Chapter 95: Ten tense tenths

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:



Revi: Hieeeee ?!

"Well, the mob of golems is down. Looks like advantage through numbers was just as pointless as one-on-one fighting."

Iris: I did it, Onii-sama !

"Once again, I never expected otherwise from you. If anything, you're just wasting time and enemies, your majesty. Why not stop being so stubborn ?"

Revi: You... If you want the support funding then you will need to keep winning. The current total is two-and-a-half tenths. Now then, what will you do ? Do you still want to have a match with me today ?

"Haaah... Once more, the coin toss..."

Revi: Hmpf, you have guts ! I don't know how good your luck is, but I am a member of Elroad's royalty, whom have garnered their fortune from casinos. Just how long do you think you'll be able to keep wining ?

"... ... ..."

"Well, with that we've recovered three tenths of the funds. At this rate, a week more and we'll have come back to the original rate."

Darkness: ... Should I say "As expected" ? How should I say this... I can't help but think there's something underhanded about all of that...

Aqua: Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san. Could you accompany me tomorrow ? Come with me to the casino, please. Just for tomorrow only, I will call you Kazuma-sama, ok ?

Kazuma: No way. Anyhow, didn't you gamble away all your spare change yesterday ? So what exactly did you do today ?

Aqua: Hehe. I went to the adventurer's guild today. Iris subjugated a lot of monsters while we were on our way here right ? I, the wise and cunning Aqua-

"*Choking noises*... nevermind, go on."

Aqua: ... I, the wise and cunning Aqua, gathered the expensive parts of the monsters, you see ?

"So all you did was make profit out of the monsters Iris defeated, huh ? Give half of it to her."

Aqua: No !!

Iris: Uhm, Onii-sama... Since I'm not an adventurer, I'm unable to sell monster ingredients for money. So it doesn't bother me...

"It's about not letting her push her luck; if you spoil her, you'll regret it very soon."

Megumin: I will look after Aqua tomorrow, ok ? If we leave her alone she might rack up a debt at the casino.

Kazuma: '... if it's Megumin we're talking about, then she wouldn't become a gambling-addict, unlike Aqua...'

Darkness: I don't have anything more to investigate, so what should I do tomorrow... ?

Aqua: Hey, if that's the case, come with me tomorrow. As your senior in casinos, I will teach you everything there is to know.

Darkness: ... You're not trying to coax me into giving you more allowance, are you ?

"She definitely is. Anyway, leave the support funding to us. At this rate, we'll be plucking the prince dry- I mean, we'll get it back in no time."

"There we go. Two Tails in a row. It's your loss again."

Revi: Whyyyyyy !!

Iris: We did it Onii-sama ! With this, the defense funding has been entirely restored !

"Was there any doubt ? So your highness, I take it you were shown the worth of Belzerg, weren't you ? Be it in battle skills or gambling luck."

Iris: After that, is the offense funding that I had originally intended to request...

Revi: W- Wait wait ! That funding is a big "No" ! Leaving the continuation of the defense funding aside, if we provide funds that are used to attack the Demon King Army, then a variety of problems will arise...

"... Your prudent behavior is honorable, but is this really fine by you ? Letting us go with such a streak of losses, isn't it a bit humiliating for the prince of the Casino nation ?"

Revi: Like I would fall for such an obvious taunt. The reason I accepted these matches was because nothing would really change even if I lost to you. If I win, then I'll be able to publicly announce the cutting of funding for a just cause. However, my nation does not want to agitate the Demon King Army. Thus, we will not provide any funding that is used for the sake of attacking.

"... 'So, an actually competent prince, are you... Fine.' Are you certain about that ? Who knows, you might win this time."

Revi: How heavy-handed of you. Having lost that many times already, do you believe that I honestly think that I still have a chance of winning ? Who do you think I am ? i'm the prince of the great nation of Casinos you... Know... ?

"What's wrong ? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Revi: Ah... Ah... ?

Iris: Onii-sama, could it be that... From the beginning, you were deciding the side the coin would land on... ?

"The contents of the bet were extremely simple. 'Decide the side the coin would land on.' I don't remember saying anything about me having to win the toss, so why didn't you just grab the coin yourself ?"

