Bus Ride

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Marinette POV

My alarm blared signaling that I need to get up. I checked the time, 5:06 in the morning. I had to be at school by 5:45 so my luggage could be packed on the bus. Snow was coming by later to drop her cat off. She said her parents were busy and wouldn't be able to watch her cat while she's away. I'm glad my parents will be back to watch them though.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, put my hair in pigtails, and got dress. Since I was going to be on a bus for almost ten hours I wore black leggings, t-shirt with a black and gray hoodie, and black converse. I finished packing my backpack to have with me during the ride. All it had inside was my sketchbook, pencil case, earbuds, and a baggie with three cookies in it for Tikki. I heard a small buzz and looked at my phone. Alya texted.

"Hey girl, I'm going to meet up with you at your bakery. See you in 20."

I walked down to the bakery, put my pink duffle bag, backpack, pillow, and black blanket with pink bows on it by the door, and got ingredients for Alya, Snow, and I to make smoothies. Not even a minute later, the bell from the bakery rang and Snow walked through the door.

"Hey." She said with a yawn and small wave. She had on her leggings with the rips at her knees (the ones she usually wears) and a baggy long sleeved shirt. And of course, her necklace. She hasn't taken it off once that I've seen.

"Hey." I said back. I looked at the little cat in her arms. "You can go out her in my house, it's unlocked."

She nodded and went upstairs. I looked at everything she had for the trip. A small, gray duffle bag that was half the size of mine, a pillow, and red blanket.

Author POV

Alya walked in which woke Marinette from her wondering. "Hey, girl!" Alya cheered. Alya was hyped for this trip, way too excited for 5:25 in the morning. Alya laid down her orange and purple duffle bag, pillow, and Ladybug blanket with Snow and Marinette's stuff. (Why am I being so detailed about darn luggage, idk). Alya was wearing leggings, a t-shirt with her LadyBlog logo on it, and her regular shoes. Her hair was in a lazy bun and still had pieces of hair falling down the sides of her face. Alya looked at Snow's stuff.

"She sure does pack lightly for a trip that last almost a week."

Snow came trotting back downstairs. The three girls chatted and made smoothies. Marinette made a strawberry banana smoothie, Alya made a blueberry smoothie, and Snow made a mango one. They decided to make ones for Nino and Adrien too. At 5:42, they left to meet up with everyone at the school. Everyone was dressed in comfortable clothing too since they'll be sitting for so long.

As they stepped onto the campus, right beside the bus, they noticed almost everyone was already there. The three girls walked up to the two boys who were chatting. Adrien adjusted the black duffle bag on his shoulder and looked over at the girls.

"Hey, girls." He waved. Nino sat down his blue duffle bag, pillow, and blanket to hug Alya and set her luggage on the ground.

"We made you two smoothies." Alya said taking a sip of her own, pointing to Marinette who was holding a cardboard cup holder with two smoothies in it. She held it out to the boys and they each picked up one. (I am trying so hard to limit my use of the word "y'all" in my writing. It's so hard because I'm country and am constantly saying it 24/7)

A white limousine pulled up and the door opened to reveal Chloe and Sabrina. The five friends watched as Chloe stood on the sidewalk with Sabrina, waiting for her bags. She had a suite case and two duffle bags.

"It sucks that daddy limited what I could bring." Chloe scoffed as she texted away on her phone.

"Who is she texting?" Alya mumbled to her friends.

"She has a lot of friends outside the country that she's met on travels. But they have no idea how much she changed in the past years, she still acts like her old self to them." Adrien said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"She use to be nice?" Alya, Nino, and Snow asked at the same time. Adrien just shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it.

Adrien studied Marinette. She was being so quiet. The group of friends has been getting use to how quiet she was becoming, except Snow. She knew more than anyone thought. Marinette still laughed and smiled, but Adrien noticed how different they've become. And how her eyes don't shine like they use to, from a bright bluebell to dull. Her wardrobe changed, and she was almost unrecognizable.

"Attention, class." Ms. Bustier said getting the student's attention. The teacher didn't dress in her usual pantsuit, instead wore jeggings, shirt, and sweater.

Everyone surveyed around them seeing all the luggage, except pillows, blankets, and small backpacks, was on the back of the bus.

"Listen up. Everyone is being assigned a bus buddy. I paired each of y'all with a friend so don't get that upset, this is for safety." Ms. Bustier paused looking at the paper she was holding.

"So on the right side is Alya and Nino, Marinette and Adrien, Lila and Alix, and Kim and Max. On the left, Snow and Nathanael, Juleka and Rose, Mylene and Ivan, and Chloe and Sabrina. Load up!"

Everyone walked onto the white bus. Alya and Nino sat in the front row. Each row was two individual soft seats, but connected to be like one seat.

Marinette followed the Adrien to their seats. "You can have the window seat." Adrien said with a kind smile, motioning to the seat.

"Thank you." Marinette thanked quietly. She sat down and rested her pillow in between her and the window. Adrien sat down, their legs nearly touching. They buckled the seat belt around their waists and waited for the ride to begin.

"UGH, these seats are so awful!" Chloe complained. Chloe continued to complain for the first hour until Alix told her to can it and went right back to talking to Lila. Her and Lila became pretty good friends. Alix was one of the first people to forgive her for the lies, which she didn't care for the stories originally.

Alya and Nino were deep in conversation, Adrien was reading a book, and Marinette was looking out the window and listening to music.

