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Art Credit: chebits

Marinette sat at her desk at 9:16 at night chatting with Tikki.

"So, you want to talk about your date with Adrien?" Tikki singsonged.

"I-It's not a date! He just felt bad for me so he invited me to hang out, most likely." Marinette said. Even though this was her dream, she didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to get hurt.

"I'm going to call maman." Marinette said after a minute of thinking. She picked up her phone and dialed her mother. After two rings her mother answered.

"Hello, dear." Sabine answered. She sounded...sad.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Marinette asked worried.

"Baby, listen, I was just about to call you and tell you, Grandpapa passed away." Sabine sniffled. Sadness filled the blunette a little, she loves her Grandpapa but she didn't really know him. And she knew how sad her mom must be that she lost her dad.

"I'm sorry, maman. He's in a better place and isn't suffering anymore. He'd want you to be happy." The young girl said, trying to cheer her mother up.

"I know, baby. Anyways, how was school?"

"It was good, I guess. Adrien invited me to hang out with him tomorrow." Marinette said with a small smile.

"Oh, dear, that's wonderful! Tell him I said hi!" Sabine said, happier.

"Okay, mama. When will you and papa be back?"

"Friday morning. So we won't see you until you get back from your class trip. Don't forget to pack for that tonight, okay?"

"Okay. I love you. Tell papa and nai nai (grandma) I said I love them."

"Okay, baby. Love you too." And the phone call ended.

Marinette spinned around in her chair thinking for a minute before deciding to take a shower. After she got out, she put on her pajamas, and pulled out nail polish. She was never a fan of painting her nails, but she did this time. She painted them "ballet shoe pink".

"Your nails look nice." Tikki complimented.

"Thank you, Tikki." Marinette smiled.

"You should get some rest. I'll pick out your outfit for tomorrow." The red kwami giggled. Marinette rolled her eyes and climbed up to her bed. She wrapped her arms around her pillow, her blanket up to her neck. She watched her clock tick as she fell asleep. She felt a light weight lay on her but ignored it, knowing it was Lucky.

The next morning. Marinette woke up early to get ready. She still refused to think of the possibility that it could be a date. She got dressed into the outfit Tikki picked out which was black leggings, black skirt, pink button up blouse, pink ankle boots, and a black necklace that looked like a collar of a shirt. She pulled the front parts of her hair back out of her face, leaving her bangs in her face and finished it off with a pink bow. She put on mascara, eyeliner, and a lip balm.

"You look beautiful, Marinette!" Tikki chirped. Marinette stood in front of the mirror.

'I look okay.' She thought to herself. But didn't think she was beautiful. She put her purse over her shoulder and Tikki flew in. She took one last look in the mirror and left for school.

Adrien stepped out of his ride onto the school grounds as he saw a girl cross the street from the bakery. It was Marinette. He couldn't believe it, she looked different, a good different of course. He dressed nicer than usual too but Marinette looked...miraculous.

"M-Marinette!" He called out to her. She looked over in his direction and her beautiful eyes almost made his heart stop.

Marinette looked into the gorgeous, warm, caring eyes of her crush and grew bashful.

'Did I try to hard?' She panicked to herself, looking at her outfit.

"You look amazing, Mari." She looked up to see that Adrien was now in front of her. Then a loud, sharp, ear shattering squeal was heard. Marinette was tackled into a hug by someone.

"Alya, put me down!" Marinette struggled against her excited friend.

"Nooooo. Girl, why didn't you tell me, oh my gosh! I freaking found out from Nino! You should have told me!" Alya babbled as she released her friend to find her phone. Once she did she, she shoved Adrien closer to Marinette and took a picture of the two.

"Alya, calm down." Marinette sighed. Marinette gave Adrien a small wave to excuse herself and dragged Alya away.

Marinette POV

I pulled my friend up to the steps of the school and stopped.

"You're going on a date with Adrien!" Alya squealed. A few heads turned our way to see Alya's freak out. I clamped my hand over her mouth.

"It's not a date." I hissed sternly.

"Ymn rmmm" Alya mumbled through my hand. I moved my hand to let her talk.

"Yeah right." She repeated.

"It's not."

"Then why are you dressed nice for the first time in forever?!" Alya said motioning to my outfit.

"I—uh—because I wanted to." I said quickly.

"Mhm. Right. Okay well we bette get to class." Alya chuckled. Finally she let it go, for now at least. We walked to class and took our seats, talking about the up coming class trip.

"Aw, look at Marinette. She's trying so hard to be pretty. Fake much?" Chloe snickered.

"Look who's talking." Alya snapped. Chloe scoffed. 

"Thanks." I mumbled to Alya. She patted my shoulder. I leaned over and grabbed my notebook to study a little, anything to stop the temptation of leaving the room and getting a cigarette or blade.

