Stolen Heart (Bonus Chapie!)

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Hey reader-chan!!!

Don't worry for those of you who suggested a Dancetale chapie, I already started on it :D

This was suppose to be a little bonus at the end of the last chapie, but I forgot to add it. But I wanted you guys to see it anyway. I will admit, I'm gonna miss writing the "Stolen Heart" chapies. Its been my favorite chapies to write. This is gonna be a short one than usual. But here's a little bonus chapie for ya'll :3

Pictures and song belongs to their respective owners!!!


Frisk's POV

"Where are we going?" I asked as we continued to walk.

"Just visiting an old friend that I haven't seen in a while, doll." Sans replied.

Sans and I were walking through the dangerous streets of the city where most criminals like to hang out at around 7:00 in the evening. I had no idea of where we were going, but Sans requested that I come along with him. He also told me to wear just casual clothing. He wore his usual deep sea blue suit with a white shirt underneath, black dressed shoes, a cyan blue neck tie, black gloves, and a matching deep sea blue fedora. I on the other hand wore a simple yellow sleeveless dress with golden flower designs, high black boots, and a small golden flower clip on my shoulder length chocolate brown hair.

(Ahhh!!! This picture is so cute!!! Sorry I had so say it. Okay lets continue now :3)

It was a beautiful dress that Mettaton gave me, it was really nice of him. We continued to walk until we reached a bar looking place. We entered the establishment and I saw many familiar criminal I've seen in newspapers or on the news. As we walked inside, I can feel the gazes of almost everyone that was in the bar on me. I shrug it of and just continued to follow Sans. We walked over to the bar and each took a seat. Then, who I assume was the bartender, approached us.

He was a monster made entirely of fire that wore a white dressed shirt with a black buttoned up vest, black pants, black dressed shoes, white gloves, and a black bow tie.

"Sup Grillby." Sans greeted the fire elemental with his usual grin.

"Good to see you again Sans." Grillby greeted back as he wiped a glass cup. "The usual?"

"Make it double." Sans said, gesturing to me.

He ordered someone to get food, then looked over to me.

"And who might you be young lady?" He asks, continuing to clean the cup.

"Oh Grillby, this is Frisk." Sans says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

I smiled warmly at him as I waved my hand. "Hello."

"Could it be..." Grillby started. "You must be the waitress that Sans talked about in the past."

"Waitress..?" I thought for a moment. "Oh yes! From the fancy restaurant on the other side of town. That was just a one time thing though."

"Well its nice to meet you."

Grillby grabbed my hand and brought it up to his face, giving it a light peck. I flinched a little as I felt a small sting of pain on my hand. Oh ya, he was made of fire. I then felt myself being pulled back as I felt two boney arms wrap around my waist. I glance up at Sans and quickly saw his left eye socket flash a bright cyan blue as he glared at the bartender.

"Look I know your my friend and all, but I don't like sharing whats mine." Sans says, pulling me closer to his chest.

Grillby chuckles at his reaction as he puts the glass cup away. "I've known you long enough to figure that out for myself. Just thought I'd take the opportunity to mess with you." He grins right before he left.

I looked at my hand and noticed it turned a little red. I shook my hand a little and blew on the spot.

"You okay, doll?" Sans says as he carefully takes my hand and starts to examine it.

"I'm fine." I reassured him.

