Chapter 5

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(Warning: This chapter gets pretty spicy-

Wait, why am I telling you guys this? You all signed up for this when you started reading this story

Well, anyways, prepare for things to get pretty spicy ;3)

Sans looked up into the angry ruby eyes of the female goat monster standing in the archway, hands on her hips and a stern expression plastered on her face.

"uh, hey tori," he tried to say casually, although his cheekbones had a light tint of blue out of embarrassment. Frisk, seeing the blue tint and only connecting it to a flustered blushing, asked him a question she didn't realize made the whole atmosphere of the room turn awkward.

"Do you like her, Sans?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, using his name since she didn't know whether the goat woman would like hearing her call him "master".

They were all quiet and just stared at her, until Chara burst out laughing. "Sans? With Toriel?" she managed to get out in between laughs. "I swear, she's funnier than you, comedian!" She doubled over from laughing so much, and she was still doing so.

"no, i don't like her that way," Sans said, finally getting up from the ground. "i don't like anyone romantically." Chara had sunk to the floor by this point, gasping for breath with tears falling down her face.

"We're just friends," Toriel added, walking over to the ketchup bottle and picking it up. "Besides, I'm married to my wonderful husband, Asgore, of whom you met in the hallway. Now," she continued with a small smile, "how about some proper introductions, assuming you haven't been given any. I'm Toriel Dreemurr, the other goat monster in this room is my son, Asriel, and the human girl dying on the floor is Chara. What is your name, child?"

"Frisk," the girl answered in her monotone voice. Toriel's eyes softened, with an expression she couldn't figure out. It's been a while since she's seen and felt some of the feelings she had experienced during the last couple hours after all.

"Well, Frisk, I hope you don't mind, but I need to borrow Sans for a couple minutes." She debated on the answer, but soon enough she nodded. She's been through worse than what Chara and Asriel could do to her, assuming that they would do something to her. She glanced down at Chara, who was still trying to catch her breath as the same ridiculous thought keeps resurfacing.

She definitely would try to hurt me, Frisk thought, thinking back to a couple minutes ago. She glanced back up to watch Sans and Toriel leave, and when her master was out of sight, she felt hollow, which was normal when she compared now to her past experiences. What slightly worried her was that she was starting to feel needy. It was on time, but for her situation, it was at the wrong time. She'd have to find a way to entertain herself until she and her master were alone.

Glancing back at the kitchen as he walked into the Dreemurr's living room, Sans sighed. He was worried about Frisk. Not because he cared or liked her, they only just met after all, but because he didn't know how well she will be on her own, especially when Chara is in the same room as her. The whole time he's been with her, she's been pretty much emotionless, so he didn't know how broken she really was on the inside.

"Sans," Asgore's voice said, snapping the skeleton out of his thoughts, "Now that Frisk is safely away from the market, it's time to assign her to someone to help fix her."

"who told you her name?" Sans asked. He knew the large goat monster told them to buy the most damaged girls, but he didn't think he knew the names of them.

Asgore nodded his head at one of the white couches, where Undyne, Alphys, and Papyrus were sitting, the couple staring at a laptop screen and the younger skeleton reading a children's story. He loved them, and that was the only reason why the Dreemurrs kept them after Asriel grew too old for them. "Undyne told me."

Sans hummed in understanding. "so who's gonna be her babysitter?"

"You, Sans." He knew it, even before his boss opened his jaws. "This kind of responsibility isn't just to watch over her," he went on sternly before the short skeleton could burst out in frustration. "You need to protect her from going back into the market and you need to protect yourself from being found out, and from her."

"protect myself from her?" Sans repeated, raising a bony brow. He continued, raising his voice as he went on. "she's not like the brat, i already know that for sure, but why can't someone else watch her?! like undyne and alphys! not once since they've gotten together have you assigned them anyone to babysit!"

"Hey!" Undyne shouted in anger, looking up from the laptop and summoning a bright, light blue spear in her hand with her magic. "We're right here!"

