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The more he gave into it, the quieter his mind.

I think it was about one in the morning when I finally passed out in Vir's bed. I was still busy reading the file when at some point, I just fell asleep. I still had my clothes on, my teeth weren't brushed, and I was in the most uncomfortable position for sleeping ever. I had checked Vir's temperature right after midnight, and thankfully, his fever was going down again. Still, I had softly pressed a cool, wet towel to his forehead to wipe away the last bit of sweat before I continued reading - and fell asleep.

Not falling asleep in my own bed caused me to sleep a lot lighter than usually, causing me to wake up at six in the morning, when the sky started to colour a pale grey. As I was laying there, staring into the still dark room with my neck hurting from my strange sleeping position, I figured I might as well get up, not being able to sleep anymore anyway.

I moved quickly to the adjacent bathroom to do my business, brush my teeth and wash my face. When I looked in the mirror, I found that my hair actually looked kind of okay, although my skin was almost as pale as Vir's. Right when I moved back into the room, Vir started to stir, slowly wakening as well. I sat down on the bed where I had previously slept, trying not to disturb him. Maybe he would fall into a deeper sleep again.

For a moment I thought that that was what happened, but then he started moving again and trying to get up, while softly mumbling something about going back to work.

Oh no mister, that was definitely not going to happen.

Doctor's orders, right?

Almost like a cat, I jumped over to the other side of the bed just as he had managed to throw off the duvet. Putting my knees on either side of his side and pushing his wrists against the matrass, I straddled him. Feeling his breath hitch in shock, I saw his eyes dart around quickly, before he started trashing around, trying to get free. "Let me go, I need to go to work, let me go," he spoke in a panicked manner.

Knowing that I could not hold this position for much longer if he kept trying to throw me off, I let my full weight rest on his body, rendering him immobile. If anything, it did shut him up.

However, I myself did not think fully of the consequences either before I did this. I just figured it would be the fastest way to stop any attempts to escape. Feeling his body so close to mine, with so much of our bodies touching – even with two layers of clothes between them – threw me off guard. His scent was nice, drawing me in. My hands grasping his wrists elicited the feeling of sparks, like tiny electrical currents. Looking at his face, I knew that he felt the same.

Except he was still trying to get away, although less intensely, probably realising that by moving he only made it harder on himself. Literally.

I had been in this position before, with another guy though. I knew that his body was reacting to the friction between us, and knowing Vir, it probably made him uncomfortable.

"It kind of hurts how you want to go away so fast after all the things we did together last night," I sighed, not being able to stop teasing him for a bit.

He looked at me confused for a minute, but after a suggestive wink from me, his face turned bright red, and his pupils dilated so much I thought he had a brain bleed. Shaking his head repeatedly, started mumbling in himself slightly. I was not completely sure if he noticed it himself. "No, what? No no, I don't..."

I cocked my head slightly. "Honestly Vir, don't you think you would remember if we actually did? And how do you actually think that I would do something like that to you without your consent?" I let myself drop onto the bed next to him, only our hands still touching. Not even looking at him, I could feel him calm down slightly at my words. Thankfully, he didn't pull his hand away from mine, for once allowing both of us to relish in the contact.

"Why are you here?" He asked softly, a few minutes later.

I looked to the side to see his face a bit better. "You asked me to stay, but you had a really high fever and seemed a bit delirious, so I doubt that you remember."

"N-no, I mean... I mean why did you come back? I thought you went home." He sounded vulnerable, a slight tremor to his voice. "I-I-I wasn't very nice to you." I almost couldn't catch the last few words, so soft had he spoken them.

Now I turned my whole body to him, laying on my side. The matrass was soft, and I could feel my hip dig into the fabric. Propping my head up on my hand, I trailed Vir's forearm and wrist with my fingertips. The tiny sparks of electricity that elicited upon my touch caused goose bumps to appear on both our skins.

"I was planning on not coming back unless you personally begged me. I knew Daniel would try to convince me to return to Sapientiae with all his might, so I didn't answer his calls at all." I was quiet for a while, just listening to Vir breathing. He waited patiently for me to continue.

"And then, I think it was about two days ago, that I saw that I had a voice mail from Willow." I heard Vir gasp.

"Yhea it shocked me too. Yet I knew that she would never call me if she thought she had another option." I rested my hand on his shoulder, and could feel the heat of his skin slowly seep into my hand. Vir just laid still, his eyes staring at the ceiling. "It was Willow who told me how bad you were doing in my absence. Not sleeping, not eating, not drinking anything... Only working, day and night. I could hear in her voice that she was scared for you, genuinely worried. That's why I got on a plane to Sapientiae as fast as I could." I sighed deeply. "And I'm glad I did."

Now Vir did turn over. Our bodies were facing one another, and we were so close to touching skin somewhere, that I could practically feel the electricity between us. His face was mere inches from mine, causing me to stare into the depth of his eyes. The light blue irises were staring back at me, slightly unfocussed. I knew Daniel hid his glasses somewhere, so that he wouldn't be tempted to go back to work right away. The lack of glasses on Vir's face caused him to look younger, more fragile, but also more tired. His cheeks were sunken in, and the dark bags underneath his eyes had only somewhat started to disappear.

"Please, never worry me like that again," I whispered, my vision getting a tad bit blurry. "How could you even allow it to get this far? Why does this situation bother you so much that you stop thinking of your own health?"

Vir just stared at me, shivers going through his body every once in a while. I moved to get up to get him underneath the covers before he got sick again, but he stopped me with a bony hand on my arm. "Wait," he whispered lowly. "I... I want to tell you." 

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