Stolen Heart (Pt. 2)

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Hey reader-chan!!! This was a highly suggested chapie. Part two of a Stolen Heart!!! Suggested by Sayit64Shea_k2CutieKitty315, mayentheshipper, and XGeno_SansX. Wow so many of you guys really wanted me to make this. Like I wasn't expecting so many of you guys to enjoy that chapie. So here ya go :3

Now I've said this before, but lets just expect that from now on all of my chapies will be very long. I also wanted to make this special because so many of you requested this. But don't get your hopes up because I wasn't planning on making a part 2, so I just winged it to make you guys happy. I will do my best for you guys!!! Enjoy :3

Art and video belong to there respective owners!!!


Sans' POV

A year has past since I saw the waitress, I never actually got her name. But that doesn't mean I haven't seen her. For the past year, all over the world there have been many different stories of thievery, murder, and many other stories from the news caused by a shadowy figure who wields a blood stained knife. Every murder they would talk about involved a deep cut through the throat and a stab wound where the heart would be located and every picture showed a fully cloaked figure that you could never see a face as the figure held their blood stained knife.

And I have a pretty good idea on who it was.

Life went on for me and all of my friends here in our organization. But I always kept a hold on to the little cinnamon scented red ribbon no matter where I went. I don't understand what that waitress did to me, but she was always in my mind now. She was just such an interesting character. She was brave for starters, fearful of nothing, not even of me. Tough, stealthy, cunning, devious, truly the traits of a criminal. But her beautiful appearance made her seem innocent and with her childlike attitude, it really masked out her criminal side. Even so, she was quite the impressive criminal, even my friends have heard about her on the news.

I shook my head, removing those thought. I have a job to do.

It was about 9:30 pm by the time I entered a very fancy looking mansion, adjusting my deep sea blue fedora as I blend in through the crowed. Christina Lovell, a famous singer, was throwing a a party to celebrate her birthday, well that's what Alphys told me. I'm here to steal her black and white diamond encrusted chess set worth at least $600,000 dollars (This actually exist in the world. Look it up its awesome!!!). I wonder how people obtain things like a diamond encrusted chess set. On that note, why would someone make a diamond encrusted chess set in the first place? Seems like a waste of diamonds if you ask me. People are just so weird sometimes.

I walked around and chatted with a few people, making sure I didn't arouse any suspicion, looking around and examining the place while I'm at it. God this place was way to crowded and the mansion was huge, how the hell did Al expect me to find this chess set with such a crowed that I can barely get through? I searched around until I noticed there wasn't much people near the food table. When I arrived at the table a random man came up to me.

"Some party, huh?" The man said.

"Sure is. Very crowded I must say." I responded casually.

"I would not have expected anything less from Christina. Always inviting so many people to any of her events."

I was about answer when from my peripheral vision I swear I saw a familiar figure walk away from the crowd, a small red ribbon on their head. I excused myself from the conversation to see if the figure I saw was who I think it was. I turned around and accidentally bumped into someone and for a split second I smelt cinnamon. The person in front of me stumbled backwards and I quickly caught them, wrapping my boney arms around the person's waist, making the person wrap their arms around my neck and grip on to me tightly. The person opened their eyes revealing a pair of very familiar hazel brown eyes as they suddenly brought out a blood stained knife.

"Now is that how you greet an old friend, doll?"

It was the waitress from before. She wore a light sea green dress with a light pink ribbon tied around the collar of her dress, black knee length high socks, and black high heels. She wore a different red ribbon on her cinnamon scented, shoulder length chocolate brown hair.

Upon hearing my voice the waitress looked up at me, her face flushed a bright red as her hazel brown eyes met my white eye sockets.

"Mr. S-Skeleton?" She asked, clearly surprised as she hid her knife.

"Its been a while, doll." I grin.

I let go of her and she immediately stood up strait, dusting herself and fixing her hair. She then grabbed my hand and started to drag me pass the sea of people. I felt an unusual thumping in my chest as I felt her warm hand continue to hold my boney hand. Whats happening to me? We finally stopped in a room where there was nobody in it. She let go of my hand and grinned at me.

"Let me guess. Your probably here to steal the black and white diamond encrusted chess set, am I correct?" She says, confidently.

I stared at her. "How'd ya know, doll?"

"Cause I came here to do the same thing." She winked.

Of course she came here to do the same thing. She was defiantly the same waitress I met a year ago, eager to get the thing she came here for, just as eager as when she explained to me what she did to Miss Cassandra. This makes me wonder when she came back to the country. My grin widened as I thought of something.

