Dealing With The Unexpected

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Asuna POV

     I wake up the next morning, with my eyes still closed, I feel around the bed but don't find who I'm looking for. I open my eyes and look around and remember what happened yesterday, I grow a sad frown on my face, I still can't figure out why Kirito would do something like this. I then get a faint whiff of coffee and get out of bed and head to the living room. I look around and see (Y/n) walk in with a pot of coffee and two mugs.

(Y/n): Morning, Asuna.

Asuna: *managing a smile* Morning.

(Y/n): So listen, I have been tasked into looking for some missing persons and I could use another set of eyes. Unless you just want time to think things through.

Asuna: *sits on the couch* Thanks for the offer but I don't think I'm ready for anything anymore.

(Y/n): *sits next to Asuna* Asuna, I realize this is hard. I mean you had a family and it was just torn apart, twice. But dwelling on the past isn't going to help you, while you should never forget the past, you should always be looking to the future as well.

Asuna: I have no future, Kirito was my future. How can I move beyond that?

(Y/n): I suppose it is easier for me to say.

Asuna: What do you mean?

(Y/n): Bah, it's nothing for you to worry about. Anyways, I have some missing persons cases to look into, *gives a small hug* I'll be back in time for lunch. For now just stay here and think things over, and remember, keep moving forward.

     With that (Y/n) left and headed to wherever he was headed and I am left to my own thoughts and devices.

(Y/n) POV

     I have made enough headway in the missing persons cases that I can see a pattern to everyones actions and movements over the past 2 weeks. I go to the one place where everyone of the missing persons did have in common. They all went to a tavern on floor 50 and then left with a strange figure. I arrive in the town on floor 50 and ask players where the tavern is, I finally find it and enter and walk to the bartender, by the gamertag of Rodney.

(Y/n): Hey Rodney. *tosses him some gold pieces* I need some info.

Rodney: *takes the gold* What do you need to know?

     I show him a list of all the missing players and tell him.

(Y/n): *whispers* Every single one of these players disappeared some time after leaving here. Eyewitness reports say that they all left with a mysterious hooded figure. Is that figure here right now?

Rodney: *pours a shot of whiskey and whispers* Over in the corner next to the fire.

     I take my drink and pay another gold piece and turn, as I drink the shot and in that instant see the hooded figure before turning back and saying thanks for the drink. I walk over to the man and sit across from him, I can't see his face but he is grinning.

Hooded man: You're quite the detective to have found me.

(Y/n): You don't seem too surprised I did though. Though that's what I'd expect from the Laughing Coffin guild.

Hooded man: Impressive work, how did you figure that out?

(Y/n): Different players, same MO.

Hooded man: Next you'll want me to take you to the ambush site, where you will undoubtedly die.

(Y/n): Why not. Let's get this over with.

Hooded man: Very well.

     The hooded man leads me to a ravine outside the Safe Zone. As we walk, I take in the landscape and see all the possible advantages the perps can use the terrain for. The hooded man then stops and the rest of the guild come out from their hiding spots with eager smiles on their faces.

LC Leader: You are quite brave or foolish to come here. Before we kill you, do you have any last words?

(Y/n): Gamertag: Arctodus. Level, 178. I have 114,000 HP, and I have been maxing my heavy armor skills. My battle skill heals 500 HP every 5 seconds and 1500 HP every 10 seconds. You really want to try me?

LC: Ha, there's no one of that high level or skills.

(Y/n): Wanna bet?

     I equip my shield-

     -and unsheath my flail and let the head hit the ground with a loud metallic thud.

     The Laughing Coffin Leader is not easily fazed but his underlings suddenly got a little intimidated but stood their ground.

LC Leader: Very well then. Kill him.

     All the members except the leader charge in to attack and I simply wind up my flail, activate a sword skill and slam the flail into the ground, causing an AOE shockwave attack that knocked all the charging attackers to be blown back. The underlings are all lying on the ground, alive but unconscious, only the leader remains and I give one more chance.

(Y/n): You have been bested. Laughing Coffin is dead. Surrender now, and you will live to see the end of this game and go back to the real world. I will also personally see to it that you get proper health and care.

LC Leader: You think you can just cage us up just like that?! We came here to do what we please, when we please.

(Y/n): Then you should've stuck to thievery instead of becoming serial killers. Last chance, surrender!

LC Leader: Never!

     The man charges me and I sigh as I will be forced to kill him. He gets close and swings his weapon, which I easily block and disarm him. I then jab him in the chest with my shield, he falls to one knee trying to catch his breath. I then wind up my flail and then uppercut him in the chin and send him flying back several feet. His HP drops to zero and he dies, I then use the big teleport crystal my clients spent their fortunes on and teleport everyone of the Laughing Coffin guild to prison and just before lunch too. Oh shit, I better get back to my flat!

Timeskip 1 Hour Later

     I make it back to my flat on floor 68 and am about to walk in when I hear yelling. I walk in and see Asuna still sitting on the couch in tears, I immediately equip some lounging clothes and unequip my weapon and shield. I sit down next to Asuna and pull her into a hug and let her cry into my chest. It's going to take time but she's too strong to let this stop her, and I will be there every step of the way.

(A/N): Hey guys, thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed and thanks to all of those who support my channel if you're new and want to see more content from me check out my profile and give me a follow if you're interested. Love you all, PEACE OUT!!!

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