Chapter 1

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(Quick A/N: Italicized quotes is conversation through the earpiece. Hope this helps. Enjoy!)

Sans stepped out of the limo, his one-way ride for the mission, and gazed up at the building, the limo speeding off as he shut the door. The abandoned Diamond Casino. Also known in the black market as the Diamond Scraper hotspot. For being a popular place for buyers and sellers to gather, it's a wonder how none were ever caught. Sans and Gaster had staked out the place plenty times before, but unfortunately, it was always quiet, always leading their trail to a dead end.

Now, however, there was the chance to slow trade at a major source, and perhaps discover other places if any of the other buyers become that open. Sans smiled to himself at that thought, liking the possibility of gaining intel and new leads by the stupidity and selfishness of others.

"Stop standing around and get a move on, Sans!" Undyne shouted through his earpiece, which might as well have been implanted into his skull since he had no ears, jolting him out of his thoughts.

"alright, fish, i'm goin'," Sans snapped quietly and started walking towards the glass, front doors.

"It's Warrior, not fish!" she shouted, making the skeleton almost wish he could shut her up physically.

"and it's pun, not sans," he shot back.

"Fine," she growled as he opened the door and stepped inside, adding under her breath, "Fair point."

Sans smirked a bit at his victory, his eyes darting around the large, empty room until he spotted a lone, dressed up human male walking towards him.

"Greetings," he said once they were within earshot, stopping within a couple yards of each other. "May I help you?"

Sans shrugged his shoulders. "depends if i've come at the right time or place," he answered, closing his eyes. "see, i'd like to spend a bit of money and my place feels empty," he opened one of his eye sockets halfway before continuing, "if ya know what i mean."

"Of course, sir. If you would please follow me." His now human guide turned around and started heading to a door with a sign above it that said "stairs". Sans frowned, but followed the man nonetheless. They had gone up a few flights before he spoke the question on his mind.

"why didn’t we use the elevator?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but with this place being abandoned the electricity was cut off, meaning the elevator will no longer work no matter how hard you care to try." The human finally stopped in front of a door after about five flights, much to the skeleton's relief. "The other buyers have already arrived and are waiting in here." Sans hesitated, his hand hovering above the doorknob.

"i don't hear anythin'," he said, casting an accusing glance at his guide. "is this some kind of test in case any of the buyers are agents?"

"Found it out yourself. Impressive. No offence, but yes. If you were to step through first, things would have gotten messy. If I step through first, however," he gently guided the monster away from the door and then opened it himself, "then they know it’s a true buyer." He grinned respectfully at Sans before going into the dimly lit room, more lights turning on from whoever spotted the human man enter. The short skeleton followed, his eye sockets narrowing slightly as some human and even monster males came into view and mingled with each other.

Sans started forward, eyeing whoever was nearest to him as he headed to the farthest wall, which had a strange sheen to it unlike the other three that was not quite like metal. He stopped before it and ran his hand across it.

glass, Sans observed, trying to catch a glimpse of anything inside the other room. With being so focused on that, he didn’t see anyone walk up beside him until the man spoke.

"That's where the girls will be showcased," the man said, making the skeleton visibly jump. "The popular Sans the skeleton, right?" he asked, facing the surprised monster.

"u-uh, y-yeah," Sans stuttered, blushing lightly from embarrassment. "you the seller?"

"I bet you five dollars it isn't," Undyne's voice said through the earpiece.

"Ten if it is," Gaster said, taking on the bet.

"I am," the human said. A furious and frustrated fish cry caused the short skeleton to almost miss the seller's name. "Just call me Mr. Bruce. To be honest, I was hoping you and/or your father would show up." His eyes darted away for a second, which seemed to be the cue to get the event going. The lights in the room on the other side of the glass turned on.

"why's that?" Sans asked, glancing over at the now lit room, hoping he hadn't gone deaf. The other buyers gathered around the glass wall when they saw the change in lighting.