"Well since were going for the same item, how bout we work together? You know, to make this easier."

Her eyes widen as she smiled brightly. "The Sans the Skeleton wants m-me to work together with him?!"

I chuckled at her reaction. I forgot she looked up to me and my friends, I don't normally say this, but her reaction was adorable. Oh god I feel like I'm becoming soft.

"Well?" I raise my nonexistent eyebrow.

"Sure!" She agreed. "Whats the plan, boss?" She smirked, deviously.



I exclaimed, quickly wrapping one of my arms around her shoulder and pulling her away from the guards that started to chase us and brought her closer to my chest. She clutched the box containing the chess set as she wrapped a black coat around herself. We ran and ran until we exited the gates.

"Stop right there!" I heard them call out.

"You can't catch us!" She taunted and giggled.

She then rustled through her pockets and brought out a spherical object. She then threw it in front of the guards, causing it to explode and release a thick cloud of smoke. Taking the opportunity, I wrapped my other arm around her as my left eye socket blazed a bright cyan blue and I quickly teleported both of us away from the guards and at the base of a mountain near the outskirts of the city. We both started panting, both of us gasping for air. After we finally caught our breath we both started laughing.

"Did you see the look on does guards face? Priceless!" The little waitress said, happily.

"Especially when you murdered the tall one!" I laughed along.

"Hey! He was the one who wouldn't let go of my arm"

"That'll teach that singer to hire better guards!"

We continued to laugh. Man I haven't had this much fun stealing something in a while. When we finally calmed down I noticed her fidget a little bit.

"Umm... Mr. Skeleton, mind letting go of me now..?" she quietly said, looking up at me.

"Oh. Sorry, doll." I say, letting go of her as I felt my face heat up.

"Its not a problem, Mr. Skeleton." She smiled.

"You can stop calling me that, doll. Its Sans." I say.

"Well Sans, I'm Frisk." She said.

I gestured for her to follow me up the mountain. She obeyed and we started to walk up the mountain. We walked in silence for a bit, not saying a word to each other.

"So when did you come back here, doll?" I broke the silence.

"I came back here a few days ago actually." She started. "Decided to take a break from all the excitement, and what better place to go then back to my roots." She replied.

"Well ya have become pretty infamous around the globe. I must say, my friends and I are impressed." I say, ruffling her hair.

"You are?" She looks at me as if I was joking.

"Yep. Why do ya think I recruited ya the first time I met ya? I knew ya had talent." I answer. "And considering your still welcomed..." I looked at her, wondering if she gets the message.

She waited for me to finish my sentence until her eyes widened as realization finally hit her.

"Really?! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She suddenly engulf me in a hug.

The sudden impact nearly knocked me over. I felt her warmth start to spread towards me an as I smelt her cinnamon scented hair. I felt my face warm up again as I slowly used my magic to surround her in a blue hue and gently pulled her away from me. I didn't really know how to respond to her hug since I wasn't use to receiving so much affection that wasn't from one of my friends, so my instinct told to just pull her away from me.

"Uhh... No problem, but don't hug me again." I told her.

"Yes, boss!" She said, excitedly.

We finally arrived at the top of the mountain, revealing our gigantic house and research lab. I can see Frisk staring at the lab in awe.

"Do ya have a place to stay?" I ask.

"Not really. I was planning on staying in a hotel." She answered.

"Well now that your a member, you can stay here in one of the extra rooms."

She smile widened as she thanked me again. We approached the high tech doors and I imputed a code. A voice suddenly came through a speaker next to the door.

"PASSWORD?" A familiar voice said.

"Papyrus we don't have a password." I say, rolling my eye sockets.

"AH BROTHER YOUR BACK! I WAS JUST MAKING SURE." My brother said, before the doors started to open.

As soon as the door opened Frisk and I stepped in and was greeted by the whole crew.


Everyone stared at us oddly, more specifically they stared at Frisk. She pulled down the hood of her cloak and stared at everyone with wide eyes. I can hear her muttering 'oh my gosh' over and over again as she continued to stare back at everyone, trying to hold back her wide grin as she clutched the box that contained the diamond chess set.

"Everyone this is Frisk. I'm sure you've heard of the cloaked figure that's been terrorizing and traveling the world." I introduced.

"Wait. Your the cloaked figure, darling?" Mettaton finally spoke.

Frisk shyly nodded her head. All of their jaws nearly dropped.

"Boss, how the hell did you find her?! She's a living legend!" Undyne suddenly exclaimed.

