Chapter 2

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Frisk's bodyguard split from the human girl and the monster once
they reached the main lobby, leaving the plain rope he had been holding to lead the girl around in Sans' hand.

"we're comin' out," Sans muttered as he and Frisk walked towards the entrance, keeping his eyes on the glass double doors that acted as the main entrance of the abandoned casino. He managed to keep his mask of thoughtfulness, knowing that there were cameras around the lobby that buyers had personally set up.

"send the word at my signal. and uh, don't give frisk's bodyguard as harsh a punishment as any of the others that will still be breathin'," the skeleton added in a lighter tone. This was something that he would be able do for that guy in return.

"Fine," Undyne growled in defeat. She believed any person involved in this kind of crime deserved the same punishment, but with him in charge of everything at the moment, she couldn't argue. Something like this was an empty threat, since nothing ever happened, but that was the thing. Nothing happened because everyone knew what would happen if they didn't comply. Sans' ties with Gaster was tight, even if he hardly showed it, and Gaster's ties with Asgore could get anyone fired if it came to it. Stupid Sans and the promises he makes! the fish monster thought in defeated anger.

The skeleton grinned and pushed the doors open, stretching once he was outside, trying to disperse some of the tension and discomfort in his bones, and to also send the signal to nearby, watching officers. Forgetting he still had the rope, he didn't know he was doing anything until Frisk let out a small, soft, pained noise. Sans quickly glanced at her, worried that he might have accidently hurt her. However, a lustful, open-eyed gaze returned his. Panicked, he used his magic and teleported to where the hidden van was parked. Undyne and Gaster were already waiting outside it, and as soon as he saw them, he shoved the human into their arms before quickly climbing in, completely blue-faced with pitch black eye sockets.

she's that kind of broken, Sans thought, feeling very uncomfortable as everyone just stared at him with curious, confused, or accusing faces as he climbed into the passenger seat, no one daring to breathe. All the while, he just felt more and more uncomfortable and embarrassed. The youngest skeleton stared at his brother with a confused expression. He had never seen his brother this flustered. Sure, there were times when his cold shell had been broken by something embarrassing, but it was never this much.

"BROTHER, IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?" Papyrus asked him, hoping that his brother wouldn't keep him in the dark like any other time he asked about his well-being.

"y-yeah, bro, everythin's fine," Sans replied shakily. "just didn't expect that," he added under his breath. Taking a deep breath he asked his younger brother, "can we just get to mtt? i'd rather not be around if or when any buyers come out." The youngest skeleton sighed.

AS GOOD A TRUTH AS ANY, I SUPPOSE, he thought before starting up the van. Upon hearing the motor roar to life, the others, namely Gaster and Undyne, hopped back in with Frisk in tow. The dino-lizard quickly went to Frisk's side as the vehicle came out of the wide alleyway they were hiding in and started down the street, gently nudging the others out of the way so she had plenty of room to treat the human girl.

The drive across the city was quiet, and a low tension was in the air as the others wondered about how to pry more information from the still flustered skeleton. And they call themselves members of the FBI.

As the silence continued, that's when the eldest brother grew calmer, but worried, finally pulled out of his daze. During his daze, he couldn't stop thinking about the dull, but somehow bright, golden eyes hidden beneath the girl's eyelids. Was she embarrassed to show them, despite how broken she was? Or was it because of the broken type she was: only showing them at really lustful or flirtatious moments to really get someone else "in the mood"? He shook off the thought and looked back at Frisk, as she had not uttered a single sound since... that moment. It was easy to tell, since everyone else was silent. Even the van's engine seemed to be only a low hum.

The skeleton didn't know what to expect when he looked back at her. Maybe a little light in her eyes when she realized they were here to save her instead of putting her through more torture. Maybe curled up in fear in one of the corners, afraid of what will happen.

Definitely not for her to be right there, to the point where their noses would be touching, if Sans had one. His face quickly took on a heavy tint of blue, and all he could do to try to not be in such an uncomfortable situation was lean back. She was staring at him with curiosity written all over her face.

"uh, what? never seen a skeleton of monsters in one place?" Sans asked, throwing in a pun to hopefully calm himself. He heard Papyrus groan, but because he was driving he couldn't do anything to stop his brother's puns.

"How do you work?" Frisk asked out of the blue. The skeleton didn't respond. Instead, his blush deepened to how it was before he tried calming himself.

"Child, why couldn't you have asked me or Papyrus?" Gaster asked her. "The skeleton driving the van," he added to clarify who Papyrus was. Frisk looked over her shoulder to focus her attention on the eldest skeleton, but she didn't move. Sans hoped she would soon though. He couldn't handle the position she was in: bent down as though she was purposefully trying to make his eyes wander. "After all, Sans has a habit of answering questions vaguely."

"I was told before to only ask my master questions," the human replied emotionlessly. "Is that not the case with you?" She turned back to look at Sans, whose blush deepened - if that was possible at this point - at the mention of "master".

"n-n-no!" Sans answered quickly, loudly, and sharply. Despite how uncomfortable and embarrassed he felt, and how emotionless she said anything, something about her voice was soothing, but he couldn't figure out why. "uh... y-you're allowed to t-talk to the others."

god, i feel so stupid saying that, the short skeleton thought. but, if she's so used to be ordered around by a "master", then the only way to have her listen or do anything is to... order her around. asgore's gonna assign me to her because of this. i just know it. hopefully i can convince him otherwise.

