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"How many more hits is it going to take for you to tell me where the drugs are?" Yeonjun raised an eyebrow at the bleeding man who was tied to a pillar.

"Just kill me." He choked out making Yeonjun adjust his brass knuckles again before sending a painful blow to his gut.

Painful cries echoed throughout the parking lot as the man coughed up blood uncontrollably. Yeonjun leaned against a nearby pillar.

"You've been cheating on your saint of a wife, smuggling drugs in out the city via water routes and getting paid for a hit and run accident. Your life has been going on your way hasn't it?" Yeonjun's eyes glared mercilessly at the man.

"What do ya know. That woman aint 'nough to satisfy my needs." He spat, sweat running down his face.

Yeonjun raised his leg and placed it on his head, holding the man's head in place as he looked down with resentment at him.

"A woman isn't an object for satisfying your needs." He glowered before kicking him with all his strength as the man fell to the side, blood seeping out his head.

"Kill him." Yeonjun turned around and muttered lowly to Beomgyu who nodded before taking out a baseball bat which was stained with blood from all the previous victims of his metal bat.

Yeonjun shut the door on the dying man's screams.


"What do you mean you can't come?" Yeonjun asked, his stress evident in his voice.

"Im sorry hyung! It's just that Chaeyoung wants to dye her hair with me I just couldn't say no." Soobin whined from the other side. 


"Don't be mad. You'd do that too if Y/n asked you to do something." He reasoned from the other side making the raven haired man sigh.

"You're right. Enjoy your date." Yeonjun gave in and ended the call before his phone rang again, Your name flashing in bold letter with a heart emoji next to it, immediately putting a smile on the stressed male's face.

"Hi angel." Yeonjun spoke answering the call as he heard some shuffling before the voice he'd never get tired of chirped.

"Hi jun! I got done with work early do you maybe wanna go grab some dinner together?" Y/n questioned and Yeonjun's lips slightly curved up.

"I'd love to baby but I got some things to deal with." He said with a frown.

"Oh, is that what soobin was ranting about not being able to help you with? I heard him in the back when i called Chae." Y/n said trying not to show the disappointment.

Yeonjun laughed. "That's the one alright." 

"Weelllll then maybe I can tag a long! You know i'm always up for kicking ass." Y/n indignantly scoffed from the other side.


"Why not-wait did you just agree? so easily?" Y/n asked puzzled.

"Yeah. You look really hot when you're fighting. Don't even get me started when you're aiming your gun." Yeonjun spoke like a fanboy and y/n let out a flustered chuckle.

"Okay, come pick me up then lover boy."

"Ah ah, Your lover boy. Love you bye." 

Minutes later, Y/n was comfortably seated in the passenger seat of Yeonjun's black lambo which was now speeding down the nearly empty highways.

The car stopped in front of a crumbling building with a neon sign that read 'open'. Men stood in groups smoking weed which could be smelt from a mile away.

"Disgusting." Y/n covered her nose by hiding it in the crook of her arm and letting Yeonjun drag her inside.

As soon as they entered Y/n felt a wave of nausea from the strong smell of liquor, the kind her father drank on nights he needed to blow some steam.

Men passed whispers and glances seeing the familiar couple and soon people from the second floor were peeking out of windows to get a peek at them.

"What you want?" A short old man with grey hair poking out his red bandana questioned, running his tongue over his golden teeth.

"We're here to see your boss." Yeonjun demanded and the man put out his hand. 

"Money first and then i take you to see boss." He said and Yeonjun held his stare.

"Don't you have enough money here to be asking me for it?" He questioned and the man gulped.

"I'll give you advice instead," Yeonjun began shoving his other hand into his pocket. 

"Leave this place, its going to blow." 

Shortly after, Yeonjun and Y/n were both seated across the boss who seemed American and was smoking a fat cigar stick with his legs propped onto his table as he held his gaze over the two.

"You killed him I heard." The man spoke blowing out smoke, his eyes lighting up in mischief. 

"You heard right." Yeonjun replied. "Now tell me where you're storing the goods." 

"You're a mafia why meddle in our small business?" The man asked avoiding his question making Yeonjun tilt his head with a lazy smile.

"In this competition of being bad I want to be the winner," Yeonjun turns around in his chair before meeting eyes with the man again. "Even if i have to take out three fourth of Seoul's population."

The man put out his cigar and gulped hinting at his nervousness. "We can talk-"

"I think he made himself quiet clear on what he wants." Y/n spoke her inner businesswoman jumping out. "That or we tell your son who wants to be a professional footballer about where you fund his education from."

Yeonjun bumped fists with Y/n under the table seeing the Man become extremely nervous. 

"F-fine but leave my son out of this." 

"We have a deal Jeffery." 

The duo walked out with arms linked as the building exploded into pieces, getting back into the car as they headed to their next destination which happened to be the docks.

Getting out again, y/n let the cold salty air enter her lungs feeling alive. She followed Yeonjun as he looked at the mix of numbers and letters on the piece of paper he was given by Jeffery.

"Sl0nC127t." He mumbled out his eyes scanning the huge shipment boxes.

"Look!" Y/n whispered and tugged Yeonjun in the opposite directions seeing the code painted in black on a orange box.

"Keep a lookout, I'll go try and open it." Yeonjun said and Y/n nodded watching Yeonjun open the lock in a second and turning on the flashlight of his phone and entering inside.

Soon enough he came back out with his phone between his teeth and his hands filled with GOLD BARS.

