Stolen Heart

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(A/n): Inspired by the Mafia Au! It obviously won't be the same because I've only seen pictures and stuff. Since everything I've done was sweet and innocent I decided to mix things up a little bit. Hope you enjoy! :3

Again I feel like I have to do this every chapie, but shout outs to the artists of these awesome artworks!


Third Person POV (First time doing third person pov!!! :3)

The sky was covered in dark nimbus clouds as rain poured down hard on the foggy city. The streets of the city were almost empty, people and monsters staying in their warm houses due to the heavy pouring rain. Not many people or monsters alike were out and about due to the sudden weather, but one particular monster was walking towards a fancy restaurant in town.

A short skeleton that wore a deep sea blue suit with a white shirt underneath, black dressed shoes, a cyan blue neck tie, black gloves, and a matching deep sea blue fedora that almost covers his pitch black eyes sockets only showing his white pupils.

Hands in his pockets, he continued to walked down the quiet streets, soaking wet with only the sounds of the raindrops falling on the ground and the occasional conversations of a few passerby's. Whenever people pass he would adjust his fedora and cover is eye sockets, making sure no one would notice him, earning weird glaces from them. Being a leader of a famous wanted criminal organization, number one most wanted, and one of the most dangerous and heartless monsters in the city can be rather exhausting, but he had a job to do. His target for today, Miss Cassandra Mavis (Hooray for name generators!), one of the most famous and riches fashion designer in the city. His brother, Papyrus, had received information from their scientist and researcher, Dr. Alphys, that Miss Mavis would be meeting up with someone who she owed $500,000 dollars to. Now it was his job to steal the money.

Sans' POV (And were back to normal :P)

I arrived at the fancy restaurant that Alphys had described to me. Typical for such rich and posh people to eat in such a fancy restaurant, lucky for me the place wasn't that pact so there was less of a chance for someone to witness what I'm gonna do. I grinned as I opened the doors and entered the restaurant. I quickly scanned the area and finally spotted the fashionista sitting alone with a suitcase, waiting for the person she was gonna meet up with. I sat a table or two away from from her, I opened my menu to hid my face as I watched a waitress walked over to Miss Cassandra with a little notepad and a pencil behind her ear to take her order.

The waitress had shoulder length hair chocolate brown hair with a red ribbon and hazel brown eyes. She wore a white buttoned up blouse with blue straps with pinks hearts that was connected to her short sky blue mini skirt, black gloves, black knee length socks, and black high heels.

I couldn't help but eye her up and down. Heh, she wasn't bad to looked at. I shook my head a little bit, no I have to focus. I couldn't hear their conversation so I just watched as the waitress smile brightly as she would talk to the fashionista, writing down her order on the little notepad. Suddenly I can see Miss Cassandra scowl and started getting mad at the waitress. The waitress bowed down and apologized. Miss Cassandra calmed down a little but still looked annoyed, she looked angry as she started to talk. The waitress nodded and started to walk to the doors of what seemed to be the restaurant's kitchen and entered it. She then came out a few minutes later and said something to the fashionista. Miss Cassandra rolled her eyes and nodded, her arms crossed. I noticed the waitress' fist clenched, but a smile still plastered on her face as turned around and she proceeded to walk away.

I looked back at the menu and started to think of a plan on how to properly approach the fashionista. I can't directly approach her because she'll be suspicious. I needed to make a distraction so she wont notice me grab the suitcase.

"Umm... Excuse me sir." A sudden voice said.

I looked up and saw the beautiful waitress that was with Miss Cassandra, tiny notepad and pencil in hand.

"Good evening sir." She says as she takes a bow. "May I take your order?" She smiled brightly.

"I'll just have a burger and a bottle of ketchup." I say plainly, adjusting my fedora.

She wrote on her notepad and nodded.

"Your order will be here shortly." She then walked into the kitchen.

