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On previous chapter !

Some guy call himself as riser cousin. The camera move to riser anger expression.

Issei: you know this guy riser?

Riser gritted his teeth in inferno anger as he look at his cousin while his hand clench into a fist

Riser: that Naruto Phenex and he is the asshole that destroy my power!!

The camera move to next scene as it showing issei and riser got blast off the cliff.

The scene move next to issei and riser laying on snow in unconscious.

On this chapter!

Issei was one, who wake up first before riser. Issei hold his waist in pain as he groan for a moment.

Issei: that damm Naruto guy...

He say with a weak before he saw riser condition worse than his condition. The former phenex forehead bleeding out. There some blood on his shirt.

Issei exhale and let out a long sigh. He slowly stand up from snow.

Issei: I should be luckily that snow save my life and riser...

He mutter in his breath. He look up to the mountain. That gonna be long trip to regain riser power back...

Issei look around to see nothing to used climb but another long path to walk up....

Issei: guess there no other choice than this.

Issei walk to riser as he pick up riser on his shoulder. He can tell how heavy riser is but it doesn't matter anymore for him.

Issei: come on buddy. Let regain your full power back....

Even he say it out. Riser was still unconscious. Issei start to walk in snow. The air was cold, each time he let out a cold sigh.

The scene change to riser, laying on water surface.The former phenex open his eye to see the blue sky with white cloud.

Riser: I?

He look around in confuse about the world....where is he actually at....

He saw a floating video screen infront of his sight.

Riser: what the...

Video screen start to cooldown in...3...2...1.

Riser leaning on to alleyway wall,  his hair color was black instead of yellow. His waist is bleeding out and also his head is bleeding out too. There a small scar on left side of his mouth.

Riser: is that me?

Riser was confuse about why the screen showing himself in the past.

Someone was walking pass riser in alleyway. He face was conceal by hood. Issei crouch down infront of riser

Issei:hey...wake up

He slap lightly to riser face. He seem to be not caring about riser condition. He was gonna walk away but issei....

Issei: dammit

He scratch his head in frustration while closing his eye. He chose to help riser as he put riser on his shoulder. He start to walk to hospital with riser on his shoulder.

Riser watching the screen as he understand how issei save that day but the could leave him die that day.

Meanwhile in real world, issei still continue walk with riser on his shoulder.

The Sky start to going dawn, issei keep walk even though the cold almosphere making his hand skin become cold. He keep walk with each breath he exhale cold stream from his month.

Issei: hang on there, riser. We are almost there.

The scene change to riser watching at video, the day how he learn to cook from issei.

Riser alway demand issei cook breakfast/lunch/dinner. Issei was reaching at his limit. Because riser use to live in royal/spoil brat style

Issei: Alright riser. It time for you to learn to cook.

Riser just cross arm and asking

Riser: and why would I? I'm riser! The third son of  phenex!

Issei just roll eye about riser stated.

Issei: look riser, you don't have your stupid devil power and you don't know about get a job in human world and you even don't know how to cook.

Issei: what can you do?

Riser: I!-Hmm

Issei raise an eyebrow. He tell everything that riser can't do. He take out a cooking book recipe.

Issei: so I bought the book. I will help you.

After that day, riser alway complain about learning to cook but got use to it in two day later.

Riser: what a good day back then.

Riser just smile about his good old day. The screen start to show riser in school uniform as he walk with issei holding a book on his hand.

Riser: you know, issei?

Issei: know what?

Riser: you know.... confess someone

Issei: you have a crush on someone?

Riser look aside while his face showing a little bit red. Issei place his his hand on riser shoulder.

Issei: tell me who!!

Riser: i-it's Ai hojo.

Issei let go off riser shoulder as he finally gave riser the courage.

Issei: just tell her.

Riser: what?

Issei: like I just say. Just tell her how you feel about her.

Riser: if you say so....

Issei: come on, the only worse thing she can say is no or....don't know you

He look aside and whisper that last part.

And oh boy,Riser hold his face in embarrass. He feel like a clown

Riser bow his head down to confess his feeling

Riser: I like you, Ai-Chan!!

Ai: I also like you too, riser!

Riser: Wait really!

Ai: as a friend!

