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- presumed date of departure: Monday 17 November (week 46)
- presumed date of arrival: Thursday  27 November (week 47)
- description: Prototypes high-tech weapons are transported to off-site testing facility 2569 km south-south-west of Dellago (Iustitia Pack border town), by automated train. Railways are suspected to go through Vakrhabar Desert, 471 km west of Dellago. Train needs to strand in Vakrhabar Dessert. Weapons can then be obtained safely and brought to Iustitia Pack to be destroyed.
- Final destination: Vakrhabar Desert (coordinates: 261.890.328)
- Plan of operation: Subject changes final destination coordinates to previously mentioned area before November 10th, 23.59 h. This can be done in building VP28, 4021 Newton Rd, Sapientiae. Wing S, room 4.32.

I read the entire document with a loudly beating heart. I was all alone in my room at Headquarters, but I had felt that someone was watching me to such an extent when I wanted to read everything, that I had climbed into bed with a flashlight and read the piece of paper Ambassador Montgomery had given me underneath the covers. The warmth had provided me some sense of safety, but the content of the document had taken it all away. I was to do something terrible. I had to change coordinates of a train that was transporting deadly weapons, so that they can be stolen by another pack. Provided that the weapons were amazing - after all, they were designed in Sapientiae - this would give the Iustitia Pack an enormous advantage over other packs without these kind of weapons. I shuddered, not sure what I had to do, because if I was sure of something, it was that Iustitia would not destroy these weapons. The personality of Ambassador Montgomery was a first indication of that, Betty's comment on Iustitia Pack members the second.
On one hand, I didn't want to lie to Vir, Daniel and Betty, nor do something awful to the pack I was supposed to be the Luna to. But on the other hand, I didn't want to be exposed in front of the entire pack yet. I had seen how everyone had looked at the representative from Sensus, when she told the pack how she chose her mate over her career. If looks could kill, she would have been killed a thousand times over. They wouldn't accept a stupid girl as the soulmate of the smartest man alive. Vir would have to choose between me and his career. Seen his background, I wasn't sure what he would choose, and I couldn't take the risk. At least, not yet.
I sighed, knowing that I had made my decision already. That train was going to be hijacked, and I would be responsible for it.
Vir couldn't know. Ever. No one could.
I had seven weeks to plan what I would have to do. 49 days. Within that time, I could figure something out.

"What did the weasel want yesterday?" Daniel shoved a new caramel cookie in his face and watched me curiously, his mouth never stopping with moving.
I nonchalantly told him the same story I had told Betty. "Oh something about his granddaughter that wanted to go to Military School in the Fortis Pack. He assumed I would know more about the procedure."
Daniel nodded, showing a crease between his eyebrows as he thought. "Didn't know he had a granddaughter."
Shit. "Ehm," I tried thinking of an explanation.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Must have missed it in his file." He winked at me. "Don't tell Vir that I kind of slacked on my job."
My face must have shown surprise, because he explained further. "I'm supposed to know everything about everyone in this building, so that I can help Vir make important decisions involving these people. For me not to know all personal details means I didn't do my job well enough." He lowered his voice significantly. "Not that it surprises me, to be honest."
He stood up and motioned for me to follow him. I did silently, curious about what he wanted to tell me. We walked outside to the centre of the city. Before I could say anything, he already shushed me. "You can miss an extra hour of work, Vir knows I'm taking you somewhere."
He took me to a small, old and seemingly abandoned building that looked as if it should have been broken down years ago. It appeared to be a theatre back in the days, but it had definitely seen better times.
In front of the main entrance were two homeless men, sleeping on the stone steps. Daniel ignored them and walked over them with large passes. I just followed.
The inside of the building wasn't much better than the outside. The place smelled damp and moldy, the dark red wallpaper partly peeled off in the corners, showing nothing but yellowish sandstone walls. Everywhere I looked I saw dust, molds, spider rags and cockroaches.
In short: not the most beautiful place.
Still, Daniel walked on, to the main stage. He put his finger in front of his mouth, silently telling me to keep quiet, before he entered the room backstage.
Between the curtains, we could look at the dimly lit stage, where on a dark, but shiny floor, was a ballerina dancing to a classical song. She was wearing a black ballerina suit, soft pink tights, and danced elegantly on spitzen.
I looked questioningly towards Daniel, but found him mesmerized by the movements of the dark-haired girl. I smiled and shook my head. His heart-eyes as he looked at the young woman were more than clear. The man was deeply in love.
Standing on my toes, I whispered softly in his ear. "Who is she?"
He whispered back, his voice equally soft as mine as to not to disturb the girl. "That's Rosie." He swallowed and I swore I could see his cheeks start to burn slightly. "She studies Advanced Climate Policy at Sapientiae University, with the help of a full scholarship. I saw her first when I gave a lecture on politics in Sapientiae a few weeks ago." He sighed.  "I can feel she is fated to me, feel she is my soulmate."
I almost 'aww-ed' out loud, but managed to keep quiet. "Does she know?"
He shook his head sadly, still watching the girl, Rosie, intently. "She is a first-year student, I'm a Beta. I'm in a complete different stage of my life compared to her, how could we be together?"
I looked at him pointedly. "I'm heavily dyslexic, not at all that smart, and I'm mated to the smartest man alive."
"And how is that working out for you." He breathed in deeply. "Sorry, that was uncalled for. But do you see my point? We can't be together, not yet."
Even though he touched upon a sore spot with his jest, I still refused to give in and put my hands in my sides. With a strict voice, I put him in his place. "That should not be your choice alone. You take away her say in this, without her even knowing My relationship with Vir may not be going smoothly, but at least I know I have a mate. I know where he is, and not even maybe would I want to turn it back."
Daniel had the audacity to look at least a bit guilty.
"So. You go talk to her now, and find out why you are mates. If your feeling is correct, you are supposed to be together." With these words I pushed him on the stage.
He stumbled a bit, but couldn't back down anymore, for Rosie had noticed him. And as their eyes met, she breathed out softly. "Mate."
I turned around with a smile when the two started talking. Looking back at how Daniel was deeply infatuated with her, I was sure nothing could go wrong.

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