"You and your father have a reputation for buying the most broken and damaged merchandise. Am I wrong?" Mr. Bruce explained further when the monster shook his skull, a confused look on his face as he wondered what the human was trying to get at. "I have a very broken item saved for last that I had thought about saving specifically for you, but with the uncertainty of you coming, I decided against that."

"showcase her anyways, now that ya know. let the others have a scrap of hope of buyin' her before i do." He smiled slyly.

"When the fuck did I raise such a ruthless child?" Gaster asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"I doubt most of them would want her afterwards," the seller said. "Her body, maybe, but after seeing just how broken she is, most turn the purchase down at the last second."

"H-Have you not n-noticed how e-easily he talks like one o-of them?" Alphys asked him.

"i buy 'em no matter what, so no worries." Sans directed his attention to the other room as a door opened and one of the girls on sale was pushed through. His eye sockets widened and the white pinpricks darted everywhere except where the girl was, blush quickly spreading across his skull.

"Are you not used to this type of attire for women?" Mr. Bruce commented. Sans shook his head, speechless. "In my line of work, my girls show more skin than others, which works out better for me in the end. Buyers get to see every curve without the means of a dress getting in the way." The skeleton tried not to show too much of his growing discomfort, for it would plainly say to the seller and the buyers around him that he had never used the girls he bought for that purpose. Not that he had ever used a girl for anything, like doing his chores when he was too lazy to.

keep calm, sans, he tried to reassure himself. just make it through until the last ones. then home sweet home and months of relaxation. The last bit might have been exaggerated, but after a mission like this, he felt like he needed that long of a break after all that he saw.

"All who are uncomfortable may leave or sit out," the seller announced. Sans was quick to take advantage of his words and sat down on one of the couches in the room, absentmindedly listening to Mr. Bruce name and describe his wares. A couple of the other buyers left, perhaps thinking it was a waste of time and money, some who looked uncomfortable stayed standing, bossing through the discomfort, and none others sat out.

"All who are uncomfortable may leave or sit out?" Undyne repeated, confused. "What the hell does that mean? And what did he mean by his girls showing more skin than others?"

"h-his… uh… th-th-they're, uh… only p… partially clothed," Sans stammered quietly, blushing as he talked about the subject. It was quiet on the other end of his earpiece for several moments.

"What?" was the only word that ended up being said.

"n-nothin' but… u-u-undergarments." He squirmed in his seat, feeling very uncomfortable, and warm from being so. The conversation in the van continued, but he kept quiet as he spotted the seller coming over to him.

"Is this your first time buying without your father?" Mr. Bruce asked, coming up with a reason for his uncomfortableness for him. Sans only nodded, afraid he might not be able to keep his voice level if he spoke. "That's a big step to take, but with her being your first purchase, I'm positive he will be proud."

"th… thanks." That didn’t help him at all, but the man looked pleased.

"She's up next, so you know. Might be a good time to rejoin the other adults."

"i'm not that young," he jokingly protested, standing up and following the human back to the glass wall. The last girl showcased was ushered through the door, and not a moment later the last one, the "broken" one, entered into the room. Sans had no words for her, but the seller had plenty.

"Finally, here is Frisk. Slender, agile, determined, obedient; all any of you could want. Unfortunately, to dampen your spirits, I must say that she comes with a dangerous price." He waved his hand, but instead of that being a cue for something, a heart appeared in front of Frisk, her soul as monsters knew it to be, but it was completely shattered. At any moment Sans feared it might actually shatter instead of looking like a bunch of pieces poorly put back together. She was dressed in simple black undergarments, with a faded red collar around her neck. Her semi-long, brown hair seemed to catch the light and make it glow, at least to Sans' eyes. Her eyes were closed, but she moved around as though they were open. Her expression suggested she was bored, but it was really hard to determine. "With a soul like this, Frisk will be very fragile. So those who normally put your items through rough activities or torture, take careful heed of my words. It won't be much to make her soul shatter, rendering her lifeless and almost completely silent during such activities and torture."

thank god i got to ya when i did, kiddo, Sans thought.