"Whoa." Y/n awed before rushing to help him as they moved back and forth loading the trunk and the backseat of their car.

"What about the drugs?" Y/n panted while staring at the mounds of packets of white powder.

"I'll tell SKZ to take care of it." Yeonjun replied but stopped hearing the sounds of motorbikes drawing in.

"Shit we need to leave." He cursed and grabbed y/n's hand running to their car.

"You drive." Yeonjun said throwing the keys in Y/n's hand who stared at him in bewilderment. 

"I'm a pathetic driver."

"That's the whole point love." Yeonjun hastily responded uncovering his rifle. "It'll be hard for them to shoot." 

Uneasily y/n pushed the keys into the slot and twisted it feeling the engine come alive as she stepped on the accelerator.

"Go Go Go!" Yeonjun urged pushing his upper body out of the window and aiming for the wheels of the motorbikes that were tailing them, his mischievous grin growing when a car got aimed at the tire and hit the wall.

"Uhh where do I go?" Y/n nervously asked turning the wheel, the speed increasing by minute.

"Anywhere but home." Yeonjun replied getting back inside to refill before going back to shooting.

"Wow so specific-"

Y/n's heart lurched as a jeep approached their vehicle from front, the panic making her turn her the wheel suddenly making both her and Yeonjun swerve to the opposite side, returning back to their original position both breathing heavily.

"That was.. a nice save." Yeonjun complimented as Y/n nervously chuckled before muttering a thank you.

"Sooo Home?" Y/n asked after a moment of silence.

"I dunno you're driving." Yeonjun's lips slightly curved as he sat down, using Y/n's line when he asked her the same question.

Y/n laughed before holding his hand and placing  a kiss on the back just like he does. "Let's go to McDonalds babe." She mimicked his deep voice and now Yeonjun was the one who was laughing hiding his face in his palms like a lovesick teenager.

It was as if they hadn't just robbed a shit ton of gold.


Jieun walked out the shower with a loose tee hanging off her skinny frame, her eyes darting to the curtains which were slightly pulled apart and her window wide open making a feeling of dread pool in her stomach.

Her heart nearly stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, but she still didn't hesitate to grab the hand and flip the intruder onto their back.

"Woah there it's me." A somewhat panicked voice called and Jieun gasped before standing up and picking the so called intruder up too.

"Jaewon? What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?" Jieun whisper yelled at her boyfriend of one and a half year.

"The guards were slacking it was easy." He shrugged and plopped onto her bed as she scurried around locking the door and picking up clothes off the floor.

"Why haven't you been coming for our night outs? You didn't even leave me your new number." The male pouted laying his head on Jieun's lap  who had just sat down next to them and the girl just nervously chuckled in response.

"I forgot about it. You can have it now." Jieun reasoned but her boyfriend shook his head.

"I just want to look at you for now." He smiled up at her feeling her heart race.

"Well are you done looking now?" Jieun awkwardly asked not used to the affection even after a year.

Jaewon laughed before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Jieun baby I have a favour to ask of you." He spoke sitting up bringing his face close to Jieun's.

"What is it?" 

"I um need some money," he sheepishly rubbed his nape and a pang hit the girls heart.

"I don't have money right now Jae," Jieun softly began looking at the man in the eye. "My mom hasn't been letting me use her money after she found out I'm giving it to you."

Jaewon's smile was wiped off his face as he looked at the ground with an unreadable expression.

"Babe?" Jieun called out and Jaewon just looked away and soon after she heard sniffling.

"Jae? Talk to me, what's wrong." Jieun asked panicked. 

"I just- I feel like I have nothing and I'm losing you too." He spoke in a hushed whisper.

"Jae...." Jieun trailed off feeling extremely guilty for lying. She didn't want to get used as a cash machine by someone she knew was gambling off the money he hadn't even earned himself.

"Even a child wont give up his candy seeing your pathetic acting."

Both heads turned to the doorframe where Taehyun was leaning with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"T-taehyun." Jieun stuttered. Out of all the people he had to be the one witnessing her get manipulated.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Jaewon asked standing up stopping in front of Taehyun as if he was never crying.

"Doesn't matter, get your ass out the same window you came in through." Taehyun replied eyes flicking to the window behind him and then to Jieun who looked distraught, his eyes holding sympathy for a split second.

"Is this why you haven't been coming out Jieun?" Jaewon asked enraged and Jieun opened her mouth to say something but nothing come out.

"Stop threatening her and get out you trespasser." Taehyun repeated. "Or I'll be forced to get violent with you."

"Please leave." Jieun stood up startling the boy. 

"What?" He asked in a shocked hurt tone.

"Please leave we-we'll talk later," she mumbled pushing him to the window. 

Jaewon, embarassed, climbed out the window giving one last glare to Taehyun and then disappearing into the darkening night.

Jieun awaited a snarky comment or taunt but instead she felt Taehyun's hand reach out from behind her and shut the windows locking them from inside but she wasn't looking at that she was looking at the male who was so close to her.

"You should keep th window shut or animals like him come crawling in." He muttered, the vibration of his voice felt throughout Jieun's body, her mind clouded by how she was practically trapped between his arms.

Taehyun dropped his hands to his side and grabbed the unaware Jieun's wrist before dragging her out. 


"Dinner. You were zoning out when I was talking." Taehyun mentioned and Jieun coughed with red cheeks noticing the way he gently led her to the dining room. 

The others were going to make comments but refrained seeing Taehyun's warning eyes. 

Jieun was starting to not hate Kang Taehyun as much.


2000 words sheesh

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