My eyes sockets followed her until she disappeared behind the doors of the kitchen. I turned to look at Miss Cassandra and started to formulate a plan, grinning menacingly . A few minutes of properly formulating a plan, the waitress came out of the kitchen balancing three trays full of food. One tray on each hand, but one tray was amazingly balancing perfectly on top of her head. I couldn't help but stare in amazement as the waitress walked over to me. When she reached my table she placed one of the trays down and used her free hand to grab the tray that was on her head.

"Here's your order sir." She said.

I didn't respond, still impressed by how she did that. I just stared at her, memorizing her every features. I then see her smirk as she bent over, her lips right next to my ear(?) and whispered.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer."

She then confidently walked away as she quickly flipped her hair, over to Miss Cassandra's table. I just watched her in shock. My shocked expression was quickly erased when my signature grin appeared on my face, she's feistier than I gave her credit for. Never in my life have I been rendered speechless by anyone. Does she even know who I am? Does she know she just talked to the city's most dangerous monster? Probably not, or she would have been scared to the bone and wouldn't even come close to me. I watched as she placed both trays on Miss Cassandra's table and walked away. I glace back at my food and decided to eat a little while I continued to think of a plan.

As I continued to drink my bottle of ketchup, without warning all the lights of the restaurant switch off, causing everyone in the restaurant to go into a sudden panic. This was my chance to can carefully sneak over Miss Cassandra and take the suitcase and quickly make my heist, undetected. But before I could execute my plan, a scream echoed through the restaurant as the lights suddenly turned back on and revealed a surprisingly horrific sight. Everyone, except me, gasped as they saw the dreadful sight before them. Miss Cassandra was lying still on the ground, a deep cut slight through her thought and a stab wound through her heart as she laid in a pool of blood. Her eyes were dead wide open and her mouth agape as foam started to escape her mouth. Before anyone could call for help, her soul parted from her body and cracked then it disappeared. Unlike monsters who shrivel up and turn into dust as soon as their soul breaks, her human bodies just remained on the floor.

As everyone was in a panic I could see from the corner of my eye, a brown suitcase swiftly enter the kitchen's door. I smirked evily, looks like someones done my job for me, but now I must take what I came here for. I carefully exited the restaurant and leaned against the front wall of the restaurant, shifting my fedora to cover my eye sockets as I watched the rain continue to fall down. A few minutes later someone walked out from the side of the restaurant building and started walking away. The mystery person or monster wore a long brown trench coat with a matching brown fedora and black boots. They held up an umbrella over their head on one hand and held a brown suitcase on the other as they started to walk to the direction away from me. I quietly followed behind as the person or monster continued to walk. They continue to walk for a while until we reached an empty street, before they stopped in their tracks.

"... I know your there..." A feminine voice echoed through the empty street.

"Was I that obvious?" I say, wickedly.

I heard a faint giggle before she spoke again. "Maybe you should hide yourself better than just leaning against a restaurant wall." She said, not turning around. "Now if you excuse me I must leave."

Before she could take a step, my left eye blazed cyan blue as I used my magic to surround her in a blue hue, making her stand still.

"What's the rush, doll? I don't bite." I smirk.

"You know, places to be, things to do. Stuff like that." She responded, casually. "So, I wouldn't mind if you let me go now." She attempted to move her feet again, but failed.

"Now is that how you greet a new friend, doll?" I slowly turn her around, to face me.

I was taken back when I came face to face with the waitress from the restaurant, a smug look on her face as she brushed some strands of her chocolate brown hair out of her face, her hazel brown eyes stared back at my white eye socket. She giggled at my reaction as she adjusted her hat.

"What's the matter skeleton? Cat got your tongue?" She sneered, closing her umbrella.

I grinned as I levitated her closer to me until she right in front me as the rain started die down.

"Ya got guts ya know, doll? Do ya even know who I am?" I asked, darkly.

"Of course I know who you are, Sans the Skeleton." She says in an 'as-a-matter-of-factly' tone. "Number one most wanted and the most dangerous monster in the city. Who doesn't know you?"

"You flatter me, really, but I followed you for a reason, doll." I say.

"And its this suitcase, am I right?" She lifted the suitcase up.

"Smart one. Now if you want to go free without a single scratch on your pretty little face, you can hand over the suitcase, doll." I suggested, extending my arm out.

