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Well, she didn't extinguish the sound completely, she merely managed to quieten it down to soft whispers as opposed to screams.

I did as Daniel told me to. As soon as I reached my room, I grabbed some pyjamas out of my suitcase and went to bed. Even though I expected to worry a lot and not be able to fall asleep, the fact that it was already past three a.m. did help in allowing me to go to dreamland quickly.

My nap was a short one, however. I think it was around seven in the morning when I woke up. Deciding it was still a bit too early to go see Vir, I changed into some sporting clothes to do some exercise. Not feeling like going outside yet, I did this in my room, with all kinds of objects I could find. The shelf including books that I could take off the wall easily functioned perfectly when I started with lunges and squats. Putting my feet on the bed and the rest of my body on the floor worked fine when I did my push-ups. I had brought a long, thin rope for jumping rope for a few minutes, and the pillows did their job as boxing cushions afterwards. All in all I was able to do a good work-out for an hour.

A quick shower and some breakfast later I was on my way to Vir's room. This time entering was easy, since the chip in my wrist was activated for all hallways and rooms in Vir's quarters on the top floor of the Headquarters.

I met with Daniel right as he walked out of the door of Vir's bedroom. "Oh, I was just about to go find you. I'm dead, about to fall asleep while standing, I swear," he said immediately when I saw him. He indeed looked terrible, with large bags underneath his eyes and a pale face. "But I have to go see Rosie first, I promised I would meet her for breakfast this morning."

"Say hi to her from me, okay?" I asked. Daniel nodded in answer, but didn't say anything else.

"How is Vir doing?"

Daniel blinked a couple of times before answering. "Right. Vir. Yes. Oh right. He woke up briefly two hours ago, so I gave him some soup and a glass of water with acetaminophen, and I helped him shower, so at least he is clean now. He didn't really want to go back to sleep, but he did eventually, although he isn't sleeping as peacefully as he was when you were there still. I think he missed you."

I smiled lightly. I had secretly hoped he hadn't noticed me leaving to go take a nap. I had promised him to stay, after all. Well, I didn't exactly leave this time, though. I merely went to my own room, in the same building, and now I was back.

"I better get in now then. Have fun with your mate, Daniel."

"Thanks. Oh and by the way, I left you the files regarding the big problem on the desk in his room. I'm not sure how you'll be able to help, but feel free to take a look at it." I nodded, and then he stumbled away, probably to some sweet, small coffee-shop that serves pieces of pie with way too much sugar.

When I walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was how Vir was moving around in his sleep a lot, while last night I felt like I had to check if he was still alive every few minutes. I sat next to him on the bed and grabbed his hand softly to show him I was here again.

"Hey," I cooed with a soft, high voice. "I'm back again, don't worry. You can go sleep quietly now." I took the wet towel on his bedstand and caressed his face with it. He still had red cheeks, but at least he appeared to be sweating slightly now, which I took as a good sign that the fever was slowly starting to decline.

Slowly but surely Vir started to fall into a more peaceful state of sleep. Still, it took me about an hour before I dared to stand up to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I was relieved to see he was still sleeping calmly. Grabbing the file on the desk, I joined Vir on the bed, my legs underneath the covers. It was a remarkably thick file, it would take me at least a few hours to read everything inside of it. The boring-looking document consisted of an alphabetically ordered list of abnormalities in the pack, as well as a map of the city with the locations of the abnormalities marked. There also was an extensive description of everything that went wrong, all the strategies that had been tried to find out what caused all these mistakes, and all kinds of mathematical equations that I didn't understand at all.

I was so absorbed in reading everything, that I almost didn't notice the time fly by. Every few minutes I glanced up from my reading to see if Vir was awake, but he slept quietly through most of the day. When he was awake, however, he was really out of it because of the fever, so then I just gave him more acetaminophen, water, and yoghurt or soup. It was obvious that he was still feeling very bad, since he didn't fight me once when I told him to go back to sleep after he had eaten and gone to the toilet. He just nodded in silence and closed his eyes again. Using the ear-thermometer I could measure his body temperature every hour, that I could then fill in into the iPad that was next to the bed. Willow had stopped by once during the day to show me how it worked, and she explained that whatever I filled in would directly be sent to Vir's personal physician.

Besides that, I had all the time in the world to read everything in the file. It wasn't exactly easy, but I think I understood everything Vir had tried to a certain level. I didn't understand why nothing he tried worked, however. Still, there was something in that chaos that didn't seem right. I just couldn't put my finger on it yet.

Well, considering that Vir was not allowed to work anytime soon, I figured I still had a lot of time to solve the problem myself, and show everyone in Sapientiae that the intelligence of Fortis pack members shouldn't just be cast away easily. 

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