Chapter 6

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(A/N: It's only chapter 6 and this story already has well over 1k reads?! ( O_o)

Thank chu, all you fellow dirty sinners!! ^w^
Hopefully I won't let you down ( owo))

what the fuck... how the fuck... did i really do that?! Sans was leaning against his bedroom door after calming his magic, a fresh and comfortable set of clothes on, considering he left his suit top back in the living room. He didn't know how to process what happened just minutes before. Should he feel guilty for not following Asgore's advice? Sick and exposed since it didn't really feel like he did any of that himself? Hungry for more?

He shook the last thought out of his head, his breathing fast and irregular. It hasn't even been a day and already Frisk seemed to have affected his thoughts and feelings. He didn't like it, mainly because he didn't know how it happened or how to deal with it, but also because he felt like it wasn't really him. He would never do something like that, especially to someone he barely knows. Not even if he was flat out drunk.

But apparently he did, whilst sober, and he can't wrap his mind around why, or how. It might have had something to do with magic - the word had seemed to snap him out of whatever daze he was in - but he couldn't be sure.

Sans sighed before opening the door and walking back to Frisk, making sure to keep his guard up. He wasn't about to let what happened happen again. Luckily for him, she was fully clothed, and her eyes were shut once again. He would have believed she was sleeping or resting her eyes if not for the attentive body behavior she showed when he walked back into the room.

"ya hungry?" he asked her, preferring not to talk about what happened.

"No," she replied. As if the girl's body had an opinion of its own, her stomach growled loudly, filling the room with a short, awkward silence. Frisk turned her head, pretending to not have heard it and instead stick to her claim.

"that sounds like a yes to me," Sans chuckled, moving toward the kitchen. "ya allergic to anythin', or do ya want somethin' in particular?" he asked, pausing at the large archway to glance back at her. He didn't want to accidently feed her something that she didn't like or was allergic to, and that would turn out to be an awful first day impression, considering he could be stuck with this girl for years. Already it was an awkward one since she stole his first kiss right off the bat, but he guessed it was only awkward for him since she seemed used to it and hardly showed anything past her emotionless mask.

of course she would be used to it, the skeleton told himself, thinking back to when Chara had questioned small bits about Frisk's past. she's had sixteen other masters, and lord knows what they've done to her, or what she could have possibly done to them.

Frisk hesitantly tilted her head in thought. She had yet to know whether her new master minded that she thought for herself, even if they were just fragments at this point. She decided against it, briefly remembering all the different kinds of food she's had and the very few consequences that came with them, which was usually when she ate too much after a period of starvation.

"Not that I can remember," she said softly. Sans nodded and then took the final few steps to disappear behind the wall into what she assumed was the kitchen. Better than being in a basement, I suppose, she thought, absentmindedly and lightly tugging at her collar as she looked around the house from her spot on the couch. It was small but cozy, perfect for one or two people, though there was still enough room to have guests over.

While looking around, the brunette wondered what her new master had in store for her today, if anything at all. Most of the time, her masters would take to their bedroom, torture chamber, and/or basement, for obvious reasons, but Sans wasn't acting like that, or like what she expected. She's heard his name and another being whispered among masters and pets alike, and thought that he was experienced in this field. Now, after the little incident, she was convinced otherwise, since it was her magic that triggered it.

"hope sans-wiches are alright with ya," the skeleton chuckled nervously, coming back from the kitchen with a plate in each hand. Frisk looked up at him and noticed the turkey sandwiches, accompanied by a strained smile. Was her move earlier the cause of it? Surely not. Even if it was so, then why would he be in this kind of business? Was he part of an organization that specialized in this type of work? It would explain how he got the money to buy her and why none of his friends at the large house seemed to question her sudden appearance. But there was no way she would know unless she asked, which would never happen, especially since she still didn't know what kind of rules the skeleton monster had.

The human girl took the plate as it was handed to her, and Sans sat on the opposite side of the couch, seeming to want to stay as far away from her as possible. She took the soft slices of bread into her hands and slowly began eating. It wasn't until she was done and glancing at Sans' half-finished sandwich that she noticed she actually chowed down on her own.

"Thank you," Frisk mumbled in her usual monotone voice, which was pretty easy to hear in the silence.

"no problem," the skeleton responded past a mouthful of bread and turkey, almost spitting it out while laughing. When he was finished with his sandwich, he decided to start talking on more serious matters, like the rules he's just come up with that she would have to follow during the process of being helped back to her old self, and...

The question.

"welp, since it's almost time for my long nap and i'll most likely forget this in the mornin', i'm gonna give ya a set of rules to follow until you're fit enough to be out of my hands." Frisk turned to him, giving him her full attention to make sure she hears and understands the rules. She knows what happens when she breaks them. "one, understand that i'm trying to get you back into a normal-ish behavior. i'm part of a monster organization that specializes in this sort of thing, which means, as rule number two, ya can't tell this to anyone. the people in tori's and asgore's house are an exception, but only when we're alone with them. rule number three, don't call me your master outside of this house. it's... f-fine if you call me that here when there are no guests, at least until you grow out of it. and the final rule, for now, is that there will be no romantic activities between us. it's bad enough that ya stole my first kiss. i don't want my virginity to be lost to someone i hardly know as well. do ya understand all that or do i need to repeat it?"

"I understand," Frisk answered after a moment of taking all the information in. It was definitely a drastic change from what she's used to, but from the seriousness on his face, she could tell he meant every word.

"one more thing before my nap, have ya come up with an answer to the question i asked earlier?" he questioned, about to stand up from the couch. She nodded slowly. She didn't quite like the question, as it was her masters' decision whether she lived or died or left abandoned, but he had asked it, and she was to give an answer.

"Live," the human girl answered in a bit of a stronger voice. "I have to in order to please my master."

"and besides the master thing?" She stayed quiet. She honestly didn't think about that, even when Sans stated his first rule. Why would she? She was thrust into this hidden experience against her will and never thought about what she would do once she was out of it, especially after a couple miserable years had gone by.

"I... don't know," she hesitantly admitted.

"well, until you change your mind, we'll just say 'die'," the skeleton casually said before getting up and heading toward his bedroom. "don't worry 'bout the answer. it's really common among girls that have been in that loop for about as long as you. Spare bedroom is yours," he added before a light slam sounded from the door.

And frozen on the couch, Frisk sat with her wide open, golden brown eyes.

(A/N: Yes, I know I changed Frisk's eye color UwU
It's not a mistake ;3

Besides that, I'm really sorry for not updating over the summer, and I wanna thank you all for being so patient with me and not spamming the comments asking when the next update is ^w^

Aaaaand I believe that's all I have to report for this update, so I'll see ya later, my guardians!)

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