i'm the strongest

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The show start with vale being destroy by Grimm and atlasien.

A rocket locker was seen to be landing down on another place. Then a person jump out the locker while holding her head in dizzy.

She reveal to a blond teenage girl, wear combat clothes.

[ Jalter arc, the sixth sister]

Jalter: dammit Pyrrha! I swear I'll punch you next time{grips her hand in angry}but not at this time{she quickly rush toward the tower as she take out her scroll}

She accidentally call her annoying brother number as she unconscious did while in rush.

Jaune:{pick up the call} Moshi Moshi~?

Jalter: Jaune!!{realize} shit! I call wrong number!

Jaune: what so hurry? Sis?

Jalter: I have no time for you Jaune!

Jaune: come on~ at least say hi to me once.

Jalter: my partner is about to do suicide choice of her life! And you just making yourself a joke right now!

Jaune:...is that all?

Jalter: yes!

Jaune: okay{hang up}

Scene chang to pyrrha niko getting sent flying off the beacon tower.

Pyrrha: is this my destiny?{mutter}

Everything around become slow. Pyrrha was free falling but suddenly someone caught in princess style on mid air.

?????: Not everything is connect to destiny, miss niko.

They disappear in blink before reappear on surface. Jalter just also arrive in time with team RW.

Jalter: Pyrrha!

the preson reaveling to be, who carrying Pyrrha in princess is Jalter adopt brother. He seem to be in 27. Wearing slim-fit matching black pants and black dress boots.

His appearance is very tall, lean and muscular man and is considered. He has snow-white hair and the Blindfold that cover his eye.

[ jaune "gojo" arc, the strongest being in remmant]

Jaune put her down as Pyrrha was kinda blushed in shy about the moment.

Jalter:?!{embrace her partner in relief}Thank Monty! You're okay!

Jaune: if you don't mind!{turn away}I'm about to end someone career.

Ruby: WAIT!{standing infront of him in blink} are you blind? I'm curious about your eye? Who are you?

Weiss: ruby...that's rude...

Ruby: I'm just curious. That's all

Jaune: first of all, I'm not blind I just cover my eye and second, I'm jalter brother, Jaune arc.

PRW:.....jalter brother!!

Jalter:more like adopted brother{annoying tone}

Jaune: Oh come on~ can you at least Say nice thing once?

Jalter: LIKE HELL I WOULD?!{yell at Jaune}

Jaune just smiling about it but jalter just realizing something.

Jalter: wait how did you get here that quick?

Jaune isn't gonna say anything about it or stay silent to ignore her question. He just look at his sister once before he turn his head to jalter and put his index finger on lips as he disappear in a blink.

Scene change to cinder fall waiting for maiden coming bad to her.

Cinder:\ there is a chance that girl somehow survive with aura but not at this high/

Jaune: you thought that invincible Sparta gonna die after that fall?

Cinder quickly turn with a flame spear. The maiden magic attack cause a expolore on other side of the tower. Smoke cover Jaune

Cinder: whoever you are. You're not special or strong. Because you're dead

Cinder was about to walk away but then she hear the voice

Jaune: Who are you calling....

Cinder swiftly turn to look at smoke as it wipes away, revealing to be Jaune, who not getting scratch of the magic. The surface underneath his was also undamge

Jaune: not special?

Cinder: HOW!?

Jaune: How what~?

Cinder: HOW DID YOU NOT GETTING KILLDE BY MY MAGIC!!.........wait wrong script

The camera move to Jaune holding his laugh before camera move to me, sans  sitting on chair with a forehead slap.

Sans: delete that scene now.


Cinder: impossisble. It should have killed you when it contact.

Jaune: it wasn't contant me but the thing it contant was my "infinity"that exsit between me and your semblance

Cinder: infinity?{getting curious}

Jaune: you don't know! Why don't you put your hand out

When Jaune let out his hand for cinder to reach as he moving his hand to let cinder to see it

Cinder:\there're no killing intent? It can't be hurt to find out/

Jaune: come on come on

it make cinder guard up as the woman began to walk closer to reach at Jaune Hand but when the woman try to Jaune hand. her hand slows down to point of stopping just before their hands meet

Cinder: huh?\is this some kinda a barrier?/

Jaune: see? I know you think this is some kinda a barrier between you and me but this concept is different. You're not exactly stop by the barrier but the closer you get, the slower you go

Cinder:\my hand...is actually going slower! So this is what exactly infinity is/

Jaune: what dadadya think? we could just hold hand like this

He disactivate his semblance. Cinder hand finally touch Jaune hand.

Cinder: No thank

Jaune: is that so....then too bad...{grab cinder hand}

Cinder: YO-

Jaune:for you{he strike at cinder stomach}

He delivery a powerfull palm strike at cinder. Jaune swiftly attack her so fast even cinder can't react to it

Cinder cough out of blood. The woman was confuse about what Jaune attack her with. She couldn't concentrate about a moment before she receive multiple strike in the stomach

Jaune let go off cinder hand as the false maiden sent flying off the tower in slow motion. Jaune raise up his index finger as he explains.

Jaune: Infinity is something naturally there. My semblance just bring it into reality.

Jaune create A small red sphere of empty space ontop of his index finger.

Jaune: convergence and divergence...if you touch this empty space, what would happen? Aura technique reversal: yellow

He unleash the attack as cinder receive the impact of the blast. The false maiden was sent flying to emerald forest.

