Kibaou, Again

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3rd Person POV

[Maverick, Koharu, and Asuna walk over to where Kibaou is waiting]

Kibaou: Does he have to be here?

[Asuna places her hand on her weapon]

Asuna: You want to say that again?

Kibaou: Nevermind.

[Asuna takes her hand off her weapon]

Kibaou: Good, you're here. Glad I didn't waste my time finding ya.

Koharu: So what do you need us for? What does Diavel have to do with any of this?

Kibaou: Right, guess I need to lay it out for ya. After Diavel left, our little group split off into two main brances.

Maverick: Because breaking apart is exactly what we need right now.

Kibaou: Shut it, Beater!

[Asuna and Koharu place their hands on their weapons]

Asuna: Talk like that to him again and I won't hesitate to kill you.

Kibaou: There's the Aincrad Liberation Squad that I head up and the Dragon Knights that Lind leads.

Maverick: The Aincrad Liber-what now?

Kibaou: Weren't you listening?

[Asuna draw her rapier]

Kibaou: Why the hostility?

Asuna: You're probably talking to the person who will beat this game for us. He will not be disrespected.

Maverick: Asuna, that's enough.

[Asuna sheathes her weapon]

Asuna: I'm watching you.

Kibaou: That'll be our guild name eventually! But for now we're just kind of throwing that name around. Lind was a dude who partied with Diavel back on Floor 1. He's an over-ambitous fella who stepped up to take lead after Diavel.

Maverick: So, he's just like you then, Kibaou?

[Kibaou plans to respond but Asuna and Koharu give him a look and stops]

Kibaou: I've stuck by my ways through and through! I'm gonna beat this this stinkin game without the help from any of them testers.

[Koharu draws her weapon]

Koharu: What's so wrong with that?

Kiabou: I retract my previous statement. I'm ready to face the struggles ahead. I ain't in this for fame or glory. We either get it done or we don't.

Maverick: Interesting way of showing it.

Koharu: (Whispers to Maverick) Working with us goes directly against his "ways" but I don't think now is the best time to say so...

Kibaou: Quit your whispering. If you got something to say, say it.

[Maverick draws his sword]

Kiabou: What is with you three and drawing weapons?

Maverick: Say what you want and then leave. We'll decide to help you after that.

Koharu: So, basically...Lind just wanted to be the leader but you just to beat the game?

Kibaou: You catch on fast.

Maverick: I don't really see the difference...

Kibaou: Just you watch and see. Anyone can tell one of us is more cut out for this.

Maverick: Excuse me?

Kibaou: Umm...Anyway, my Liberation Squad needs better gear so we don't lose out to them Knights. You three already got a feel for the monsters on this Floor, right? Then you shouldn't have any trouble gathering some material for me, yeah? I'll pay you for your time. More than those Knights would too.

Maverick: Why can't you just do it yourself? We're not free-hands.

Asuna: I'm with Maverick. I've seen these two work their asses off running errands. Just do it yourself.

Kibaou: Fine. We'll do it without you! We don't need you.

Maverick: How wrong you are about that statement.

[Maverick, Koharu, and Asuna walk away]

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