Marinette POV

I was listening to music. Music that would make everyone else on this bus-van near to tears. Right now I was listening to You're not innocent. I thought about this song a lot lately. I feel like, I don't want to be here anymore. But I knew, deep down, I would be missed if I was gone. I decided I had enough of the song for now. I took out my earbuds and put them away, grabbing my sketchbook.

I started designing a dress, for Alya. There was a dance in about two-three months and Alya wants me to make her a dress. She was paying me too since I needed to buy fabric and all that. Suddenly I felt like I was being watched. I looked up to see Adrien watching me. He tenses up once I noticed.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Your just really good at designing." He stuttered nervously like he just killed my cat.

"It's fine." I thought about the time when I was in the hospital. How we chatted about our interest and became friends. And a few days ago when we went to get ice cream. It didn't matter how much time we spent talking together, we were still like strangers. And I didn't want it to be that way. I wanted this amazing boy to at least be my friend.

"Hey, Adrien?"

"Yes?" I looked at his eyes. His eyes were bright and I could tell, there was an entire story behind them. A hidden story no one has been told, a story of his green eyes, his mother's green eyes. But it was like a price was missing, maybe a price that went with his mother.

"Why do we act like strangers?" I asked. He looked a little shocked at first by the question. But then looked understanding.

"I'm not sure. I guess, we're both just so intimidated about Chloe, we act like strangers." He said, glancing back at Chloe, who had a sleeping mask on and fast asleep with a blanket over her. It was just silent for a minute, as we both looked around the bus. Everyone else was asleep except the bus driver and Snow. Snow had her earbuds in and was deep into a book. She tugged the wire away from one of her earrings, trying to get it unstuck.

"I don't want to act like strangers anymore. I want to be friends." Adrien said. I nodded.

"Me too. Friends?"

"Friends." He had a bright smile on his face, he was happy. I was too, and I smiled.

Around 8:30 was when everyone started waking up. The bus was filled with loud chatter which gave me a headache. After ten hours of driving, and a rest stop every seventy five minutes, we made it to the cabin we were staying in. Ms. Bustier's sister was the owner of the cabin and was staying there too to help with everyone and show us around. It was a big cabin in my opinion. It looked smaller in the back but it didn't bother me. There was a fire pit and a beautiful creek, not to mention gorgeous mountain scenery. Which everything was Mountain.

I walked down the hallway with the bedrooms where the students would be staying. There were lists on the doors of who was staying in what room. I peaked into the first room which had a full size bed and two twin beds. I read the list. Chloe, Sabrina, Snow. Poor Snow.

I looked at the other list.

Ivan, Kim, Max, Nathanael

Alix, Juleka, Lila, Mylene, Rose

Alya, Adrien, Marinette, Nino. My room. I walked in and examined a room. On the wall opposite of me were two twin beds and a door leading to a bathroom, and on the wall across from that were two more twin beds. Under the window was a comfy looking couch, beside that was a book shelf with a bunch of old books.

The others walked into the room and looked around it. Alya claimed the bed closest to the entrance door so I put my bag on the bed right beside her. Nino got the bed across from Alya and Adrien got the one across from me. The bed frames were made to look like smoothed down logs, actually almost every cabin bed in existence.

"This place is so cool." Alya said, gliding her hand across the wood walls. I nodded in agreement as I searched for my backpack.

"I'll be right back, I left my backpack on the bus." I said leaving the room. I went back to the bus, grabbed my bag, and walked back inside. I walked down the hall but stopped when I heard, "are you serious?"

I looked into Chloe, Sabrina, and Snow's room to see that Chloe had Sabrina put her bedspread on the full sized bed. Chloe had all her bags laid out on one bed and Sabrina's stuff was on the other.

"Seriously, Chloe? I need a place to sleep." Snow groaned at how ridiculous Chloe was being.

"Sleep on the floor then." Chloe scoffed. Chloe shoved Snow out of the room which made her bump into me.

"Sorry, Marinette." Snow apologized with a sigh. I knew the she-devil was going to be like that the whole time and I didn't want Snow to have to deal with that.

"You want to come stay in our room?" I offered.

"Could I?" She said in relief. I nodded. She walked back in the room and grabbed her stuff.

"Bye bloody brat." Snow said with a two- finger salute. Before Chloe could start her tantrum, Snow closed the door.

"Wow, brave." I said surprised.

"I'm not scared of her." She shrugged. Snow grabbed a sharpie that was sticking out of my backpack pocket and crossed her name off the list on the door before handing it back to me.

When we got to our door, I wrote her name on the paper.

"You can have my bed." I offered. She declined and sat on the couch.

Everyone was tired from bus ride so by 6 pm, everyone was ready for bed. Snow drew the curtains and we took that as our cue to sleep. I sat my phone on the nightstand as Alya did the same with her phone and glasses.

I pulled the covers all the way to my neck. Even though I was wearing long sleeved pajamas, it was still chilly. I curled up into a little ball and went to sleep.

A/N: okay so I was tagged, let's make this quick.

1) Do I like someone?
Nah. I don't got the time. Wait, I like my cat.

2) Do they like you?
My cat? HA, no.

3) Middle name?

4) Single or Taken

5)Last person I texted
My group chat on Instagram

6) Last song I listened to
In The Rain

7) Battery percentage?

8) Girl best friend
Can't choose

9) Boy best friend
I honestly don't know

10) Favorite OTP
Adrienette, MariChat, LadyNoir, and Fax(any Maximum Ride fans out there?)

11) Why I made my account?
Because I like to write and express myself through my ideas. Also because I hope to make friends from different parts of the world so I can learn , well, people.

12) Current lock screen?
Me with my friends

13) Birthday?
July 8♋️

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