"Although I am confident Undyne and Alphys love each other dearly, I'm not taking the chances to have another female come into their lives and home and have everything fall apart." Asgore took a step forward with a stern expression. Normally, his height would be intimidating, especially since he was much taller than Sans, but the skeleton wasn't backing down. "Not to mention that Alphys works almost everyday to collect data of and from the females we've saved, the ones still in the market, where new bids are taking place, and watch over the their health. And now, it's only occasionally with your father's help because I assigned him Silver. So tell me, Sans, who do you have in mind that could easily take your place in protecting and fixing Frisk?"

Sans opened his mouth to sharply reply, but his mind was blank. There wasn't anyone that he could think of that could handle her, especially since he's already experienced some of the awkward situations she had purposefully/accidently put him through. So he closed it and moved his gaze down and to the side. The tension choking the air died down a bit, and the fish monster's spear dissipated into thin air.

Papyrus, who had been silently watching, looked at his older brother with worried eye sockets. He's heard from the others that Sans would occasionally get into arguments with their boss, more so when the plan to help fix the girls first went into effect, but he never thought it would get this intense. He glanced over at his father, who was browsing the bookshelf up against the wall opposite of the archway. He looked surprised and concerned, and the youngest skeleton knew instantly that this wasn't normal for his brother.

Sans turned and left the room, the anger still built up inside his bones. He hesitantly called Frisk's name as he made his way to the front door. He still didn't like the idea of having to order her around like she was a maid or a slave, but at the moment, that's all she knew, and he would have to get used to it until it was implanted in her mind that she was free and in charge of her actions.

The brunette came trotting out of the kitchen at the call of her name, a light smile gently tugging at her features, though she didn't know why. She still felt emotionless besides the growing need. "Master, where are we going?" she asked when they exited the house. She, Chara, and Asriel had easily heard the argument, and her heart started to race in excitement at the thought that Sans needed to let the rest of his anger out on something, or someone, else.

"my place," he answered, gently grabbing her arm and, using his magic, teleported them to a house a few miles away. Not being used to that kind of magic, Frisk's stomach churned, even though she hasn't had anything to eat for a while, and she leaned into her skeletal master, feeling lightheaded. "hey, you alright?" she barely heard him ask past the voices that decided to start talking. To her, they've always been there. Always telling her to change her life from the path she was forced upon. They made her think, and she didn't like that. Too much thinking would lead to a punishment, and not the kind that she liked.

She needed a distraction to get rid of the voices, and the closest thing was Sans. She knew there wasn't enough magic to fully manipulate him yet, but she had to get them to stop. She needed them to stop, otherwise she would find herself slipping into insanity.

Past the voices and her daze, she felt herself being picked up and could tell that she was brought inside the house by the change in temperature. She opened her eyes so that her golden orbs were showing, and looked around. Sans was carrying her, as she suspected, with a worried expression on his face. The voices intensified as she stared at him, telling her not to do whatever she was thinking, and that was to use him as a distraction. The nausea had already gone away, so she wasn't worried about that. She was concentrated on clearing her mind.

As she was set onto a couch, she took her chance to wrap her arms around the skeleton's neck and pull him into a kiss. Sans just froze, too surprised and shocked to do anything. Not only that, but he had no experience with kissing someone, and he certainly didn't expect his first one to be so desperate and unemotional, and from someone he barely even knew. His whole skull was completely flushed, and when the human girl broke away to see what was wrong, he only seemed to blush harder when he saw her shining golden eyes, if that was even possible at this point.

"Are you blushing or embarrassed?" she asked, the information she learned earlier coming to mind. The lights in his eyes darted everywhere as he searched for an answer, his mouth opening and closing while doing so. When she glanced inside it, she noticed something slightly glowing a light blue, the same color as his blush. Magical tongue, maybe? she managed to ask herself before the voices started to take over her thoughts again.

"b-b-b-both?" Sans finally stuttered out. He knew he should just push her away instead of continuing to stand right above her, but some small part of him wanted more than what his conflicted mind was doing, and he didn't like it at all. It was so foreign to him, and when comparing it to relationships he's seen developed between two monsters, since he didn't know any humans besides the big boss, that small part of him was nothing like that.

"Why? Haven't you done this before?"