His thoughts were interrupted by a ringing from someone's phone. He quickly realized it was his own, and that Asgore's son, Asriel, was calling him. His "Hopes And Dreams" ringtone was playing, after all. He took out his phone and answered it, glad to have a good excuse to turn away from the human girl without being rude, though that probably wouldn't have bothered her anyways.

"you have no idea what kind of situation you just saved me from," Sans whispered in slight relief before the young goat could say anything.

"If I had to guess, it must have been pretty embarrassing, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything," Asriel remarked, amused. "Anyways, Da- I mean, Asgore wants to invite you all over."

"what's the occasion? fluffybuns never invites anyone over unless it's for work, and he does that personally," the skeleton said, recalling all the times he and Gaster would be invited to talk about some very difficult missions.

"Actually, I asked him if I could invite you all over," the goat monster admitted. "Chara wanted to throw a party for everyone, and since I thought there was nothing wrong with it, I asked Asgore for permission. Sorry I couldn't tell you guys sooner, but I heard you guys were on a mission, so..."

"it's fine. so your girlfriend decided to host a party, huh?" Sans teased. "i thought she was still all crazy and shit."

"Sh-she's not my girlfriend!" Asriel shouted, though Sans could easily detect the embarrassment in his voice. He rolled the white orbs in his eyes and continued to listen. "And you should really try and give her a chance. She's much more saner now."

"she tried to kill me." The other end was silent. The skeleton monster sighed. "fine, we'll be there. when is it?"

"A... couple hours from now. Think you guys can make it?"

"we're almost to the tin can now, so maybe. mind if we bring a guest?" Sans decided to ask, since there wouldn't be much time once they arrive at Home to drop Frisk off to be interrogated, dress, and get to Asgore and Toriel's house and be on time. Or as close as they could to be on time.

He didn't realize he said that out loud.

"Dude, you so have a crush on her, don't you?!" Asriel exclaimed from the other end, excitement in his voice.

"i'm goin' to take that as a yes and never talk to ya again," the skeleton said quickly and hung up before the goat could reply.

there's no way i could have a crush on that kid, he thought, annoyed and blushing with embarrassment once again. i just met her! love at first sight isn't possible, and there's no way i could or would love her. He looked up at the road and saw the familiar limo up ahead.

"Why are we pulling up behind a limo?" Frisk asked, resting her hands on the short skeleton's shoulders. Since she was always so emotionless, besides earlier, it was hard to tell if it was out of fear or... something else.

"don't wanna be travelin' in such a trashy vehicle, now do ya?" he asked in response as the younger skeleton brother cut off the engine. "don't answer that," he added as he saw her open her mouth out of the corner of his eye socket. He continued on, however, as though she had actually answered him. "though, i guess you're right. it would need to be a garbage truck to be considered trashy."

"I HOPE I DON'T GET STUCK WITH YOU, BROTHER, ON THE RIDE TO HOME," Papyrus said as he got out, his face contorted in annoyance and anger that he was trying to hold in. "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR BAD PUNS!"

"c'mon, bro. you know they're a-peel-in' to you. ya go bananas whenever i'm not punnin' around." The younger skeleton slammed the door shut before letting his emotions out in one loud, long scream. Sans let out a chuckle before getting out himself, Frisk following right behind him.

"My my, isn't this a surprise?" a robotic voice said in a teasing way. "Calm, smirking faces and one, flustered Sans."

"shut up, tin can," the skeleton snapped out of impulse. However, he could feel blush creeping along his face at Mettaton's choice of words. How the hell did this happen? He was known for never blushing, and now here he was, a blushing mess multiple times in a single day. And it had only been about a couple hours.

"And who might this be?" Mettaton asked as though he didn't hear the short monster, coming up to him and the human and examining Frisk's features. Not in a perverted kind of way. It was just what he did, since he needed to know her sizes in order to find the right clothes for her to wear for when they reached the robot's fashion store, or whatever he called it. Besides, he was dating Papyrus.

"her name is frisk," Sans answered, a little annoyed that he had been ignored, but also a little relieved that he didn't have to argue with his brother's boyfriend. Frisk didn't seem to mind the inspection, or really care at all. But besides earlier, when did she care? How long has she been like this? Similar thoughts rushed through his skull, but he caught himself before he could spiral into a whirlpool of questions with one, simple question: why did he care so much about what happened now? He only ever asked those questions aloud during interrogation to get some insight of what happened to the girls when they were kidnapped so that things may be easier when trying to fix them.

she's different, he eventually concluded. none of the others have been broken to the point where they're pretty much emotionless. there's no other reason why i would be thinkin' of all this now.

"Master?" Frisk asked softly, snapping the skeleton out of his thoughts, her expression of genuine worry. "Are you alright?" How could she do that? How could she be so emotionless and yet also be able to somehow switch her emotions on and off like that? He admitted to himself that learning the secret of this girl was going to be very interesting.

"i-i'm fine," he stuttered, finding himself blushing once again at the name, "but just call me sans, alright kid?" Her face had changed back to her emotionless mask after he started speaking, and her eyes seemed to be watching him, although they were closed. Just another thing he would have to figure out.

"Alright, Sans," she agreed, her voice still soft. Something about it was alluring.

And unsettling. There was so much about this girl that he couldn't figure out from other girls' experiences.

(A/N: 2k word chapter, and I didn't make it to the spot I was initially aiming for xD

Like seriously, this part was supposed to be shorter, and something later (I won't mention what ;3) was supposed to be the longer part of the chapter, but this part ended up being longer and cutting the initial chapter into two

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see ya later, my guardians!)

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