"What are you gonna do if I don't hand it over, skeleton?" She hides the suitcase behind her back as she playfully grins.

"A stubborn one as well."

I slowly used my magic to wrap a blue hue around her neck and slightly applied pressure around it. She flinched a little, but kept her playful grin as she continued to stare back at me. I sighed and applied more pressure around her neck and brought her closer to me as she started to breath heavily, trying to catch her breath.

"Look just hand over the suitcase and-"

I was cut of when I suddenly felt a small tingle of pain on my cheekbone, making me drop the waitress in surprise. I touched my cheekbone and felt a few drops of blood fall out of the wound that I felt on my cheekbone. I looked at the waitress as she gasps for air, a knife clutched on one of her hands with a few blood stains on it while the other hand was clutched to her chest. I chuckled darkly, my white eye sockets disappearing as my left eye socket started glowing bright cyan blue.

"You ready to have a bad time?" I say, wickedly.

She looked back up at me, completely unfazed as she slowly and shakily stood up, still gasping for air.

"Look y-you... Don't have t-t-t-to kill me, yo-you know?" She smiled, genuinely. "Jeez."

She tossed the suitcase over to me and placed her knife in her trench coat pocket. My left eye socket died down as my eyes turned back to its usual white color, I looked at her a little bit bewildered.

"Can't take a joke huh?" She giggled. "You didn't really strike me as the serious type, Mr. Skeleton." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall of a building, still facing me.

"Your also a strange one." I say, picking up the suitcase as I eye her suspiciously.

"I'd like to think of myself as unique." She smiled confidently. "Not to mention tough, stealthy, breath taking, cunning, and dangerous." She continued in an upbeat manner.

"You keep telling yourself that." I rolled my eye sockets.

"Well excuse me for being the first to run of with the suitcase, undetected." She smirked. "You know aside from you of course, but I suspected that you'd see me."

"So you knew about the suitcase too?" I copied her gesture and leaned against the wall of a building.

"Not really." She started. "My only plan was to get rid of that irritating, froufrou, ungrateful fashionista." She said, bitterly.

"And may I ask why?" I questioned, a little curious.

"Ugh! Where do I begin?" She then stood up strait, pulling out her little notepad and pencil from her trench coat pocket. "Good evening mam." She suddenly said in her sweet waitress voice, taking a bow. "May I take your-"

She then faced the other direction and crossed her arm. "Excuse me? Do you know who I am? That's Miss Cassandra to you, you insolent excuse of a waitress. I'm the most famous fashion designer in this entire city!" She mocked in such a high and upper class voice.

"For a fashion designer, you sure do dress like a slut..."

"Excuse me?! What did you just say?!"

"N-n-nothing mam..."

"I'll have you know I designed this dress myself! And that's Miss Cassandra to you!"

"I'm sorry ma... Miss Cassandra."

"You better be."

"May I take your order?"

"I'll have an order of one of your finest Watercress-Fruit Salads, but make sure there's no olive oil because I'm allergic to it, some Mini Manchego Tarts but no parsley, there absolutely revolting, and some red wine and make sure that its ice cold."

"Your order will be here shortly, Miss Cassandra."

"20 minutes tops, got it? I'm on a tight schedule."

"Yes mam."

"Miss Cassandra!"

"M-miss Cassandra."

"God she was so picky and rude and just so god damn annoying!" She finished, leaning against the wall again. "That'll teach her not to mess with people who serve her food."

I could help but chuckled as she finished her story. Doesn't take much to annoy her, but that does sound annoying. She was a very interesting girl, to say the least. She placed her tiny notebook and pencil back in her pockets and brought out her blood stained knife.

"Add Golden Flowers to her salad, tamper with the power box, and quickly stab her with my trusty knife and bam!" She tosses the knife up high. "Dead." And dramatically catches it.

"You could say the suitcase was I bonus. I was wondering why you were so interested in it, Mr. Skeleton." She said, nonchalantly. "But it did attract your attention and I got you to follow me, another little bonus."

"So wanted to get my attention?" I raised my nonexistent eyebrow.

