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Katie pov

I was just beginning to wake up from my blissful and completely uneventful sleep. When I felt a warm presence around me. Groggily I turned around and found the face of none other than William. Deep within me I felt a rush of warmth, something hot, but not meant to hurt, but something meant to forge and remake. As this new rush of warmth spread throughout my body I looked up through my sleep glazed eyes and studied William's face as he slept. "Will" I whispered. He began to stir slightly. He cracked opened his eyes enough, and looked at me and I looked back at him. I took and deep breathe and said "Will, I have been having these flashbacks, maybe from my past. I'm not sure, but I know that someone is not happy with me." it took Will a minute to process but once he did he nodded his head and said " What gives you the idea that someone is after you?" I took another deep breathe and told William about all of my flashbacks, including my most recent and most terrifying one. When I finished my long tale of woe, Will responded by saying, "Katie, once we get you fixed up I promise that I will protect you. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is going to hurt you ever, as long as I have something to say about it. With that I looked at Will and gave him a short sweet kiss that I hoped would convey all of the feeling that I held for him within my heart.

When we parted from our kiss a nurse walked in and exclaimed. "How is our patient today?" I looked over at William then looked at her and said "I'm great!" William took one look at my face and said, "She is not ok, her ankle still needs an x-ray, and we still have no idea why she started crashing." that's when I piped in and said "William, maybe it has to do with my head......" I trailed off hoping that maybe he would pick up the clue which thankfully he did. He explained to the nurse about how he found me, and how I had been having flashbacks. She just blinked in disbelief and said in a dainty little voice, "how could someone possibly want to hurt you, you seem like such a sweet little thing." I felt my cheeks heat up and I smiled a tiny bit and said "Honestly I have no idea." With that being said the nice nurse walked out the door to order me an x-ray of my ankle and foot, and an MRI for my brain. I was really looking forward to these things, not really. Honestly I was scarred out of my mind and wasn't willing to leave William behind. He was the only thing in my new world that I had truly come to love.... I guess you could say I was in love, but I don't know how William feels about me. My thoughts were interrupted as the nice nurse came in and announced that I would be going to radiology for an x-ray and an MRI of my brain among a long list of other things that needed to be done, to make sure I was in tip top health. The nurse excused herself and ran to get me a wheelchair. I looked up at William and simply said "I'm scared, but I'm not scared when I am around you." "Would you like me to come with you?" he said, I pondered that thought for a minute and replied with "Yes, please, if you don't mind." "I don't mind. I will come with you." with that being said, we waited for the nurse to return with my new wheels aka the wheel chair.

When the nurse popped her head back in she had the wheel chair in tow. "Can you hop into the wheel chair for me so we can take a ride down to radiology?" I was a bit peeved that she was speaking to me like I was a child, but I took a deep breath and responded "Yes I can hop into the wheel chair." I turned my body to face the edge of the bed, carefully bringing my legs with me. They were dangling down the side of the bed now. I then proceeded to set my food foot down on the floor and tried my best to limp/hop over to the chair, which ended up being a bigger struggle than I anticipated. The once short walk had I not hurt my ankle now seemed to be so much longer. I got tired halfway over to the chair and began to feel off balance and light headed. I sent a pleading look over at William, lucky for me he figured out what was about to happen and came to my rescue. He scooped me up in his arms and carefully set me in the wheel chair. I then gently placed my feet on the foot rests. Once secured in my new "ride", the nurse turned me around and began our journey to radiology. We turned down many corridors and took an elevator ride down to radiology. Finally we arrived in a corridor that was labeled radiology. The nice nurse popped open a room and rolled me in. I was in the x-ray room. There was a giant flat bed, more like metal slab. The nurse helped me up onto the bed. Then a radiologist came in and introduced him self. "Hi my name is Terrence, today I will be taking your x-rays. I will be taking about four x-rays of your leg, and one full body x-ray, just to check and see if there is anything else that we may be missing" Terrence put me in several different positions taking "snap shots" of my leg my foot etc... it wasn't a terribly long process but it was kind of annoying. At this point I was feeling needy and irritable and only wanted Will.

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