The scene change to riser laying on his bed while facing the pillow. Issei just laughing at his record about riser being like as friend for her

Issei:man!what a laughable day

He notice riser was still sad about being call as a friend to Ai. Issei let out a sigh with peaceful smile. He lightly smack at riser as former phenex look with depression eye.

Issei: come on, let go. I'll treat you to some ramen.

The scene change to issei and riser walk to ramen restaurant.

Let go back to the real world shall we? The sky was now dark but every Star still shine with the moon.

issei flying crashed into the wooden wall. Issei cough out of blood as he fall down from the wall. Issei was holding the Phoenix feather on his hand....

Ahem explain time!

Phoenix feather can give you back your power....what? I know you gonna say "author, riser power is from noble devil family" Phoenix feather funfiction work in my story is kinda...different. So it work like a battery phone when it go down to 0 precent then so a charger will help it charge up back to 100 precent. Understood? Good because I don't know what I been writing.

Explain end!

Issei: If you want the feather! Then you had to kill me for it!

Naruto: then you force me to use my harem! Karlamine

In a blink, issei see the sword tip infront of his sight. But issei reaction was fast enough to take out double nunchaku as he deflect the the thrust with the nunchaku.

Issei: you got me by surprise but not to face to face!

Karlamine jump back away from issei. Riser unconsciousness body was leaning at the wall. Issei using nunchaku like a master.

Issei: I bet your new king is weak

He say with arrogant tone. Then he look at them with a smirk.

The scene change back to riser. He look at the video screen.

Riser: look at me, the day when I was born into phenex clan....That was nightmare moment

Lady phenex holding baby riser. Then baby riser spread his wing but it was not devil wing or phenex wing but true Phoenix wing.

Riser: wait that's not come I have Phoenix wing instead of my clan devil wing?

Lady phenex freak out about it. Lord phenex quickly went in as he faint onto the surface.

Riser: How is that impossible? If I have true phoenix wing then why I do I have my clan wing.

The video screen start to glitch to a ritual, Baby riser was ontop of it. The ritual began to separate riser and his true Phoenix into two separate being.

Baby riser get phenex clan magic while his true phenex remain the same power but not awaken. Then one of phenex servant ask this

Servant: my lady, what would this other child name be....

The lady phenex having a moment on this seprarate child being. She decide to name him as....

Riser eye widen about the name. He hide his mouth in nervous as sweat began to drop down

Riser: No...that can't be...true...

The scene change to issei let out a tired sigh from his mouth. Sweat began to fall from his face.

Issei: huff...huff...huff

When issei think he could get a break from this cut fight scene. Oh how easy he got

Issei: I hope author doesn't kill me in this story

Yes, I am gonna do it anyway. Naruto fire out a demonic red bean through his chest.

Issei cough out of blood for the moment before he look down at his own donut.

Issei let out a sigh in tired as when riser slowly open his eye. Issei collapsing Down and slam into the surface infront of riser sight. .

Riser was disbelief infront of his eye, his first human? friend got kill right infront of him.

Naruto look at issei motiveless body with smug on his face.

Naruto: now look what do I got here~

That blond bastard walk on issei death body. He pick the Phoenix feather from issei hand.

Naruto: I already come here what I take from you, riser~

Riser: why.....

He say with a weak voice but it was enough for Naruto to hear it.

Naruto: wanna know why? Riser~.

Riser just silent about it. He not asking about his harem or life but why his friend.

Naruto: because I was jealous of you! You were born with ultimate class! While I born with high class-devil!

Naruto: you have a harem of Hot female! While I don't! Then that day happen to me

He materialize a red crimson gauntlet. It have green emerald jewel on it.

Naruto: the booster gear chose me! I will be The Who dominate your achievements and stomp on it, riser!

Riser look at Naruto with anime deadpan expression with the word saying "why"


Issei: I did not just get kill for this bullshit!

Riser: that's the stupidest reason ever.

Riser: is that it? .......hehe...

He just chuckle in mocking at Naruto. Naruto see it as he getting frustrate.


Riser: isn't obvious? You just trying to use cheap way to do it. You stolen a holy sword but from what I remember. Holy item are devil weakness but you used your own left hand to scarifice it for your hand turn into a dragon hand....

Riser come to final conclusion.

Riser: so you that you can wield the holy weapon without any I right, Naruto....

Naruto grit his teeth in frustrate. But that frustrate gone was replace by smirk.

