Taking On A Dungeon

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Asuna POV

     It's been a few weeks since I found out Kirito was cheating on and to be honest, I'm still having some trouble but with (Y/n) around things have become bearable. I've gotten to the point where I feel like I can fight and, again with (Y/n)'s help, I'm going to try and take a quest. I equip my armor and rapier and head out into (Y/n)'s living room, and see he has his equipment window open.

(Y/n): Hey, I've got some healing crystals for you to take.

Asuna: What about you, won't you need them?

(Y/n): I don't need them as bad as you might, because my level and HP are much too high for this floor.

Asuna: Alright, let's do this.

(Y/n): Sure thing, Vice Commander. *playfully salutes*

     I laugh at (Y/n) for his silliness, even in a game of almost certain death, (Y/n) manages to keep a sense of humor, which I really like about him. We head out into town and come across a random old hermit who tells us that he lost something very valuable to him in a dungeon, we accept the contract and head to the specified location.

(Y/n): Ready?

Asuna: Let's go.

We head inside and take out a few of the small minions of the dungeon and as expected the enemies got harder as we continue. While (Y/n) fought the monsters, I was looking around for the item we were here to grab, but I with nothing to show for it I start to wonder if the boss of this dungeon has it.

(Y/n): Anything?

Asuna: No, we're close to the boss room now and I'm wondering if the item is with the boss monster.

(Y/n): I've been wondering the same and that would make sense since the reward was a epic class rare item.

Asuna: Well, let's not keep the boss waiting shall we?

(Y/n): Are you sure, I mean you're still recovering from a really bad breakup, I can handle this on my own.

Asuna: Are you suggesting that I leave my best friend to potentially die alone in a dungeon? *puts on a pouty face*

(Y/n): All I'm saying is that you're still not over this, just be careful, I don't want to lose the only friend I've got.

Asuna: *sigh* I know you're worried, but we can do this, anything as long as we're together.

(Y/n): *deep breath* Alright let's do this.

     We enter a large room and (Y/n) is being especially vigilant because we don't know what kind of monster we'll be dealing with. The room then activates and the doors close and lock behind us, (Y/n) let's his flail head drop with a thud and the boss monster appears.

(Y/n): Asuna, dodge!

     The monster starts to charge and I dodge right, but (Y/n) is too slow to get out of the way and while he did block it the force of the hit sent him flying into the wall.

Asuna: (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Ha, you'll have to do better than that! Try again!

     The monster did try another charge, this time (Y/n) was ready for it and skidded to a stop, (Y/n) uses his massive strength to push the monster off. I am still in amazement at his strength and defense, he looks at and says.

(Y/n): Don't just stand there, hit something!

Asuna: *recomposes* Uh, right!

     I rush in as the monster continues to agro on (Y/n), I strike multiple times with my rapier trying to find the monsters weak point. All the while, (Y/n) is keeping the monster's agro focused on him. I finally figure out where the weak point is, unfortunately it is directly behind it's horns.

Asuna: (Y/n)! *(Y/n) looks at me* The weak point is behind it's horns! I need you to make it charge again, then hold it!

(Y/n): Got it!

      (Y/n) starts banging his flail staff on his shield.

(Y/n): Come and get me you ugly son of bitch!

Monster: *ROARS*

     The boss charges (Y/n) and he successfully blocked it and the two got into a shoving contest. I then rush behind (Y/n) then jump off his shoulders and activate my most powerful sword skill I have and strike the bosses weak point. Thinking the monster is done I jump off and relax, then from behind me I hear-

(Y/n): Asuna!

     I turn around and see the monster turned it's attention to me and charged. I try to evade but I end up getting grazed and flung across the room, I slowly recover and see the monster charging again. I flinch away and wait for the hit, but it doesn't come, I open my eyes and see (Y/n) had hit the monster with his flail and sent it skidding across the floor. (Y/n) then gets between me and the monster and continues his rampage. I look at my friend as he fights to defend me, he is amazing. The monster charges one more time, but instead of defending, (Y/n) winds up his flail and when the monster got close, (Y/n) slammed the flail head into the bosses face into the ground. The boss then dies and turns into shards, and the reward window opens up in front of me breaking me out of my trance. As soon as I accept the reward, as well as the quest item, (Y/n) kneels down to me.

(Y/n): Asuna, are you alright?

Asuna: *hugs (Y/n)* Thanks to you I am. I'm sorry about letting my guard down like that.

(Y/n): Hey, it's alright. You're safe, that's all that matters.

     I stayed in his arms for a minute then recomposed myself, I healed myself and (Y/n), even though he took minimal damage, and we headed back to the old man to recieve our reward.

Old man: Oh, my wife's locket. You found it, thank you adventurers. You have truly warmed an old man's heart. Here is your reward, my wife would want you to have it.

(Y/n): Thank you, sir. Take care now.

     It turns out the reward was the man's wife's necklace, (Y/n) happily gave it to me.

Asuna: But (Y/n), you put in the most work, I can't take this.

(Y/n): I can't put it to use myself and something tells me it will look much nicer on you anyway.

Asuna: *blushes* O-ok, if you're sure.

     I take the necklace and equip it.

(Y/n): See, it matches your beauty perfectly.

     My blush becomes heavier at the nice compliment, although he tries to re-tell it in a way that's not emberrassing or creepy. I can only giggle at his embarrassment and we decide to get some dinner and head back to his place to have dinner. As night falls (Y/n) stays up a little longer than I do drinking some ale while I just head to bed, as I fall asleep I get a nagging feeling in the back of my head saying that I actually love (Y/n), but that can't be true. (Y/n) is just a friend, right?

(A/N): Alright a new chapter, awesome! Hey guys let me know what you think of this story so far. Please leave a vote if you did

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