His eye sockets widened, filled with even more shock. "th-this? ya mean th-that?! sex!? no, i've never had sex before! i've never even kissed anyone before 'cause i've never liked anyone like that!"

Frisk gently brushed the back of Sans' skull with her fingertips, looking into his eye sockets with their shaking pinpricks of light. "Fear," she mumbled out loud in her monotone voice, and it was easily heard in the quiet home, "and uncertainty. You don't have a clue about what to do, and it scares you, but deep inside you want this, even if it's the smallest part of you. You can give in to it. It's the whole reason why you should have a partner," she added lustfully, slowly pulling him into another kiss.

The skeleton didn't pull back, and instead hesitantly kissed back, feeling the small part that wanted this grow at the contact of his teeth to her lips. As it grew, and as the kiss became more passionate, his fight or flight instincts wrestled with the growing feeling, telling him that this was all wrong. They only just met each other a few hours ago. What if this was all some kind of trap? What if she was manipulating him in some way he didn't know?

Those thoughts melted away as he climbed onto the couch, looming above the brunette, and his kisses trailed from her lips, to her jawline, and down to her neck, where plenty of other marks have already been made from her previous owners. He could feel her quick hot breaths on his own neck as he kissed, licked, and gently bit the area above her collar. Now Sans understood why that thing had so many scratches and bite marks on it, since it constantly got in the way of such a tender area.

He moved back up to Frisk's lips, groaning as his magic built up to ignite his magic eye in his left eye socket and form something else. Although his instincts had told him to get out of this situation immediately, he now wondered why. For once he felt like he wasn't being judged for his actions, even though that was his job and this was his first time doing any of this. He felt tingles of excitement run through his bones with every touch, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it.

Frisk felt the same way. She didn't know how wonderful it would feel to have sex with a skeleton, since she thought it would only be a bag of bones, but so far, it was promising. Compared to all the others, she felt the emotion from her skeletal master, even if it was magic guiding him to do this, and she liked that. It made everything feel more... real.

The voices had gone by now, but she wanted to see how far Sans would go while under an insufficient amount of magical influence. So, she moved her hands down to remove his suit coat. He didn't seem to mind it. Instead, he helped her, first with the coat, then the tie, and then the waistcoat, all of which were thrown onto the floor. Afterwards, he started to slowly slide his phalanges up underneath her top, pleased when he got a gasp to escape from her soft lips. The skeleton's magic grew wilder as he lifted the shoulderless top over the brunette's head and then unclipped her bra, both of which ended up going onto the floor with his clothes.

He took a second to stare at Frisk's body. All the scars and marks from her previous owners were clearly evident, but she didn't look ashamed or embarrassed by them, and he didn't bother with looking at them. He was more surprised that the skin still felt so soft and tender unlike what he thought it would be with all those years of torture.

Making and keeping eye contact with the girl beneath him, he leaned down and licked around one of her breasts, his hand rubbing and squeezing the other one. She let out a moan and wrapped one of her legs around his waist.

Every touch felt like magic, but as that thought passed through Sans' skull, the feeling quickly dimished to almost nothing and he shot off the couch, almost stumbling over the clothes on the ground. His face heated up in embarrassment and shame, and Asgore's words echoed in his head.

"Master, are you okay?" Frisk asked, her breasts bouncing as she sat up. He quickly looked away, feeling that small part of his mind start to grow again as he stared at her.

"no, everythin's not okay!" he burst out, clutching his skull in distress. "i was about to fuck you and i hardly even know you! i can't and won't stoop that low, that's not the kind of person i am!" He turned toward the stairs, a little calmer. "i need to... deal with somethin. i... want ya to stay here, get dressed, and think about an answer to a question."

"What question?" the girl asked, tilting her head to the side, the only sign that she was curious.

"do ya wanna live or die?"

(A/N: So, uh... how'd I do with the lemon? Did I make good lemonade? (God, that sounds so weird xDD)

Sorry for taking forever to update, tho that's pretty much the norm now. A couple months 'til an update 'cause I spend one month working on one story and then another month working on another

Anyways, enough of my meaningless rambling. I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see ya later, my guardians!)

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