Iris: Wah ! As expected of Onii-sama ! There's no one that's better at playing around the rules like this !

"I learned from the best after all."

Revi: Y- You dirty dirty dirty bastard ! To think that you dared to use such tricks against me ! Do you have no shame as a member of royalty ?!

"For that, I'd need to be a member of royalty to begin with. So not at all. Besides, I am a fair player. Nothing was preventing you from interfering with the coin yourself before it landed."

Revi: Ku... This is why country bumpkins are... ! Well fine, despite being the prince of the great Nation of Casinos, I was foolish to have not seen through your trick. I wouldn't ask you to return the money.

"You better. After agreeing to the terms of the contract, breaking it would be quite shameful, making you appear like just a spoiled brat."

Revi: It's pointless to try to provoke me any further. My nation will continue to provide the defense funding, however, we will not increase it. This is absolute... To be precise, the one who called for the funding to be ceased was Ragcraft, you see ? The only reason I accepted it was because I didn't want to be wedded to some country-girl. Well, it's a shame that I didn't win in the end, but I had a lot of fun.

Revi: Well then, this is goodbye. I'll be praying for you guys to beat the Demon king, alright ?

Kazuma: ... I want to let that shitty brat go through some painful experiences.

Darkness: Alright, well said. As if I would just let Elroad, who can't do anything but earn money, look down on my nation of Belzerg ! I'll beat that little kid to death for making a fool of Lady Iris !

Megumin: I have no complaints of course. Mm, it doesn't matter if it's attacking the castle or anything else, just leave it to me. Even if it's just an underling, my comrade has been made fun of. A crimson magic clansman will not stand by and watch while such a thing happens.

Aqua: I don't really know what's happening, but I got the monster ingredients from Iris, so as long as it isn't anything scary, I'll help you guys out, ok ?

"... ... Hey, what am I hearing ? You guys aren't plotting anything, are you ?"

Kazuma: N- Nothing ! We're not doing anything ! Don't worry, it's-

Aqua: Nothing ! We did nothing ! Hey, let us out ! What's our crime ?! Tell us what our crime is ! This arrest is unjustified !

Guard: Y- You're asking about your crime... ? I never thought that you would say something so shameless, but... Late at night, you guys used some great magic that caused a thunderous roaring sound. Did you really think that no one would be angry ?

Megumin: ... In the town I live in, I was simply warned that "The terrain near the town might change, so please do it somewhere further away". isn't this just the first time I've released the magic near this town ? The people in this nation are really narrow-minded aren't they ?

Guard: You idiot ! If you really want to point fingers, then it's obviously just the people in your nation that are strange ! The people in this town thought that a war started and practically sprang from their beds you know ?!

Guard: The inspector will arrive in a short moment. If you have anything to say, please tell them instead. Well, releasing magic in the middle of the night and waking up all the citizens is not a really severe crime; You guys will probably just be fined, so just act mature and don't cause any more trouble.

"Sadly, that's like asking water not to get things wet. These troublesome kids create trouble no matter where they go."

Aqua: Ah ! Why weren't you helping us that time ?! You could have made us escape !

"i'm a bit more concerned with some of the diplomatic matter going on, not your shenanigans. And so is she."

Inspector: ... Is it these guys ?

Guard: Since someone used Explosion magic on the outskirt of the town, I quickly rushed to the scene, but when I arrived I found these people being chased by a large mob of undead. As they had left town at that time of day, and decided to use Explosion magic to subjugate undead, I decided to arrest them. The report is over there.

"No need for me to read it... I know exactly what they did and how they did it, even though I wasn't there... Don't mind me, I'll just sit aside and wait for when I need to pay the bill... Why is there a sofa in here ?"

Inspector: This is the nation of Elroad that has flourished from casinos, and it's not a place that has many particularly villainous criminals. This building in particular is a something like a protection facility for those who are so broke that they have no place to stay or for drunken tourists. A facility that makes sure that such people wouldn't die from the cold.

"... ... Has anyone named 'Dust' ever stayed there before... ?"

Guard: Not that I can remember.

"... So let him know there's an hotel ready for him here..."

Inspector: Now then, let's have you speak one by one.

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