A Day Out

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Asuna POV

I wake up one morning and I have been getting my dungeon clearing groove back, and it's all thanks to (Y/n). He is so kind and gentle, piss him off however and he is relentless until he gets his point across. (Y/n) and I have been working together for a few weeks and cleared three more floors, one of them was because (Y/n) was being stubborn and objected a plan I had in place, so again to make his point he foolishly went into the boss room alone and we end up taking the boss out together. Anyways, I walk into the living room of (Y/n)'s flat and I see a hot pot of coffee on the table in front of the couch. I grab an empty cup and pour myself some coffee and come to find that (Y/n) likes his coffee extremely strong, he says it's an aquired taste, so to compensate I put some sugar in the coffee. Just then (Y/n) himself walks into the living room from the kitchen with a tray of food.

(Y/n): Oh, good morning Asuna.

Asuna: Good morning (Y/n), what's all this about? *gesturing to the tray in (Y/n)'s hands*

(Y/n) gains a sorrowful look on his face and sets the tray down in front of me, I start to become a little worried and want to be there for him as well.

(Y/n): I want to say I'm sorry, about running into that dungeon yesterday without a plan. I was reckless and it nearly got you killed, I'm so sorry.

(Y/n) is strong willed where he won't show his saddened emotions very often but this time, while he didn't cry he was being sincere and genuine. I scoot next to him and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug.

Asuna: You don't have to apologize for anything. You are my best friend and I will never be angry or blame you for anything. You wanted to save those NPC children, and so I was more than willing to help. I will always have your back, just like I know you'll always have mine. *pulls away* We're in this together, right.

I smile and stick up my pinkie, (Y/n) smiles and wraps his pinkie around mine.

(Y/n): Together.

Asuna: But if you are insistent on making things up to me, then you and I will take a break from dungeon clearing and relax today.

(Y/n): I assume you have some ideas?

Asuna: I do, but it shall be a surprise. *smiles and winks at (Y/n)*

(Y/n) agreed and we get ready for a day out, first we head to a clothing shop. Lately, my feelings for (Y/n) are only getting stronger, I feel safe and protected around him, like nothing could ever hurt me with him around. I cannot deny my feelings for him any longer, but does he feel the same way about me? As I look through the shop keeper's item list, I see something and I get an idea. I then suggest we head back to (Y/n)'s flat and prepare some lunch sandwiches and head to a pretty lake on floor 56. Nervously, (Y/n) agreed and got ready for a day at the lake he did take his armor and weapons with him just in case though. We arrive at the lake and it is beautiful, best part no one else is around.

(Y/n): Wow, you weren't kidding about the beauty of this place.

Asuna: Right, it so pretty here. Now, I am going behind that tree to change, I better not catch you peeking.

(Y/n): Come on Asuna! Who do you think I am?! *turns away from Asuna*

     I go and change into my new bathing suit and tell (Y/n) he can turn around now.

He does and before he can respond I tackle him and we fall over into the water. I stand up in the waist deep water and wait for him to come up, a minute later and noe I'm starting to get worried about. Suddenly he erupts out of the water splashing me in a big wave, we start laughing and I start splashing him too. After 30 minutes of swimming, we decide to eat lunch and as we eat, I remember something he said after my breakup with Kirito.

Asuna: Hey (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Asuna: What did you mean by "It's easier for me to say", the day after I found out about Kirito?

(Y/n): *sigh* I guess I see no harm in telling you, in the real world I work for the United States Military.

Asuna: You're a soldier?

(Y/n): Military Police, but yeah. And before you ask I am 19, recruited right out of highschool. I was dating a girl named Sophie, more like a fiancee at the time, but she and I were going to get married until I found out she was cheating with a guy from my military unit.

Asuna: Oh, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Just like you I was devastated and asked to be stationed here in Japan so I didn't have to deal with it. Why not put 3000 miles and an ocean between me and my problems. Eventually, I came to accept the fact that there is no escaping your problems, you can only face them head on.

Asuna: I guess I was so upset with Kirito cheating on me because of my life in the real world too. I am the daughter of two buisness owners and as you can imagine my parents are very proud and just want me to be happy but they have never asked once what I really want to do and that has caused a bit of frustration between me and my parents.

(Y/n): What do you want to do?

Asuna: *sigh* I don't know.

(Y/n): I'm sure you'll figure it out, you're a smart girl, you can do anything you want. Just so long as it makes you happy, don't let others tell you how to live your life, but if you need help never be afraid to ask for help either.

     I smile knowing, that (Y/n) is so supportive and I now know I need ro face one last problem head on, I can't run from it anymore. As (Y/n) and I head back to his flat, the opportunity to face it presents itself.

Kirito: Asuna!

     Sigh, oh boy.

(A/N): Oh boy is right. How is Asuna going to talk to Kirito about this whole mess? Find out next time. Thank you guys for all your love and support, I hope you all have a wonderful day. PEACE OUT!!!

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