Chapter 93: No funds ?

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aqua: Woah... Hey, hey, this castle is pretty expensive-looking, isn't it ? Darkness, regardless of whether it's the size of the financial sector or the size of the Castle, doesn't our capital lose to this place in a variety of ways ?

"The former now partially belongs to me, so I don't think it could be sed as a measuring unit anymore..."

Megumin: This is really something else isn't it ? If I struck this place with Explosion magic, I wonder what would happen ? I feel like I might start chanting just thinking about it.

"Aaaand that's the part when you go back to the hotel and let grown-ups handle that matter. So move along, Megumin."

Aqua: Hey, hey, if I do a performance to change the sign on the castle's flag to the insignia of the Axis cult, do you think they'll be surprised ?

Darkness: Aqua, Aqua. When we get back to Axel, I'll have House Dustiness donate to the Axis Cult, so please act maturely for today.

"... ... Why did we bring these kids along... Kazuma, let's please forget I put that cast around your neck and act like adults for once-"

Kazuma: Alrighty then, let's see how much of a man that little brat we're going to meet is. I wonder how long he'll last under my attacks ?

"That's it, all of you guys will have the privilege to test the new Winding express delivery. Not only am I a bodyguard while you guys tagged along for laughs and giggles, we now are representative for our nation, so be a bit more conscious of your behavior."

Iris: ... This is my first meeting with the prince, but I don't feel nervous at all because everyone is here with me. Thank you, everyone.

Kazuma: See ? Iris is completely calm and displaying proper manners. Despite being her retainers, why are you two being the noisiest of all of us ?

"... After we're done here, the expression 'having a stick up your butt' will lose all figurative meaning for you, Kazuma."

???: Geez, this is why Belzerg's commoners are so... making a fuss in front of the castle, do you even know what etiquette is ?

'... His majesty, I suppose. You guys all behave, now. Or else no allowance.'

Iris: Uhm... Are you the first prince of Elroad, Revi-sama ? I am the first princess of Belzerg, Iris. I came all the way here to see you, so I'm happy we are able to meet today.

Darkness: L- Lady iris...

Revi: So you're my fiancé ? Although I heard that even the female children of the Belzerg family are militants, you actually look pretty weak. And here I was thinking that I would see a strong a cool appearance. How disappointing.

Iris: Eh ? Ah, uhm... Sorry...

Kazuma: ... 'So, how is the evaluation of that prince's behavior going so far ?'

'Guess Loli-Claire was right in saying they look down on Belzerg...'

Revi: And why do you have so few bodyguards ? Is Belzerg really that poor ? Instead of only training your muscles, it would be better to put some efforts into training your heads so that you can earn some money, you know ?

Retainers: *Pompous laughter*

'Ah, the retainers too. That's two strikes. At five I buy out the country.'

Kazuma: 'Let's not get ahead of ourselves and go too far... Just how is this nation allied or in good relations with ours... ?'

'Remember what these guys said at the store ? It's the Minister's doing.'

Revi: on top of that, your bodyguards aren't really anything to write home about either. Their age aside, their equipment looks pretty cheap. i'm actually impressed that you managed to get here safely.

Megumin: ... ... ... if you're looking for a fight, then I'll bring it to you.

"I think I get it now... That was a diplomatic scheme. The big idea was making the prince provoke us so we'd get a bad impression of him... Although I can't see the reason they'd do that..."

Kazuma: Well, they made a single, small miscalculation then...

Retainers: You're mistaken ! Prince Revi is not familiar with your nation, and doesn't know about the existence of the Crimson magic Clan ! We weren't trying to provoke you or belittle you at-

Megumin: Oh darkness blacker than black, and darker than dark...

Retainers: prince, look at them closely ! That is a crimson Magic clansman ! They're a troublesome group of people that even the Demon King is forced to acknowledge. They're a group of people that don't understand jokes, so please don't say any more careless things !

Revi: I- I understand, I'm sorry ! It was my mistake, so please stop chanting your magic !

Megumin: ... I'll turn a blind eye this time, but don't let there be a second time, alright ? My name is Megumin, the one controls Explosion magic, and the one who has buried a countless number of Demon King army generals. It would be better for you to not anger me.

Retainer: Understood, Megumin-dono. We will work hard to ensure that this never happens again !

Darkness: Guh... Uuuh...

"Shhh, don't start crying now... We avoided something regrettable, so-"

Aqua: I don't really understand this, but the willingness to apologize is a good thing; When you said that "We're nothing to write home about", I wanted to give you a taste of my holy fist, but I will forgive you this time.

"... ... ... Okay, now you can start crying."

Revi: You imbecile, you're just a mere priest. You dare to...

retainer: prince, prince, she is an Axis cultist. On top of that, considering her blue hair and the way she's dressed, she must be an extremely passionate one ! Axis Cultists are said to be more troublesome than Leisure Girls and more tenacious than undead.

Revi: Eek ?!

Aqua: hey, I would much prefer that you stop putting Axis Cultists in the same group as leisure girls and undead ! Apologize ! Apologize for putting my children in the same rank as monsters !