The school day passed, surprisingly, quickly. Adrien, Nino, Alya, and I stood on the steps outside waiting for Alya and Nino's ride to pick them up. Apparently Alya is dragging Nino to the city library to find information for the LadyBlog or something like that.

"Bye you two, have fun." Alya waved us off as she ran to her mom's car, Nino trying to keep up.

"You ready?" Adrien asked. I nodded and we started walking to the movie theater. It was silent the entire way to the theater.

"You look nice today." I almost tripped over my feet when he said that.

"Oh-I-uh thanks. You too, I mean not that you don't always look nice, I mean, uh thanks." I wanted to slap myself. I felt like such an idiot. I heard him chuckle a little.

"Thank you, I guess it's the model in me." He chuckled.

"Hehe, yeah, I guess so." I chuckled nervously. It was silent again. Only for a little while this time.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" He asked. I didn't know which movie. I'm not a big movie person. I could binge watch an entire season on Netflix but I'm not a big fan of movies.

"I-I don't know, whatever you want to see is fine."

"Hehe, I'm actually not a big movie person. I just thought it'd be cool to hang out with you. Want to go get ice cream instead?" He scratched the back of his neck, that's such a cute habit of his.

"Yeah! How about the Marble Slab?" I said pointing to the building down the street.

"Cool. Let's go." As we were about to walk, something ran into me.

"Oh, Marinette, I am so sorry!" I looked at who bumped into me, it was Snow. Her eyes were red and puffy like she has been crying.

"It's okay, don't worry. A-Are you okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I-I gotta go." And in a flash, she ran around the corner.

"That was, weird." Adrien said. I nodded in agreement. We went to marble slab and ordered. The Marble Slab is really cool, you pick out which icecream you want and toppings and they crunch the toppings into the ice cream and mix it together. I ordered strawberry, swiss chocolate, and cherries as my toppings. Adrien got midnight chocolate, Swiss chocolate, and fudge and cherries as his toppings. The man behind the counter handed us our icecreams and we sat down at a table by the window.

We started talking and then we couldn't stop. He was so nice and funny and sweet, it made my heart jump.

"So what's your favorite color?" Adrien asked, his laughter dying down from a previous joke. That simple question, actually had a lot of meaning.

"Well, pink. It will always be pink, no matter what." I said with a small smile.

"Why's that?" He asked curiously.

"When I was three, my parents said that I apparently could only see one color, pink. They held up a bunch of different objects and asked what color they were, I would either say gray but if it was pink, I'd say pink. That was only when I was three for some reason, when I was two I said different colors like blue and yellow. The doctors didn't know why, but I'm glad it didn't last." I couldn't believe I just said one of my biggest secrets to him so easily.

"Wow." He looked amazed.

"Yep, uh what's your favorite color?" I asked, trying to take the topic off me. He made a 'hmm' sound and thought for a second.

"Green. Not just any green, my mom's eyes green." He said with a smile, I could tell he loves his mom a lot.

"That's sweet." I complimented. He nodded a little and then chuckled.

"I guess colors have more meaning than we thought." He said while chuckling.

"I guess so." I said, laughing a little too. He looked out the window, the sun's setting.

"I should get you back home." He sighed standing up. I nodded and stood up as well.

He walked me home and we stopped at the bakery door.

"I had fun tonight." He said with a smile that shined like stars.

"Me too." I had more than a great time, I felt like I was flying. Just me and him. I felt alive for the first time in a long time.

"Oh and my mom says hi." I giggled.

"Tell her I said hello too."

"I will. Goodnight.

"Goodnight, Marinette."

Snow POV

I ran. I ran, I ran, I ran. This entire time, the last name Blanc stuck to the back of my mind. I now I knew why. Henry Blanc. I couldn't believe I forgot. Out of curiosity earlier, I looked up his name on my laptop.

I nearly passed out when I saw the information. Missing since 1997. That's one year from when I went missing. I looked up more information and looked and looked and looked. I found a random picture of a statue, in Scotland, a mile from the lake I was lost in, and it was him. Then I found a picture of a book called The Boy Living In Stone.

I got up and ran to the library, tears in my eyes. I ended up bumping into Marinette on the way there but didn't pay much attention to that moment.

I checked the book out of the library and went back to my apartment. I read the whole book in that night. In the book, the stone boy's name was Victor Mill-Stone. But I knew in my heart that it was Henry. My Henry.

Something happened to him, something bad. But I had a good feeling he was still alive, he was only trapped. Trapped like I was. He is alive. And I am going to save him.

A/N: I am so sorry I didn't update this week! I had a huge project that would save my grade and I was busy with other school crap, but in return I wrote an extra long chapter for y'all. Hope y'all liked it! AND THANK YOU FOR 4K READER!

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