Naruto: even you knew. You are not gonna back from the dead or even your friend. If you are the proof to my action then you are dead.

Naruto concentrate to form a fire shuriken on his hand before he jump off issei death body. He throw the fire shuriken down as he cut mountain cliff in half.

Issei lifeless body fall down with the half temple. Riser also falling but he rushing toward issei with his hand extend out for issei.

Riser: issei!

Former phenex yell out his friend name. They keep falling until riser vision become blur.

Riser sight become more clearer now. But this time, riser was standing on water surface as so is issei too.

Issei: hey riser... it been like what? Six month of us knowing each other....but it my time to go....riser

Issei stood far away from his friend with a sad smile on his face. His body start emitting flame as issei is slowly disappear. Riser's one step forward,two step forward but his each step he walk as he began run toward his friend. For some reason, riser seem to be not getting any closer to issei but more far away.


even he try to yell for his friend or even try extend his hand for issei.

Issei: you know.....I alway wonder why I save your life.

Issei eye cover by his hair shadow as he look at riser. Building out of nowhere fall on between them. The building falling apart as riser still keep running to issei.

Issei: i alway thought you are some arrogant asshole but I see the change in you..... I realize you are just a loner in darkness, no friend, not even a single friend

A tear fall on issei face. His bottom of the body was gone in fire.

Issei: I walk into your journey to reclaim your magic but I alway having a thought about my own existence....until a piece of our last page of past.....I was always a living power....riser...

Issei: I was never actually exist or being born.... I was just you but not same person.....

Riser rush on debris of the building as he leap on each of it. A window infront  riser but it gonna stop him from issei. He kick through the window as the glass got shatter into piece. Riser eye wide infront of his sight, half of issei upper body was gone.

Riser: ISSEI!!

He extend his hand out for issei. And issei also extend to grab it but he let out a cheerful smile one last

Issei: I'm may not be there for you riser but I will always watch your back...and don't forget me, buddy....

With those last few word from issei, he completely gone into flame but on riser hand was Phoenix feather.

Riser: I won't forget you too, buddy....

Scene change to Naruto summon magic circle on his harem as he teleport them back home.

Someone emitting a huge energy into the sky. Naruto quickly went into his balance breaker armor....what? You thought I would write that shit? "Balance breaker: blah blah blah blah" I won't do that shit here okay!

Riser fly up with true Phoenix wing on his back. He rush down with a impact, creating a explosion, blow Naruto out off the half cut temple. riser presence was cover by smoke

Naruto: I was luckily activate my balance breaker. But what was that power?!

Riser walk out the smoke, revealing to be riser with his original blond hair. He have a smirk

Riser: Miss me?I bet you didn't.


Riser: You thought I got that back? More I like receive "my" power back.

Naruto: it doesn't matter anyway! You just got your power back! While I! Naruto Phenex Uzumaki! Have master booster gear!AND PHENEX MAGIC!

Riser: in phase1 instead of phase 2

[sans gojo: well...that just sound like some Asian parent]

Naruto: How dare you make a joke of me!

Naruto burst out a demonic energy as blond bastard launch toward riser with a punch into the face. Riser dodge underneath the punch as when he threw a uppercut Naruto helmet. Sending the blond bastard up to the sky.

Riser: you may master booster gear but I master my own before you.

The true Phoenix turn his hand to side. Many Fire orb appear around him, forming into feather flame.

Riser: feather missile

Many feather fly up to Naruto as the attack create a explosion. Naruto somehow still survive after that attack. That blond Bastard fly out smoke with balance breaker still on.


Man....he say it too soon for me in this ideal chapter....but oh way. Many floating flame feather was pointing at Naruto Surrounding....

Riser: you were saying?


Many feather launch toward Naruto in high speed. Anddd~ another explosion was make on the sky.

Riser: he should have to be death by any minute....

Naruto falling from the sky without balance breaker armor. Riser just draw on empty air but a portal make out of fire. Naruto went throught the portal, arrive at his home.

Riser take out a picture from his pocket.

Issei make a peace sigh with expressionless, riser crossing arm with his eye close with a smirk on the picture. Riser look at the picture with smile on his face.

Riser: I guess....I can't you treat you back...issei

Riser say with sad tone but he feel issei tap his shoulder but when he turn back to him again but no one was there....

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