sounds reasonable..."

Darkness: When he brought us to the healthcare facility, I noticed that they had my favorite sand bath. When you take a sand bath, you lie down on the floor wearing something called a yu-ka-ta, and then you are buried in heated sand. It's truly a wonderful experience, but... For some reason, that man thoughtlessly followed my lead and took a sand bath as well. And then he said "Alright, I will stay in this longer than Darkness-chan, and show my guts and coll sides !", so I unconsciously got serious about it as well...

"I thought I heard a thing about a mummy being found there, so it was him... At least that explains why one's missing... What about the one on the ground ?"

Megumin: ... ... uhm, right. So, that person said "I'll bring everyone to somewhere nice" and brought us to a creek outside town... And then he was like "Look at this, how'd you like it ? This is a famous scenic spot in this town, known as the onion duck breeding grounds. They're really cute right ?" While looking proudly at the mob of onion ducks. Well, you should know this, but onion ducks are monsters that gives a large amount of experience points, you see ? So I was like, "Why don't I clean them up in one fell swoop using Explosion magic ?"... After that, he looked like he received some massive shock, and has been like that ever since...

Kazuma: he brought you to a flock of ducks just to have them blown away before his very eyes...

"Man, they're delicious when Explosion-cooked. Okay, and worst for last, what did Aqua do this time ?"

Aqua: H- hey, I didn't do anything wrong.

"So what did she do ?"

Megumin: Um, you see...

Tourist: Gh... After getting dead-drunk in this town's most high-grade store, this Onee-chan said "Let me show you a super-duper amazing performance !" and freely used the store's equipment and started some kind of show. No, it was a truly amazing performance. It really was, but you know, how could anyone have possibly known that there were no special tricks being used at all ?! Hey, an entire grand piano completely disappeared after being wrapped in a handkerchief, you know ? From size alone, there's no way that it could be hidden in a handkerchief, right ?!

"Oh, so she did that one, huh ?"

Tourist: A- After that, that high-class store charged us for the equipment and piano that was used for the performance, you see... And then, the onion duck cultivation center... I didn't even ask for them to pay the full reparations, all I asked was for them to pay half... Ah ! Hay wait, I'll be scolded by my parents at this rate ! Even a third is fine... !

Iris: How was Elroad ? Did everyone have a good time ?

"Some did. Some didn't. On another note, after paying for their stuff, Aqua and Megumin both own me about..."

Kazuma: A few legends were created in this town today.

Iris: Oh... ?

Darkness: Well, lady Iris, you must be tired from today's activities, so why don't you sleep early tonight in preparation for tomorrow ? To allow you to rest comfortably, I've requested that your meal be directly sent to your room. Please rest well.

Iris: Isn't it rather early to go to sleep ? Well, it's true that I too want to prepare well for tomorrow, but...

Darkness: Lady Iris, your meeting tomorrow is of utmost importance. Just for today, I feel that you must absolutely go to sleep early, so that you may display the limits of your beauty tomorrow.

Iris: ... Is that so ? I understand. Well then, I will retire early for tonight.

Darkness: ... Alright, then let us go to sleep early as well. After all, we have an important meeting tomorrow. Although I feel it's rather early, resting when we should is also part of the job as bodyguards !

'... one hour before everything starts falling apart with her plan...'

"... Why do I keep being right ? Why do I keep seeing it coming from miles away ? And why do they keep on choosing the worst possible approach every single damn time ?"

Darkness: Don't call it dirty fantasies ! I am Dustiness Ford Lalatina ! I have decided that regardless of the difficulties ahead of me, I will never run away... !

Megumin: What's with all this noise, don't you think you're being a bit annoying ?! Just what the heck are you doing ?!

Kazuma: Save me Megumin, i'm being violated !!

Darkness: Aah, y- you ?!

Megumin: Geez, just what the heck is going through your mind, Darkness ? Although I'm not telling you to stop being in heat, Iris is also staying at this hotel, you know ? At the very least, please wait until we get home to do that kind of thing.

Darkness: Y- You're mistaken Megumin ! There's a reason for this !

Kazuma: What is there to misunderstand ? You even tried to drug me. The glass was laced with a sleeping drug, right ? If you weren't thinking of doing "That", why don't you drink the sake with the cup you brought ? After I fall asleep from the drug, you were planing on "Amusing yourself" with my body, am I wrong ? After all, you already have a previous offense.

Darkness: Y- Y- Y- You're wr... ! That's not what I was thinking, I have a valid reason for this...

Kazuma: What is there to misunderstand when you're dressed in such a shameless fashion ? Just a little bit more and I'll be able to see "A variety of thing". It's futile to say anything, Darkness ! Come on, just come clean and tell us your true intentions !

Darkness: This is, uhm ! Uu, this is... because you will undoubtedly do something strange during tomorrow's meeting, I decided that I would drug you to force you to sleep for a while. But I couldn't help but feel that it would be pitiful if you stayed asleep the entire time during our stay at the nation of entertainment, so...

Kazuma: I see, so the reason you're dressed that way is because you intended to give a bit of "Service" was it ? In any case, you were surely thinking to yourself that "Keep going like this... !" and actually looked forward to this just a little bit, right ? Geez, you're such an obscene noble lady aren't you ?!

Darkness: You're wro... ! U... U... I wouldn't deny it any longer, I am an obscene noble lady...

"See ? That's the first step, accepting your own faults."

Darkness: Ah ?!

Kazuma: And they keep showing up...

"Oh, I won't stay long... I'm just a little agitated, you see... Since some people can't seem to understand that they shouldn't make so much noise at night..."

Kazuma: Wh- What... ?

"Run that neck, boy. You're looking submissive and breakable."

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