Chapter 3

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I woke up to see William tending to my ankle and wrapping it with an ace bandage and then he held up my ankle and the ankle brace and careful slipped my ankle in it. " Kate I need you to stay off your ankle ok?" "Yes William" I replied groggily. "Oh and Katie if you ever feel like you don't have control again you let me know ok? "Just please let me know some how." I replied by shaking my head but I wished that I had the strength to say words because what I saw in William's eyes held nothing but concern and fear for my safety. I felt so bad that I had made him feel this way. It was never my intention to make him worried. In fact it wasn't my intention at all to leave the safety of the flat. When William finished tending to my ankle he set it down gently on the couch and moved closer to face me more directly. "Katie....." He trailed off. I looked deep within his eyes and saw the worry still etched out in his face. As his hand touched mine tears I didn't even know I had came like a torrent down my face. I turned my face away from him because I couldn't stand it anymore I hurt him. A pair of soft hands came and cupped my face forcing me to turn and look William in the eyes. We were so close..... "Katie I know it wasn't your idea to leave. I also know that you didn't want to worry me like that but no matter how much you try I am always gonna try to be your guardian angel." Those words hit home in my heart and my heart shattered into a million pieces. Everything about my life was erased from my memory banks. I don't remember anything. I don't know who to trust and I am not sure of anything. The only thing I am sure of is William. He is my anchor and rock. He is the only thing keeping me grounded. As fresh tears ran down my cheeks William pulled me up and held me tightly allowing me to relax and weep. I don't know how much time passed by but I ended up on the couch cradled in the safety of Williams arms. William was happily asleep. It was the most beautiful thing I had seen. Carefully  I wiggled out of his embrace and let him rest. I grabbed the pair of crutches that William must have brought out sometime earlier. I used the crutches and crutched my way over to the doors leading out to the balcony. I leaned on my crutches and reached for the door knob and swung the doors open. A warm autumn breeze blew in from the door. I stood in the doorway for who knows how long just entranced by the wonders of a city I may or may not have lived in. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a shooting pain can up my leg. I tried to stifle a cry but was unsuccessful. William must have heard it because he stirred from his place on the couch and ran up to me. He picked me up and got me off my feet because during the short time I was enchanted by the city I threw my crutches to the side and was full force on my ankle. "Katie. What are you doing up?" I just looked at William with tears in my eyes and simply said "it was so beautiful." Then I broke into sobs. William quickly got me to the couch took off my brace and wrap and took my ankle in his hands. He moved my ankle around each movement causing a new bolt of pain to assault my senses. " I am sorry Katie I don't wish to cause you more pain but it is nessecary." I just looked at him with tears in my eyes and nodded my head. As he finished examining my ankle he looked up and said "Katie I am sorry but you need to have an x-ray done on it." Before I could even fully acknowledge what William said I was back in his arms and moving towards the door. With one quick and swift motion William grabbed his keys from the table standing near the door and handed them to me. We were out the door in no time. As we stepped outside the flat there was a bright red sports car parked directly in front of us. I didn't notice it from any of the times I had been out here but then again I don't think I paid much attention to details like that. (Pic above is the car Katie saw.) As we approached the car I pressed the unlock button on the key and William brought me over to the passenger side of the car pulled on the door handle and to my amazement the door opened and went up above my head. I stared in awe at the door of the car that looked like a giants wing hanging up in the air. William set me inside the car and laughed at my awe. "Katie this is what we call the "wings" of the car!" I just nodded my head in acknowledgement as William pulled the handle again and the door slid back into place and shut me off from the outside world. Before I knew it William was in the car and accelerating down the road toward what could only be the nearest hospital. I watched through the window as I took in the world and scenery speeding by me. Time flew by as I admired the city from the car. When we finally turned on to tooley street William went straight to the parking garage and parked the car . He got out of the car opened my door and carried me into London Bridge Hospital. When we first walked into London Bridge I was frightened. I curled up closer to william and held onto him for dear life. I hadn't realized I had such a death grip on him until he whispered in my ear"you don't like hospitals much do you? Also do you mind maybe letting up on your grip. You are like a cat with those nails of yours!" I quickly felt a spread of heat rise to my cheeks and I let me grip relax a bit but i still had a pretty firm grip on William enough to let anyone know that I wasn't going anywhere without him. "Welcome to London Bridge Hospital" a woman said from behind a desk. William looked at the woman and gave her one of those award winning smiles and said "Thank you. I was wondering if you have any openings for the x-ray machine?" The woman looked curiously trying to figure out if it was some kind of joke seeing as how I looked like a flipping scared child being sent away by herself without her parents. William inched forward towards the woman's desk when my ankle hit the edge and I let out an ear piercing shriek tears rolled down my face and pain exploded from my ankle and traveled up the length of my leg and into my spine. William practically jumped 10ft up in the air. "Katie I am so sorry" William replied. the woman behind the desk immediately went to typing on her computer and said to William "Take her to the emergency room tell Dr.Maddison's nurse that Violet sent her and that it was a code green." William just shook his head and took me towards the ER my least favorite place of all the places in the hospital.

