Chapter 3

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(A/N: Art is mine, for those of you who didn't see it in my art book. Frisk is not a neko in the story, in case there is any confusion, but the clothing will be canon. Please don't steal, trace, claim, or use this without permission. Thank you)
(ALSO MIGHT I ADD THAT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE MOVIE SPIRIT AND ITS SOUNDTRACK (the music has nothing to do with the story btw xD))

"We're here, darlings~!" Mettaton announced once the limo had stopped. Everything about this was strange to Frisk. Never had she been shipped around in a limo, nor did she expect this kind of behavior from the other monsters with her skeletal master, or Sans, as she had been ordered to call him by. He was remarkably different from the other masters she has had. Mainly because he was a skeleton, but also because of the way he acted. He acted like he's never had a pet - servant, maid, peasant, doll, torture dummy, ect. - before. He's had a light blue blush to his cheekbones the whole ride to their destination, wherever that was. At least, she thought it was blush. It appeared at the right spots on his face, and it seemed to spread whenever he got more embarrassed than what he already was.

"you alright, kiddo?" Sans asked, snapping Frisk out of her thoughts, which was surprising to herself. She couldn't remember the last time she had been so deep in thought. She held onto that surprised feeling for as long as she could, which wasn't very long, as she brought herself back to reality before she could descend into her thoughts again. The short skeleton was standing outside, looking partially annoyed and... worried?

That isn't- the girl quickly shook the thought away before smiling innocently at him. "I would feel better if we were alone~."

"we will be, just not together," Sans replied nonchalantly, appearing almost unaffected besides the blush on his cheekbones. "now come on, before we waste any more time." He started walking around the limo, as he had gotten out on the driver's side, to join the others. Huffing in the failure of her tease, Frisk got out of the pristine limo and followed her master. The two buildings, or really one building with two colossal sections, were named "MTT Resort" and "MTT Fashions". How'd she know? The bright, neon pink signs above the entrances to the two sections, though they were hard to see in the daylight.

Mettaton led them into the "MTT Fashions" section, and almost instantly, he draped a big, gray jacket around Frisk, to "keep the public comfortable" as he put it. After walking through several aisles of various clothing, with the other members of the little group goofing off with some of the apparel and occasionally grabbing some that interested them, they came to a back room of the building section that was only for staff. Inside was even more pieces of clothing, with aisles marking what gender clothing was contained within them. At this point, the human was bored of looking at clothes, which was an emotion she felt most often, so she didn't try to hang onto it, even if it did decide to linger on its own.

"Gaster, I assume you have some sort of taste in fashion," the robot said while searching through the racks for something. "Can you go make sure you and your sons are dressed up in something nice? Thanks darling," he added before the eldest skeleton could agree or object.

"just when i thought i could finally stop wearing this stupid thing for a while," Sans complained while he and his brother were herded down one of the aisles.

"'Nice' doesn't necessarily mean a suit or tux, Sans," Gaster pointed out, a smile coming to his face as they disappeared behind the wooden structures making up the aisles. Something bubbled inside of the human girl as she watched and heard them talk and joke about, but since she couldn't tell what it was, she shrugged it off and followed Mettaton.

He had chosen many different styles from very formal to very casual to very slutty. None of them seemed to appease him, so by the time he had something that made Frisk show the slightest bit of interest towards, the others appeared to already be done, shopping bags in hand.

"It's rather interesting that you perk up at this outfit," Mettaton commented, leading her back to the changing rooms, as he had said they were. Even when she went to change from the last one into the new one, he continued to talk. "This one is actually one of the few that I designed recently. So far, they're not as successful as my other products when I first put them out for sale. Could be because it's autumn, and no one wants to wear shorts in cold weather. I should really design them to go with jeans as well, although I don't see why people can't buy them and wear the top with jeans and save the bottoms for summer." To Frisk, it was fun to listen to the robot go on and on. No one had had a normal conversation with her in a long time, and it was a different kind of fun. Not the one that led to the pain she loved to feel, but the one that was... enjoyable.

Looking at herself in the mirror, it wasn't the look of herself that stunned her, it was the small smile that was on her face. Her golden eyes opened in surprise. Of course, the smile had been replaced by her shocked expression, and hot, unwanted tears were running down her cheeks from memories long forgotten, but the sight was scored into her mind. It had been so long since she had actually smiled, one that wasn't lusty or teasing, that she believed she forgot how. Her mind was swimming with thoughts, ones she never would have thought of before had she been sold to someone else.

How was this happening? It hasn't even been a day and already it seemed as if she was saner than what she has been. Was someone's magic talent doing this? Was it her magic interacting with a much stronger one?

She snapped her eyes closed, clearing herself of her thoughts and bringing her back to reality. She opened her eyes again once the traffic of thoughts had been calmed. At least, to her they were open. That was one of the special, magical gifts one of her old masters had taught her. She said that it would make, specifically, the guys go crazy if Frisk opened them at special times, like when they least expected it or when things were getting hot.

Focusing her attention back to her choice of clothing, the human girl knew she liked it, even if the feeling was foreign to her. The outfit consisted of a shoulderless, longsleeved top, with the sleeves reaching just past her knuckles, and jean shorts that were extremely comfortable compared to what she's worn since the beginning of this whole human trafficking thing. Actually, besides her lingerie or occasionally a bathing suit, she's never had a bottom piece since that day.

"Darling, are you alright in there?" Mettaton's voice asked past the door. "We don't have all day to be here." Frisk walked over and opened the door, finding the robot right outside with his hand raised in a fist, as though he was about to knock. "Oh, good, you're done. And you look amazing! I knew I could find someone who would absolutely love this style like I do. Even if you don't show a whole lot of emotion, I just know you love it!" The girl emotionlessly thanked him, simply because she was exhausted from all the feelings she has felt in just these few hours, but she did take his words to heart.

"alright, we've done our shoppin' spree. can we go now?" Sans complained, almost sounding like a whining kid who really doesn't want to be shopping.

"You sound like a child, Sans," Gaster commented, amused. It caused the others to laugh, and make the short skeleton's face to turn blue with anger and embarrassment.

"am not!" he objected sharply. "but it seems i'm the only one thinkin' like an adult. i don't want the demon to awaken 'cause we were late to the brat's party."

"Alright, we're going!" Undyne shouted, the laughter still in her voice, as she and Alphys headed toward the exit. The girl's master sighed in relief and it wasn't long before he followed them. Frisk hurried to his side, but felt a little down. He didn't say anything about how she looked. Maybe it just hasn't been enough time... or enough magic.

( A/N: Looks like the initial idea for one chapter is gonna be three...

Mkay ¯\_😌_/¯

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see ya later, my guardians!)

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