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Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes which still seemed very heavy. My eyes adjusted to the light as I stared at the pink ceiling.


Pink ceiling?

I hurriedly sit up on the bed gazing around the room as it finally hits.

I got kidnapped.

And I'm in my old room.

Gulping down my saliva my eyes once again roam the room. Everything was the same except for the kid who occupied this once upon a time.

The decor, the wall hangings, stickers, book shelf, desk everything was the same hung up by none other than my mother.

These pink walls that brought comfort to me when my mother passed, were also the same walls that closed in on me and made me feel suffocated whenever I was alone.

I heard a key being inserted and the door opening revealing my father and Sung-ho who were still in their business attire.

"Didn't I warn you? Run away all you want but I'll still get you back." My father speaks tauntingly making me glare at him with clenched fists. But then I smile.

"Did you forget? I'm your daughter. Which means I don't give up so easily either." I say an unknown fire burning in my eye which I knew he saw.

And it angered him.

He stepped forward and swung his hand at me his rough hand making contact with my cheek. My head turned to the side feeling triggered.

"Still the same abusing hag aren't ya?" I scoffed touching my cheek and internally groaning in pain.

"You talk back to me once more I will not hesitate to kill you." He breathes angrily.

"Oh no I'm so scared." I say mocking him when I saw him step ahead to hit me again but Sung-ho stopped him.

"You're stuck here till the day you die so might as well agree to my terms so you won't be locked in the basement." He spoke again calmer than before.


I saw his gaze harden. "What did you say?" He asked rage evident in his eyes.

"I don't want to agree to your terms." I say clearly and u felt him grip my hair tightly making me squirm in pain.

"You will obey me that's the end of it!" He yells and let's go of my locks and leaves with Sung-ho trailing behind him.

As soon as the door locked shut, I reached up to my hair and felt around for the little tracker I hid in my hair God knows how long ago. Feeling it still there I sigh I relief.

Please find me.

Yeonjun's POV

All our stuff was moved to the other house as I waited in the car with the others while Soobin thanked the landlady who was not kissing his cheek making him turn beet red. Soobin bowed once again before jogging to the backseat and settling down inthe middle of Beomgyu and Taehyun.

"Off to y/n's school!" Beomgyu yelled

We pulled up in front of the almost empty campus as we saw Chaeyoung frantically calling someone.

"Why is she calling me?" Taehyun muttered and answered the call.


"Yeah we're outside the school why." He answered picking on his nails.

Chaeyoung mumbled something that made him drop his hand from mid air to his thigh, his eyes widening right after.

"They took y/n?" He said and now everyone in the car was outraged.

"WHO?" All of us yelled at the same time. Taehyun put the call on speaker.

"H-her dad I think." And with that everyone's faces drained.

We rushed out of the car and ran toward Chaeyoung who was sobbing.

"Chae I need you to calm down and tell me what happened." Soobin said holding her shoulder while she continued to cry.

"These weird men came and one of them was t-he new guy." She hiccuped and I clenched my fist.

Sung-ho took part in this.

"Y/n told me t-to leave so I left but then when I was waiting for her at the gate i-i saw them carrying her and taking her away in a car." She said hiding her face in her hands obviously blaming herself for this entire thing.

"Noona it isn't your fault." Huening said rubbing her back.

"Y/n knew what was going to happen. She ought to have left a clue." I wonder outloud pulling out my phone and then I remember.

The tracker!

"I'm going to office and you guys are coming along."

"Office now? But y/n-"

"She has a tracker with her we can find her location before it's too late fast!" I say urging them into the car as we drove off.

I'm coming y/n. I'm not loosing you ever again.


I feel like a full time author cuz I'm updating everyday sjskskak

Anyway what you think gonna happen?

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