"Of course. Considering your organization inspired me to become one of you." She smiled brightly.

"H-huh?" I looked at her, confused.

She snickered at my reaction before she started.

"I saw you guys on the news one day about your 'Great Diamond Heist' a year ago from this city." She begun. "They showed a picture of you carrying that giant diamond with your left eye blazing a bright cyan blue with your infamous signature grin. You looked like you were having the time of your life every time you or the rest of your organization each time I saw you guys on the news. The action, the adventure, the trill! Its seemed like fun!" She continued. "It got me curious. So I tried to steal something small to start of with. Simple things like bags of chips, change from bags, at other things. Then it got bigger and bigger. From simple breaking and entering to 'The Murder Mystery of Asriel Dreemurr'. Ever heard of it?" She smiled, deviously.

"You were the shadow who murdered the prince of all monster race?!" I asked, honestly shocked as my eyes widened.

That was a resent news that shocked everyone who heard it, including me. The news talked about a possible break in without a single trace of evidence of the break in and the murder of the prince. His throat had a deep cut across it and a stab wound where his soul would be. The news showed a small fleeing shadow covered in a long coat with a hood, covering there head and whole body. The only visible thing was showing a small hand that held a bloody knife that reflected a ray of light as blood dripped from it.

"My what a tragedy that was. But it was fun!" She said, fiddling with her blood stained knife. "It's all been fun! And its all thanks to you guys. But I must admit, meeting the Sans the Skeleton is so exciting!" She started getting all giddy.

I grinned at how she suddenly looked like a kid meeting there hero for the first time in person. She had such an innocent appearance that would fool anyone, it sure fooled me at the restaurant. She was quite an impressive criminal for someone who earlier was brave enough to swing a knife at me to now someone who right now looks like a little fangirl. She would make a good recruit member.

"Heh. I must say I'm impressed. You would make a good member of the team." I grin.

She gasped and smiled widely, but wavered a bit. "I'm honored that you would accept me. But I leave the country with my brother next week. I'm planning on spreading my name across the world!"

"You sound so ambitious about it. You'll be angering many different law enforcement's, making it harder for you to hide yourself."

"Makes running away all the more sansational." She grinned back.

"Nice one."

"Hey, if the spot is still open when I get back, I would love to join." She smiled.

She came closer to me and touched my cheekbone where the cut was.

"By the way, sorry for the cut. You were getting way to serious to get my joke." She apologized.

Her face was so close to me, I can practically feel her warmth as she examined the cut. Her chocolate brown hair smelt of cinnamon. I can feel my face start to heat up as I didn't know to respond.

"Uh... I-its fine." I finally got out.

"You okay? Your kinda turning blue." She tilted her head.

She reached for something inside her pocket and placed her knife inside her other pocket. She then held up a bandage and carefully placed it over my cut. Suddenly she gave me a peck on where the bandage was. She smiled warmly as she backed away.

"There we go. I that's as best as I can do for an apology for all the trouble."

"I t-told you its fine." Was all I could say.

"Anyways, sorry again for the trouble. I'll be out of your nonexistent hair." She turned around and started to walk away.

I was still stunned, but I turned around and started to walk away.


I turned my head and saw her at the end of the street, waving.

"Maybe our paths will cross again someday!" Her voice echoed through the empty street before she turned to the corner and disappeared.

I was still processing what the hell just happened. I decided to check the suitcase to make sure she didn't trick me. I opened the suitcase and surprisingly all the money was there and a small little red ribbon. I picked up the small ribbon and examined it, but as soon as I brought it closer to my face a familiar fragrance hit my nose. Cinnamon.

I closed my eyes and smiled lightly, placing the red ribbon in my pocket. Our paths will cross again, doll. Because I need to take back something that you've stolen from me.


Not my best, but I think its a descent enough chapter. I dunno, what do you guys think? Gosh this was hard to write because I was trying to make Frisk like a killer without her seeming like Chara. Hope you guys enjoyed!!!

Anyways, don't forget that you guys can suggest ideas for a future oneshot. Bye reader-chan!!!

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