"Then apologize for having them acting as such, Eris Christ... And you, stop trying to blast off anything that remotely inconvenience you."

Revi: ... if that's the case, then the blonde-haired knight is not an ordinary person either, is she ?

Retainer: Prince, that person over there is Dustiness-Kyo. They're a family that's known as the shield of the royal family, and they have many powerful knights in every generation; I would advise against making her your enemy...

Revi: ... ... ... ...

"Ah, where are my manners, your majesty. I doubt that you've heard about me, but in any case, here is my business card."

Revi: W... Wingdings... CEO... ?

Retainer: S- Sir ! We had no idea you were coming for business !

"When summoned directly by the royal family, one cannot turn it down. Although I am surprised you'd know me already."

Revi: ... ... He is ?

"The reason our entourage is limited to that small number of people."

Retainer: "One-man army", and president of the Wingdings company. Arguably among the most powerful and richest persons in Belzerg.

"You flatter me."

Revi: ... ... 'That means, that ordinary-looking man over there is also...'

retainer: 'No, I've never seen or heard of him. he's probably a pack mule or something.'

Kazuma: 'I'll make sure to send you packing alright.'

???: What is all this noise about ?

'Precisely-tailored clothing, overwhelming presence, and air of composure... I wouldn't surprised if-'

Retainers: Prime Minster, sir ! No, this is...


Iris: N- Nice to meet you. I am the first princess of Belzerg, iris. I am honored to meet you.

Minister: Oh my oh my, from the rumors I've heard about the Belzerg family, I would've never imagined that they would have such a cute princess. I am the prime Minister of this nation, Ragcraft. I shall be in your care. Well then, please come this way, Lady Iris. I've already prepared a warm reception, so...

Aqua: ... ... ...

Ragcraft: Wh- What is it, priest ? Is there something about me ?

Aqua: I don't really get it, but I can't help but feel that there is something weird about you, uncle. However, you don't stink like a devil or have the presence of an undead you see... hey, do you happen to be friends with any devils , Or are you raising undead as a pet or something like that ?

Darkness: M- My apologies, Ragcraft sir ! This person is well known as a strange person even amongst cultists !

Ragcraft: No, there's no helping it if she's an Axis cultist. Ah, please, I really don't mind, so...

"... ... Kazuma, let's discuss something real quick..."

Kazuma: Don't tell me you believe aqua on that ?

"There's one point where her goddess sense is rarely wrong, and it's about that... Remember how she could always tell whether I had business with Vanir recently ?"

Kazuma: You don't mean.

"Things are starting to align in a way I don't particularly like... let's keep an eye out, just in case."

iris: I- I ask of you, somehow, please !

Ragcraft: Even if you say that, no can do. My nation is currently undergoing financial difficulties. Please look a this welcome party. Even though this is the reception of the princess of our important allied nation, Belzerg, we had no choice but to cut even those costs, and save on accommodations. That's why, regardless of how much lady Iris pleads us, we are unable to take the burden of providing defense funding any longer.

Iris: However, from what I've seen of this nation, I don't believe that it's undergoing any financial difficulties...

Ragcraft: No, that's just how it appears from a foreign nation's perspective. All the people of this nation are suffering, and we don't have anything to spare to support you...

Iris: I- Is that so...

Kazuma: ... This is the time you step up and tell them about that thing.

"usually it would be Darkness' job..."

Kazuma: She's too busy looking after the two problem child eating and drinking without a care.

"Got it. Hrm, Ragcraft sir ? May I have a word ?"

Iris: O- Oni-sama ?

Ragcraft: If I remember correctly, you are Lady iris' bodyguard. I am currently having an important conversation with her, so could you please wait until later ?

"I think it has everything to do with me, both as her guardian, a businessman, and a citizen of Belzerg."

Ragcraft: ... I see. Lady iris called you Onii-sama, so could it be that you are... I heard that you were supposed to be fighting on the frontlines against the Demon King army, so could it be that my information was wrong ? Anyways, regardless of who comes to request us, we are unable to provide any more support. My apologies, but please give up on this.

"i see... if that's the case, maybe we should directly ask prince Revi for that matter, Iris. After all, we came all the way here to negotiate with the royal family."

Ragcraft: Wha- ?! Didn't I already tell you that we don't have anything to spare ? Furthermore, the politics of this nation are under my management, so even if the Prince says anything...

"well, you see, that's where I have to disagree... After all, doesn't the Prince have the final word to say in any political matter while his father is away ? Also, maybe you don't know, but the people of this nation have nothing but praise for you. Saying that 'Business is going well thanks to the prime Minister' and the like. Business is boomin', and yet the country is in difficulty ? Something isn't adding up there."

Ragcraft: ... ... I understand. However, please discuss this matter with the Prince himself, as I have no authority to say anything to him.

"Thank you very much. Iris, could you just wait for a second ?"

"Aqua, I need to talk to you. It's about that Prime Minister."

Aqua: What about it ? For once, he showed proper respect to the Axis Cult...

"N- No, it's not about that... It's about that devil presence you felt from him... if you ever feel something similar from the palace... Let me know immediately."

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