"Undyne the Undying thinks I'm a living legend!" Frisk said, looking so thrilled.

"OF COURSE HUMAN!" Papyrus agreed.

"W-we've heard a l-l-l-lot of st-st-stories a-about you." Alphys said.

"Quite the talented thief I must say, darling." Mettaton complemented.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe The Great Papyrus, Doctor Alphy, and Super Star Mettaton all know me!!" She looked like she was about to faint.

"I told ya you've become so infamous that you impressed us all, doll." I grin. "Frisk here is a new member of our crew." I announced

But Frisk didn't respond. I was about to ask if she was okay, until she passed out. I caught her in my arms before she could fall to the ground. Oh great, this was all to much for her to take all at once.

"What just happened?" Undyne asked.

I sighed and carried her bridal style as I looked up at the clock, 11:56. "I'll explain it in the morning. For now I'll put her to bed." I say as I went up stairs and headed to the extra room.

I silently opened the door to the room and closed it behind me. I walked up to the bed and carefully placed her seemingly delicate body on the bed and covered her in a warm blanket. I looked at her sweet sleeping face and felt the weird thumping in my chest again. Seriously, is there something wrong with me? I brushed some strands of her chocolate brown hair that were falling to her face just before I left.

~~~Time Skip!!!~~~

"You can't be serious Mettaton." I say.

A few months have past since Frisk joined us and life has been much more interesting then it was before. Frisk was a really lively and bubbly person when she wasn't about to stab you. She was really shy and nervous the first few days she stayed with us, but she soon became acquainted with everyone. She was also a big help around the house, she was always willing to wash the dishes whenever we ate or sweep the house when she had free time. Usually the only person who would do any house work at all was Mettaton because he wanted to keep things neat and tidy. I always made sure that Frisk was always with me whenever I set out for a mission. Frisk never declined as she was always delighted to come along with me. She was a big help to me too. We practically became partners in crime.

But soon the thumping in my chest started getting worst whenever I was with her and my face always felt hot as I think about her. So I asked Alphys if I was sick or something. After I explained everything to her, Alphys just squealed and started saying that we were her new OTP. I asked her to just explain to me what was happening.

She told me I was in love.

At first I was in denial. Me? The most dangerous and heartless monster, in love? Now that can't be right. But Al asked me if I liked anything about her. I didn't know what came over me, but I suddenly started rambling about random things about her. Like how beautiful she was, how impressively cunning she was, how her innocent side was admittingly cute, how I only like to mess with her because reaction are always adorable, how I wo-


There I go again. I only stopped babbling when I heard Alphys' giggles. She told me I was to much in denial to notice that Frisk had already stolen my heart. I couldn't believe it, but I gave in eventually. Now I was out to start a new mission. You stole my heart doll, I guess Its only fair I steal yours. Hope you don't mind.

"I think that sounds like an awesome idea!" Frisk chirped.

Mettaton was holding up two pairs of identical clothes with two different colors. He suggested since we were always together on missions, he gave us partner clothes.

"Oh come on darling. Just try them on." Mettaton said.

"Fine." I grumbled.

Frisk and I each grabbed our clothes from the robot and went up the stairs to our own room to change. I wore a grey shirt with a darker grey vest over it, deep sea blue pants, black shoes, bright cyan blue gloves, and a bright cyan blue scarf around the collar of my grey shirt in a tie. I put on a different looking deep sea blue hat with dark blue feathers on it and walked over to a mirror. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad. I walked out of my room and was about to go down stairs when I heard the sound of a door opening. I turned around and saw Frisk in her outfit.

Her outfit was similar to mine, just in a different color. She wore a beige shirt with a brown vest over it, dark brown pants, black shoes, bright red gloves, a bright red scarf around the collar of her shirt. Instead of her red ribbon, she wore a golden flower clip on her hair. She closed the door and noticed me.

"Hey boss! How do I look?" She strikes a pose.

"You look horrible, doll." I grin.

"Are you kidding me? I'm fabulous!" She flips her hair.

"Ha! You wish that was true."

"I don't wish that its true. I know its true."

"And your evidence?"

"Looking right at her!"

"Who? You? Really?"

"Hmp! Boss your so mean!"

"Remember who your talking to, doll? And I've told ya before, ya don't have to call me boss."

"Well I've told you not to call me doll. I call you boss because your my boss."

