Chapter 4

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Arriving at the Dreemurr residence came as a surprise. To Frisk, the amount of vehicles parked around the house was a lot compared to what she's seen in front of a house before, which was usually only one or two. However, to Sans, it looked as though it was only half of the whole monster force of the CIA. Either they decided not to show up, or the "demonic" girl deliberately chose this many people to come to the party, or what Sans assumed would soon be the slaughterhouse.

The limo parked next to a white truck, and its passengers climbed out, heading for the front door of the house. Gaster, being one of the monsters ahead of the rest, knocked on the door once they reached it. Glancing through the window, one could easily see how overly decorated the place was for a simple party, and it was proven even more true when the knock was answered and a better look of the entrance hallway could be seen. Standing in the doorway, was none other than the boss himself, a warm, welcoming smile on his normally tough looking features. That, added to his kind green eyes, made the large goat monster look more like a large, fluffy, stuffed animal than the tough CIA monster leader everyone else knew.

"Howdy everyone!" Asgore greeted them, moving to the side so the guests could get into the house. "Please, come in." As they filed in, two, chocolate covered heads peaked out from the end of the hallway on the left, which, by the sweet smell of pie and melted chocolate, would have led to the kitchen.

The bodies belonging to the heads around the corner, a napkin passing between them to clean the chocolate off. Asgore walked toward the two, softly greeted them, and turned right at the end of the hall, ducking slightly so his horns wouldn't scrape or bump against the top of the archway. Gaster followed him, greeting the two as well before disappearing around the corner.

Peering around shoulders, Frisk managed to see who the two people were. One was like the other, older goat monster, though slimmer and not having any blonde hairs on his head. Instead, a black stripe was on either side of his face. The other was a brunette human that looked strikingly similar to herself, though her hair was shorter and a bit redder and her skin was lighter than Frisk's. Plus, the girl's eyes were red, whereas hers, though they were closed most of the time now, were golden.

The young goat monster cleared his throat before welcoming them. "Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming on such short notice." At that, his friendly expression held a look of shame and apology for a brief moment. Frisk didn't understand why, but she couldn't anyways, since she had just met this monster. Sans, on the other hand, knew exactly why he looked ashamed of himself. If they happened to buy more girls than just Frisk, they could either be dead, captured, tortured, or on the run right now instead of standing in the Dreemurr's entrance hallway attending the brat's party. Sans didn't know which was worse.

"the timing couldn't have been better, az," the short skeleton replied sarcastically. "know if ya still got ketchup here?" he asked, completely changing the topic while he started walking towards the kitchen, Frisk on his heels. That was one thing, on top of everything else, that she would always remember: stay very close to your master when in an unfamiliar environment. Though, she wasn't sure what she would do had she been on her own in that unfamiliar place.

"Please, make yourself at home and have fun," Asriel said to the others before following the two back into the kitchen, Chara following behind him.

Glancing around the room, the red-eyed girl couldn't see any of the sharp knives. The Dreemurrs were prepared for her. She didn't notice earlier because the chocolate had distracted her, the remnants still on the island. She was restless. It's been a while since she's seen real, fresh blood with her own eyes, and it was clear to her that the new girl hadn't been hurt to the point where she's bleeding in a while. Chara clenched her hands into fists to keep them from twitching.

"where the fuck is the ketchup?" Sans snapped from the open fridge, which was filled with what he assumed were leftovers from last night. All the other types of condiments were in there, but there was no sign of his favorite one. He slammed the fridge door closed and glared at Asriel. The goat looked offended for a second before calmly replying back.

"I have no clue. My best guess is that Mom and Dad stored it away somewhere along with the knives." Sans hummed in suspicion, but let it slide with an annoyed growl when he figured for himself that he wasn't lying. "Are you going to introduce your friend, or will I have to ask her myself?" he asked with a questioning gaze.

"her name is frisk," the skeleton answered. "we don't know any other information 'bout her since we had to attend this stupid party instead of interrogating her." He shot another glare at Asriel before sitting down on one cushioned stools at the island. Chara had walked over to the other human girl while the guys were talking and gently poked her eyelids.

"How the hell can you see with your eyes closed?" Chara asked, a smile on her face, trying her best to be and look friendly. "And how have your first few hours with the comedian gone?" she added with a sneer.

"They have been fine, but my master has been pretty silent and flustered in my presence," Frisk answered in a monotone voice. Chara only smiled wider, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "As for my eyes, it's done with magic."

Master? Flustered?! Looks like I have new material to tease that skeleton with, the red eyed girl thought with a bigger, mischievous grin.

"So what color are they? What kind of soul do you have? How long have you been deemed broken? What have you been through? How many masters have you had? How long have you been part of the black market?" This was fun to her. Never had there been a girl as broken as she was who had been SAVED. Most the other girls have been in this black market whirlpool was a few years, so the symptoms most have after being bought by the CIA was trauma and fear of trusting others, whereas she has been in it for seven years, so she accustomed herself to the ways her masters treated her.

Frisk took a second to process all the questions thrown at her before answering. "They're golden. My soul is human and red. I would say since the beginning of this. I have been through a lot like various methods of sex and torture. I've had sixteen masters, not including Sans. I've been part of the black market for six years. And as a bonus, I'm twenty, my parents are dead, and I have never gotten pregnant," she finished with a smile, though nothing about what she just stated was happy.

At the island, the guys, who were now both sitting on stools, were listening to their conversation. With the way Chara was "making conversation", it sounded a lot like an interrogation. "Sounds like Chara is making a better interrogator than you, Sans," Asriel commented, looking at the skeleton with an amused smile.

"just means less work for me," Sans replied, shrugging. He rose his left hand, which had been casually laying on the marble island while his right was supporting his head. Blue wisps sparked in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, a ketchup bottle was in his grasp.

"Sans!" the young goat shouted, trying to snatch the ketchup away. However, the short monster, with a wide, playful smile on his face, just leaned away from him, which was somehow successful.

Until he leaned too far back and crashed to the ground.

The loud noise made the whole house go silent, Sans' cursing easily audible. The other three in the room just stared at him until an angry, feminine voice spoke up.

"What is going on in here!?"

(A/N: I finally finished this chapter! XD
You won't believe how many writer's blocks I've had while writing this xD

Now, 'cause I wanna ( -w-), here's some lyrics that I really feel fit with Frisk and Chara ;3

"I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake" - Teen Idol (Chara)

"Then I go to sex clubs, watching freaky people getting it on. It doesn't make me nervous. If anything I'm restless. Yeah I've been around and I've seen it all" - Habits(Stay High) (Frisk)

Pretty much the whole song of Naughty Naughty xD (Frisk and Chara in certain parts)

Welp, that's all I have to say -3-
I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see ya later, my guardians!)

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