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"No. No no no no no!" Marinette mumbled in her sleep.

Everyone was staring at her. Her whole class. Alya was furious. Nino was disgusted. Adrien had pure hatred burning towards her. Chloe was satisfied. Snow stood off into the shadows, emotionless and silent.

Something was different about Snow. Marinette stared at the girl in the shadow, and then Snow turned and walked away. That's when hell broke loose.

"You're worthless!"

"You're a mistake!"

"All you do is waste our time!"




Marinette bolted upright in a cold sweat. Tears streamed down her. Tears turned into sobs. She curled up into a ball and cried. After a moment, she threw the blanket off of her and climbed down from her loft.

She opened up a drawer of her desk and started rummaging through it, looking for a blade. When she found one, she pressed it against her wrist.

"Marinette, don't! You've been doing so well!" Tikki said, flying up to her. Marinette was about to slide the blade across her wrist, but stopped. She dropped the blade and it landed with a clink. Marinette broke into more tears and started hiccuping.

"How about you go get some air?" Tikki suggested to her holder. Tikki couldn't stand seeing Marinette like this. Her eyes were dull, her lips were bruised and split from Chloe shoving her into a locker. Her arms were cut, scratched, bruised, and burned from her own self hate. She was thinner, lost almost fifteen pounds. Her hands shook as she tried to control her anxiety.

"That's a good idea Tikki." Marinette smiled weakly.

"Spots on." No enthusiasm. No excitement. A weakening voice. A voice once filled with excitement and light, dimmed every day.

Once Marinette felt the suit on her body, she jumped out her window and swung across the Paris sky. Once she landed on her favorite ledge of the Eiffel Tower, she sat down and stared at the stars. She wondered what it would be like as a star. Being millions of miles away. Away from everything. Just, floating there.

"Stars are pretty tonight." A voice spoke behind her. Ladybug jumped slightly, frightened. She looked behind her to see her partner.

"You startled me." She mumbled.

"Sorry, M'lady." He apologized with a chuckle. He sat down beside her and noticed her saddened expression.

"What's wrong, M'lady?" He asked, setting a hand on her shoulder. She smiled a little, but it disappeared as soon as it appeared.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just having a bad day." She sighed. She let her head drop, her bangs hiding tears that want to escape. Chat pulled her into a hug, making her feel safe.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He asked her.

"I'd rather forget it, kitty." She mumbled. Chat understood and respected her not wanting to talk. He knew she just wanted comfort.

They sat in silence for a long time. Before Chat spoke up.

"Ladybug?" He asked.


"Can I know who you are?"

Ladybug sat there frozen. She trusts Chat with her life. She trusts him with her secret. What's stopping her the most, is that she's scared.

"No, Chat." She said, sounding broken. She stood up and grabbed her yoyo. Before she could take off, Chat Noir grabbed her wrist. Which made her wince a little.

"Can you at least give me a reason why not?" He pleaded. She looked at her feet before looking back at him.

"I don't want you to be disappointed." And then she took off. Leaving Chat shocked.

Ladybug stopped on a roof and sat by herself. Tears streamed down her mask and pale cheeks. She was alone there for awhile. Until she heard a voice she thought she would never hear in person.

"Well, well. If it isn't Ladybug." A sinister voice chuckled. Ladybug stood in a fighting stance once hearing that voice.

"Hawkmoth." Her voice shook. She stared at the tall man with the silver mask. Ice blue eyes stared at her and laughed. A laugh that made chills go down Ladybug's spine.

"Weak. Both in hero form and civilian form, Marinette..." He chuckled.

"H-how do you know who I am?" Ladybug stammered.

"I've been watching you for a very long time. A poor poor depressed girl who copes by slitting her wrists. Now wouldn't you agree that would make the perfect victim?" He said pacing a little bit.

"I'm not scared of you." Ladybug said with a stubborn face.

"Oh I know. I also know you aren't afraid to die." He chuckled, walking closer to her.

