Chapter 94: Gambler

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Iris: Prince Revi, how do you do ? May I have a word with you ?

Revi: ... Now's a bad time, but what do you want to say ? I don't have anything to say to the Belzerg's barbaric princess, alright ?

"... Your majesty, with all due respect, I'd ask for you to talk with a little more reverence. You wouldn't want a diplomatic incident to spark, would you ?"

Iris: O- Onii-sama !

Revi: Wha- ?! You imbecile, you dare say such... Onii-sama ?

Iris: Onii-sama, please don't act so imprudently. I must procure the defense and expedition funding for my nation. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to reward the adventurers for their efforts. Please, even if it's just for my sake, could you endure this ?

"Even if you say that, his attitude is hardly fitting of someone talking to their fiancé. I'll keep it low, but don't expect me to just let him walk all over me."

Revi: Uhhh... ...

"Hr- Hm. My apologies, your highness. As bodyguard of lady Iris, i'm sure you understand I can hardly stay as calm when she is belittled. Not only me, but the Axis cultists and Crimson magic girl are also pretty protective of her, so you should be wary."

Revi: Hie ?! N- No, hm... I said too much as well, so let us consider this as water under the bridge.

'Bingo. I knew he'd be scared of these two.'

Iris: Actually, prince, about the defense and support funding...

Revi: No. I head about it from Ragcraft. My answer has already been decided. Absolutely no.

" 'Talk about being unapproachable' Your highness, if I may... After seeing and hearing it myself, I am fairly convinced the economic situation is far from dire, so may I ask you for your reasons ? After all, if Belzerg loses Elroad's support and ends up being conquered by the Demon King's army, Elroad will surely be next in line."

Revi: You don't need to worry about that. We have already ideas in store. Rather, from today onwards, my nation has no intention of opposing the Demon king's army. Thus, it will be hard to ask for our cooperation even if it's not related to funding or support.

"... Ideas in store... No opposition ? Please tell me this is not what I think it is..."

Iris: That is... ! W- What do you mean ? If that's the case, what will become of the alliance between our nations ?

Revi: We have our own circumstances. We can continue to be allied, but we do not want to incite the demon King army you see ? Ah, also, while we're at it, let's dissolve our engagement. In the first place, my parents decided it on their own. To start with, I didn't want to marry a barbaric Belzerg princess.
Revi the Uncultured Swine: Once I heard that the ladies were stronger than men there, I decided that there was no way I would marry you.

Iris: ... I don't care the slightest about the marriage, but as for your complete refusal to support... !

Revi: It doesn't matter if you show that kind of expression, the answer is still no. if you consider yourself to be a member of royalty, then... Gu- Wa- wait, stop, I can't breath... ! Hey, stop... !

"Iris, while I very much understand your feelings, please do not take matter That much into your own hands..."

Revi: Gu... ! W- What a barbaric girl ! As I thought, I made the right choice by dissolving this engagement. This is enough. Since you're done saying what you need to say, scram !

Iris: ... I understand.

Revi: I see. Then-

Iris: I will return tomorrow.

Revi: ... Eh ?

Iris: I will come visit tomorrow. No, not just tomorrow. I will come visit the day after, and the day after that. Until I managed to secure the support, I will come visit as many times as I need to.

Revi: ... D- Do as you like !

Iris: Yes, I will return !

Revi: H- Hey, you can only bring one bodyguard tomorrow ! And don't bring the crimson magic clansman ir the axis cultist ! The same goes for the House Dustiness' lady ! You're only permitted to bring your "Brother" or whoever he is !

Aqua: Well then, we'll be going. I feel like I'll definitely win today, 'cause when I was drinking tea earlier, the tea stem was floating upright !

Kazuma: Aqua, since sunrise, weren't you making tea and converting it back into water until the stem stood up ?

Darkness: Y/n, I'll leave Lady iris to you, ok ? Although I feel somewhat helpless, but since the other party had told me not to come, it cant' be helped. I will go and investigate this town. At the very least, I should look for information that we can use as leverage in our negotiations.

"I'll leave these... Various matters to you guys. And Kazuma, you know what to do, right ?"

Kazuma: Yes, yes... I'll try to mitigate it...
iris: We'll be going then. We will absolutely secure the support funding !

Darkness: ... Y/n, sorry I can't help. I'll leave the rest to you. Originally, I was supposed to be responsible for this sort of things, while your job was to be a bodyguard...

"And I shall do just that, you focus on what you can do. And don't worry, I also devised some measures to ensure negotiations go our way."

Aqua: We'll be going too ! If I earn a lot of money, I'll buy you a souvenir, Kazuma !

"... We come all this way, and you throw some kind of trial at us ? What exactly are you up to ?"

Revi: Not much. Yesterday, I thought that our negotiations were over. However, you guys said that you wanted it to continue. From my perspective, there's no merit to be found in further negotiations, but... I like interesting things. Fight my subordinates here. If you win, then I'll listen to what you have to say. How's that, will you accept ?

Iris: I'll accept !

"... Well, even though i'm the bodyguard, it doesn't looks like any help from me will be needed there."

Knights: Prince Revi, allow me to handle this ! No, allow me ! I'll show this cheeky lady what proper manners are ! Please wait. I am the weakest amongst the knights here. It would only be proper for me to go first...

Revi: Well, just wait up you guys... Hey, are you fine with fighting ? Are you sure you don't want your "Brother" over there to fight instead ?

Iris: It doesn't matter. It wouldn't reach the point where Onii-sama would need to make a move. I alone am enough. Well then everyone, feel free to come at me anytime !

