chapter seven

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"How can you love me" I ask "look at you your nice kind beautiful you have a rough past but you still have that spark in your eyes how can I not love you and I know you don't love me back but I will wait" he said teats came to my eyes "I'm sorry that I can't love you right now but someday I know I will" I say I see him smile and I hug him I feel so guilty I can't love him right now and I wish I could but I just can't  some guy came in after a couple minutes "what do you want" mason said "R..R...Rouges" this guy said mason looked at me "you stay here" I nodded My head and he ran out I looked out the window to see almost 30 Rouges come out through the forest shit. I saw 100 of I guess masons pack come and the fight began after about 10 minutes I felt this pain near my heart and then I new mason was hurt I ran out of the room to go help him. I got lost then I saw docter bring him in the room I was once in "W....Wh....What's G...going....O...on" I tried to say but there is to many people I can't do this someone pushed me out of the room I fell and hurt my ankle and I pulled my self up against the wall and cried I might of just lost the only person who cared about me. I heard someone one slowly go down the wall beside me and I saw someone standing up the one standing was the gut who came in before "hi I'm finn and I'm masons beta" he said

"And I'm kat and I'm Finns mate"

"I...I'm ....A...Aqua.... aquamarine A...and" I slowly got out I could not do this "hey are you ok" kat asked me I shoke my head no "I .....W...was A...Ab....Abused by my P....P....Parents" the look kat and finn gave me I did not want this kat pulled me in a hug "I'm so so sorry you had to go through that" she said I smiled at her a real smile I might be able to be friends with her I slowly felt more comfortable "do you know what happened to mason" I asked in a soft voice if they did not have werewolf hearing the could not of heard me. "Some Rouge bit his neak and one bit his stomach" finn said I started crying again and kat pulled me in another hug and I soon fell asleep to the sound of my cries.

The next day

I woke up to see I was in a hospital room not the hallway finn must of brought me here. I was sitting in a chair and I looked up to see mason and he looked bad he was pale really pale he must of lost alot of blood. I felt teats going down my face I was happy that I was not making noise. I see mason start to movie around and then his eyes open and he looks at me. "Hey" he says weakly "hey" I say while trying not to brake down crying "are you ok" he asks me I laugh "I should be asking you that" I say while looking him in the eyes "mason I though you died" I tell him the truth "I felt this pain near my heart and I though It meant that you died." I finsh saying and see tears going down masons face he was crying. "Don't cry" I said as I rushed to stand up but the pain in my ankle came back and I fell I looked up to see mason trying to get up and I got up fast ignoring the pain and pushed him down he was more important than me "are you ok" mason asked once he was laying down "I'm fine I just got up to fast and my leg was asleep" I lied to him I think he saw threw it but did not push "why are you crying" I asked softly "cause I. ...I. ...I" he stuttered out "you don't have to answer" I say seeing him in this way I hated it I wanted to kill the wolves that did this. "The wolf that bit my throut he said that they were comeing for you cause you are my mate so I got distracted and then a wolf came and bit my stomach and then he bit my throut" mason said after a couple minutes. "I'm so sorry" I told him while looking down "this is all my fault they came here for me and you almost died and mabye people did doe and it's all my-" I got caught of by by a kiss he pulled away after a couple seconds and I was bright red. "It is not your fault don't ever let me hear those word come out of your mouth again got it" he said he sounded angry so I nodded My head and said ok. He kissed me my face is probably really red "why are you blushing" yep he noticed "um well you um you kissed me" I mumbled "wait have you never been kissed before" he asked I didn't answer "you never been kissed before" he sounded so suprised well I'm sorry that I never kissed anyone before it's not like my parents would let me I wanted to say but never would.

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