Chapter 1

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Where am I? More importantly who am I? I asked the young fellow standing in the doorway of what appeared to be a hospital room. "Well we were kind of hoping you would be able to tell us. I found you unconscious near a set of stone steps not far away from Buckingham palace. You were wearing fancy clothes. Maybe you were at a party?" I.....I don't know. "What is the last thing you remember?" Ummm I remember waking up here but a few hours ago. "So you don't remember anything?" No I am sorry. Tears began to stream down my face. I was scared and certainly alone in this big world. I don't know who I am or what the bloody hell I am doing here. I snapped out of my thoughts as an arm wrapped around me consoling me. It was the young man who apparently brought me in. May I ask what is your name? I directed the question towards the young man in hopes maybe just maybe I could have a friend where I felt otherwise I had none. "My name is William." That is a brilliant name William. "Well I am certainly glad that you like it but what shall we call you we can't very well just call you that woman. It is not very suiting." Ummmm how about you call me Kate? "Alright then Kate why don't we see if we can get you out of this bloody hospital?" I would love that very much except where am I to live I don't exactly know if I live here or where I live. "You can stay with me at my flat I have an extra room and you can have your own bathroom." I would very much appreciate that except wouldn't that be slightly inappropriate seeing as how I just met you and have no clue who you really are. For all I know you could be a bloody serial killer that seduces his women first by giving them a false sense of trust and then wham they are dead before they could even scream. "Oh believe me I am no serial killer if I was I would be a very terrible one indeed for I can be quite messy and sometimes very untidy. So therefore I would make a terrible serial killer because my fingerprints would be all over the crime scene." Oh ok you got me on that one William. Now please can we just get out of here? "Yes but first let me go sign some papers and find you some clothes that are appropriate for you to wear." Fine but please hurry it is awful lonely in here and I have no clue who to trust. "I will be back before you know it why don't you watch the telly while I am gone." Well ok.... just until your back.

I grabbed the remote and stared at it. This should be pretty easy right? I thought to myself. My fingers roamed the buttons until a I found a switch labeled on/off. I pushed the button and the telly buzzed alive. The news was on. " BREAKING NEWS THIS IS JUST IN THE YOUNG PRINCESS....." I flipped to a different Chanel and found a program I liked. I wasn't sure of what the name of the program was but I knew I liked it. I don't know what my other self might have said but the current me liked it. I watched the telly for about an hour when a knock at the door sounded. "Who is it?" "It's me William can I come in?" "Yes,yes you may." William opened the door and walked in carrying some really cute clothes. The outfit consisted of  a  pair of white high top converse, skinny jeans, a plaid jacket that I wrapped around my waist and a grey shirt with a pair of black shades.

Once I was finished getting dressed and William signed more papers I was released from the hospital and went home with William.

We walked down the streets of London towards his flat. When we arrived I was shocked. His flat was a lot bigger than I was expecting. It was one of the higher end luxury flats. This was the type of flat that the people of London would die to get their hands on..... I think. The flat seemed to be more of a mansion than a typical London flat. The rooms were spacious and the furniture and rooms were breathe taking. I couldn't help but be in awe.

"Well what do you think?" I love it!!!! "Well then I believe it is time for me to show you the best part of this flat." William took my hand and led me down a narrow hallway. We stopped near a door. William opened the door and I was so surprised that I let out a big OH MY BLOODY GOSH!!!! Is this my room?!?!?!?
"Yes it is!" I just stood in the doorway dumbstruck as William opened the walk in closet and drawers revealing outfit upon outfit hanging in the closet along with tons of shoes and jackets shirts,pants. Everything a girl could ever need!!!

I turned around and hugged William. He returned the hug. I pulled away and looked William in the eyes. "Thank you so much for this!!!" "It was no problem Kate. Now I think I will leave you alone for the night. If you need anything holler I am just down the hall." "I promise I will." William turned on his heel and left. I spun around my room and took in the whole of it before letting out a yawn and crashing on my bed.

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