"Do you still want her?" Mr. Bruce asked the skeleton monster, who was transfixed on the human girl and his thoughts, snapping him back into reality.

"y… yeah. don't worry 'bout me turnin' ya down last second. how much?" He barely managed to get all that out as he, and the other buyers, watched Frisk move about and pose as she had been instructed beforehand.

"Well, since you really are going through with this, I'll give you a hefty discount. A hundred thousand dollars. Not a penny more, and not a penny less."

"how much was she before the discount?" Sans asked, glancing over at the seller in confusion.

"Let's just say, with such beauty and a body like Frisk's, most would pay a very fine price to get a hold of her. Keep pushing the question and I will increase the price. Would you like to buy her now or-"

"now," the skeleton said instantly. "don't want someone else take her off your hands before i can." The human let out a small chuckle.

"Of course not." He turned to address all the buyers. "Those who are going to buy one of my prized possessions, please follow me. Those who are not, I hope you enjoyed what I showcased here today and bid you farewell." Mr. Bruce turned around and headed toward one of the side doors that looked as though it might connect to the area behind the door in the other room. Some of the buyers followed and the rest left, with Sans being included to the ones who followed.

"When do you think he's going to ask for the money?" the skeleton father asked. The eldest refrained from answering, as any of the people around him could hear him, thus leading up to the ruin of the mission.

"As soon as S… Pun, is with our purchase," Undyne answered, adding a small growl to the last word. "If the seller has yet to find out who he is, and is legit, then that is when he will ask for the transaction. For now, we wait for his signal."

"Ladies!" Mr. Bruce called once he had opened the door and allowed the following buyers in. It wasn't a hallway, as the short monster had expected. It was a room, with metal doors lining the walls and a hallway leading off to who-knows-where for whatever reason at the farthest corner. The six or so girls showcased stood and came forward from where they were sitting on the ground, Frisk being one of them. Following them was a dressed up human, male and female, for each individual one, like a bodyguard. "Gentlemen, take your pick and discuss amongst yourselves for prices. Frisk," the girl perked her head up a little, "please come with me." A few irritated words were thrown around as Mr. Bruce, the skeleton, Frisk, and Frisk's bodyguard moved a little ways from the others. "Do you have the money? I would hate to do something drastic in front of the broken because you don’t."

Sans dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone, waving it in the air for a second as he said, "got it right here." He turned it on, quickly put in the password, and pressed the icon waiting for him once he unlocked it. Something Alphys, with the help of Gaster, had designed. A ping was heard from the seller as the payment went through, and a small smile spread across the man’s face as he saw the notification on his phone.

"She's all yours. Frisk, this will be your new owner, Sans the skeleton. Treat him well," he added with a wink before going over and settling the arguing buyers. The human girl just looked on, her expression betraying nothing.

"Follow me, sir," Frisk's bodyguard told the skeleton, turning and leading Frisk to a separate exit, Sans in tow.

"Will you tell me what you plan to do with her, sir?" the guy asked quietly after a few uneasy minutes of walking down stairs and hallways.

"why do ya care?" the monster asked curiously, using the same quiet tone.

"I work here to help my family. A regretful decision, but a nice pay. The only thing I really hate about this job is knowing the girls are given a break from torture here, and then thrown back in about a few months later to the highest bidder. So I ask again, will you tell me what you plan to do with her?"

The skeleton sighed. The bodyguard's words sounded sincere, and hopefully informational. He decided to let a little bit of his information slip, enough to reassure the human, but not enough to somehow be used against him. "keep her alive, and perhaps give her some hope," he said briefly.

"You promise?"

"yeah," he sighed, again. He hated making promises, but this one he felt that he could keep. "ya got my word for it."

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