"I could actually akumatize you right now. But I'm waiting for that next breaking point. That final button to be pushed." Ladybug didn't know what to say to her enemy.

"Goodbye for now Ladybug." And with that, he disappeared. Ladybug was shaking. She took off towards her house and de-transformed on her bed. She started crying and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, she got dressed for school and remembered the school dance was tonight. All the dresses she made for her classmates were on mannequins near her desk, Alya, Rose, Juleka, Alix, Mylene, Lila, and Snow's dress. Even a dress for herself that might remain unused. Over the shoulder of the mannequin that her dress was on, were lace gloves that went to her elbows to hide the scars.
(Idk how to describe the gloves so here.)

Thirty minutes into class, and Marinette had fallen asleep. Ms.Bustier  turned around and saw Marinette sleeping.

She was about to call her name out but Ms.Bustier could see dark circles around the girl's eyes that showed she hasn't slept well in nights. Ms. Bustier worried about her student but no matter how much she asked, Marinette told her she was fine.

Alya reached over to her friend and moved a piece of hair out of her face.

Alya knew her friend hasn't been well. She's tried to help but nothing seemed to work.

At lunch, Alya dragged Marinette to a bench and told her to take a nap. Alya sat with her friend and allowed Marinette to use her as a pillow. Nino and Adrien walked over to hang out with the girls but saw Marinette sleeping.

"Is she doing okay?" Nino asked, he was worried about his friend.

"I guess. She said she had a really bad dream last night and it kept her up." Alya sighed.

When the lunch hour was over, Alya woke Marinette and it was obvious Marinette appreciated that nap.

When school was over, Marinette went home and sat up hair supplies and makeup so the girls could get ready. An hour later Alya, Rose, Juleka, Alix, Mylene, Lila, and Snow showed up.

"Oh my gosh Marinette! These dresses are amazing!" Rose gushed. Everyone agreed and Marinette thanked them.

"Marinette, thank you so much." Snow thanked personally. "I never thought I would be going to a dance again."

Each girl took turns getting dressed in the bathroom, except for Marinette. Marinette stood on her balcony for awhile and when the dance was about to start, She saw Chloe and Sabrina arrive at the school in a limo. Their dresses were gorgeous and obviously expensive. Marinette sighed and went back into her room to see her friend's styling their hair and doing their makeup, and soon they were ready to leave.

"Mari, girl, are you sure you don't want to come to the dance?" Alya asked, picking up her friend's hands.

"I'm sure Alya. I should try to catch up on sleep. Thank you though." Marinette said, hugging her best friend.

"Love ya girl. See you later." Alya said then walked out the door to meet up with Nino.

Marinette closed the door to her home. Her parents and Roe were at Nadja's house so Roe and Manon can have a play date.

"Marinette. You should really go to that dance. It isn't healthy staying cooped up by yourself all the time." Tikki advised. Tikki was extremely worried for her holder. She knows times are hard for her and she's trying to make things as easy for Marinette as possible. Marinette went back to her room and stared at her dress.

"Please go to the dance Marinette." Tikki pleaded. Marinette thought for a minute.

"Okay Tikki. For you."

Marinette put on her cherry blossom pink dress and cherry blossom pink gloves. And since Marinette didn't like heels and her dress hid her feet, she put on comfy cherry blossom pink flats.

She curled her hair slightly and did a half-up-half-down hairstyle. She put on light makeup and the end result was beautiful. Even if she didn't think so. Tikki hid in a hidden pocket of Marinette's dress.

The bluenette walked out through the bakery and made her way to the school.

As she she stood in front of the door, she became more anxious. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Here goes nothing."


Hey guys, hope y'all liked this chapter. Sorry it's been awhile. I'm going to allow y'all to ask me any question (until the next update. I might answer some after the next update). It can be about my life no matter how personal or about why I wrote this book or about some of the characters in this book. I must answer NO MATTER WHAT bc of a tag I was in. So, ASK ME ANY QUESTION AND I'LL ANSWER. I'll choose the top three questions I liked best and mention them in the next chapter!!!!!!

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