"Well I call you doll because I think its a much cuter nickname for you."

Frisk's cheeks started to redden. "Cute? Why I-"

"Oh stop babbling on you two! Jeez you two act like a married couple sometimes."

We both turned our heads and found ourselves at the bottom of the stairs with Mettaton staring at us, a huge smirk on his face.

"You both look fabulous darlings!" Mettaton gushed.

"Aww! You flatter me MT." Frisk said.

"Ya sure he was talking to ya, doll?" I nudged.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm gonna start preparing dinner, boss." She informs, before she walks over to the kitchen.

"I'm going to call Papyrus and see how he and Undyne are doing on their mission. Be back to help you in a bit Frisk, dear." Mettaton then walks over to Alphys lab.

I decided to see what Frisk was gonna make for dinner. I started to walk over to the kitchen, but as I got closer and closer to the kitchen, I started hearing... Singing?

"But mama I'm in love with a criminal."

"And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical."

I peeked inside the kitchen, holding the frame and noticed Frisk was wearing an apron, chopping something as she silently sung.

  "Mama please don't cry, I will be alright."

 " All reason aside I just can't deny, love the guy."

She continued to sing, swaying from side to side sightly and continuing to cut some fruits. Her voice was soothing to listen to. I leaned in closer and ended up falling face flat on the floor. Felt a stinging pain in my head when I hit the edge of a table as I quietly started cursing. Frisk dropped her knife in shock as she heard a thud from near the kitchen door that I caused.

"Boss! Are you okay?"

She quickly came over to my side and sat on the floor. I sat up and rubbed my head and felt a drop or two of blood. God that was so stupid.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

I hear her sigh. Then she let out a quiet gasped as she looked at my skull.

"Boss, your skull has a little crack!"

I was about to say something, but she started rummaging through her pockets as she stood up, she rapidly ran out of the kitchen. I stood up and walked out of the kitchen and laid down on the sofa, my hand resting on the crack on my skull as I closed my eyes. Great my head hurts now. I then heard footsteps enter the living room and I felt someone sit on the edge of the couch next to me. I opened my eye sockets and saw Frisk holding up a wet cotton ball as she removed my hand that was covering the crack on my skull.

"Doll what are you- Ouch!" I flinched as I felt the cold cotton ball make contact with the crack.

"Sorry boss." She apologized, continuing to dab the cotton on my head.

After she finished dabbing the cotton on my head, she carefully placed a bandage on the crack.

"There we go." She looks at me with content.

"I'm fine, doll. Just a little pain, I've been through worst." I reassure her.

"Pain? Maybe this will help."

I was about to ask her what she was gonna do, until she brought her face closer to mine and kissed the place where the crack was located. I can feel my face heating up as my face started glowing a faint cyan blue.

"You really have to be careful boss. Seriously, you easily dodge bullets being fired at you, but you get a small crack on your skull just from falling over." She smiles warmly as she backed away.

"Uhhh..." I had no response.

"Well better get back to making dinner." She says as she stands up and walks back to the kitchen.

As soon as she was out of sight I face palmed and groaned. Ugh! I probably looked so stupid back there! Why is this so hard! This woman has made me way to soft. God... I pulled out the small red ribbon from my pocket and started to examine it. I never gave it back to her. Why? I don't know, honestly.

"I never thought I'd see the day Sans." A voice suddenly broke the silence of the empty room.

I quickly sat up and saw Mettaton grinning widely. He walked over to me and sat beside me.

"W-what do you m-m-mean?" Smooth move. I sound like Alphys now.

"I mean, I thought I'd never see the day that Sans the Skeleton's soul would be stolen by anyone." He nudged my arm. "Your such a softie now!"

"Heh. Me? A softie? I think you've got the wrong monster." I try to say coolly.

"Oh you don't have to hide it anymore, darling. Its pretty obvious." Mettaton said.

"Fine. Whatever." I murmur under my breath.

"So he admits!" Mettaton exclaims. "So how long have you liked Fri-"

I promptly covered the robots mouth and use my to teleport us to my room.

"Be quiet you bothersome robot!" I hissed, my face glowing brighter than before.

"Oh no need to be embarrassed dear. Its nothing to be ashamed off." He chuckles at my reaction.

"Shut up!" I say, sitting on my bed

"Come on darling. Everyone in this house knows you like her." He says, sitting next to me.

"They do?!" I asked, a bit of a panic.

"Oh come on darling. Ever since Frisk came here you've become a much more gentle monster than you were before." His grin returning. "And I''m pretty sure she likes you too. Especially after what I just witness."

