Chapter 6

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Finally, we were done. I was practically in tears. I only wanted Will, and I was sick and tired of not knowing things.  The nice nurse pushed me down different hallways, and I honestly got a little lost. Then all of a sudden, a panicked woman ran up to the nurse. "Please, you have to help me, its my little girl!" she said practically in tears. "Alright, calm down ma'am. Let me see if I can find someone to help you." the nurse spoke in a calm voice. "alright Kate, I'll be right back" the nice nurse said, before she left me in my wheelchair in the middle of the busy hallway. All of  a sudden out of nowhere a guy appeared "hello" the somewhat familiar voice spoke.

My heart rate spike... fear was creeping in, and taking hold fast and tight. "Come now, you know me. No need to be scared little one, we are friends" the voice spoke, venom coating every word that he said. I gulped. I mustered up the strength to talk to the man standing behind my wheelchair, as he began pushing me down the hall. "I don't have any friends. I only have Will." I spoke with deadly calm. "Now if you would be ever so kind, I would appreciate it if you would take me back to my room and to Will." I said with enough of an edge so that the person behind me would get the hint. "I'm sorry love, but I can't do that. Sorry to disappoint." he said with a slight snicker. 

That's when I knew what I had to do...

I took a sharp intake of breath, and screamed bloody murder. 

"HELP ME!!! WILL!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!" that's all I could get out before the man clapped a hand over my mouth. But it wasn't fast enough. I saw people running toward me. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to be ok. This jerk wouldn't win. 

Before the jerk could get any ideas about running, I bit down on his hand, hard enough to draw blood, but just like that, I felt a sharp sting across my cheek, sending stars in my vision.

But the man was quickly apprehended, but I was still reeling. 

I felt a pair of strong hands take of my face. "kate? love, can you hear me?" Will asked, concern lacing every word he spoke.

I slowly came out of my stupor, enough so that I let the tears that I was holding in fall, and threw my arms around Will.

"You came" I practically whispered. "Of course I did Katie bug, you know nothing could keep me from you." Will said with so much love. "Come now, lets let the doctors fix you up, then take you to my flat where you will be safe. How does that sound Katie?" 

I thought about it for about two seconds before I gathered enough strength to my voice and said. "yes please, take me with you Will. Never leave me again. I feel safe with you. and.... I think  that I might be falling in love with you." I managed to gasp out between tears.

Will wiped my tears, and smiled up at me with such love and happiness in his eyes.

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