Dull Colors

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"Lucky! Come back here!" Marinette yelled into the wind. Lucky was on the outside of the railing on the balcony. Marinette couldn't get a grip on her little pet to get him back on her side of the railing. Lucky walked around the edge and his foot slipped off. The small cat tried to get himself back up but fell.

"Lucky!" Marinette screamed, tears in her eyes. She couldn't lose him, she's only had him for three weeks and he's been bringing her comfort when she was crying. She looked over the railing expecting to see her kitten lifeless on the ground below, but saw nothing.

"Looking for him, purrincess." She heard someone say behind her. She turned around and saw Chat Noir with her petite chat noir. Marinette sighed in relief, wiping away her tears. She reached for Lucky and took him into her own arms.

"Don't do that ever again." She whispered, nuzzling her face into the kitten's fur, a few more tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Thank you, Chat." Marinette said with a shaky voice. She walked passed the hero and into her room. Chat followed. Marinette sat Indian style on her bed and petted Lucky.

Chat sat across from her with concern, but was jealous of the little kitten. Marinette glanced up at him and saw that he was glaring at Lucky.

"What?" She asked. Chat crawled closer to them and was then face to face with Lucky.

"Mine." He growled. Lucky remained staring back at him unfazed and purring. Chat Noir slid Lucky out of Marinette's lap.

"Chat!" Marinette yelled. But Chat ignored and rested his head in her lap and stuck his tongue out at the smaller black cat. Marinette sighed but started to pet his gold fluffy locks.

"So what did you come here for?" Marinette asked, realizing he randomly came into her room. He shrugged.

"I just haven't seen you in awhile. Are you doing okay?" He said.

"I'm fine." She stated. She actually has felt ill all day. A knock on the door made them jump.

"Oh right. Alya and her mom." She sighed. "Hide on the balcony." Marinette ordered. Chat did as told. Marinette walked down the steps from her room and let in Alya and Mrs. Cesaire.

"Hey, Marinette." Alya said when her friend opened the door.

"Marinette!" Marinette then felt weight added to her legs and saw the twins.

"Heaven, Nevaeh, off." Alya ordered. They did as told. Marinette has always liked the twins' names. She thought is was really clever. Heaven is the blue twin and Nevaeh is the pink twin.

"We brought you some lasagna today." Mrs. Cesaire said holding up a small container.

"Thank you." Marinette said. She sat down at the table and started eating a slice since she knew they wouldn't leave unless she ate. Mrs. Cesaire opened up the cabinet above the fridge and pulled out Marinette's medication. She got two out, put the bottle back, and got a cup of water. She laid it beside the plate of lasagna.

Marinette sighed. She didn't like the medicine but knew it helped her.

"Oh and Marinette, your doctor prescribed two more medications." Mrs. Cesaire said with a small smile. She knew the young girl hated having to take pills. Mrs. Cesaire pulled out a bottle of antidepressants and a medication to help her sleep.

"Thanks." Marinette thanked.

"What's medication?" The twin dressed in pink asked.

"It's something a doctor will give you to help your body." Mrs. Cesaire explained the best she could. Nevaeh nodded and walked over to her twin who was petting Lucky. Mrs. Cesaire placed the two pills down and pulled out to more bottles of pills and got one pill out of each. Marinette sighed out picked up the cup of water and put the pills in her mouth, taking a sip of water and forced it down her throat.

Marinette ate half the lasagna and the Cesaires left thinking she would eat the rest. But they were wrong. She threw the rest away and ran to the bathroom. She sat down in front of the toilet and threw up. She stood up,flushed, and went back upstairs.

She jumped back when she saw Chat Noir sitting on her chaise.

"Chat, I forgot you were here, sorry." She sighed.

"It's okay. You feeling okay? Your pale." Chat asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She replied. She stood silent with her hands in her sweatpants pocket. She felt queazy and a little dizzy but didn't say anything.

Out of no where she darted to her bathroom and threw up. She threw up again and could feel a comforting hand rubbing her back. Chat reached up and grabbed a wash cloth off the counter. He gently shifted her to where she was leaning against the tub and wiped her mouth. Marinette looked at her hands embarrassed.

"Come on, Princess. Let's get you to bed." Chat helped her up and carried her to her bed. He tucked her in and went back down to get a wet towel. He came back up and sat down beside her. He dabbed the towel on her face and brushed her bangs back. He looked at the scar under her bangs, remembering her falling down the steps and crashing into the desk.

Lucky jumped up and cuddled up to the sick girl. Marinette looked at him a stroked his fur. A sound of a beep interrupted the peaceful quiet. Chat sighed.

"I'm sorry, princess. I have to leave." Chat said sympathetically.

"O-okay." Marinette said sadly.

"Don't worry. I'll come back." Chat said. He kissed her forehead and looked into her dull eyes that were filled with despair before leaving. Tikki flew out of her hiding spot and curled up at the top of her head.

The warmth of Chat disappeared but she could feel the tingly feeling on her forehead from Chat's kiss. She closed her eyes and for once, fell asleep peacefully.

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