"You saw that?" I groaned. Great.

"Just tell her, darling! I'm a hundred percent sure that she feels that same way!" He encourages me.

"I wish it would be easier than it actually was." I sighed and involuntarily started to fiddle with the ribbon.

Mettaton noticed the red ribbon and looked at me with a confused expression. "Darling what's tha-"

Then there was a knock on the door. Mettaton stood up, went over to the door, and opened the door. On the other side of the door revealed the chocolate brown haired girl with her hand raised up in a fist, looking like she was about to knock on the door.

"Here you guys are." She smiled brightly. "I just wanted to inform you guys that dinners almost ready. Alphys is already downstairs waiting and Undyne and Papyrus are on there way back home."

"Thank you so much darling. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you." Mettaton said.

"Its fine MT." She responds as she enters the room.

"By the way, Sans wanted to talk to you about something." Mettaton flashes me a quick smirk.

"Oh, okay." Frisk answered before I could say anything.

"I'm going a head then. Oh and don't worry Frisk, I'll set up dinner while you talk to Sans. See you two darling in a bit~" He exits the room and shuts the door, leaving us alone.


I quickly stuffed the red ribbon in my pocket as Frisk started to walk over to me.

"So what did you wanna talk about boss?" Frisk says, sitting next to me.

I took a deep breath before I spoke. "I just uh... Wanted to know if you've been enjoying being here?" It came out as more of a question.

"Are you kidding me? I love being here!" She says happily. "I've been able to meet the people that inspired me to become a criminal and was able to hang out and become friends with them! I was even able to become close to you! Its been a blast!" She looks at me with her sweet smiles, her cheeks faintly reddening.

"That's good to hear." I face her with a small smile. "Cuz I wouldn't want ya to leave, doll." I managed to grin as I wrapped an arm her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"I don't plan too." She giggled, her cheeks reddening even more. "That the only thing you wanted to tell me boss?"

"I h-have one more thing to say to you." I finally got out.

"What is it?"

Now or never.

"I uh... Well y-y-you see, I-" I started. "I... Ah screw it!"

Something came over me, but pulled her into a tight hug.

"I like you! Okay!" I blurted out.

I pulled away and stared at her hazel brown eyes. She looked at me with a dumbfounded expression as she froze on the spot. She didn't respond. Oh no I ruined it.

"Oh god dammit, for fucks sake. Mettaton, you piece of shit, I swear to god when I get my hands on you I will-"

I was cut of when I felt a pair of soft lips press up against my teeth and a pair of warm arms wrapped around my neck. I didn't have much time to respond back because I quickly felt it all pull away. I looked down at Frisk with wide eyes as she looked up at me with her face practically cherry red.

"I like you too." She grins.

I grin back as I wrapped my arms her waist and pulled her closer to me. I then pressed my teeth against her soft lips and pulled her closer. She responded and pressed her lips back her eyes shutting. When we finally pulled away, I pressed my forehead against her.

"Looks like I finally stole your heart, doll." I grinned.

"You stole my heart a long time ago boss." She said. "So uhh... Does this mean were together?" She suddenly looks so shy.

"Hmm... I dunno doll. I'm not sure if I like you enough, doll." I teased.

She then pulls away and turns away from me, crossing her arms. "Y-y-your so mean! I can't b-believe I decided t-t-t-to my first relationship!"

I chuckled as I scooted over to her and hugged her from behind.

"Sorry if I offended ya, doll. I'm not good with this relationship stuff." I whispered to her ear.

She sighed in defeat and leaned closer to me. "Fine, I'll forgive you, for now."

I sighed as I just continued to hug her. I turned her around and tried to kiss her again, but she placed her hands in front of her face as she smirked.

"No. This is your punishment for messing with me."

"Punishing me already, doll~?"

"Just because I forgave you doesn't mean I won't punish you."

"Why does this have to be the punishment? Mind changing it, doll?"


"Fine." I gave in and just pulled her closer to me in a hug.

"Heh. Heartless monster? I beg to differ." She says, accepting  the hug.

"I'm only heartless because you stole my heart." I grinned.

"Sans! Frisk! Dinner is ready!" We hear Mettatons faint scream from downstairs.

Frisk and I looked at each other and smiled. But before she stood up, I quickly pulled her into a quick kiss.

"I love ya, doll."

"I love you too, boss."





I feel like this was terrible. But this was the only thing I could think of. But here ya go!!! Did you guys like it? Yes? No? Idk, but I hope you guys enjoyed! :3

Have any suggestion? Suggest them!

Anyways, bye reader-chan!!!

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