Chapter 2

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I awoke the next day to a knock on my door. I yawned and groggily got out of bed. "Who is it?!" I yelled towards the door. "It's me William remember?" "Yes I remember." "Breakfast is ready whenever you are." "Ok I will be there in a bit." I turned back around and laid on my bed with my legs hanging over the side of the bed. I stared at the ceiling for who knows how long before I got up trudged over to my walk in closet got a pair of slippers and pajamas and pulled them on. I didn't want William to think that I slept in my clothes from yesterday (which I totally did on accident) because that would be weird. I messed up the bed a tad to look like I hadn't stayed in one place all night which I did. I was so tired I didn't move an inch and I was feeling the effects of it today. My neck was sore and was a bit stiff but I threw that aside and walked to the door flung it open and trudged down the hallway trying to stifle a yawn but was unsuccessful. William heard it and looked over his shoulder at me. "Well don't you look amazing sleeping beauty?" I was curious as to what he meant by that but then I realized he was referring to the tangled mess atop my head aka my hair. Even though I had slept in the same place all night my hair was a complete and total mess from the events of yesterday. I felt a heated blush rise to my cheeks coloring them bright red. William just looked at me and chuckled and said "Not everyone can look as amazing as me when I wake up." There was a hint of teasing in his voice so I decided to play the teasing chip back."Well don't you look amazing your self in your fluffy pajama pants, ruffled hair, and slippers." William shot me a look from a cross the room. I shot him an offended look back. "You were the one who started it. I am just trying to have a bit of fun with you." William's features softened and a smile teased the corners of his lips until he was chuckling and he said "Alright I surrender. I am sorry.... You win." I chuckled and smiled at our funny antics. As my laughing subsided my stomach made itself known by growling like a cat getting ready to catch its prey. " Well someones hungry. Would you like some breakfast Katie darling?" I walked over to the breakfast bar pulled out a stool and replied "Yes, I am famished." William walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out some eggs and some bacon. I let my gaze drift away from William making breakfast. My eyes found the balcony where the sunshine was just starting to peek up above the tree line of the park next to the flat. I let my feet take me where they would because I knew fighting them would be no use. My hand reached out to the door knob and turned it. Before I knew it the door to the balcony was open and I was met with a rush of wind that carried bits of love on it. The wind floated around me almost swirling around me like it was embracing me and telling me that everything was alright. As the wind subsided I regained my composure and collected my thoughts. As I did so I let my gaze drift down to the park across the street. There were dogs playing together with Frisbee,tennis balls and of course their owners and children. I couldn't help but  just smile at the sight. As I was watching the children play I felt my body take over my mind again and before I knew it I was in my room getting dressed to go out of the flat. I couldn't fight what was going on it was like my body and brain were fighting for control of my thoughts. After I was dressed and my hair was done into a nice ponytail "I" walked out of my room down the hall and to the door to the flat. William saw me near the door and said "Where are you going I thought you wanted breakfast." I didn't have time to reply before my body was moving again. The sun hit my eyes with bright beams of light. I squinted under its powerful rays and kept moving. I had decided that whatever my body had in mind I would just have to go along with it. Maybe it was going to take me to something that would help me remember who I really was. After about 10 minutes I arrived at a set of stairs. There was something about them that seemed familiar. Finally my thoughts/ control were returned to me and I walked over to the steps of my own free will. I let my hand slide over one of the steps when I was assaulted by a flash back.

~ Flash Back~

I am so happy that I was able to slip out of there. I absolutely despise the functions that my mother makes me go to. I walked down the stone steps when I heard something. I turned around and saw nothing. My heart rate picked up. I couldn't understand why until I felt hot breath on the nape of my neck. "Who are you?" "Oh dear girl you know who I am now your gonna come with me." The man/my attacker grabbed my arm when I refused to cooperate.  I let out a shrill cry as my arm was brought behind my back and turned and raised high towards my shoulder blades. "Now will you cooperate with me girlie?" when i again refused I heard the man let out an angry sigh and then he said " Well I guess I am gonna have to do what you have forced me to." My heart fluttered at the man's words. My thoughts were quickly interrupted when another man that probably worked with this man who was behind me hit me on the head with something very hard. I let out a scream that could be heard for miles and miles, as the pain in my head screamed at me to do so. The ground came rushing up to meet me as my legs could no longer hold my weight. I landed hard on the ground and white speckles plagued my vision. "Now ya see girlie since you wouldn't come with me willingly I had to resort to other matters. Now you will have to cooperate with me seein as how you are in no condition to reject my kind offer." I mustered up the rest of my strength that I had left and said to the man " You will go to hell before I go with you..." I was cut off by a blow to my chest. I was trying to catch my breath as another blow went to my chest and then the final blow to my head was what sent me out. My vision blurred just as the man was nearing my line of vision. I could barely make out his features but it was enough to know who he was. That was the last thought I had before the cold unforgiving darkness took over me.

~End Of Flash Back~

I snapped back to reality. I was on the ground on the concrete steps with William at my side. "Katie? Katie? Katie are you OK?" I looked up into William's eyes and they were filled with worry and concern. I gave him a small smile to reassure him I was OK but truthfully I didn't feel OK. William helped me up to my feet but I was met with a bit of pain and William could see it in my eyes. He wrapped one hand under both of my legs by my knees and the other was supporting my back. I nestled my head against his muscled chest and let him carry me back to the flat.

After a while of silence William decided to speak again. "Katie what happened?" I looked up from my place in his arms sighed and started to recount the events of the past hour..... As I concluded my story William stopped at our flat door and set me down on the floor. He fished in his pocket for the keys stuck them in the lock and turned the key and the door swung open. William walked back over to me and picked me up. He walked back into the flat using his foot to shut the door. He walked with me in his arms to the couch. William sat me down on the couch and said "Let me look you over and make sure you are ok?" I searched his eyes for anything that may be mischievous but there was nothing so with a nod I let his hands travel the length of my abdomen pushing in different places. He gravitated down to my leg pressing on different points. When he reached my ankle he turned it gently one way then the other. I let out a slight moan as he turned it. He stopped nodded his head and spoke. "Doesn't look too bad. Just a slight concussion, bruised ribs and perhaps a fractured ankle from the fall. I am gonna go get a few supplies to wrap that ankle and some ibuprofen/advil for the pain. For now stay put here and I will be right back." I watched William walk away and down the hall to the bathroom. I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to drift off into a peaceful sleep as I waited for William.

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