Jaune launch after cinder with his incredible speed. While cinder was flying crashed into the forest, the false maiden need to focus her magic to fired out a surprise attack. Waiting....waiting......she see Jaune running behind her.

Cinder:\this is my chance!/HAH!!!

The false maiden scream out as she unleash a flaming beam magic attack. That was a wrong choice of action from her as when Jaune reappear behind cinder

He deliver a kick to cinder face. Sending her into the lake nearest by.

The water splash up as someone just sent into lake. Cinder aura began to heal some of her wound also with magic. Smoke began to realease from cinder feet as the false maiden fly out lake underneath surface of water . Even thought she have half of maiden magic but she can still destroy a mountain with no effort.

Cinder:\ I can't hit him or burn....Then I'll just have to bring him into my dominante territory/

[sans gojo: It basically domain expansion rip off for magic]

Cinder sense Jaune aura was gone. This making false maiden confuse for a moment before she think Jaune is too coward to fight her then Jaune appear infront of her sight with someone on his hand

Cinder:?\who's that on his hand?/

Jaune: sorry about waiting for me.


Jaune: Oscar's gonna be sitting in on today's class.

Oscar:{pointing at cinder}WHO IS THAT WITCH!!

Flashback about 10 second before it hap-PAUSE!

Sans gojo: sorry about that. We don't have much time to write flashback sooooo we gonna skip that part.


Oscar:{look at Jaune} gojo sensei. wasn't I at the school just like, ten seconds ago? What's going on?

Jaune: Umm, we jumped.

Oscar:\he doesn't plan on telling me/

Cinder:\what is his reason to bring that kid here or is he?/are you gonna use that kid as shield?

Jaune: A shield?No,no,no. Like I said just say before, a little lesson

Jaune: I'm in process of teaching this kid a lot of things. So don't worry it. You do your thing

Oscar look underneath at their feet. Wondering why they aren't they sinking. If you wonder what happen to ozpin? Don't worry he just pushing some scrap off his body.

Cinder: he's going to be a liability for you. Fool.

Jaune: we should be good....hahaha since you're so weak{having a smug on his face}

Cinder blood began to boiling up as the maiden magic began to realeasing the heat. Oscar feel a shiver just went across his body.


Oscar:\she's....weak? She's more like a beast....stronger than anything I have seen before/{get a head pat from Jaune}

Jaune: don't worry just stay close

Cinder: Face my territory! dominante territory: infernos forest!{slap both her together}

Their environment Change to bush got burning, the broken moon was gone.

Oscar: What is this?!

Jaune:{surprise abit}I'm surprise that someone able told her to use something similar to domain expansion

Oscar: similar!

Jaune: this technique seem to be not needing any aura but something else.

Oscar: so exactly what can domain expansion do?

Jaune: domain expansion make an environment constructed with aura and manifested throught a semblance.


Jaune: Construting a domain uses ton of aura but it can be worth it.

Oscar: Okay i get it. It work like a game, first off, you get upgrade in stat due to the environment. Kinda like a buff

Jaune: also...

A fire ball was infront of Jaune blindfold but he punch it with infinity around his hand.

Cinder: tch!\that guy was suppose to be burn in my territory/

Jaune: the semblance deployed in the domain....will alway hit

Oscar: alway?!

Jaune: Alllways. But no worries. There are counter. Hit it with the semblance like I did. I don't recommend this buy you can run away which Is almost impossible

Oscar: man that's hard to achieve. is there a effective way to counter a domain?

Jaune: Hmm there's one effective most way to counter a domain expansion....is to expand your own domain.

Jaune: when mutltiple domain are expand at same time, the more polished one will reign supreme.

Cinder: enough of your explain! NOW DIE YOU FOOL!!

Cinder control the fire around the false maiden environment. Many fire ball got reshape into spear as it launch toward Jaune. Our sensei won't go down that exactly. Jaune grab the blindfold and slowly pulling it down. The fire spear was began to move slower than before as when Jaune say

Jaune: domain expansion

He move his hand right up to his face as he finger crosses

Jaune: unlimited void

Cinder got trapped into Boundless raw information floods into her mind, overwhelming them to the point where they're completely immobilized.

Cinder:\what happen to my territory? Was my territory suppressed/

Cinder can't see anything...or feel anything...no she can see everything or even feel everything

Cinder:\ The information has no end!! And because of that, I can't do anything!!/

Jaune grab cinder head from behind.

Jaune: You're inside the limitless. Perception communication. The action you take in life are forced upon you infinitely.

Jaune: ironic isn't it? Given everything but unable to do anything dying slowly.

He rip off cinder head to make sure. she won't cause another problem in the future

Scene change to jalter and Pyrrha help every civilians to move them into atlasien ship.

Jaune appear on beacon tower without his blindfold. He saw the wyvern trying to fly away from vale

Jaune: This is gonna be a little rough.

He make a hand sign that extends the index and pinky fingers outward while leaving the rest folded

Jaune: aura technique amplification, blue

A blue sphere appear on right side.

Jaune: aura technique reversal,yellow

A red sphere appear on left side.

The sign switches to a pinching motion using the pointer and thumb while also extending the middle finger

Jaune: hollow technique, green

He unleash a wave of annihilation that rips whatever it hits from existence

The destructive attack erase wyvern and Ravager existence. Jaune turn back to look camera with a smile

The end!

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