Knight: It's not one-on-one ? Even if you're a princess of the Belzerg clan who are famous for being militants, aren't you looking down on us too much ?

Iris: That's not what I intended... However, I'll take on as many opponents as needed. I am prepared for it anytime, you see ? EXTERION !!


Knight: ... Huh ?

"Iris, please go easier on these poor knights. They need their swords for training and their job, so take a practice one with blunt edges."

Iris: Ah ! You're right. My apologies... Sorry I broke your sword.

Knight: Eh- ?! N- No, uhm... I_ It's fine, please don't worry about it...

Iris: Well then everyone, please treat me well !!

Iris: U- Uhm, will you listen... To what I have to say ?

Revi: Y- yes. Please tell...

"1, 2, 3, 4... Okay, time to evacuate the bodies..."

Revi: ... What is he doing ?

"Oh, just taking these poor ones to get treated... In style."

Iris: Thank you for being willing to listen to what I have to say ! Well then...

Revi: Wait ! I agreed to listen, but I never said that I would support you ! Don't get ahead of yourself !

"... There are no witnesses. Let's make a 'regrettable and tragic incident' happen, why don't we ?"

Revi: Hie- ?!

Iris: W- We can't do that, Onii-sama ! If we do that then we won't be able to get the money !

Revi: ... One-tenth.

Iris: Eh ?

Revi: One-tenth ! I'll give you one-tenth first. M- Mhm, it's true that it would be a problem if we cut the support fees all at once. So we will continue to give one-tenth !

Iris: N- No way ! One-tenth is a bit...

revi: heh. For a country bumpkin, you have entertained me quite well. Consider this a reward ! If you desire more money, then satisfy me more !

"... Aight. Just bring more knights and I'll show you real fireworks."

Revi: T- That's not what I meant ! Who said I was going to let you abuse my subordinates ! I said for you to entertain me ! Tomorrow ! Come here again tomorrow ! I'll prepare an opponent that will surprise you. If you win, then I will increase the budget again. Understood ?

Iris: Onii-sama, I only managed to get one-tenth back...

"You got a tenth already. He was planning on cutting it off completely, and on top of that, he's giving you more chances to earn the support back. So all we need to do is keep it up and eventually we'll have everything, plus what is needed for launching a counter-attack."

Iris: ... Although I don't think that it will be that simple, I feel much better. Onii-sama, please take care of me tomorrow as well.

"I think it'll be more than just care."

iris: EXTERION !!


Revi: Y- Y- Y- You're kidding me, right ?!

"Hey, stop putting the blame on others. I did warn you, didn't I ?"

Revi: Th- the moment you saw the Griffon, you were clamoring how that whole battle was unfair !

"Yes. You were really expecting a single Griffon to stand against Iris ? How unfair for that poor winged beast."

Iris: I did it, Onii-sama !

"I never doubted you for even a second. Guess today's not the day I'll have to step in either."

Iris: please don't go too harsh when you do. Uhm, Prince Revi, then as per our agreement...

Revi: I- I get it, I get it ! I will increase the support funding, so hurry up and put that sword away ! Stop pointing the tip towards me ! H- However, I am merely increasing it. Counting yesterday's portion, the support funding adds-up to one-and-a-half tenth. Now, that's all for today... H- Haah ?!

"Sorry, you majesty, but I'm afraid I didn't hear it very clearly... You said two-tenth just now, didn't you ?"

Revi: H- hey, let go ! that's too close ! Are you trying to threaten me ?!

"Far from it. we're here for peaceful negotiations where no one gets hurt. Hence why I'd hate for one of the parties to go back on their words."

Revi: Then hurry up and let go !

"Hm... In that case, how about a game with me ?"

Revi: J- just who would continue to...

"i'm not talking about a fight, don't worry; After the sorry spectacle of your attempts to beat Iris, this would yield the same result. I said I wanted to play a little game with you, that's all. You are the prince of the 'great nation of casinos', so do you like gambling ?"

Revi: A game contest ? If you win, I'll increase the support funding. Is that what you mean ?

"You catch on quick. And right after winning a gamble, there's something called 'Double-or-nothing', isn't it ? So, what about it ?"

Revi: ... Alright, if I lose, then I will increase the support funding to two-tenths. However, if you lose, then what will you pay me with ?

"... ... A tenth for a tenth. If you win, you will get a tenth of Winding company's profits, immediately."

Revi: I don't want anything from a meager Belzerg countryside thing. How about the support funding going to zero if you lose ? Not a decrease, but zero; To start with, I followed through with your selfishness under the name of "negotiation", so a compromise of this extent is necessary. Regardless of whether you come everyday from now on, and regardless of how much funding you've accumulated, if you lose once, then everything returns to zero. how's that, still want to do it ?

"... Alright, that's fine. Do you mind if I decide the contents of our match ?"

Revi: Huh ?

"Let's keep it simple. You see this hundred-eris coin ? All you have to do is decide what side it'll land on."

Revi: ... Basically, it's a pure gambling contest ? Are you an idiot ? It's too late to go back on your word, alright ? Head... No, Tails ! I choose Tails !

"Very. Here goes the coin, spinning and spinning in the air..."

"What a shaaaaaaame. I got a-head."

Revi: Dammiiiiittt !!

Iris: We did it Onii-sama ! With this, we have two-tenths ! Two-tenths !

Revi: D- Don't get ahead of yourselves after a single win, alright ? Unlike you guys, all I need to do is win once; brace yourself for what's coming tomorrow !

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