We walked down several corridors following signs pointing the way to the Er. Finally we ended up in the Er. A nurse stared at us from behind a desk and said "What seems to be the problem?" William replied " we would like to see Dr.Maddison's nurse please." the nurse looked up from behind her desk with mock curiosity and said "just a moment." we waited about ten minutes before a nurse with bright blue eyes and blonde hair came out of the door and to the nurses's desk. The two nurses exchanged a few words before the woman behind the desk pointed towards where William and I were sitting in the waiting room. As she walked over with a smile on her face William got up and stood to greet the woman. "I assume you are Dr.Maddison's nurse" William said. "Why yes I am" the nurse replied with a bit of an american accent. "wonderful" William exclaimed. "Violet at the front desk sent us here and told us to find you and tell you it was a code green." the nurses eyes shot up as she looked from me to William. "I would get up to greet you properly but I am having a bit of an ankle problem" I said. "Oh thats alright...." "You can call me Katie." "Alright Katie why don't you and your friend here follow me to the back we will get you all situated." William leaned down and wrapped his arms around me again hoisting me up comfortably in his arms. I quickly got an arm around his neck and slightly dug my nails into his shirt as we walked into the bustling er. My heart beat picked up about ten paces as we followed the blonde nurse who i was gonna nickname if she didn't tell me her name. William winced a bit as my nails dug a little further into his shirt before I had even fully realized that my nails were biting into his skin rather than his shirt.

my thoughts were interrupted as William set me down on a hospital bed I was so frightened that i was leaving him that i didn't let go of his shirt until he finally was able to peel my catlike nails off his shirt. I was barely able to take in my surroundings before I was thrown into yet another daymare (a nightmare in the day).


"PLEASE SIR!" I begged the man holding me from the hair. "Please I don't know what you want" "Oh but dear I believe you know exactly what I want." the honey sweet voice said from somewhere behind me. I tried to cock my head backwards in order to see this man for myself but instead all i got was a sharp pull from the man holding my hair and a swift kick to the face. I felt my nose break and screamed in pain as tears and the blood gushing from my broken nose mixed together making a trail down my face. "Now look what you made me do" he said in mock innocence his voice still with dripping honey. "Now will you tell me where I can find what I need or am I gonna have to hold you for ransom? I know your lovely parents will have no trouble paying the price I have set on your head. do you?" I turned my head sharply before the man holding my hair could do anything drastic and gave the man a murderous glare and said some very unladylike like things which earned me nothing but a kick and a punch to the stomach. As the air was abruptly stolen from my lungs and i was kicked to the ground I sent up a quick prayer to my guardian angel hoping that I would live to see Lily and mommy and daddy again. "Now I am gonna ask you once more Rose tell me where the jewels are!" I sucked in a last breathe and said "GO TO HELL!!!" pain exploded from behind my head and I was down for the count.



Hi Lovelys Happy Thursday to you! As a special present to all of you my special fans I have made this chapter of save me especially long. I hope it will make up for all the time that i have been away attending to things.

love you all so much


~Victoria <3

p.s please let me know if there are any holes in the plot or misspellings etc... I did not have time to go through and edit

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