Chapter 2

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Ambersong was sent to go pack up the pray. She rushed to the fresh pray pile, carrying a bag like object. She stuffed as much pray as she could into it, going as fast as possible. Her fur rustled in the wind. She focused on doing this task more than anything. Most of her thoughts were about being quicker but some of them were like. /what does Adderstar mean by 'we have to leave the camp'?/ she wondered.

Soon, there were a couple of sacs full of food. She rushed towards Bluefang. "I've...done putting the.....pray away." She said, gasping for air. The blue tom nodded in appreciation. "Good, thank you Ambersong." He mewed respectfully.
She managed a smile. "Do you need anything else?" She asked, wanting to help as much as possible. Bluefang thought about it for a moment then said, "You could go watch the kits while the queens are packing." Ambersong nodded before running off to the nursery.
She padded inside and looked around. Holleyfang was busy grabbing a kit before he ran out of the nursery. Holleyfang sighed with relief as she saw Ambersong. "Thank Starclan. Has Bluefang sent you here to help?" She queen looked exhausted and over-whelmed. Ambersong nodded. "Yes."
The queen sighed with relief once more. "I'll go pack my stuff." Holleyfang ran towards the exit. "Thank you Ambersong." She said before rushing out of the nursery.
The new warrior barely had time to think before a young kit tried to run out of the nursery. She ran towards it and picked it up by the scruff on its neck.
"Let. Me. Gooo." The kit complained, trying to free himself from Ambersong. "Nuh-uh." She said with a bunch of fur in her mouth. She gently set the kit down. He wobbled a bit, trying to re-gain his balance. He glared up at her. "Whyyyy?" He pouted. He threw himself onto the ground heplessly.
"Because you could get hurt." She said, trying to stay calm. This kit was really start I to annoy her.
He whimpered and sat down in front of her. She sighed and sat down, watching the kits. The young tom started making weird faces. "What are you trying to do?" She asked as he made a face like he was trying to poop. "I'm trying to touch my snout with my tongue." He said.
He stuck out his tongue and tried to touch his snout. He must have been tying to hard because he fell over. "Owieeee!" The kit whimpered loudly. He was laying down on his back. He rolled over and walked away to play with the other kits.

Soon Honeybee walked into the nursery. "Thank you darling." She said to Ambersong. "I can take it from here." The queen picked up the young kit that was trying to escape earlier and the both of them sat down. Ambersong nodded. She then padded out of the nursery.
She looked around. Moonhigh was coming soon and almost everything was put away into bags. She looked around sadly at what used to be her home.
She was then quickly reminded that she had to go to bed. They were planning in leaving by dawn.

She walked over to her bed in the warrior den. She layed down and looked around. It was dark so she only saw the outlines of sleeping cats. She couldn't tell who they were. She yawned and rested her head on her paws. Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

She didn't have a peaceful sleep though. Her dreams were interrupted by a nightmare. Her clans camp was on fire. Not many cats were there, just a few. The young kit that she was hanging out with earlier was running into logs. He was running away from the massive forest fire. He ran into a hallow log. The fire find behind him. Suddenly he got stuck. He tried and tried to get free but nothing worked. He cried out to Ambersong. 'Help!' He had cried.
She ran towards him but it was to late. The log was now engulfed in flames.

She woke up suddenly, eyes wide with fear and guilt. She looked around and sighed quietly with relief, happy that it was only a dream. But it had felt so real. She shook off the thought that it could be real.
The sun was slowly rising. She didn't go back to sleep, instead she walked out of the den. Almost the whole clan was awake.
A few cats came out behind her. "Good, we have everybody." Adderstar purred from his rock. "It is time to go." He padded down. He walked towards the exit of the camp. Everyone followed. Ambersong went last. Before walking into the forest she took one last glance at the camp. It was empty and looked abandoned.
Barely anything was left. They left the moss beds in the caves.
Her eyes stung with tears. She took a deep breath. She looked sadly at what used to be her home. It was now, only a memorie.

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