He sighed and just continued to hug me, burying his face into my hair. He's been really protective now a days, it was sweet, but can be rather annoying at times. I'm luck enough that he allows me go on missions with him. A few minutes later, Grillby came back out with two plates of fries and a bottle of ketchup. The three of us then started chatting as we ate.

~~~Time Skip!!!~~~

After we finished eating, Sans told Grillby to put our order on his tab and we left. As soon as we exited the building Sans stopped walking.

"Wait right here, doll. I think left my fedora on the bar table."

I nodded and he went back inside the building. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed. I wonder how Mettaton and Undyne are doing on their mission. Their suppose to steal some sort of diamond encrusted watch from what I remember, while Papyrus is training and Alphys is researching and guiding them to the watch in her lab. I started feeling drowsy as I let out a yawn.

"Hey there sweetheart~ Whats a pretty lady like you doing out here alone in the middle of the night?" A voice suddenly said.

I turned to my side and saw a random guy smirking as he stared at me.

'Oh great. One of these guys.'

"I'm actually waiting for someone. So I wouldn't mind if you leave now." I say, looking away from the guy.

Suddenly I was pinned against the wall. The guy smirked at me as he stood right in front of me, his arms covering me from exiting. This will be a piece of cake to get out of. I'll just use my knife to-

My eyes widened as I felt my sides and remembered that I didn't bring my knife. I shouldn't have worn this dress! The guy in front of me noticed my grim expression and brought out his own knife. I felt the tip of the cold knife on my neck as my breath started to hitch.

"Any last words?" He smiled deviously.

I closed my eyes and giggled.

(Play music!!! I mean if ya want too :3)

"You ready to have a bad time?" I say as I opened my eyes with a confident smile.

He looked at me with a confused expression. I took a deep and screamed.


The guys eyes widened as his grip slightly loosen.

"Did you just say Sa-"

Suddenly the guy was surrounded in a blue hue as was abruptly pulled away from me and was thrown across the street with a loud thud and hit the wall, causing the wall to get a crack. I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind as the guy struggled to slowly get up.

"Hey doll. Sorry I took a while." Sans hugs me, protectively.

"Not a problem." I snuggle closer to his protective embrace and sleepily rubbed my eyes.

As I looked up at him I saw his left eye blazing a very bright cyan blue with a few streaks of yellow, well the yellow is different. The guy looked at us with wide eyes as he tried to run away. Sans stopped him and started to repeatedly smack him against the wall with a lot of power. The guy screamed and started to cough out blood, I also swear I heard a few bones cracked. This was the power of Sans' protectiveness.

"I think that's enough boss." I let out another yawn. "I'm tired."

Sans hesitantly stopped using his magic, dropping the guy down on the hard ground. The guy continued to cough out blood as he just laid on the floor. I'm surprised that he's still alive.

"I won't go so easy on ya next time. Ya hear me!" Sans growled as he warned the guy.

(End music if ya want too :3)

Sans then turned me around to make me face him as he placed a hand on my cheek and started to examine me.

"Did he hurt ya? Are ya alright, doll?" He continues to examine me.

"I'm fine. Would have been easier if I didn't leave my knife at home though." I assure him, my eyes feeling droopy.

He sighed and hugged me again. I sudden a wave of dizziness hit me as I then found ourselves in Sans room.

"Warn me next time you do that!" I complain as Sans let go of me and I unsteadily walked to the bed to sit down.

But instead of sitting down on the bed, I ended up laying down, even though this wasn't my bed. I feel so tired as I look at the clock, 9:28 pm. I then felt the bed move and an arm wrapped around me, pulling me close to a warm body.

"Sure your okay?" A concerned voice asked me as I felt a hand run through my chocolate brown hair.

"Mettaton was right when he said you became softie." I let out a small chuckle.

"What can I say? Maybe if you gave me back my heart I would go back to normal." Sans responded with a grin.

"Not a chance boss." I say, nuzzling closer to him.

He placed a hand under my chin and made me look at him. He had a serious look on his face as he continues to stroke my hair.

"I don't want anything to happen to ya." He embraces me even tighter. "Your more precious to me than anything we've ever stolen before."

I can feel my face start to heat up as I continued to stare at him. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as I brought my face closer to his, giving him a kiss on his teeth. He quickly melted to the kiss and brought me closer to him. As we pulled away he placed his head on top of mine and sighed deeply as I let out a yawn.

"Now rest up doll. I wouldn't want my precious gem to be tired when we head out to steal the Chopard Blue Diamond Ring for her." He whispers softly, still stroking my hair.

I sleepily nodded my head as I closed my eyes and let the drowsiness take over me. Just before I fell a sleep, I felt a peck on my forehead and a soft voice whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight doll. I love ya."


Such a fluffy chapie!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Again I'm working on the Dancetale chapie for those of you who requested it. Just wanted to add a little chapie to keep you guys busy while I continue the Dancetale one :3

You guys can still suggest anything for when I finish the Dancetale if ya want :3

Anyways, bye reader-chan!!!

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